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diduk(2201) vs. ghambo(2108) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-04-28

1.d4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.e4 (0:06) d5 (0:02) 3.Nc3 (0:11) Nf6 (0:06) 4.e5 (0:32) Nfd7 (0:04) 5.f4 (0:23) c5 (0:26) 6.Nf3 (0:13) Nc6 (2:21) 7.Be3 (0:42)
ghambo(2108) whispers: this will be interesting game
7...Be7 (1:51) 8.Be2 (0:31) O-O (0:41)
ghambo(2108) whispers: propably my lsb will ocupy b1h7 later...
9.O-O (8:47) a6 (1:15) 10.Qd2 (1:43)
ghambo(2108) whispers: imho i black can liberate position soon
ghambo(2108) whispers: but i must always look this minor monsters, aiming my kingside
ghambo(2108) whispers: at right moment whites f5! will destroy everithing
ghambo(2108) whispers: here i have two candidates attacking centre and qside
ghambo(2108) whispers: if b5 lsb on a1h diag
ghambo(2108) whispers: if f6 bishop on b1h7
ghambo(2108) whispers: must decide it during smoke
10...b5 (12:22)
ghambo(2108) whispers: if black lets whites comfortable play
ghambo(2108) whispers: it will end with blacks total destroyment :)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: this is a well known line here
11.Nd1 (4:30)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: my German fellow Bluebaum is playing this line frequently
ghambo(2108) whispers: f2 is very flexible square for knight
11...Qb6 (2:59) 12.Nf2 (4:11)
ghambo(2108) whispers: as i told its very flexible knight
ghambo(2108) whispers: it can even jump on d3
ghambo(2108) whispers: and am thinking to stop it
ghambo(2108) whispers: but it temporarely leads to more closed qside and more long time blocked lsb
ghambo(2108) whispers: also he can attack kingside
ghambo(2108) whispers: because i dont want to touch pawns there
ghambo(2108) whispers: but h6 is askign play me play me
ghambo(2108) whispers: too many ideas
ghambo(2108) whispers: i cant candle all of them
ghambo(2108) whispers: he must play c3 later
ghambo(2108) whispers: and ill attack pawn chain
ghambo(2108) whispers: new ideas come in mind
ghambo(2108) whispers: a5 b4
ghambo(2108) whispers: or b4 imadiatelly
ghambo(2108) whispers: its more artistic move :)
12...b4 (12:28) 13.c3 (3:58) a5 (0:53)
ghambo(2108) whispers: bishops love fluid positions
ghambo(2108) whispers: soon or later this position will say "boom"
ghambo(2108) whispers: and who has more active bishops?
ghambo(2108) whispers: am glad that i didnot lost move with Bb7
ghambo(2108) whispers: now i have chance to play Ba6!
14.f5 (8:13)
ghambo(2108) whispers: oh
ghambo(2108) whispers: that i was afraiding
ghambo(2108) whispers: wow, it was great positional sac from Sergey
ghambo(2108) whispers: now he stoped Ba6
ghambo(2108) whispers: because if i take knights jumps on d3 f4!
ghambo(2108) whispers: and i must defend weak d5 somehow
ghambo(2108) whispers: maybe with bb7 or rd8 nf8
ghambo(2108) whispers: not taking is bad too
ghambo(2108) whispers: f6 wins game
ghambo(2108) whispers: imho am forced to take it
14...exf5 (7:55)
ghambo(2108) whispers: Bb7 nd8 e6?
ghambo(2108) whispers: or rd8 nf8?
15.Nd3 (1:30) Rd8 (2:38)
ghambo(2108) whispers: ok
ghambo(2108) whispers: have no time for thinking
ghambo(2108) whispers: imho its more flexible move
ghambo(2108) whispers: centre must be challanged
ghambo(2108) whispers: and Ba6 is possible later also...
ghambo(2108) whispers: if something i have 6 rank for heavy pieces...
ghambo(2108) whispers: its sad that we have such a short time for this positional game
16.Nf4 (5:19) Nf8 (0:29)
ghambo(2108) whispers: imho positional crysis is gone for black
ghambo(2108) whispers: now its litally comfotrable to play this position
ghambo(2108) whispers: but im waiting second wave
ghambo(2108) whispers: which might tactically kill me
ghambo(2108) whispers: because i cant swim
17.Rac1 (4:05)
ghambo(2108) whispers: no it doesnot stops my plan
17...Ne6 (2:06) 18.Bf2 (0:16) Ba6 (0:39) 19.Kh1 (3:11) ghambo lost connection; game adjourned *


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