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trebejo(1932) vs. elery(2161) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2017-11-03

1.c4 (0:00) b6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:26) Bb7 (0:18)
trebejo(1932) whispers: Panov did not make it to the game :)
3.Nc3 (0:57) e6 (0:20) 4.a3 (0:05) Nf6 (0:05)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I am out of book here, do not play this line myself
schachbjm(2382) whispers: how about you, kurumin?
kurumim(2061) whispers: MoreThanAI-Elery, TL67, featured: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.a3 Bb7 5.Nc3, which is the same
kurumim(2061) whispers: that is, Petrosian Variation of the QID
schachbjm(2382) whispers: great memory
schachbjm(2382) whispers: yeah, I know that, but would not know how to proceed
kurumim(2061) whispers: I don't play this myself with either colour, but Nf3 and Qc2 seems principled for White
schachbjm(2382) whispers: how about d5?
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Bg5 might be a move as well
kurumim(2061) whispers: yeah, Black will not grant White all the space
kurumim(2061) whispers: is White considering Bg5?
5.Qc2 (7:19)
kurumim(2061) whispers: OK, looking for e4
5...c5 (1:45)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I like c5
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I think andrey intends to re-capture with the pawn
kurumim(2061) whispers: because of b4, I assume
kurumim(2061) whispers: is e3 counterproductive considering that White prepared e4?
schachbjm(2382) whispers: e3 is a candidate, but you are right, so I would play dxc here as white
6.dxc5 (7:29) bxc5 (0:16) 7.e4 (1:31)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Black should have equalized here
trebejo(1932) whispers: kurumim i forgot to ask you before the game, i assume that i should go for a win. does a draw help our team much?
schachbjm(2382) whispers: having the additional center pawn is in his favour
trebejo(1932) whispers: fantastic, what a thing to whisper :)
7...Nc6 (1:06)
kurumim(2061) whispers: yeah, I can't answer you now LOL
trebejo(1932) whispers: my apologies, i did not mean to ask for advice
schachbjm(2382) whispers: it is not allowed to consult once the game started
kurumim(2061) whispers: indeed
schachbjm(2382) whispers: trebejo is new to the league, so no problem
DarkoChess(1677) whispers: he can see at teamleague page ...
8.Bd3 (9:14)
DarkoChess(1677) whispers: but he can see only that my team is top 1 at the moment ,4 -0 :D
DarkoChess(1677) whispers: so maybe he should not look now...
8...Nd4 (1:30)
kurumim(2061) whispers: there's a long run yet, Darko, and it will just get more and more interesting ;)
9.Qa4 (1:08) Ng4 (1:21) 10.Bf4 (4:41) Qf6 (3:28) 11.Bg3 (2:52)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: good night
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I am too tired
kurumim(2061) whispers: good night, BJM :)
11...h5 (4:51)
kurumim(2061) whispers: fun line would be ...Bd6 Bxd6 Qxf2+ Kd1 Ne3+ Kc1 Qe1+ Nd1 Bc6, but I guess after ...Bd6 White goes Nh3 to defend the sensitive f2 square
12.Nge2 (2:39)
JMM(2255) whispers: fun line indeed, i wanted it to ba played
12...h4 (0:53)
JMM(2255) whispers: wouldnt N:f2 be even fuunier than Q:f2 ?
JMM(2255) whispers: ( possibly i miss something, it's almost midnight)
13.Bf4 (2:25) h3 (0:50) 14.O-O-O (7:38) hxg2 (4:42) 15.Rhg1 (0:16) Bc6 (0:11) 16.Qa6 (0:27) Nxf2 (0:33) 17.Rxg2 (2:47) Nxe2+ (0:51) 18.Nxe2 (0:03) Nxd1 (0:06) 19.Kxd1 (0:03) Qxb2 (0:15) 20.Bd2 (2:52) Rh3 (0:52) 21.Nc1 (2:36) Bd6 (6:10) 22.Rxg7 (1:34) Qxg7 (0:08)
trebejo(1932) kibitzes: My partner here is very strong and I find him difficult to predict. I have more chess to learn now. Congratulations Elery, you play very well
trebejo resigns 0-1


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