nokiatwenty(2052) vs. pupkin(1973) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2017-05-23
Earlier moves are in nokiatwenty(2052) vs. pupkin(1973) *
LNO(2010) whispers: I would argue that black is slightly worse, but nothing out of the ordinarey
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Re-routing to N@e5 I guess? 12...Nge5 (0:38)
LNO(2010) whispers: yes
LNO(2010) whispers: maybe white should have played Be2 instead of Bd3
LNO(2010) whispers: its just a thought
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Will play it now I suppose.
LNO(2010) whispers: yes
LNO(2010) whispers: so therefore Be2 at once might have been a better choice, who knows? 13.Nxe5 (2:24) Nxe5 (0:06) 14.Be2 (0:01)
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: I used to waste so much time in the opening pondering where to put the bishops when the normal c4, b5, or f4 spots were blocked. Would try to predict the future and whether second or third rank made more sense...
LNO(2010) whispers: well this might also have been good 14...Bd7 (1:01) 15.Kh1 (0:23)
LNO(2010) whispers: what about the a3 b4 plan? 15...a6 (0:45) 16.Bg3 (0:13)
LNO(2010) whispers: and the pressure d6 really hard 16...Ba7 (1:02)
LNO(2010) whispers: hmmm 17.Qb3 (0:38)
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Now white has some decision if wants to double pawns and give up B pair, but that would leave the bad bishop and I think not worth it.
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: doubled e pawn for B?
LNO(2010) whispers: why Qb3? wasnt b3 the move that should have been played? 17...Rac8 (0:39)
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Yeah, now Q is a defender instead of an attacker.
LNO(2010) whispers: yes thats a move marek 18.f4 (1:19)
LNO(2010) whispers: and now give me a good reason not to take on c4
LNO(2010) whispers: black will happily trade taht weak d6 pawn 18...Nxc4 (3:54) 19.Bxc4 (0:04) Qxc4 (0:07) 20.Qxc4 (0:14) Rxc4 (0:12) 21.Rxd6 (0:00)
LNO(2010) whispers: Bc6 looks good 21...Bc6 (0:22) 22.e5 (0:32)
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Now black has great bishops
LNO(2010) whispers: yes
LNO(2010) whispers: Rc8 will be played
LNO(2010) whispers: there is no back rank weakness 22...Bc5 (4:04) 23.Rd3 (0:58) Rc8 (1:12) 24.Rfd1 (0:26) Be7 (0:39) 25.b3 (0:25)
LNO(2010) whispers: Rxc3
LNO(2010) whispers: almost wins i think
LightKnight(1788) whispers: does it?
LNO(2010) whispers: I feel a bit sorry for Nokia, he said to me that he was feeling tired
LNO(2010) whispers: yes doesnt it
LightKnight(1788) whispers: Rxc3 RxR Bxb2+ Kxb2 Rxc3 Rd7 maybe Rc2+ then?
LightKnight(1788) whispers: not sure 25...Bxg2+ (1:48) 26.Kxg2 (0:03) Rxc3 (0:02) 27.Rxc3 (0:01) Rxc3 (0:04)
LNO(2010) whispers: this is the same 28.Rd7 (0:15)
LNO(2010) whispers: idea
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Have the extra pawn, but dunno if in practice the bishops were more dangerous. 28...Rc2+ (1:24) 29.Kf3 (0:02)
LNO(2010) whispers: well to say that its winning is reall to stretch it
LNO(2010) whispers: but sure its good
LightKnight(1788) whispers: never said it's bad :)
LNO(2010) whispers: but you questioned my statement, rightly so!
LightKnight(1788) whispers: :-P 29...Bc5 (1:04)
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: hi LK! 30.Rxb7 (0:04) Rxa2 (0:04)
LightKnight(1788) whispers: hi there :)
LNO(2010) whispers: but Bg3 doesnt feel well
LightKnight(1788) whispers: yes, I was considering the good black bishop and the bad white one
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: Bg3 is a big pawn 31.Ke4 (0:38)
LightKnight(1788) whispers: looks like it
LNO(2010) whispers: but Nokias main strength in my6 opinion is his endings so maybe he can fix the situation
LightKnight(1788) whispers: but white's king is active
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: right
LNO(2010) whispers: not so much i think
LNO(2010) whispers: to ne active doesnt just mean be placed on a central square
LNO(2010) whispers: it can be very vulnerable there also
LightKnight(1788) whispers: true, it's not going too much further than that, still more active than black's 31...Rd2 (2:24) 32.Rb8+ (0:09)
LNO(2010) whispers: sometime Re2 + can be a real problem 32...Kh7 (0:21) 33.Rb7 (0:02)
LNO(2010) whispers: Kg6 now
LightKnight(1788) whispers: sure 33...Kg6 (0:31)
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Future threat of Re2-e3-xb3 if unguarded you mean?
LNO(2010) whispers: and look at Ke4, is it really active or is it just standing there as an eternal target?
LNO(2010) whispers: Rd4 pushes it back to f3
LightKnight(1788) whispers: agreed
LNO(2010) whispers: any time 34.Rc7 (1:37)
LNO(2010) whispers: So Rd4 + now
LNO(2010) whispers: Ke3 is impossible
LightKnight(1788) whispers: indeed
LNO(2010) whispers: or Bb6
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Bb6 followed by Rd4+-b4 perhaps
LNO(2010) whispers: yes
LNO(2010) whispers: that was my thought
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: is it draw?
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: i see draw by repetition
LNO(2010) whispers: no marek
LNO(2010) whispers: why draw ?
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: why not?
LNO(2010) whispers: do they win the match by it? 34...Rd4+ (2:39)
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: no
LNO(2010) whispers: well, to offer a draw as black would be very unwise then 35.Ke3 (0:39)
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: oh no
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Unfortunately it is must-win for white. Black would win match with draw.
LNO(2010) whispers: and Nokia knows all to well
LNO(2010) whispers: ok its over now
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: yes
LNO(2010) whispers: no
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: Rd7+
LNO(2010) whispers: no
LNO(2010) whispers: its an error
LNO(2010) whispers: i miscalculated
mcstorytaller(1731) whispers: me too
LNO(2010) whispers: :)
LNO(2010) whispers: so Bb6
LightKnight(1788) whispers: no Rd7+? 35...Rd5+ (1:47) 36.Ke4 (0:06)
LightKnight(1788) whispers: ah, ok :)
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: There was still LNO's idea of Bb6 and win b pawn.
LNO(2010) whispers: we all did
LNO(2010) whispers: yes
LightKnight(1788) whispers: :) 36...Rd4+ (0:40) 37.Ke3 (0:03) Rd5+ (0:04) 38.Ke4 (0:03)
LNO(2010) whispers: but if draw wins the match Pupkin offers a draw.
LNO(2010) whispers: then its ok 38...Rd4+ (0:16)
JoshuaR(1896) whispers: Well this does it, as well for match Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2
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