blackberryclassic(2306) vs. arasanx(2759) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2017-05-08
ArasanX(2759) whispers: book moves: (Nf6 45, d5 45, e6 7, f5 2, g6 2), choosing Nf6 1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:06)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: book moves: (e6 39, d5 39, g6 14, b6 4, d6 3), choosing d6 2...d6 (0:00) 3.c4 (0:11)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: book moves: (g6 47, Nbd7 38, Bg4 6, c6 5, Bf5 3), choosing Bg4 3...Bg4 (0:00) 4.h3 (0:15) Bxf3 (0:31)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=30.49 sec. score=-0.54 depth=30 nps=5.38M cpu=364.92% pv: Bxf3 exf3 e5 dxe5 dxe5 Qxd8+ Kxd8 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2 Nc6 O-O-O Ke8 a3 Bc5 Be3 Bxe3+ fxe3 Rd8 Bd3 Ke7 g4 h6 h4 a6 Kc2 Rd6 Rhg1 Rc8 Kb3 Kf8 5.exf3 (0:06) e5 (0:29)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=38.67 sec. score=-0.56 depth=30 nps=5.88M cpu=381.88% pv: e5 d5 c6 Bd3 Nbd7 Nc3 Be7 O-O cxd5 cxd5 O-O f4 Rc8 Be3 Re8 6.d5 (1:05) g6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=66.52 sec. score=-0.62 depth=27 nps=5.32M cpu=372.55% pv: g6 Nc3 Nbd7 Qb3 b6 g4 a5 h4 Nc5 Qc2 Nfd7 Be3 Be7 h5 O-O O-O-O Bg5 Bg2 Re8 Kb1 Bf4 Nb5 Rc8 h6 Bxe3 fxe3 Qe7 7.Nc3 (0:09) Nbd7 (0:28)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=37.98 sec. score=-0.62 depth=27 nps=5.53M cpu=378.37% pv: Nbd7 Qb3 b6 g4 a5 h4 Nc5 Qc2 Nfd7 Be3 Be7 h5 O-O O-O-O Bg5 Bg2 Re8 Kb1 Bf4 Nb5 a4 Rde1 Bxe3 fxe3 Rc8 h6 8.g4 (0:37) a5 (0:29)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=28.54 sec. score=-0.81 depth=27 nps=5.84M cpu=393.32% pv: a5 h4 Nc5 Be3 Nfd7 Qc2 a4 O-O-O h5 9.h4 (0:25) Nc5 (0:10)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=36.23 sec. score=-0.88 depth=28 nps=5.96M cpu=393.41% pv: Nc5 Be3 Bg7 Qc2 Nfd7 O-O-O h5 g5 O-O Kb1 Qe7 Bg2 Rfe8 Rhe1 Nb6 Ne4 Nxe4 fxe4 Nd7 Qb3 Reb8 Qc2 Nc5 Qc3 a4 Bxc5 dxc5 10.Be3 (0:24) Nfd7 (0:12)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=36.02 sec. score=-0.92 depth=30 nps=6.12M cpu=394.86% pv: Nfd7 Qc2 Bg7 O-O-O h5 g5 O-O Kb1 Re8 Bg2 Kh7 Bh3 Qe7 Rhg1 Kg8 Nb5 Qd8 Rge1 Na6 Nc3 Ndc5 a3 Nd7 Bg2 Nac5 f4 f5 fxe5 Nxe5 11.h5 (0:14) Be7 (0:39)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=39.06 sec. score=-0.93 depth=27 nps=6.01M cpu=395.27% pv: Be7 Qd2 a4 O-O-O g5 h6 Nf8 Bxc5 dxc5 a3 Ng6 Kb1 Nf4 Bd3 Nxd3 Qxd3 Qd6 Rde1 Qf6 Ne4 Qg6 Qc3 Bd6 Ka2 f5 gxf5 Qxf5 12.Qd2 (0:23) g5 (0:11)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=34.50 sec. score=-0.90 depth=29 nps=5.72M cpu=377.54% pv: g5 O-O-O h6 Kb1 a4 Qc2 Bf6 Bg2 O-O Rhe1 Re8 Ne2 Ra6 Nc3 Bh8 Nb5 Bg7 Bd2 Ra8 Be3 Kh8 Ka1 Rg8 Kb1 Rf8 Rg1 Re8 Rge1 13.h6 (0:18) Nf8 (0:56)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=55.94 sec. score=-1.11 depth=29 nps=5.89M cpu=385.25% pv: Nf8 Rh5 Ng6 O-O-O Nf4 Bxf4 gxf4 Qc2 a4 Kb1 Bf8 Nb5 f6 Bd3 Nxd3 Qxd3 Qd7 Qf5 Be7 Qc2 c6 Nc3 a3 b4 c5 bxc5 Qc7 cxd6 14.Bxc5 (0:18) dxc5 (0:25)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=24.89 sec. score=-1.04 depth=30 nps=5.64M cpu=377.64% pv: dxc5 Bd3 Ng6 O-O-O Ra6 Qe3 O-O Kb1 15.Bd3 (0:07) Ng6 (0:23)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=31.61 sec. score=-1.12 depth=32 nps=6.04M cpu=386.49% pv: Ng6 O-O-O Ra6 Qe3 O-O Kb1 Nh4 d6 cxd6 Qe4 Ng6 Nd5 a4 Qf5 a3 b3 Ra8 Rh5 Re8 Bc2 Rc8 Re1 Kf8 Rd1 Ra8 Rhh1 Rb8 Rh5 Rc8 Nxe7 Qxe7 Rxg5 16.Qe3 (0:10) Nf4 (0:32)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=32.13 sec. score=-1.14 depth=29 nps=5.23M cpu=359.39% pv: Nf4 O-O-O Bd6 Bc2 Qf6 Ne4 Qe7 Qb3 O-O Qe3 a4 Ng3 a3 bxa3 Ng6 Kb2 Qd8 Nf5 Ra6 Qe4 Rb6+ Ka1 Qf6 Ng3 Ra8 Nh5 Qe7 Qf5 Kh8 17.O-O-O (0:14) Bd6 (0:15)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=29.91 sec. score=-1.19 depth=29 nps=5.33M cpu=356.39% pv: Bd6 Bc2 Qe7 18.Bc2 (0:11) Qe7 (0:18)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=29.52 sec. score=-1.17 depth=30 nps=6.56M cpu=393.58% pv: Qe7 Kb1 Ng2 Qd2 Kd8 Ne4 Nf4 Rde1 Kc8 Re3 Kb8 Ra3 b6 Ng3 Qf6 Ne4 Qd8 Ng3 Qe7 Nh5 Ra6 Bf5 Ra7 Bc2 Rb7 Ba4 Nxh5 Rxh5 e4 Qxg5 19.Kb1 (0:10) Ra6 (0:19)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=29.02 sec. score=-1.16 depth=32 nps=6.43M cpu=384.25% pv: Ra6 Ne4 Kd8 Qd2 Kc8 Rde1 Kb8 Re3 Ra8 Ra3 b6 Ng3 Qf6 Ne4 Qd8 Ng3 Ra7 Nh5 Ng2 Rb3 Nh4 Re1 Rb7 Rh1 Ka8 Re1 Ng2 Rh1 Nf4 Nxf4 exf4 20.Qe4 (0:35) Qf6 (0:22)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=21.93 sec. score=-1.29 depth=33 nps=6.61M cpu=390.42% pv: Qf6 Qe3 Ng2 Qd3 Nh4 Ne4 Qxf3 Nxg5 Qxd3 Rxd3 Be7 Ba4+ Kf8 Ne4 Rg8 Rg3 Ra8 Bc2 Ra6 Ba4 21.Qe1 (0:14) Ng2 (0:22)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=21.46 sec. score=-1.23 depth=28 nps=5.49M cpu=366.28% pv: Ng2 Qe2 Nh4 Rh3 Qe7 Ne4 Ng6 Qe3 Nf4 Rhh1 Kd8 Qd2 22.Qd2 (0:38) Qf4 (0:21)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=20.97 sec. score=-0.85 depth=31 nps=5.82M cpu=369.55% pv: Qf4 Qe2 Nh4 Rh3 Kd7 Ne4 Kc8 Ng3 Qf6 Qe3 Ng2 Qa3 Qd8 Ne4 Nf4 Rhh1 Qe7 Rde1 Kb8 Ng3 Ng2 Rd1 Nh4 Ne4 f6 Rh3 Ng2 Rhh1 Nf4 Rde1 23.Ne4 (0:11) Qxd2 (0:21)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=20.51 sec. score=-1.01 depth=34 nps=6.91M cpu=386.46% pv: Qxd2 Rxd2 Be7 Ba4+ Kf8 Rd3 Nh4 Rb3 b6 Ng3 Ra8 Ra3 Rb8 Bc2 Rd8 Nh5 Ng2 Ng3 Nf4 Bf5 f6 Nh5 Nxh5 Rxh5 Ra8 Kc2 Bd6 Be6 Ke7 Bf5 Ke8 24.Rxd2 (0:03) Be7 (0:22)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=26.09 sec. score=-1.01 depth=35 nps=7.28M cpu=392.27% pv: Be7 Ba4+ Kf8 Rd3 Rb6 Bc2 Nh4 Ra3 Rxh6 Rxa5 Ra6 Rb5 Ra7 Rb3 Kg7 Ng3 Rd8 Re1 Bd6 a3 Kh8 Nf5 Nxf5 Bxf5 Kg7 Rh1 h6 Rh5 c6 Be4 cxd5 Bxd5 Rd7 Rb5 Ra4 25.d6 (0:21) Rxd6 (0:20)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=19.57 sec. score=-1.53 depth=32 nps=6.72M cpu=373.80% pv: Rxd6 Nxd6+ Bxd6 Be4 b6 Kc2 Ke7 Kc3 Nh4 Rhd1 Ke6 Bd5+ Kf6 a4 Ng2 Be4 Ke7 Kc2 Nf4 Bf5 Ne6 Bxe6 Kxe6 Kd3 f5 Ke3 Rf8 b3 Kf6 Rxd6+ cxd6 Rxd6+ Ke7 Rxb6 26.Nxd6+ (0:06) Bxd6 (0:18)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=24.89 sec. score=-1.49 depth=38 nps=8.66M cpu=392.28% pv: Bxd6 Rh5 f6 Rh1 Ke7 Be4 b6 Kc2 Nf4 Kc3 Ne6 a4 Nd4 Kd3 Ke6 Bd5+ Kd7 Rh5 Kd8 Rd1 Kd7 Ke3 Ke7 Be4 Kf7 Re1 Ke6 Kd3 Be7 Kd2 Rd8 Bd5+ Kd6 Kc3 f5 gxf5 c6 Be4 Kc7 27.Be4 (0:02) b6 (0:19)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=18.79 sec. score=-1.53 depth=38 nps=8.49M cpu=392.20% pv: b6 Kc2 Nf4 Bf5 Ke7 a4 Ne6 Kd3 Nd4 Ke4 c6 Rg1 Kf6 Re1 Ke7 Rdd1 Kf6 Rh1 Bc7 Rh5 Bd6 Rd2 Bc7 Rh1 Ke7 Rhd1 Kf6 Rb1 Bd6 Rg1 Ke7 Rgd1 Rd8 Bxh7 Rh8 Bf5 Rxh6 28.Kc2 (0:05) Nf4 (0:19)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=23.91 sec. score=-1.53 depth=38 nps=7.80M cpu=389.20% pv: Nf4 Bf5 Ke7 a4 Ne6 Kd3 Nd4 Ke4 c6 Rg1 Kf6 Re1 Ke7 Rdd1 Bc7 Rh1 Kf6 Rh5 Bd6 Rd2 Bc7 Rh1 Bd6 Rd3 Be7 Rh5 Bf8 Rh2 Be7 Rd1 Bd6 Rh3 Ke7 Rdh1 Kf6 Rh5 Ne2 Re1 29.Bf5 (0:11) Ke7 (0:12)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=23.40 sec. score=-1.53 depth=39 nps=8.06M cpu=386.33% pv: Ke7 a4 Ne6 Kd3 Nd4 Ke4 c6 Rdd1 Kf6 Rhe1 Bc7 Rd3 Bd6 Rg1 Bf8 Rh1 Be7 Rhd1 Rd8 Rf1 Rh8 Rb1 Bf8 Rd2 Bd6 Rg1 Ke7 Rdd1 Kf6 Rh1 Ke7 Ke3 Kf6 Rhe1 Ke7 Ke4 Bc7 Rg1 30.b3 (0:23) Ne6 (0:18)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=17.81 sec. score=-1.29 depth=37 nps=8.19M cpu=389.88% pv: Ne6 Kd3 Nd4 Ke4 c6 Rh5 Kf6 Rd1 Be7 Rhh1 Bd6 Rd3 b5 Rdd1 b4 Rh5 Be7 Rd2 Bd6 Rh1 Be7 Rdd1 Bd6 31.Be4 (0:25) Nd4+ (0:18)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=17.42 sec. score=-1.29 depth=33 nps=7.38M cpu=386.29% pv: Nd4+ Kb2 Ke6 Bd5+ Kf6 Be4 Ke6 32.Kd3 (0:10) Ke6 (0:17)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=17.05 sec. score=-1.29 depth=37 nps=7.54M cpu=381.05% pv: Ke6 Rh5 Be7 Ke3 c6 Rd1 b5 Rd2 b4 Rh1 Kf6 Rdd1 Ke6 Rd2 33.Rdd1 (0:11) c6 (0:17)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=16.71 sec. score=-1.29 depth=38 nps=8.14M cpu=393.47% pv: c6 Rh5 Be7 Ke3 b5 Rd2 Kf6 Rh1 Ke6 Rh5 34.Kd2 (0:06) Be7 (0:17)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=16.37 sec. score=-1.29 depth=37 nps=8.09M cpu=392.32% pv: Be7 Kd3 Bd6 35.Ke1 (0:09) Bd6 (0:16)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=16.03 sec. score=-1.29 depth=37 nps=8.40M egtb=6/6 cpu=393.91% pv: Bd6 Kd2 Be7 36.Rc1 (0:07) f5 (0:17)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=15.72 sec. score=-1.29 depth=36 nps=8.31M cpu=389.69% pv: f5 Bxf5+ Nxf5 gxf5+ Kxf5 Rd1 Ke6 Ke2 Rf8 Rd2 Rf4 Ke3 Rd4 Rxd4 cxd4+ Ke4 Ba3 Rd1 Kf6 Rh1 Ke6 37.gxf5+ (0:41) Kf6 (0:16)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=15.38 sec. score=-1.10 depth=31 nps=7.05M cpu=385.65% pv: Kf6 Rd1 Be7 Rb1 b5 a3 Rg8 Kf1 Bd6 Rd1 Rb8 38.Kf1 (0:13) Ra8 (0:15)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=15.08 sec. score=-1.48 depth=32 nps=7.48M cpu=389.28% pv: Ra8 Rd1 Be7 Kg2 a4 Kg3 Ra6 39.Kg2 (0:14) a4 (0:15)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=14.79 sec. score=-1.61 depth=30 nps=7.58M cpu=391.71% pv: a4 Rcd1 Bf8 40.Rhd1 (0:29) Bf8 (0:15)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=14.50 sec. score=-1.61 depth=34 nps=8.08M cpu=392.86% pv: Bf8 Rb1 a3 Rh1 Rd8 Rbd1 b5 Kh3 Rb8 Rb1 Be7 41.Rb1 (0:16) a3 (0:02)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=18.48 sec. score=-1.63 depth=37 nps=8.37M egtb=2/2 cpu=391.38% pv: a3 Rh1 Be7 Kh3 Rd8 Rbd1 Bd6 Kg3 Be7 Kg4 Rb8 Rh5 Rg8 Rd3 Bf8 Rh1 Be7 Rd2 Rd8 Rg1 b5 Kh5 Rg8 Rdd1 Ne2 Rh1 Nd4 Kg4 b4 Rh5 Bf8 Rd2 Be7 Rh1 Rc8 Re1 Rd8 42.Kg3 (0:05) Ra7 (0:14)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=14.32 sec. score=-1.48 depth=34 nps=7.02M cpu=374.16% pv: Ra7 Rh1 Ne2+ Kg4 Nc3 Ra1 Rd7 Rhc1 Ne2 Rc2 Nd4 Rd2 Bxh6 Bxc6 Rd6 Be4 Bf8 Rad1 h6 Rh1 Rd7 Rdd1 Rd8 Rh5 Bg7 Rdh1 Rh8 Re1 Rd8 Bd5 Rf8 Rhh1 Rh8 Re4 Nxf5 43.Kg4 (0:05) Bxh6 (0:14)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=14.05 sec. score=-1.29 depth=40 nps=7.80M egtb=12/12 cpu=379.69% pv: Bxh6 Rh1 Bf8 Rh5 h6 Rbh1 Rf7 Rxh6+ Bxh6 Rxh6+ Ke7 Kxg5 Rg7+ Rg6 Kf7 Kh6 Rg8 Kh7 Rc8 Rg7+ Kf6 Rg6+ Kf7 44.Rh1 (0:06) Bf8 (0:11)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=17.90 sec. score=-1.29 depth=41 nps=7.86M egtb=38/38 cpu=378.30% pv: Bf8 Rh5 h6 Rbh1 Rf7 Rxh6+ Bxh6 Rxh6+ Ke7 Kxg5 Rg7+ Rg6 Kf7 Kh6 Rg8 Kh7 Rd8 Rg7+ Kf6 Rg6+ Kf7 45.Rh5 (0:07) h6 (0:10)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=17.67 sec. score=-1.29 depth=39 nps=7.67M egtb=280/283 cpu=373.72% pv: h6 Rbh1 Rf7 Rxh6+ Bxh6 Rxh6+ Ke7 Kxg5 Rg7+ Rg6 Kf7 Kh6 Rg8 Kh7 Rd8 Rg7+ Kf6 Rg6+ Kf7 46.Rbh1 (0:02) Rf7 (0:58)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=61.15 sec. score=-2.23 depth=38 nps=8.23M egtb=1114/1142 cpu=384.83% pv: Rf7 Rxh6+ 47.Rxh6+ (0:22) Bxh6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=23.18 sec. score=-2.44 depth=39 nps=7.83M egtb=209/211 cpu=373.14% pv: Bxh6 Rxh6+ Ke7 Rg6 Rf6 Kxg5 Rf7 Rg8 b5 cxb5 cxb5 Rg6 Rf8 Rg7+ Kd6 Ra7 c4 bxc4 bxc4 Rxa3 Rc8 Ra5 c3 f4 c2 fxe5+ Ke7 Ra7+ Ke8 Bxc2 Rxc2 f4 Nc6 Ra6 Kf7 f6 Nd4 Ra7+ Kf8 a4 Rg2+ Kh5 Rh2+ Kg6 Rg2+ Kh6 48.Rxh6+ (0:07) Ke7 (0:08)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=15.68 sec. score=-2.43 depth=37 nps=8.71M egtb=75/77 cpu=383.68% pv: Ke7 Rg6 Kd8 f6 Rf8 Kxg5 Ne6+ Kf5 Nd4+ Kxe5 Re8+ Kf4 Rf8 Ke3 Kd7 Rg7+ Kd6 Rb7 Rxf6 Rxb6 Rh6 Ra6 Rh1 Rxa3 Re1+ Kf4 Ne2+ Kf5 Nd4+ Kg4 Rf1 Ra6 Rxf2 Kg3 Rd2 Ra5 Ne2+ Kg4 Nc3 Ra8 Rg2+ Kf4 Nxa2 49.Rg6 (0:03) Kd8 (0:12)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=15.55 sec. score=-2.44 depth=34 nps=8.54M egtb=237/243 cpu=387.40% pv: Kd8 Rg8+ Ke7 Kxg5 b5 cxb5 cxb5 Rg6 Rf8 Rg7+ Kd6 Ra7 c4 bxc4 bxc4 Rxa3 Rc8 Ra5 c3 f4 c2 fxe5+ Ke7 Ra7+ Ke8 Bxc2 Rxc2 f4 Nc6 Ra6 Kf7 f6 Nd4 Ra7+ Kf8 a4 Rg2+ Kh5 Ne6 50.f6 (0:07) Rf8 (0:12)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=11.77 sec. score=-2.84 depth=34 nps=8.84M egtb=35/35 cpu=388.99% pv: Rf8 Kxg5 Ne6+ Kf5 Nd4+ Kxe5 Re8+ Kf4 Rf8 Rh6 Kc7 Rh7+ Kd6 Bf5 Ne6+ Bxe6 Kxe6 f7 b5 Rg7 Kf6 Rg5 Ke7 Re5+ Kd6 Rf5 Ke7 cxb5 cxb5 Rxc5 Rxf7+ Ke4 Kd6 Rxb5 Re7+ Kd3 Rf7 Ke3 Re7+ Kd4 Re2 51.Kxg5 (0:12) Ne6+ (0:02)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=15.04 sec. score=-3.15 depth=35 nps=9.14M egtb=229/264 cpu=395.66% pv: Ne6+ Kf5 Nd4+ Kxe5 Re8+ Kf4 Rf8 Rh6 Kc7 Rh7+ Kd6 Bf5 Ne6+ Bxe6 Kxe6 f7 Kf6 Rh5 Ke7 Re5+ Kd6 Rf5 Ke6 Ke4 Rxf7 Rxf7 Kxf7 Ke5 Ke7 f4 b5 f5 bxc4 bxc4 Kf7 f6 Kf8 Kd6 Kf7 Kxc5 52.Kf5 (0:03) Nd4+ (0:11)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=15.14 sec. score=-3.39 depth=34 nps=7.96M egtb=239/242 cpu=379.44% pv: Nd4+ Kxe5 Re8+ Kf4 Rf8 Rh6 Kd7 Bf5+ Kd6 Rh7 Ne6+ Bxe6 Kxe6 f7 b5 53.Kxe5 (0:05) Re8+ (0:47)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=52.12 sec. score=-4.35 depth=35 nps=9.09M egtb=1884/1988 cpu=392.24% pv: Re8+ Kf4 Rf8 Rh6 Kd7 Bf5+ Kd8 Bg4 Ke8 Ke5 Kf7 Rh7+ Kg8 Rg7+ Kh8 f4 Rg8 Re7 Rf8 Ra7 Rd8 Rxa3 Re8+ Kd6 Rf8 Ke7 Kg8 Be6+ Nxe6 Kxe6 Re8+ Kd6 Kf7 Kxc6 Re6+ Kb5 Kxf6 Ra6 Re2 Kxb6 54.Kf4 (0:02) Rf8 (0:44)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=46.67 sec. score=-4.98 depth=35 nps=9.21M egtb=1370/1387 cpu=388.84% pv: Rf8 Rh6 Kc8 Bf5+ Kb7 Kg5 Ka6 Bg4 Nxb3 axb3 Ka5 Kg6 a2 Rh1 Kb4 Kg7 Ra8 f7 Kxb3 f8=Q Rxf8 Kxf8 Kb2 Ke7 b5 Kd6 b4 Kxc5 b3 Kb4 a1=Q Rxa1 c5+ Ka4 Kxa1 Kxb3 Kb1 Bf5+ Kc1 55.Bf5 (0:06) Ke8 (0:32)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=31.97 sec. score=-4.11 depth=33 nps=8.58M egtb=855/880 cpu=387.27% pv: Ke8 Rh6 Kf7 Bg4 b5 Ke5 Re8+ Kd6 Rd8+ Kxc5 bxc4 Bh5+ Kg8 Kxc4 Ne2 f7+ Kg7 Rxc6 Nf4 Bg4 Kxf7 Ra6 Nd3 56.Bg4 (0:08) Kf7 (0:08)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=8.36 sec. score=-4.01 depth=33 nps=7.80M egtb=590/634 cpu=369.93% pv: Kf7 Rh6 57.Rh6 (0:09) b5 (0:23)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=32.21 sec. score=-4.81 depth=36 nps=8.01M egtb=10810/12176 cpu=372.13% pv: b5 Ke5 Re8+ Kd6 Rd8+ Kxc5 Nxb3+ axb3 a2 Rh1 Rd3 Ra1 Rxb3 Rxa2 bxc4 Kxc4 Rb1 Rc2 Rd1 Kc5 Kxf6 Kxc6 Rd8 Rb2 Rd3 Re2 Rd1 Re6+ Kf7 Rd6 Rg1 Bh5+ Kg7 Kd7 Rf1 Bg4 Kf7 Be6+ Kg7 Ke7 Rxf2 58.Bh5+ (0:09) Kg8 (0:27)
ArasanX(2759) whispers: time=27.16 sec. score=-6.47 depth=33 nps=8.27M egtb=1958/2146 cpu=382.22% ArasanX resigns 1-0
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