ghambo(2148) vs. bionchess(2170) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2017-04-25
ghambo(2148) whispers: dont want to give queen 8.Nd2 (0:03)
ghambo(2148) whispers: he can take on c4
ghambo(2148) whispers: but after castle queen is attacked 8...Qxc4 (0:25)
ghambo(2148) whispers: and white has great devel advantage 9.O-O (0:05)
ghambo(2148) whispers: not sure if Alex can handle it 9...Qa6 (0:20)
ghambo(2148) whispers: why not to say hello to king with rook? 10.Re1 (0:55) Ne7 (0:20) 11.a3 (1:31) O-O (1:50)
ghambo(2148) whispers: intuition tells to give rook
ghambo(2148) whispers: but after it can i catch queen?
ghambo(2148) whispers: queen can go on a6 after nc3 lets say nf5 nb3 qa6
ghambo(2148) whispers: maybe bf1 here? :)
ghambo(2148) whispers: dont care
ghambo(2148) whispers: am going to sac it
ghambo(2148) whispers: i found strong nd5 after qa6? 12.axb4 (9:55)
ghambo(2148) whispers: Alex is not playing seriously
ghambo(2148) whispers: he was experimenting in opening
ghambo(2148) whispers: queen cant defend c7
ghambo(2148) whispers: because of ne7+
ghambo(2148) whispers: imho i calced well and dont missing something
ghambo(2148) whispers: qe1 is forced, otherwise bishop was gift
ghambo(2148) whispers: be here in 3 (wanna smoke) 12...Qxa1 (5:19)
Introspection(1718) whispers: Your calculation seems to be correct. 13.Nc3 (2:40) Nf5 (0:35) 14.Nb3 (0:02) Qa6 (0:20)
ghambo(2148) whispers: maybe nc5?
ghambo(2148) whispers: no nd5 is stronger
ghambo(2148) whispers: queen catn defend c7 as i calced
ghambo(2148) whispers: only move is qd6? and after it bf4! comes 15.Nd5 (2:11)
ghambo(2148) whispers: and if qc4 which i missed when calced it bf4! again
ghambo(2148) whispers: no 15...Qc4 (4:05)
ghambo(2148) whispers: nf6!? must be calced here
ghambo(2148) whispers: if gf qg4 ng7 bh6 is unstopable mate
ghambo(2148) whispers: if kh8 qh5 gf qf5 qc3 qf6 kg8 bh6 again
Introspection(1718) kibitzes: Huzzah!
Bionchess(2170) kibitzes: lol! 16.Nf6+ (9:05) gxf6 (3:18) 17.Qg4+ (0:03) Kh8 (0:46) 18.Qxf5 (0:21) Qe6 (0:45) 19.Rxe6 (0:24) fxe6 (0:11)
ghambo(2148) whispers: ok here i need something sharp
ghambo(2148) whispers: dont let Alex to liberate pieces 20.Qh5 (1:08) Kg8 (2:02)
lrzal(2019) whispers: one idea here might be getting the knight in with Nc5-->e4
lrzal(2019) whispers: then pile on as many attackers as possible on f6 21.d5 (3:22)
lrzal(2019) whispers: rf7 would be a useful defensive move so maybe qg4+ to force the black king to f7
ghambo(2148) whispers: this stops blacks natural developement
ghambo(2148) whispers: and frees squares for my pieces...
lrzal(2019) whispers: i dont think that is so important here: i mean why think about stopping opponents development when you should be getting your pieces kingside asap
ghambo(2148) whispers: later i want to force him weak black color complex
lrzal(2019) whispers: yes sometimes there are more than one way to win a game..........the one way wins in 10 moves and the other way wins in 30 moves for example
ghambo(2148) whispers: and DSB will become monster
lrzal(2019) whispers: the dark squares around the king are already weak 21...Rf7 (3:47) 22.Bh6 (0:04)
lrzal(2019) whispers: what use in kicking a dead horse more 22...Na6 (0:20)
ghambo(2148) whispers: king cant evacuate 23.Nd2 (2:04)
lrzal(2019) whispers: if pxp pxp then white can in the future threaten Qb5 which might be useful in the future
lrzal(2019) whispers: well i meant the move before he did Nd2 23...Re7 (2:06) 24.Ne4 (1:41) exd5 (1:24) 25.Nxf6+ (0:09) Kh8 (0:07) 26.Qg5 (0:57) Bionchess resigns 1-0
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