introspection(1738) vs. ghambo(2140) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2017-04-10
LNO(1981) whispers: the french! 3.e5 (0:12) c5 (0:03) 4.c3 (0:03) Qb6 (0:14)
Introspection(1738) whispers: Aggressive 5.Nf3 (0:36) Bd7 (0:02) 6.a3 (0:59)
LNO(1981) whispers: a3 is ok here 6...Bb5 (2:55)
Introspection(1738) whispers: Here the trade seems to favor White as the Black bishop has oed trade and I can castle after the trade.
Introspection(1738) whispers: Maybe he thinking to get Q behind my pawns but seem premature now
Introspection(1738) whispers: Or maybe he just want to trade off a bad bishop not sure
LNO(1981) whispers: Bxb5 followed by b4 here
Introspection(1738) whispers: Well have to do something 7.Bxb5+ (4:47) Qxb5 (0:04)
LNO(1981) whispers: yes the idea is to trade the "bad" bishop, I dont like it in particular, cost a lot of time
LNO(1981) whispers: b4 now 8.b4 (1:23)
ghambo(2140) whispers: maybe in this variation black losts tempos, but black mannages to exchange bad bishop for whites agressive bishop
Introspection(1738) whispers: Well not going to castle whith his Q sitting there...
ghambo(2140) whispers: i have plan
Bionchess(2170) whispers: strategy at work here!
ghambo(2140) whispers: to take on d4 than if nd4 white has backward c
ghambo(2140) whispers: if cd am pllaning to place knight on c4... 8...cxd4 (5:04) 9.cxd4 (0:16) Nd7 (0:13)
Bionchess(2170) whispers: I wonder why players are not in a hurry to develop...
LNO(1981) whispers: well Bionchess, thats some inner "die hard" wish :) 10.Nc3 (1:59)
Bionchess(2170) whispers: lol!
ghambo(2140) whispers: and b pawn must control c5 10...Qc6 (2:43) 11.Bd2 (0:20) Nb6 (1:12) 12.O-O (7:11)
LNO(1981) whispers: bad B or not, sooner or later black must think of his development
Introspection(1738) whispers: Well my development seems better if nothing else 12...Nc4 (1:57)
ghambo(2140) whispers: white is leading in developement (but when centre is closed....)
LNO(1981) whispers: since a N is missing on c6 the pressure on d4 that is usal in the french isnt there
ghambo(2140) whispers: even 4-5 tempi is nothing imho
LNO(1981) whispers: that means that Nf3 is free to move
LNO(1981) whispers: I am fanatic development fan 13.Qe2 (1:32)
Bionchess(2170) whispers: lol!
LNO(1981) whispers: but i reluctantly agree, development isnt that big issue here
LNO(1981) whispers: but it can be...
Bionchess(2170) whispers: anyway, it's interesting to watch a game with "delayed" development..
ghambo(2140) whispers: thinking about a5!? 13...a5 (3:59)
ghambo(2140) whispers: it must be good move
LNO(1981) whispers: yes its interesting indeed
ghambo(2140) whispers: if he dont takes i will close qside
ghambo(2140) whispers: plus my bishop becomes stronger after it 14.Rfc1 (5:34) Ne7 (5:27) 15.Na2 (3:43) a4 (2:25)
Bionchess(2170) whispers: black is about to close Qside... 16.Rc2 (4:04)
ghambo(2140) whispers: i must give c5 outpost
ghambo(2140) whispers: but black can challange knight on c5 with bishop
ghambo(2140) whispers: white cant do same
ghambo(2140) whispers: and i can castle long and block c5 paser with king for kside attack.... 16...b5 (3:23) 17.Nc1 (0:12) Nc8 (0:33) 18.Nd3 (0:20) N8b6 (0:03) 19.Nc5 (1:19)
Introspection(1738) whispers: Maybe Nc5 not hte best when his has his lsb still
Introspection(1738) whispers: * DSB 19...h6 (2:57)
ghambo(2140) whispers: h6 prepares long castle... 20.Bc1 (0:47) O-O-O (0:56)
LNO(1981) whispers: Ne1-d3 maybe? 21.Nd2 (2:06)
ghambo(2140) whispers: imho g5 is good here
ghambo(2140) whispers: stoping possible f4 f5 and thinkingabout attack also
axeltiger(2194) whispers: is this a training game? 21...g5 (5:47) 22.Nf1 (3:10)
LNO(1981) whispers: tjena axel!
axeltiger(2194) whispers: halla
LNO(1981) whispers: yes it is
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I see
ghambo(2140) whispers: knight on f6 good idea
LNO(1981) whispers: I think that white is doing ok here
axeltiger(2194) whispers: in general I don't like spending time to get rid of the LSB in the french as black 22...Be7 (1:58)
LNO(1981) whispers: agree
axeltiger(2194) whispers: it's basically saying to white: "ok, you got me, my bishop is terrible!"
LNO(1981) whispers: but the way the game went it wasnt a big issue
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yeah
LNO(1981) whispers: but of course i agree with you
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I think black is totally fine here
LNO(1981) whispers: its that B you keep in reserve to win with! :) 23.Ng3 (1:03)
LNO(1981) whispers: yes and so are white too
LNO(1981) whispers: actually i prefer white somewhat
axeltiger(2194) whispers: f6 is obviously on the agenda, so this move is in line with trying to stop black's plan
axeltiger(2194) whispers: should black push f6 already here?
LNO(1981) whispers: isnt there an issue on e6?
axeltiger(2194) whispers: it will be difficult to achieve once white gets in Nh5
axeltiger(2194) whispers: maybe
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but white has an issue on d4 in the meantime
axeltiger(2194) whispers: so it may even out, or even turn in black's favour
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I'm certain ghambo is calculating the consequences atm
LNO(1981) whispers: f6 exf6 Bxf6 Qxe6+
axeltiger(2194) whispers: don't stop calculating there
LNO(1981) whispers: QxQ NxQ
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and then
LNO(1981) whispers: i wasnt :)
LNO(1981) whispers: i just paused in typing
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I see
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and then Re8 from black, and d4 is somewhat weak
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2194) whispers: so I'm not entirely sure that f6 is impossible here
LNO(1981) whispers: but maybe Be3
LNO(1981) whispers: after that i mean
axeltiger(2194) whispers: well, after Re8 the white knight on e6 will hang, so there's that also to worry about
LNO(1981) whispers: buyes 23...Rdg8 (4:20)
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2194) whispers: buyes?
axeltiger(2194) whispers: hmmm
LNO(1981) whispers: buuu yes ! :)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now what is black planning after the simple Nh5?
axeltiger(2194) whispers: aha!
LNO(1981) whispers: he he
LNO(1981) whispers: bad typing
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I really like Nh5 here for white
LNO(1981) whispers: intended to write but.. but changed my mind and wrote yes :)
LNO(1981) whispers: yes Nh5 looks good
axeltiger(2194) whispers: Nh5 followed by something like Qg4 even could be considered here
LNO(1981) whispers: that N on c4 is frozen
axeltiger(2194) whispers: or just the immediate Qf3 here
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I didn't even think of that at first
axeltiger(2194) whispers: both moves look interesting
LNO(1981) whispers: well even Be3 is interesting
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but Be3 is just a waiting move
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2194) whispers: it doesn't really pose any problemss
LNO(1981) whispers: i dont like it 24.Qf3 (3:39)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but Qf3 just threatens to win a pawn
LNO(1981) whispers: thats a good move i think
LNO(1981) whispers: today Intro played a3 :)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: he's learning 24...Rh7 (1:00)
LNO(1981) whispers: in general a better move than Na3 I think though Na3 certainly has its points
LNO(1981) whispers: now Nh5
axeltiger(2194) whispers: or h3
axeltiger(2194) whispers: or Qg4 here even
axeltiger(2194) whispers: many interesting ideas for white
axeltiger(2194) whispers: Nf5!
axeltiger(2194) whispers: Nf5 is strong 25.Nh5 (1:12)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: it's almost game-winning
axeltiger(2194) whispers: oh, too bad!
LNO(1981) whispers: Nf5...
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yeah
axeltiger(2194) whispers: the rook on h7 became exposed
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
LNO(1981) whispers: now i see
LNO(1981) whispers: the r on h7 ;)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now maybe black goes g4, I'm not sure
LNO(1981) whispers: but black wasnt forced to take
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yeah 25...Rg6 (2:06)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: ok, so now white is clearly in charge here
axeltiger(2194) whispers: g4 is looking like a fine option
axeltiger(2194) whispers: just locking down black on the kingside
LNO(1981) whispers: yes 26.Qg4 (0:58)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: that's also fine
axeltiger(2194) whispers: at least I think so
LNO(1981) whispers: seems ok
LNO(1981) whispers: intro is playing confident
axeltiger(2194) whispers: there may be some tricks involving ...f5 here, but I'm not sure
axeltiger(2194) whispers: has to be calculated
Bionchess(2170) whispers: Q g4 was good
Introspection(1738) whispers: Maybe I can throw him with weird moves
LNO(1981) whispers: f5 seems incredicle risky
Introspection(1738) whispers: There doesn't seemto be immediate threat
LNO(1981) whispers: intro thinks he plays weird moves.. he is playing good moves!
axeltiger(2194) whispers: well, if it works, black's position will just spring to life all of a sudden
LNO(1981) whispers: lest calculate it:
LNO(1981) whispers: f5 exf6
axeltiger(2194) whispers: Bxf6
LNO(1981) whispers: Qxe6 26...Kb8 (2:45)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: Qxe6
LNO(1981) whispers: Nxe6
axeltiger(2194) whispers: Be5
LNO(1981) whispers: if Bxd4 Nf8
axeltiger(2194) whispers: or Bh8
axeltiger(2194) whispers: aha
LNO(1981) whispers: Nf8
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but bh8
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and Nf8
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and then Re7
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2194) whispers: threatening mate in 1
LNO(1981) whispers: so we must gurd with Re2
axeltiger(2194) whispers: dropping the entire rook? 27.Kh1 (2:06)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: that seems pretty bad
LNO(1981) whispers: you lost me :)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I see
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I changed my mind from Be5 to Bh8
LNO(1981) whispers: why should it drop a R 27...Bd8 (0:26)
LNO(1981) whispers: aha
axeltiger(2194) whispers: because the rook will just be captured by the rook on e7?
LNO(1981) whispers: the R on a1 28.Kg1 (0:27)
LNO(1981) whispers: we will have to look at this afterwards
axeltiger(2194) whispers: you thought it was on a2? 28...Nc8 (0:29)
LNO(1981) whispers: but for now I trust you! :)
LNO(1981) whispers: no
LNO(1981) whispers: i forgot about the Ra1
axeltiger(2194) whispers: well, i'm still not certain about the eval
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but here I don't see why not just play ...f5 for black?
axeltiger(2194) whispers: the knight on c8 will not be able to come to f5 anyway 29.Nd3 (1:07)
Bionchess(2170) whispers: now get ready for some great tactics by black.. 29...Ne7 (0:31)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now ...f5 is not at all as appealing as before
axeltiger(2194) whispers: ok, so Nf6 now
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2194) whispers: hmmm
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now I really dislike Ne3 from white
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I think it's a mistake, since d4 is weakened now 30.Nb2 (2:24)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: this is odd
axeltiger(2194) whispers: what about d4?
axeltiger(2194) whispers: isn't that pawn important? 30...Nf5 (0:36)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now white will be forced to make a bad trade
LNO(1981) whispers: the N was good on c5
LNO(1981) whispers: probably Kevin didnt see a way to improve 31.Qd1 (2:02)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: no
axeltiger(2194) whispers: this is way too passive 31...Ng7 (0:44)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: ?
axeltiger(2194) whispers: ok, so I don't understand what's going on here anymore 32.Nxg7 (0:47)
Bionchess(2170) whispers: Axel you've got to get in their minds..
axeltiger(2194) whispers: hehe
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and how do I do that?
Bionchess(2170) whispers: for the moment you can't
axeltiger(2194) whispers: :( 32...Rgxg7 (1:51) 33.Nxc4 (1:59) dxc4 (0:04)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: ok, so now white is not better at all anymore
LNO(1981) whispers: true 34.Be3 (0:28)
LNO(1981) whispers: but i dont think he is worse here
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I'm not so sure about that statement
LNO(1981) whispers: well its a passer on c4
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now black could drum up an attack on the kingside
LNO(1981) whispers: so that can be an issue
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and white has nothing much in the area of counterplay either
LNO(1981) whispers: Rd2
LNO(1981) whispers: with the idea of d5 34...Qd5 (1:39)
LNO(1981) whispers: aha
LNO(1981) whispers: it was blacks move
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and this also highlights just how much of a crisis white is in
axeltiger(2194) whispers: white will never be able to push d5
LNO(1981) whispers: no
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and now black may even switch his attention to the d4 pawn
axeltiger(2194) whispers: black is playing for a win now
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
Bionchess(2170) whispers: I love how you guys comment this game!
axeltiger(2194) whispers: well I hope it's both entertaining and somewhat accurate
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but I know I'm not being very objective here
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and certainly a bit careless also
Bionchess(2170) whispers: the Mysterious_Moves peole! 35.Rac1 (3:56)
Introspection(1738) whispers: how in the world do we make progress
Bionchess(2170) whispers: but that's the fun of it!
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yeah true
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now I suggest black plays g4 before white gets the idea to play Qf3
Introspection(1738) whispers: I wold gladly take draw here :-)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I agree with intro 35...f5 (3:21)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: that is of course also worth considering
ghambo(2140) whispers: rooks are defending qa4
ghambo(2140) whispers: sorry friends there is not time for whispers... 36.exf6 (0:57) Bxf6 (0:05)
LNO(1981) whispers: let us do the whispers ghambo :)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: Qh5 may be strong here 37.g3 (2:29)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: hmmm
axeltiger(2194) whispers: now h5 is good for black for sure
LNO(1981) whispers: Qh5 yes
LNO(1981) whispers: woyuld have been irritatiting 37...h5 (1:55) 38.Rd2 (1:34)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: this is too passive defence 38...g4 (0:23) 39.Qf1 (0:16) h4 (0:21)
LNO(1981) whispers: yes 40.Qg2 (0:17)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but maybe there's hope for white in some type of blockading position
LNO(1981) whispers: yes there is still some hope for white
Introspection(1738) whispers: Oh just noticed Bf4 40...hxg3 (1:41)
LNO(1981) whispers: Bf4e now
axeltiger(2194) whispers: no
LNO(1981) whispers: and take with the B to guard h2
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I think that the simple fxg is best
axeltiger(2194) whispers: then the rooks join the defence
LNO(1981) whispers: yes d4 might be too weak 41.Qxd5 (1:25)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: the check is fancy, almost too fancy
axeltiger(2194) whispers: no
axeltiger(2194) whispers: wait
axeltiger(2194) whispers: I meant
axeltiger(2194) whispers: NO!!! 41...gxh2+ (0:21) 42.Kh1 (0:14)
Bionchess(2170) whispers: exchanging Qs was the good thing to do 42...exd5 (0:03)
LNO(1981) whispers: you ment NO!! ?
ghambo(2140) whispers: imho h2 zwschenzug was more correct than f2
LNO(1981) whispers: f2? 43.Bf4+ (0:43)
LNO(1981) whispers: aha
axeltiger(2194) whispers: gxf2 I think
axeltiger(2194) whispers: this is most likely losing for white now 43...Kb7 (0:16)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: after Bxh2 there's g3 from black
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and then the queenside falls
LNO(1981) whispers: yes one mustnt forget c4 passer
axeltiger(2194) whispers: or the simple Bg5 is also good
axeltiger(2194) whispers: in either case, the pawn on h2 is taboo
Bionchess(2170) whispers: rook c3? 44.Be5 (1:01)
LNO(1981) whispers: but Intro hads been given ghambo a match
axeltiger(2194) whispers: well, Bg5 is still a strong counter
axeltiger(2194) whispers: even here
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yeah @lno
axeltiger(2194) whispers: bg5 may be the right move
axeltiger(2194) whispers: or just the simple Rg6/f7
LNO(1981) whispers: yes Bg5 simplyfying
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yeah
axeltiger(2194) whispers: but even the rook move is brutally difficult for white to deal with 44...Bg5 (3:22)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: even Bxe5 isn't really bad 45.Bxg7 (0:25) Bxd2 (0:02)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and now black will get in Bf4 in the end
axeltiger(2194) whispers: very strong 46.Rc2 (0:37)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: also, Bxb4 is threatening
axeltiger(2194) whispers: let's see what ghambo decides upon 46...Bxb4 (0:14) 47.axb4 (0:08) Rxg7 (0:04)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: and after Kxh2, Re7 is very strong indeed
LNO(1981) whispers: yes its over 48.Kxh2 (0:26)
LNO(1981) whispers: but a step forward for white
axeltiger(2194) whispers: re7 seems like the last key move to finde
axeltiger(2194) whispers: find*
LNO(1981) whispers: and white shall continue to fight
axeltiger(2194) whispers: it shouldn't be too difficult
Introspection(1738) whispers: Hmmm two pans down now
Introspection(1738) whispers: pawns
LNO(1981) whispers: yes
LNO(1981) whispers: general impression is that white started to go back with the pieces instead of attacking
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yeah
Introspection(1738) whispers: Well made him use his time anyway :-J
LNO(1981) whispers: moves like Nf5 instead of Nh5
axeltiger(2194) whispers: it's a bad habit of intro
Bionchess(2170) whispers: this was a very good game. Thanks Ghambo and Intro
axeltiger(2194) whispers: agreed
LNO(1981) whispers: well its not exactly a habit, it will change since Intro is improving 48...Re7 (2:59)
axeltiger(2194) whispers: yes Introspection resigns 0-1
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