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oakwell(2091) vs. zitterbart(1930) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2017-02-21

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:05)
herrahuu(1798) whispers: we won the matchup already
herrahuu(1798) whispers: but are fighting gamwe points
herrahuu(1798) whispers: 9,5 would be highest amount of game points in our section
2...Nc6 (0:42) 3.Bb5 (0:06) a6 (1:19) 4.Ba4 (0:05) Nf6 (0:21) 5.O-O (0:05) Be7 (0:34) 6.Re1 (0:06) b5 (3:36) 7.Bb3 (0:07) d6 (0:16) 8.c3 (0:13) O-O (0:16) 9.d4 (0:30) Bg4 (3:14) 10.Be3 (0:37) exd4 (0:34) 11.cxd4 (0:06) Na5 (0:37) 12.Bc2 (0:07) c5 (0:50) 13.Nbd2 (1:46) cxd4 (4:01) 14.Bxd4 (0:37) Nc6 (0:36) 15.Be3 (4:24) d5 (0:46) 16.exd5 (2:15) Nxd5 (0:18)
zitterbart(1930) whispers: hm i wonder if Qx was better
17.h3 (13:05) Bh5 (13:06) 18.Qb1 (13:05) Bg6 (5:32)
zitterbart(1930) whispers: bishop sac might have been sound, not sure
zitterbart(1930) whispers: saw it too late
zitterbart(1930) whispers: not the sac, but the soundness
19.Bxg6 (3:56) fxg6 (0:58) 20.Qe4 (3:23) Rc8 (2:36) 21.Rac1 (1:19) Qd6 (9:39) 22.Bc5 (2:03) Qd7 (0:03) 23.Bxe7 (2:30)
herrahuu(1798) whispers: there is bound to happen some overloading
23...Ncxe7 (0:48) 24.Nb3 (0:45) Rf6 (1:20) 25.Ne5 (3:21) Qb7 (2:20) 26.Nc5 (0:39) Qa7 (2:50) 27.Ned7 (0:36)
Aromas(1909) whispers: Rf4
27...Rd6 (0:44) 28.Qe5 (0:23) Rcc6 (0:47) 29.Qg5 (5:07) Rxd7 (0:28) 30.Nxd7 (0:09) Qxd7 (0:16) 31.Rxc6 (0:12) Nxc6 (2:03) 32.Rd1 (0:38) Nce7 (0:08) 33.Qe5 (0:19) Qf5 (1:39) 34.Qb8+ (0:52) Qf8 (0:06) 35.Qd6 (0:25) Oakwell offers a draw.
herrahuu(1798) whispers: white is worse
herrahuu(1798) whispers: but how much :)
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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