1.e4(0:00)e5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:07)Nc6(0:06) 3.Bc4(1:09)Bc5(0:53) 4.c3(1:26)Nf6(0:14) 5.d4(4:19)exd4(0:48) 6.cxd4(0:15)Bb4+(0:17) 7.Nc3(1:10)Nxe4(3:28) 8.O-O(0:17)Bxc3(1:21) 9.bxc3(4:09)O-O(0:24) 10.Qc2(0:22)d5(2:25) 11.Bd3(0:21)f5(0:03) 12.Ba3(0:50)Re8(0:20) 13.Rfe1(0:23)Qf6(1:14) 14.Nd2(5:56)
herrahuu(1803) whispers: it is surprise that white wants to simplify but then again it is a monster he's exchanging. herrahuu(1803) whispers: a rook might be little bit pessimistic of his prospects in the position. herrahuu(1803) whispers: actually, for both. KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: go turamon herrahuu(1803) whispers: hi kf!
14...Bd7(4:27) 15.Nf1(0:17)
KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: hi herrahuu herrahuu(1803) whispers: i guess the idea is f3? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: seems turamon wants his knight on e3 herrahuu(1803) whispers: we'll see. :) KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: f3 cud work after ne3 too i think herrahuu(1803) whispers: yeah both sides lack some coordination herrahuu(1803) whispers: d5 is dropping after Ne3 herrahuu(1803) whispers: and it is not clear how black will cover it herrahuu(1803) whispers: comfortably KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: black might b facing a bad light square bishop? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: black knight looks very good in whites half but cant see him do much with it herrahuu(1803) whispers: again i am looking pawn structures
herrahuu(1803) whispers: wow herrahuu(1803) whispers: that one i would have never guessed needaboat(0) whispers: a mysterious rook move
herrahuu(1803) whispers: i guess black plans c5 KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: if be6 c4 herrahuu(1803) whispers: but it looks quite original :D KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: black cud lose a piece after be6
herrahuu(1803) whispers: and f4 KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: c4 herrahuu(1803) whispers: what is e3 knight doing? herrahuu(1803) whispers: it took white four tempos to get it there? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: well ne3 is doing much more than ne6 i think herrahuu(1803) whispers: f4 here? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: c4 here herrahuu(1803) whispers: interesting herrahuu(1803) whispers: ! KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: if dxc then black loses a piece herrahuu(1803) whispers: how? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: dxc bxc be6 d4 herrahuu(1803) whispers: it is nice line! herrahuu(1803) whispers: all pawn breaks are considered by turamon KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: d5* herrahuu(1803) whispers: i don't know if this is on turamon horizon. KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: c4 dxc bxc be6 d5 herrahuu(1803) whispers: so Ne3 was interesting manouvre! KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: yes! herrahuu(1803) whispers: c4 herrahuu(1803) whispers: Nxd4? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: i think position is screaming for c4 here herrahuu(1803) whispers: is dropping? herrahuu(1803) whispers: 17.c4 Nxd4!? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: ahh i missed it herrahuu(1803) whispers: is there herrahuu(1803) whispers: Nxd5 herrahuu(1803) whispers: Qx herrahuu(1803) whispers: c4 nope herrahuu(1803) whispers: for instance Qxd4 there KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: rb1 is a good move i think herrahuu(1803) whispers: why? herrahuu(1803) whispers: f4 coming KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: attacks a pawn as well as brings rook on open file herrahuu(1803) whispers: halfopen, yes. KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: f4? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: y f4? herrahuu(1803) whispers: 17.Rb1 f4 pingupenguin(2020) whispers: f4 not a prob. if f4 then Nxd5 followed by Bxe4
KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: i think this wins a pawn KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: good move herrahuu(1803) whispers: what's your line? herrahuu(1803) whispers: ah white has three attackers herrahuu(1803) whispers: ok KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: nd6 bxn cxd nxf herrahuu(1803) whispers: yeah i would like to take with knight last as well herrahuu(1803) whispers: i wouldn't want to give it away after so many invested tempos
herrahuu(1803) whispers: this might be critical position herrahuu(1803) whispers: for the game herrahuu(1803) whispers: how valuable is the f pawn and is the line working? KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: white might just b better herrahuu(1803) whispers: we cannot go to endgame with this material KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: well white is evening up material after f3 herrahuu(1803) whispers: - think herrahuu(1803) whispers: so. herrahuu(1803) whispers: Bxd6 herrahuu(1803) whispers: cx herrahuu(1803) whispers: opens the file for c-rook... herrahuu(1803) whispers: so there are Nxd4 ideas after that KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: yes herrahuu(1803) whispers: since pawn is pinned to the queen KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: bxd6
18.Bxd6(3:27)cxd6(0:04) 19.Nxf5(0:01)
herrahuu(1803) whispers: so this is wrong moveorder herrahuu(1803) whispers: Bx Bx Nxd4 KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: no this is right i think herrahuu(1803) whispers: ok Bx herrahuu(1803) whispers: Bx herrahuu(1803) whispers: Nxd4
19...Bxf5(1:00) 20.Bxf5(0:12)
herrahuu(1803) whispers: there is Bxh7 inbetween
20...Nxd4(0:03) 21.Bxh7+(0:08)Kh8(0:09) 22.Rxe8+(0:03)Qxe8(0:05) 23.Qd3(0:04)
herrahuu(1803) whispers: wow.
herrahuu(1803) whispers: that's some explosions!
KnightsFortune(1767) whispers: i think rxr was wrongkmindzero lost connection; game adjourned *
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