cytrus(2051) vs. lrzal(1990) 1-0
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standard 45+45, 2016-05-06
1.e4 {(0:00)} a6 {(0:00)} 2.d4 {(0:05)} b5 {(0:06)} 3.Nf3 {(0:06)} Bb7 {(0:13)} 4.Bd3 {(0:07)} Nf6 {(0:25)} 5.Qe2 {(0:07)} e6 {(0:08)} 6.O-O {(0:29)} c5 {(0:38)} 7.c3 {(0:29)} Nc6 {(0:26)} 8.e5 {(2:31)} Nd5 {(0:57)} 9.Ng5 {(0:24)
gutierez(1919) whispers: Hello }
9...cxd4 {(2:02)
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: hi
lrzal(1990) whispers: i think the idea behind ng5 from white was to play ne4 and get the knight into d6
lrzal(1990) whispers: i don't think the h7 pawn will be palettable seeing as white has castled kingside, it just leave my rook on an open file
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: that e5 pawn would be thorn in my eye
spendius(1907) whispers: knowing cytrus a bit he is probably thinking of Nxf7
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: any sacrifice from White looks like it could be dangerous for Black }
10.f4 {(7:23)
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: but I think a move or two early for that
lrzal(1990) whispers: this move again threatens ne4 followed by nd6
lrzal(1990) whispers: d6 is one possibility to negate that
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: d6 allows f5
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: I am not sure }
10...d6 {(4:07)
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: with the king in the center I would be worried
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: I would play f5 as white here }
11.f5 {(3:22)
lrzal(1990) whispers: crazy position........ne3 looks interesting but am i close to being dead already?
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: Ne3 almost looks like the only move
lrzal(1990) whispers: in most of the lines he will have nxf7
lrzal(1990) whispers: so maybe nxe5 is forced
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: Nxe5 fxe6 I think
lrzal(1990) whispers: i haven't seriously considered qd7....looks ugly though
lrzal(1990) whispers: pxp pxp rf7 }
11...Nxe5 {(7:57)} 12.fxe6 {(0:15)
lrzal(1990) whispers: pxp cxd.....i can plays qb6 there
lrzal(1990) whispers: qf2 then?
lrzal(1990) whispers: f6......another ugly move
lrzal(1990) whispers: at least that keeps the f file a bit closed compared to fxe }
12...f6 {(6:35)
lrzal(1990) whispers: hmmmm oh there is also qh5 now
lrzal(1990) whispers: g6 bxg6 nxg6
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: I think I wwould try my chances with fxe6 I think since after cxd4 Nxd3 I can't see immediate danger
lrzal(1990) whispers: this just looks like it should be a win for white doesn't it
lrzal(1990) whispers: but he is thinking a bit so maybe f6 wasn't as bad as i thought
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: I barely see what I'm writing since my monitor is like two meters from me and the font is small
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: that's why I write a bit strange :)
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: easier to play for White but maybe not so easy to find right moves
spendius(1907) whispers: cxd4 here I guess ?
spendius(1907) whispers: hmm no cxd4 Nxd3
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: I think it's playable
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: cxd4 Nf7 first though
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: ah, no, that does not work
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: Nxf7 exf7 is double check
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: so probably it works
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: Nf7 looks natural
spendius(1907) whispers: Bxb5 + is an idea .. }
13.Nf7 {(12:37)
spendius(1907) whispers: good . my ideas always end in disaster .
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: I don't know what is happening here, I am too lazy to calculate at the moment
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: will just watch :)
lrzal(1990) whispers: all the interesting moves always happen when im away from my computer
lrzal(1990) whispers: i had counted on nxn.....lets check it again
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: go lrzal!
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: we need win here :D
lessker(2235) whispers: black has to be extremely careful here
lrzal(1990) whispers: again with the qh5 threats if my king takes the pawn on f7
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: this game most certainly will not be a draw I think
lrzal(1990) whispers: is nxn pxn kd7 safer?
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: Nxf7 looks forced here
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: everything else looks like suicide to me
lessker(2235) whispers: I'm wondering about Qb6
lrzal(1990) whispers: oh....i forgot that on qh5 i have kg8
lessker(2235) whispers: because does black get enough after Nxh8?
lessker(2235) whispers: tough call
lessker(2235) whispers: I guess Nxf7 is saner }
13...Nxf7 {(6:40)} 14.exf7+ {(0:09)
lrzal(1990) whispers: hmmmmm kxf7 bf5?
lrzal(1990) whispers: i see qe8 there }
14...Kxf7 {(1:18)
lessker(2235) whispers: exciing game }
15.Qh5+ {(0:13)} Kg8 {(0:34)
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: yes }
16.Be4 {(0:08)
lessker(2235) whispers: oh jeeze
lessker(2235) whispers: nice move
lessker(2235) whispers: how can black save the piece?
lessker(2235) whispers: if g5 then Qf3
cytrus(2051) whispers: and the knoght is pinned. that was the theme.
lrzal(1990) whispers: so thats what i missed......can f5 save me here?>
Maxmagnus(1969) whispers: wasn't so eays to see that variation
lrzal(1990) whispers: f5 qxf5 keeps the threats going
mcstorytaller(1860) whispers: pinning and winning
lrzal(1990) whispers: nf4?
lrzal(1990) whispers: rxf4
lessker(2235) whispers: Rxf4 }
{lrzal resigns} 1-0
jaszczur (2016-05-08): 10..h6 (maybe the best but very complicated - 11Qh5 hg),10...Qb6 other 10..Ge7(safe and simply way) -and black have good game in any case. 10..d6? lost tempo and weak e6 ,after 11f5 black can try Ne3 but this lost after Be3 de Nf7 Kf7 Hh5 Kg8 f6! . 10..g6 other 10..h5 is not so bad that looks- i am not sure is many weakness enought compensation for black pawn.