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blkmagic(1661) vs. herrahuu(1679) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2016-02-15

1.e4 (0:00)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: i downloaded blk games couple minutes before the game.
herrahuu(1679) whispers: i thought caro or sicilian.
herrahuu(1679) whispers: maybe caro is safer.
1...c6 (0:00)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: draw is enough for us.
2.d4 (0:15)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: it is big point.
2...d5 (0:04)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: my team has fought hard for this match point.
3.Nc3 (0:50) dxe4 (0:04) 4.Nxe4 (0:09) Bf5 (0:03)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: i think i remember Ng3 Bg6 here
herrahuu(1679) whispers: we prepared little something against Nc5 for my team mate...
zitterbart(1920) whispers: is nc5 a common line?
5.Ng3 (1:53) Bg6 (0:05)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: h4 h6 h5 Bh7
6.Nf3 (1:10) Nd7 (0:05)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: nh4. where does the b go?
juoni(1947) whispers: bishop is going to sit there.
zitterbart(1920) whispers: yes but should it not survive?
juoni(1947) whispers: line you gave saved bishop but this is not big surprise.
7.Bc4 (4:47)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: working out theory?
7...e6 (0:09)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: or maybe i am wolking into some prep?
herrahuu(1679) whispers: walking :D
Aromas(1848) whispers: or working too
8.O-O (1:21) Be7 (0:21)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: well maybe i should study the caro kann a little more, my understanding was that the bishop should be kept, but my engine said it was a book move
zitterbart(1920) whispers: now h4 is no longer possible
9.Re1 (2:48) Ngf6 (0:06) 10.Qe2 (1:23)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: e6 is relatively weak
10...O-O (0:21)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: let's not leave king in the center
zitterbart(1920) whispers: does Bxe6 work?
11.c3 (1:06)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: ah no i guess line was Bxe6 fxe Qxe6+ Rf7!
herrahuu(1679) whispers: e6 is pinned since white hs two attackers on my bishop
zitterbart(1920) whispers: but not sure where this goes
Aromas(1854) whispers: d5 could be a good point under attack
11...Nd5 (5:11)
Aromas(1854) whispers: maybe too late
zitterbart(1920) whispers: how could black proceed?
KayVee(1658) whispers: hmm when I play Black like this... my intent is to wait and watch what White does - not to "proceed"
zitterbart(1920) whispers: pushing pawns seems not so easy atm, the second rook could be activated
12.Ne5 (4:51)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: take the initiative, i don't need it!
12...Nxe5 (4:30)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: d7 knight is worse than e5 knight
KayVee(1658) whispers: exN and e5 there forever
13.Qxe5 (1:57)
KayVee(1658) whispers: Q easily pushed away with Bf6
herrahuu(1679) whispers: my first instinct was Bd6 queen moves Bxg3
herrahuu(1679) whispers: but also Bf6!?
herrahuu(1679) whispers: c5 Bxd5 looses piece
zitterbart(1920) whispers: how about Bd6?
13...Bd6 (3:34) 14.Qg5 (1:58) Be7 (4:29) 15.Qg4 (1:44) Rc8 (4:07)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: from inside this is exciting
herrahuu(1679) whispers: i have no clue if my position will stand or not
herrahuu(1679) whispers: Q@g4 is scary motherfunker
zitterbart(1920) whispers: i cannot see any white attacking plans right now
16.Bf4 (2:42)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: seems like black can take the diagonal of the white DSB after Nxf4
herrahuu(1679) whispers: if i got h5-d1 diagonal the bishop would drop but...
16...Nxf4 (3:53)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: hmmm
17.Qxf4 (1:09)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: Bd3 - exchange and Nh5 and mate in g7?
herrahuu(1679) whispers: hmmm
herrahuu(1679) whispers: is there some Rxe6 idea
herrahuu(1679) whispers: i guess there is some Qxc8 in the end
17...Bf6 (6:31) 18.Ne4 (3:31)
KayVee(1658) whispers: Black can rest easy - white can keep banging at the wall - but it all holds
KayVee(1658) whispers: only problem is that Black doesn't have much play either
18...Be7 (2:11) 19.Rad1 (4:30) Qc7 (1:28) 20.Qxc7 (1:05) Rxc7 (0:09)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: white _must_ be better
21.b3 (2:41)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: black has two bishops in the open position and the queens are off
herrahuu(1679) whispers: maybe b5!?
herrahuu(1679) whispers: my idea was to get c5 in
herrahuu(1679) whispers: b5 Bd3 c5 Nxb5
zitterbart(1920) whispers: c5 trades too many bishops for my taste
herrahuu(1679) whispers: c5 Bx dx Rx Rd7
21...a6 (3:29) 22.a4 (2:18) b5 (0:12) 23.Bd3 (0:31)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: c5 d5 becomes a problem
herrahuu(1679) whispers: i might have very well been too ambitious
23...h6 (2:49)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: e6 is dropping after Bxg6!
24.Re3 (2:11) Re8 (1:45) 25.Nc5 (2:21) Bxd3 (0:18) 26.Rexd3 (0:53) Bxc5 (0:16) 27.dxc5 (0:25)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: bxa4 looks like most serious try
27...bxa4 (1:47) 28.bxa4 (0:13)
herrahuu(1679) whispers: but i dismissed b4 totally :o
herrahuu(1679) whispers: Rb8 Rd8+ Rx Rd8+ Kh7 Ra8
herrahuu(1679) whispers: so probably i want to centralize the king
herrahuu(1679) whispers: Kf8 Rd7 Rc8 Rxc7 Rxc7 Rd8+
28...Kf8 (5:38) 29.h3 (0:14) blkmagic offers a draw. herrahuu declines the draw request. 29...Ke7 (0:04) herrahuu offers a draw. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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