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ngjens(2309) vs. spanksyou(2309) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 20+0, 2016-01-25

9...Qh4 (0:08) 10.c5 (0:14) Nd5 (0:19) 11.Qd2 (0:05) O-O-O (0:21) 12.Bg5 (0:07)
spanksyou(2309) kibitzes: Here we go folks
12...Qxd4 (0:19)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: lucky :))
spanksyou(2309) kibitzes: zwisenzug
spanksyou(2309) kibitzes: tempting yes
13.Bxd8 (3:21) Kxd8 (0:06) 14.Rd1 (0:04)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: that was only movez?
14...Bxc5 (0:16)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: otherwise 2 pawns down
15.Qg5+ (0:21) Be7 (0:09) 16.Rxd4 (0:03) Bxg5 (0:12) 17.Rd1 (0:04) Kc8 (0:31) 18.Nc3 (0:06) Nf4 (0:09) 19.Kf1 (0:13) Bf6 (0:23) 20.a4 (0:12) Nd4 (1:38) 21.a5 (0:06) c5 (0:34) 22.Ra4 (0:13) Rd8 (0:29)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: rooks must stay as active as possblie :)
23.Rc4 (0:10) b6 (0:20) 24.axb6 (0:09) axb6 (0:03) 25.Ra4 (0:01)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: and now back to the a-file!!!
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: its time the rooks show their true power :)
25...Kb7 (0:50) 26.Ba6+ (0:05) Kc6 (0:13) 27.Bd3 (0:12) Nxd3 (0:11) 28.Rxd3 (0:01) b5 (0:33) 29.Ra7 (0:03) c4 (0:14) 30.Rd2 (0:05)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: "rooks must always stay on the 7th rank......"
30...b4 (0:36) 31.Ne4 (0:05) Nxf3 (0:12) 32.Rxd8 (0:06) Bxd8 (0:04) 33.Rxf7 (0:01) Kd5 (0:16) 34.Rxf3 (0:09) Kxe4 (0:03) 35.Ke2 (0:01) b3 (0:34) 36.Re3+ (0:05) Kd5 (0:10) 37.Kd1 (0:02) Bf6 (0:09) 38.Re2 (0:11) Bg5 (0:53) 39.Re1 (0:04) Bf4 (0:18) 40.Rg1 (0:13) g6 (0:12) 41.Rg4 (0:19) g5 (0:25) 42.h4 (0:09) h6 (0:03) 43.hxg5 (0:16) hxg5 (0:00) 44.Rg1 (0:01) e5 (0:18) 45.Rh1 (0:06) c3 (0:08) 46.bxc3 (0:04) Kc4 (0:06) 47.Rh8 (0:11)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: lolz u have 4 miiutes left if i ddint add ur time
47...Kxc3 (1:16) 48.Rc8+ (0:05) Kb2 (0:01) 49.f3 (0:04) Kb1 (0:11) 50.Rb8 (0:06) b2 (0:16) 51.Rb5 (0:04) e4 (1:36) 52.fxe4 (0:21) g4 (0:02)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: e4??
53.e5 (0:09) g3 (0:02) 54.Ke1 (0:08) Kc2 (0:02) 55.e6 (0:06)
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: was that a blunder by spanksyou???
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: is the comeback real???
55...Bg5 (1:02) 56.Ke2 (0:06)
spanksyou(2309) kibitzes: nice
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: lolz u time drop
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: FLAG
Ngjens(2309) kibitzes: i shoundnt have added ur time :(
56...Bh4 (0:38) 57.Kf3 (0:06) b1=Q (0:13) 58.Rxb1 (0:03) Kxb1 (0:01) 59.e7 (0:09) Bxe7 (0:02) 60.Kxg3 (0:01) Neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2


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