juoni(1961) vs. milpat(2082) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2015-11-27
juoni(1961) whispers: something rare 2.Nc3 (0:27) d5 (2:27) 3.cxd5 (0:42) Nxd5 (0:06) 4.e4 (1:16)
EmberSpirit(1720) whispers: how to bet here? 4...Nb4 (3:20) 5.d4 (0:30)
milpat(2082) whispers: can i? 5...Qxd4 (5:07)
milpat(2082) whispers: 1st place is secured, lets risk 6.Bd2 (2:34) c6 (7:56) 7.Nf3 (0:41) Nd3+ (0:42) 8.Bxd3 (0:07) Qxd3 (0:03) 9.Qb3 (0:57)
Misteraw(1870) whispers: 6.-Bd2 is not in the database opening Be3 look better 9...Nd7 (1:55)
juoni(1961) whispers: hmm
KayVee(1621) whispers: Ng5
KayVee(1621) whispers: eh Ng5 e6 10.Ng5 (3:37) e6 (0:41)
KayVee(1621) whispers: 0-0-0 maybe 11.Be3 (2:20)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: i was thinking if Nxe6 will do anything good
KayVee(1621) whispers: hmm would'nt K have escaped via d8/c7
KayVee(1621) whispers: or maybe just Bf7
KayVee(1621) whispers: Black has to be careful of Q trap now - Qa6 maybe
kmindzero(1667) whispers: the bishop can check in f4-g5, a rook can do to d1
kmindzero(1667) whispers: but probably is bad 11...Be7 (2:36)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: well
kmindzero(1667) whispers: i would play 0-0-0
KayVee(1621) whispers: not now
KayVee(1621) whispers: not legal - Rd1 forcing Qa6
kmindzero(1667) whispers: yeah
kmindzero(1667) whispers: starting to like white
NimzoLegacy(1810) whispers: common Milpat,Anna cheering for you :D
KayVee(1621) whispers: better development... but White K probably forced to be in the center 12.Rd1 (2:10)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: f3, Kf2 :) 12...Qa6 (0:41)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: f3! f3! :) 13.Rd2 (3:42)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: ?
kmindzero(1667) whispers: dont get it 13...Ne5 (5:41)
KayVee(1621) whispers: White's trying to 0-0
kmindzero(1667) whispers: Ne2?
kmindzero(1667) whispers: too many tempi lost
KayVee(1621) whispers: I know... no other reason I can think for Rd2
kmindzero(1667) whispers: yeah 14.Re2 (3:28)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: now f6 and the knight goes to the dim
kmindzero(1667) whispers: oh thats wrong
KayVee(1621) whispers: h6 probably better if needed 14...Nd3+ (1:41)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: oops
kmindzero(1667) whispers: there goes castling plans :)
KayVee(1621) whispers: White should've been more energetic - had better development for a while
kmindzero(1667) whispers: agreed
kmindzero(1667) whispers: would he be afraid from oponent? 15.Kf1 (3:05)
KayVee(1621) whispers: dont know - but I'm rooting for Black (same team)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: i'll will rrot for white just to maintain balance :)
KayVee(1621) whispers: lol
KayVee(1621) whispers: ok
NimzoLegacy(1810) whispers: seems to be better for white to the exchange of queens when he was able, now seems to be the king stuck in no man's land
kmindzero(1667) whispers: Nc1 will make a double attack
kmindzero(1667) whispers: any way of taking the bishop from e3?? hum... 15...O-O (6:39)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: Qa5, Ng5 will have to move, then Bc5 16.h4 (1:26) h6 (0:19) 17.Nf3 (0:33)
stevelco(1737) whispers: Go pat! 17...e5 (2:21)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: white completly cramped
kmindzero(1667) whispers: i think i ould go g3, Kg3 and try to do something on the d-file 18.g3 (4:25)
Misteraw(1870) whispers: Rg1 was better idea g4 and g5 ? 18...Be6 (1:06)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: rooks wouldnt be connected 19.Qc2 (1:24)
Misteraw(1870) whispers: Nb4 follow by Bc4 19...f6 (1:01) 20.Kg2 (1:26) Nb4 (1:48)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: white is in trouble, but time is getting short for black 21.Qd1 (2:33) Rad8 (0:32)
Misteraw(1870) whispers: black are playing a hell of a game here 22.Rd2 (0:45)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: black can exchange and take another pawn 22...Nxa2 (2:57)
Triarius(2253) whispers: rook takes rook would have been effective too
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: it'll have to come to that 23.Nxa2 (1:27)
kmindzero(1667) whispers: b3 would work?
kmindzero(1667) whispers: well not now :) 23...Qxa2 (0:33)
Triarius(2253) whispers: b3 knight takes c3? probably winning in every line anyway
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: I hate the fact that black seems to want to keep as many pieces as possible ... while they should look for a simplification
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: twoo pawns ahead and a pair of B
Triarius(2253) whispers: indeed, that's why i was happy with rd2 qd2 rd8 before
KayVee(1621) whispers: don't simplifications help White? White Rh1 totally out of game N doesn't have much scope etc
Triarius(2253) whispers: if you remove a couple active pieces per part from the board, it doesn't help white
Triarius(2253) whispers: if you gain material, like one of two pawns after the swap, you as black here would be happy with it
KayVee(1621) whispers: true 24.Rxd8 (6:06) Rxd8 (0:14) 25.Qc1 (0:34)
Triarius(2253) whispers: kh7 and life goes on lol
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: looking for a desparate sack hoping to get draw maybe?
Triarius(2253) whispers: indeed, black has just to cut off any counterplay now 25...Qc4 (1:43)
Triarius(2253) whispers: finer way
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: et voila! 26.Qxc4 (0:44) Bxc4 (0:03)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: gives back a pawn though 27.Bxa7 (0:44)
Triarius(2253) whispers: it's a matter of technique now, his most practical approach might look as the hardest one for us
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: c5 could be annoying
Triarius(2253) whispers: c4 bb6 gets out anyway
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: c5, Bb6, Rd3, with the idea of going Db3
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: Rb3 that is
Triarius(2253) whispers: never happy with pushing pawns on the same color of my opponent's bishop, leaving control of d5 too even if white will never do much with it
Triarius(2253) whispers: Rc1 is playable after c5 bb6 rd3, with counterchances
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: what an interesting ending
kmindzero(1667) whispers: the bigger problem is the knight
kmindzero(1667) whispers: what to do?
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: Bd3,
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: if Nd2, Bc2
Triarius(2253) whispers: am i out of fashion if i say kf7 ke6? :P 27...Rd3 (7:41)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: old school! :)
Triarius(2253) whispers: i know its tall and heavy to move but that piece can do much now
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: direct Rd3 looks fine too
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: kinda makes it hard for white king t go around 28.Rc1 (2:55)
Triarius(2253) whispers: yes, kind of boxed there
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: b5 naturally... 28...Bb5 (1:08)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: or Be6 going to g4 29.Rc3 (1:56) Rxc3 (0:34) 30.bxc3 (0:00)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: Bb4 30...Kf7 (0:14)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: after Bb4 he had the pawn on e4
Triarius(2253) whispers: yes that was the move to do, controlling d2 too in case of rd3 bd3
kmindzero(1667) whispers: h5!
kmindzero(1667) whispers: to active the knight to f5
Triarius(2253) whispers: not just to fix, more about not being fixed on that colour 31.Be3 (1:37) c5 (0:26)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: Black has got to play Bc6
Triarius(2253) whispers: what was wrong with my Ke6 32.g4 (1:05)
Triarius(2253) whispers: the only piece swap he has to fear is knight for dsb 32...Bc6 (0:31) 33.Nd2 (0:19)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: black can also begin playing the majority attack 33...b5 (0:05)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: Nb3? 34.f3 (2:21)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: well nevermind
Triarius(2253) whispers: yeah takes with check and plays c4
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: But there was Bxe4+, f3, 34...b4 (1:17)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: and c5 fell
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: splitting the pawns 35.Nb3 (3:37)
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: that could be a big mistake
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: with c4
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: c4, Na5, b3 35...bxc3 (3:34) milpat offers a draw.
kmindzero(1667) whispers: what?
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: ??
kmindzero(1667) whispers: time pressure
KayVee(1621) whispers: 2 pawns up juoni declines the draw request. 36.Nxc5 (0:41) juoni offers a draw.
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: decline!!!!
KayVee(1621) whispers: lol
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: push c2
mcstorytaller(1807) whispers: c3 Nb3
kmindzero(1667) whispers: what ??
mcstorytaller(1807) whispers: *c2
kmindzero(1667) whispers: K goes back
LouisXIV(2051) whispers: C2m, Nb3, Ba4 Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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