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ajoatamon(2140) vs. lingye(2226) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2015-10-31

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:05)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: hi
juoni(2013) whispers: hi. some opening surprise?
schachbjm(2276) whispers: e6 and g6 are the main moves here
schachbjm(2276) whispers: several indish positions are possible
schachbjm(2276) whispers: hi jammes
Jammes(1779) whispers: hi
2...d5 (4:16) 3.g3 (0:04) Bf5 (0:33) 4.Bg2 (0:10) e6 (0:48) 5.O-O (0:04) Be7 (0:40)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: c4 transposes into a QG
6.Nbd2 (1:28) h6 (0:37)
Jammes(1779) whispers: i thought about nh4 to get rid of that ws bishop
Jammes(1779) whispers: now thats to late
7.Ne5 (0:29) O-O (0:33)
ajoatamon(2140) whispers: I got caught in this variation once before and found out that 6.c4 can lead to trouble. 6.Nbd2 is better. And his 6....h6 is book as is my 7.Ne5
schachbjm(2276) whispers: black can continue with 8... c5 or Nbd7
schachbjm(2276) whispers: i do not have specific knowledge about this line
8.c4 (4:24) c6 (0:30) 9.Qb3 (0:06)
Jammes(1779) whispers: the last games in tl it seems that nobody wants to test his knowledge of opening theory. all slow openings and sidelines
9...Qc7 (0:29) 10.Re1 (1:58) Nbd7 (0:48)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: after e4 there might be a couple of exchanges
schachbjm(2276) whispers: Ndf3 Bf4 might be an idea as well
juoni(2013) whispers: e4 idea feels better to me. trying to make rook and bishop better.
11.e4 (8:28) dxe4 (0:25) 12.Nxe4 (0:05)
ajoatamon(2140) whispers: If he takes the pawn sac, I get a very active position.
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: is this even a pawn sac, surely b7 falls in return
schachbjm(2276) whispers: hi smallblackcat
KayVee(1600) whispers: not sure if it's even a sac
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: hello
KayVee(1600) whispers: Nxe5 Nxf6+ Bxf6 - oh nvm - it's a sc
KayVee(1600) whispers: sac
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: well that's the way that it could become a sac, but if Nxe5 dxe5 Qxe5 there is Bf4 Qa5 Qxb7 anyway
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: or even Bf4 Qc5 Qxb7 and if Qxc4 then Qxe7
12...Nxe5 (7:20) 13.dxe5 (0:26)
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: I imagine black just takes twice on e4 and hopes that the slightly better bishop compensates for the lack of space
13...Nxe4 (0:55)
nraravind(2010) whispers: woof
juoni(2013) whispers: oooooooo
mindlin(2041) whispers: i don't think there's much space problem with so few pieces
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: well space can be a problem even in simplified positions, but here I agree that black is probably fine
14.Bxe4 (1:28)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: white has to take here with the bishop and after Bxe4 Bxe4 Rxe4 Rd8 half of the board is exchanged and it is rather drawish
14...Bxe4 (0:13) 15.Rxe4 (0:12) Rfd8 (0:36)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: hi nraravind
mindlin(2041) whispers: i think black is slightly better here
nraravind(2010) whispers: hi schachbjm
16.Be3 (0:41)
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: the one way white can try to use his space advantage is by playing on the kingside, because black's pieces are basically cut off from there
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: but that would mean conceding the d-file
16...b6 (0:55)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: black can play b6 in order to protect the a-pawn and then try to double up on the d-file
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: well presumably white plays Rd1 and if Rxd1 Qxd1 Rd8 then Rd4 and there's no time to take on e5
schachbjm(2276) whispers: maybe even sth. with Qg4 after Rd1 Rxd1 Qxd1 Rd8
17.f4 (1:25)
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: yes that was what I was thinking about with my earlier comment, but I don't think it's worth it if you are giving up the d-file
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: I guess this still holds the d-file, Rd7 Rd1 Rad8 Rd4
schachbjm(2276) whispers: f4 blocking the kigside for white s rooks, i do not like this f4 advance
17...c5 (1:40)
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: ah, c5 is good
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: a real attempt to fight for the d-file
schachbjm(2276) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2225) whispers: this rook is so bad on e4
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: maybe something like Bf2 Qc6 Re1 g5!? is possible
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: and it's black who plays on the kingside!
nraravind(2010) whispers: After Bf2 I guess black should play Rd2
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: ah yes, can't contest with Rd1 now
Ismirdochegal(2225) whispers: either way, i think white is at least in mild trouble here
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: all because of f4
schachbjm(2276) whispers: I considered Rf1 with the idea to push f5 later, nevertheless i do not think that it is good. It is just too slow and there is not a real break through
nraravind(2010) whispers: Re1 and Bc1 perhaps is fine.
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: yeah I guess control of d2 is vital
Jammes(1779) whispers: you don t want to contest the d file nraravind?
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: Re1 Rd7 Bc1 Rad8 Re3 and no entry points
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: d-file is pretty much lost here, better to make sure black can't do anything with it
nraravind(2010) whispers: You need a rook to contest files, the Re4 looks shaky.
Jammes(1779) whispers: bf2 rd2 be1
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: then maybe Rd4!?
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: hmm, I guess white can take, the d4 pawn looks more weak than strong
schachbjm(2276) whispers: maybe, black is able to place a bishop on h4 after h5-h4 gxh4 Bxh4 and black would be able to invade with the rook after doubling up on the d-file
nraravind(2010) whispers: Or Rd7 keeping the file anyway
18.Qc2 (6:42)
mindlin(2041) whispers: just play Rd7 from the start
18...Qc6 (0:32)
nraravind(2010) whispers: f5 is a threat.
19.Re1 (0:52) Rd7 (0:15) 20.Bc1 (0:56) Rad8 (1:11)
Jammes(1779) whispers: without the c5 pawn blacks position would be better why did he move c5 himself :)
Ismirdochegal(2227) whispers: without c5 the white rook on e4 would not have been blocked
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: c5 was basically the move that gave black this initiative
schachbjm(2276) whispers: c5 was preventing any Rd4 freeing the rook
Jammes(1779) whispers: i see i see
mindlin(2041) whispers: i wondered if there was a Bc5 combo in there somewhere earlier
21.b3 (3:42)
mindlin(2041) whispers: what's black strategy now?
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: maybe f5, as aravind suggested earlier
nraravind(2010) whispers: Even W can play f5, and maybe should.
mindlin(2041) whispers: f5 doesn't look playable to me
Ismirdochegal(2227) whispers: im not convinced he can play it under favorable circumstances
nraravind(2010) whispers: Maybe B can just play g6 h5
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: pity, just exf6 seems to spoil it
Jammes(1779) whispers: what about b5 to open the qs. white cant switch as fast als black because his open king
schachbjm(2276) whispers: the idea of b3 is to protect the pawn in order to move the queen next move, right?
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: I think b3 is just a waiting move
mindlin(2041) whispers: neither side has anything to do
nraravind(2010) whispers: And maybe R4e2, Bb2 and then f5 is a W plan.
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: if R4e2 I like Rd4, followed by Qd7
mindlin(2041) whispers: Rd4 best i come up with
juoni(2013) whispers: what if black plays Rd3 trying to triple?
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: yes that seems plausible here
Jammes(1779) whispers: the good old blackburn rammbock or aljechins gun
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: Rd3 R4e3 Rd4 Re4 Qd7
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: only question for me is whether it's better to play g6 first, to put a stop on f5
Jammes(1779) whispers: and you think b5 is nonsense? why because of the weakend c pawn?
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: oh, missed that comment...yeah b5 seems a bit too slow
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: white could take on b5 and play Qc4 even
mindlin(2041) whispers: if you going play b5, maybe a6 first?
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: since Qxc4 Rxc4 Rd1 Rxd1 Rxd1+ Kg2 is quite safe
schachbjm(2276) whispers: 21... b5?! 22.cxb5 Qxb5 23.Be3 and black has achieved nothing. Morever, black created a weakness
schachbjm(2276) whispers: with a6 as a preparation it might work
ajoatamon(2140) whispers: Qf2 and f5 may be coming depending on what he does.
mindlin(2041) whispers: i'm thinking g6 is prudent
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: I would play g6, but mainly because of the frustration I would feel if I lost in such a position
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: if it's drawn, it's drawn, but losing the extra half point is somehow the most frustrating
mindlin(2041) whispers: it seems to me g6 and white can do little to improve
mindlin(2041) whispers: maybe Bf8 and Bg7 as well
mindlin(2041) whispers: or h5 and Bh6
21...a6 (14:54) 22.Qf2 (1:22)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: ok, 22.Qf2 b5 23.f5
22...b5 (1:08)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: and then maybe Rd1 and after Rxd1, the second pair of rooks will be exchanged too
23.f5 (1:35) Bf8 (1:30) 24.f6 (2:01)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: probably g6 here
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: is Rd1 a try?
schachbjm(2276) whispers: i thought about it a move earlier
24...g6 (1:17)
schachbjm(2276) whispers: it should work here, too
smallblackcat(2074) whispers: ah yes, made more sense before Bf8
schachbjm(2276) whispers: indeed
juoni(2013) whispers: there is Rd4 idea for black later playing against c4.
25.Qc2 (9:03) h5 (1:20) 26.R4e2 (2:01) lingye lost connection; game adjourned *


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