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aryaa(1821) vs. introspection(1673) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2015-10-29

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:04) exd4 (0:03) 3.Nf3 (0:02) Nc6 (0:56) 4.Bc4 (0:04) Nf6 (1:02) 5.e5 (0:02) Qe7 (1:55) 6.O-O (0:05) d5 (0:45) 7.exf6 (0:05) Qxf6 (0:27) 8.Bxd5 (0:04) Be7 (0:56) 9.Bg5 (0:22) Qd6 (0:49) 10.Bxc6+ (0:04) Qxc6 (0:42) 11.Bxe7 (0:06) Kxe7 (0:13) 12.Qxd4 (0:08)
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: pity ,mistake at start
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: :((
12...f6 (1:00) 13.Re1+ (0:22) Be6 (0:19) 14.Qb4+ (0:14) Kf7 (0:50) 15.Nc3 (0:04) Rhe8 (1:23)
mcstorytaller(1796) whispers: now it's formality
16.Nd4 (0:07)
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: :((
mcstorytaller(1796) whispers: piece up = win in most cases
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: :D
schachbjm(2289) whispers: he mixed up some lines
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: indeed
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: well schachbjm will revange us
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: ;)
schachbjm(2289) whispers: :D
mcstorytaller(1796) whispers: :)
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: your opponent did not come yet ?
schachbjm(2289) whispers: no
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: hm ..he will be punish for that ..mate in 20 moves
NimzoLegacy(1786) whispers: :))
Jammes(1779) whispers: its already a piece and a pawn. doubletake on d6 and than b7 hangs. he might as well resign
16...Qb6 (3:18) 17.Qxb6 (0:15) axb6 (0:05) 18.Rxe6 (0:02) Introspection requests to adjourn the game. 18...Rxe6 (0:10) Aryaa declines the adjourn request. 19.Nxe6 (0:16) Kxe6 (0:04) 20.Kf1 (0:09) Rd8 (0:37)
Jammes(1779) whispers: check and rd1
21.Rd1 (0:17) Rc8 (2:09) 22.Ke2 (0:29) c6 (1:52) 23.Rd4 (0:10) b5 (0:16) 24.Rh4 (0:09) h6 (0:34) 25.a3 (0:19) Rd8 (0:18) 26.Re4+ (0:12) Kf7 (0:22) 27.f4 (0:14) f5 (0:59) 28.Re3 (0:08) g6 (0:25) 29.Rd3 (0:03) Re8+ (0:11) 30.Kf2 (0:06) Kf6 (1:32) 31.Rd7 (0:08) Re1 (0:18) 32.Kxe1 (0:12)
Jammes(1779) whispers: gg
Introspection resigns 1-0


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