1.e4(0:00)e5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:06)Nc6(0:11) 3.Bb5(0:08)Nf6(0:12) 4.d3(0:23)Bc5(2:14) 5.c3(1:15)O-O(1:08) 6.O-O(0:25)d6(0:27) 7.Nbd2(1:22)h6(3:11) 8.h3(1:02)Be6(0:16) 9.Re1(3:54)a6(0:13) 10.Ba4(0:28)b5(0:27) 11.Bc2(0:15)Re8(1:50) 12.Nb3(3:42)Bb6(0:26)
pchesso(1920) whispers: hello, good luck juoni!
13.d4(2:27)exd4(1:00) 14.cxd4(1:51)Bxb3(1:41)
juoni(1996) whispers: So far position feels neither too risky or passive. Good chances for at least a draw. Introspection(1658) whispers: Nb4 might have worked also instead Bxb3 pchesso(1920) whispers: Bxb3 Nxe4 Rxe4 Bd5 Qe8 Qf3 ?
pchesso(1920) whispers: Nxe4 *Rxe4 Rxe4 Bd5 Qe8 Qf3 ? pchesso(1920) whispers: if Nxe4, probably better Bd5 pchesso(1920) whispers: Nxe4 Bd5 Nxf2 ? hm, quite tricky already
pchesso(1920) whispers: ui juoni(1996) whispers: idea was Bd5
Introspection(1658) whispers: Oh a common Lopez trap, never saw it this late though
16...Nxf2(1:56) 17.Rxe8+(1:29)Qxe8(0:59) 18.Kxf2(0:27)
zitterbart(1920) whispers: rook move seems only possibility
18...Rd8(2:10) 19.Be3(2:23)Na5(5:30)
herrahuu(1751) whispers: that a game!
20.Nd2(2:04)c6(0:30) 21.Bf3(1:20)d5(1:13) 22.b3(1:37)Nb7(1:14) 23.Qe2(2:01)
herrahuu(1751) whispers: very nice imbalanced position herrahuu(1751) whispers: exciting
zitterbart(1920) whispers: whi yes zitterbart(1920) whispers: yes zitterbart(1920) whispers: no whys asked herrahuu(1751) whispers: intro HAS to win to tie the match score herrahuu(1751) whispers: as anyone might be aware KayVee(1595) whispers: losing for Black - piece down herrahuu(1751) whispers: two pawns up
zitterbart(1920) whispers: well honestly i would rather be white, but there may be some resources left herrahuu(1751) whispers: i don't see position being so much worse for black that it would be loosing KayVee(1595) whispers: :) I suspect the piece will prevail long before the pawns matter herrahuu(1751) whispers: queenside pawn structure might be difficult to handle
herrahuu(1751) whispers: for black herrahuu(1751) whispers: his own structure herrahuu(1751) whispers: d4 is bit of a target for black to attack herrahuu(1751) whispers: white king is bit exposed herrahuu(1751) whispers: then again there aren't many pieces defending black king position herrahuu(1751) whispers: so there might be serious attack coming zitterbart(1920) whispers: i hope, fake attacks often lose zitterbart(1920) whispers: so if attack comes, it should be real herrahuu(1751) whispers: even i have looked, talked and analysed lot of chess with juoni i am cheering little bit for underdog... herrahuu(1751) whispers: juoni if anyone will evaluate the position correctly, i believe herrahuu(1751) whispers: both players use time very well herrahuu(1751) whispers: in my opinion juoni(1996) whispers: I spent some time calculating obsolete Nf5 variations. herrahuu(1751) whispers: hmmmm. herrahuu(1751) whispers: Nf5 for white? :) herrahuu(1751) whispers: Nf5 for black? :O herrahuu(1751) whispers: some Nf1 Ng3 Nf5?
Plebusan(1963) whispers: Nf5 was an option, since Qxf5 Qxe3 Plebusan(1963) whispers: but now its obsolete :) herrahuu(1751) whispers: aha :) herrahuu(1751) whispers: yeah that was the one. herrahuu(1751) whispers: / must have been the one
Plebusan(1963) whispers: but it was Kg1 that made Nf5 possible, and I think juoni made his comment before Kg1 Plebusan(1963) whispers: or maybe he didnt herrahuu(1751) whispers: yeah Kg1 was the long think herrahuu(1751) whispers: he did.
26...Qf6(4:21) 27.Re1(1:42)Nd6(0:30) 28.Bd1(0:33)Nf5(1:56) 29.Nf3(0:56)Ba7(6:07) 30.Bc2(0:37)g6(0:35)
Plebusan(1963) whispers: Ba7, whats the point of that herrahuu(1751) whispers: original Kayvee comment brings back Seirawan story when he is queen down and game is finished before all the rest of the games and everybody suspect he has lost. but in truth his opponent has resigned since he is positionally lost.
zitterbart(1920) whispers: cool herrahuu where can I find that game? herrahuu(1751) whispers: i will find that out. it is n Seirawan chessbase dvd...
Introspection(1658) whispers: dDid Bxd4 work there? Introspection(1658) whispers: well I would stil ose rook I guess
zitterbart(1920) whispers: time running low
34.Bg3(4:14)Bxd4+(1:18) 35.Nxd4(0:41)Qxd4+(0:04) 36.Kg2(0:11)
herrahuu(1751) whispers: i gather intro is playing in close to blindfold mode herrahuu(1751) whispers: so time trouble should be quite difficult for me herrahuu(1751) whispers: for him, sry zitterbart(1920) whispers: i think he has to watch the bishop does not drive away the queen from protecting h8 blore(1992) whispers: there is also Qxh6+ Kg8 Bh7+ Kh8 Bg6+ Kg8 Qh7+ Kf8 Qxf7# so black is lost herrahuu(1751) whispers: yeah.
herrahuu(1751) whispers: in all honesty i think juoni showed really strong chess. blore(1992) whispers: the option is to cover the line with Ne4 or this
herrahuu(1751) whispers: Rx Re8+
Plebusan(1963) whispers: Re8+ nice finish blore(1992) whispers: yes the game is over queen falls noiw
herrahuu(1751) whispers: boom! Introspection(1658) whispers: Guess Qf6 ws the moveIntrospection resigns 1-0
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