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introspection(1742) vs. juoni(1989) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2015-09-28

1.e4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.e5 (0:21) Nd5 (0:06) 3.d4 (0:07) d6 (0:16) 4.Nf3 (0:39) Bg4 (0:06) 5.Be2 (0:53) e6 (0:41) 6.O-O (1:00) Bxf3 (1:47) 7.Bxf3 (2:22) c6 (0:10) 8.Bd2 (2:53) dxe5 (1:35) 9.dxe5 (1:55) Nd7 (0:29) 10.Re1 (1:22) Qb6 (1:07) 11.c4 (1:06)
juoni(1989) whispers: trying to calculate Qxb2 cxd5 Qxa1
juoni(1989) whispers: and dxc6 is really dangerous.
juoni(1989) whispers: Ne7 b4 feels positionally bad. maybe Nc7.
11...Nc7 (13:43) 12.b3 (0:51) Bc5 (3:39) 13.Qe2 (2:31)
juoni(1989) whispers: both have bad knight. but there is some tactics Nxe5 here.
13...Nxe5 (6:28)
juoni(1989) whispers: if Qxe5 then probably Bxf2+ before Bd4.
14.Nc3 (7:55)
juoni(1989) whispers: Na4 is good idea. this could become wild
14...O-O-O (5:00) 15.Na4 (5:15) Nxf3+ (3:26) 16.Qxf3 (0:29) Bxf2+ (0:11) 17.Kf1 (2:27) Qd4 (1:56) 18.Bc3 (1:14) Qd3+ (1:59) 19.Qxd3 (0:36) Rxd3 (0:05) 20.Kxf2 (1:31) b5 (0:07) 21.Bxg7 (0:58) Rg8 (0:10) 22.Nc5 (0:30) Rd2+ (0:27)
juoni(1989) whispers: Ke3 to avoid R8xg2
23.Re2 (3:39) Rxe2+ (0:18) 24.Kxe2 (0:05) Rxg7 (0:04) 25.cxb5 (0:16) Nxb5 (0:47) 26.g3 (0:56) Rg5 (0:34) 27.Ne4 (1:20) Re5 (0:48) 28.Kf3 (0:09) f5 (0:18) 29.Nf6 (2:00) Nd4+ (1:13) 30.Kf4 (2:46) Re2 (0:44) 31.Nxh7 (3:02) e5+ (0:12) 32.Kg5 (0:47) Rxh2 (0:25) 33.Nf6 (0:57) e4 (0:40) 34.Rd1 (1:15)
juoni(1989) whispers: c5 or Nc2
34...Nc2 (1:32) 35.Rd6 (3:33) Kb7 (0:43) 36.Kxf5 (0:55) e3 (0:15) 37.Ng4 (3:29) Rd2 (0:49) 38.Nxe3 (2:04)
juoni(1989) whispers: 38. Rxd2 exd2 Nf2 e3 Ke4 d1=N :p
38...Nxe3+ (0:21) Introspection resigns 0-1


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