eelpee(2065) vs. gnucheese(2376) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2014-10-25
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: c7c5 score=187 1...c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: d7d6 score=921 2...d6 (0:00) 3.d4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: c5d4 score=1140 3...cxd4 (0:00) 4.Nxd4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: g8f6 score=2067 4...Nf6 (0:00) 5.Nc3 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: a7a6 score=2016 5...a6 (0:00) 6.Be2 (0:48)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: e7e5 score=3373 6...e5 (0:00) 7.Nb3 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: f8e7 score=3246 7...Be7 (0:00) 8.Bg5 (0:32)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: b8c6 score=16 8...Nc6 (0:00) 9.Bxf6 (0:13)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: Bookmove: e7f6 score=2 9...Bxf6 (0:00) 10.Qd2 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=0.70 time=37.21 node=36000073 speed=967483 pv=Bg5 Qd3 Nb4 Qd1 Be6 O-O O-O Nd2 Nc6 Nf3 Bh6 Nd5 f5 exf5 Bxf5 c3 Qa5 c4 Kh8 a4 Be4 Ra3 Qc5 10...Bg5 (0:37) 11.Qd1 (0:15)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=19 score=0.69 time=39.24 node=35162896 speed=896098 pv=O-O Bc4 Kh8 O-O f5 Kh1 Ne7 Nd2 Qc7 Bb3 Bd7 Nc4 Rf6 Ne3 Bc6 Ncd5 Nxd5 Nxd5 Bxd5 Qxd5 fxe4 Qxe4 11...O-O (0:39) 12.Bg4 (0:21)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=20 score=0.74 time=27.07 node=25581213 speed=945002 pv=Be6 O-O Qd7 Bxe6 fxe6 Qd3 Rad8 Rad1 Qc7 Nd2 Nd4 Nb3 Nxb3 axb3 Kh8 Qg3 Qe7 Rd3 Rf4 Rfd1 Bh4 12...Be6 (0:27) 13.h4 (0:14)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=19 score=1.87 time=24.85 node=23271553 speed=936481 pv=Bxh4 Nd5 Bg5 Qf3 h6 O-O Ne7 c3 Rc8 Nxe7+ Qxe7 Rad1 Rcd8 Rfe1 Bc4 Bf5 Qc7 Qh3 Kh8 Qh5 Qb6 13...Bxh4 (0:25) 14.Bxe6 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=20 score=2.62 time=28.36 node=26800406 speed=945007 pv=fxe6 g3 Bg5 O-O Rf6 Qd3 Qe7 Rad1 Rd8 Qe2 Rdf8 a3 Qc7 Qg4 Bh6 Qe2 Kh8 Qd3 Qf7 Qe2 Qe7 f4 14...fxe6 (0:28) 15.Qh5 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=20 score=2.81 time=39.39 node=38545560 speed=978562 pv=Bxf2+ Kd2 h6 Raf1 a5 a4 Qb6 Kc1 Qb4 Qg4 Nd4 Nxd4 Bxd4 Qxe6+ Kh7 Qb3 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qxa4 Qd3 Rxf1+ Rxf1 Qa1+ Kd2 Qxb2 Qxd6 15...Bxf2+ (0:39) 16.Ke2 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=20 score=3.05 time=27.86 node=28046045 speed=1006677 pv=h6 Raf1 Nd4+ Nxd4 exd4 Nd1 Rc8 Rxf2 Rxc2+ Kf1 Rfxf2+ Nxf2 Qf8 Qh4 Rxb2 a4 Ra2 Kg1 Rxa4 Rh3 Ra1+ Kh2 Qf6 Qxf6 gxf6 Rxh6 16...h6 (0:28) 17.Raf1 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=21 score=3.07 time=31.72 node=33211007 speed=1047005 pv=Nd4+ Nxd4 exd4 Nd1 Rc8 Rxf2 Rxc2+ Kf1 Rfxf2+ Nxf2 Qf8 Qh4 Rxb2 a4 Ra2 Kg1 Rxa4 Rh3 Ra1+ Kh2 Qf6 Qxf6 gxf6 Rxh6 Kg7 Rh3 17...Nd4+ (0:23) 18.Nxd4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=2.95 time=34.66 node=37992824 speed=1096157 pv=exd4 Nd1 Rc8 Rxf2 Rxc2+ Kf1 Rfxf2+ Nxf2 Qf8 Qh4 Rxb2 a4 Ra2 Kg1 Rxa4 Rh3 Ra1+ Kh2 Rf1 Rf3 Qe8 Qg4 Kh7 Nd3 Rxf3 Qxf3 18...exd4 (0:28) 19.Nd1 (0:30)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=2.88 time=76.12 node=80769152 speed=1061076 pv=Rc8 Rxf2 Rxc2+ Ke1 Rfxf2 Nxf2 Rxb2 Ng4 Qf8 Nxh6+ gxh6 Qg6+ Qg7 Qxe6+ Kh7 Rh3 Rxg2 Qf5+ Rg6 Rg3 Qf6 Rxg6 Qxg6 Ke2 Qxf5 exf5 h5 Kd3 h4 Kxd4 19...Rc8 (0:45) 20.Rxf2 (0:31)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=24 score=2.93 time=36.89 node=42539900 speed=1153155 pv=Rxc2+ Kf1 Rfxf2+ Nxf2 Qf8 Qh4 Rxb2 Kg1 Rxa2 Rh3 g5 Qg3 Ra1+ Kh2 Re1 Ng4 Qf4 Qxf4 gxf4 Rb3 b5 Ra3 Kg7 Rxa6 b4 Rxd6 Rxe4 20...Rxc2+ (0:04) 21.Kf1 (0:11)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=2.91 time=19.30 node=23423292 speed=1213642 pv=Rfxf2+ Nxf2 Qf8 Qh4 Rxb2 Kg1 Rxa2 Rh3 g5 Qg3 Ra1+ Kh2 Re1 Ng4 Qf4 Qxf4 gxf4 Rb3 b5 Ra3 Kg7 Rxa6 Rxe4 Rxd6 b4 Rd7+ Kg6 21...Rfxf2+ (0:07) 22.Nxf2 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=20 score=2.61 time=25.61 node=27685113 speed=1081027 pv=Qf8 Qh4 Rxb2 Kg1 Rxa2 Rh3 Qf6 Qxf6 gxf6 Rxh6 Kg7 Rh3 Kg6 Kf1 f5 exf5+ Kxf5 Rh5+ Kg6 Rh4 Rd2 Rh3 22...Qf8 (0:19) 23.Qf3 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=23 score=3.01 time=19.52 node=23720640 speed=1215196 pv=Qxf3 gxf3 Rxb2 a3 Rb3 f4 Rxa3 Ke2 Kf7 Rc1 Rc3 Rxc3 dxc3 Kd3 a5 Kxc3 b5 Kd4 h5 e5 dxe5+ Kxe5 b4 Ne4 b3 Ng5+ Ke7 Nxe6 23...Qxf3 (0:20) 24.gxf3 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=24 score=2.97 time=20.39 node=25607982 speed=1255908 pv=Rxb2 a3 Ra2 f4 Rxa3 Ke2 Kf7 Rc1 Rc3 Rxc3 dxc3 Kd3 a5 Kxc3 b5 Nd3 h5 Ne1 d5 exd5 exd5 Nf3 b4+ Kd4 Ke6 Kc5 Kf5 Nd4+ Kxf4 Kxd5 24...Rxb2 (0:15) 25.Nd1 (0:10)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=4.07 time=18.45 node=21317633 speed=1155427 pv=Rxa2 f4 b5 Rg1 b4 f5 exf5 exf5 b3 Rg3 b2 Rb3 Ra1 Rxb2 Rxd1+ Ke2 Ra1 Rb6 d5 Kd3 a5 Kxd4 Rd1+ Ke5 d4 Rb7 25...Rxa2 (0:18) 26.Rg1 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=4.53 time=24.55 node=29985428 speed=1221402 pv=a5 f4 a4 Rg3 Rc2 f5 exf5 exf5 Kf7 Ke1 b5 Rd3 Rc4 Kd2 Kf6 Rf3 b4 Nb2 Rc3 Rf1 Ra3 Nc4 Rg3 Nxd6 26...a5 (0:25) 27.Rg2 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=23 score=16.91 time=21.13 node=34776377 speed=1645829 pv=Rxg2 Kxg2 a4 Nf2 a3 f4 a2 f5 exf5 exf5 a1=Q f6 gxf6 Ng4 Qa2+ Kf3 Kg7 Kg3 Qe6 Kf3 f5 Nf2 Qe3+ Kg2 d3 Kg1 f4 Kg2 b5 27...Rxg2 (0:21) 28.Kxg2 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=17.86 time=36.28 node=58773359 speed=1619993 pv=a4 Nf2 a3 Nd3 a2 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 a1=Q Nd3 b5 Nc5 b4 Ne4 b3 Kf2 b2 Nd2 b1=Q Nxb1 Qxb1 Kg2 Kf7 28...a4 (0:32) 29.Nb2 (3:31)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=22 score=19.90 time=45.12 node=74641628 speed=1654291 pv=a3 Nd3 a2 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 a1=Q Nd3 b5 Nc5 b4 Kf2 b3 Nxb3 Qb2+ Ke1 Qxb3 Kd2 Qe3+ Kc2 Qxf3 Kc1 Qc3+ Kd1 Kf7 29...a3 (0:45) 30.Nd3 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2376) whispers: depth=20 score=20.84 time=18.56 node=29901083 speed=1611049 pv=a2 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 a1=Q Nd3 b5 f4 b4 Nxb4 Qb2+ Kf3 Qxb4 f5 exf5 Ke2 Qc3 Kd1 Qe3 Kc2 d3+ Kb3 f4 Kc3 f3 30...a2 (0:09) eelpee resigns 0-1
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