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erista(2455) vs. gnucheese(2400) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2014-09-17

1.e4 (0:00)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: Bookmove: g7g6 score=4
1...g6 (0:00) 2.f4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: Bookmove: f8g7 score=21
2...Bg7 (0:00) 3.Nf3 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: Bookmove: c7c5 score=19
3...c5 (0:00) 4.Bc4 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=21 score=0.10 time=35.63 node=32153198 speed=902419 pv=e6 Nc3 Ne7 O-O Nbc6 d3 O-O Bb3 d5 Qe1 Nd4 Kh1 Nec6 Bd2 Re8 Qf2 dxe4 Nxe4 Nxf3 Qxf3 Bxb2 Nxc5 Bxa1 Rxa1
4...e6 (0:36) 5.e5 (0:23)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=21 score=0.32 time=27.54 node=25875436 speed=939558 pv=Ne7 Nc3 Nbc6 O-O O-O Kh1 d5 exd6 Nf5 d3 b6 Ne4 Nxd6 Nxd6 Qxd6 Ng5 Bd7 a4 Qe7 Ne4 Bd4 Qe2
5...Ne7 (0:28) 6.Nc3 (0:10)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=20 score=0.40 time=30.07 node=27962757 speed=929922 pv=O-O O-O Nbc6 Ne4 Nf5 Kh1 d5 exd6 Nxd6 Nxd6 Qxd6 Ng5 Bd7 Ne4 Qe7 a4 a6 c3 Na5 Be2 Nc6
6...O-O (0:20) 7.h4 (0:42)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=1.25 time=30.83 node=26452174 speed=858001 pv=f6 O-O fxe5 fxe5 Nbc6 d3 Nxe5 Nxe5 Bxe5 Bg5 d5 Bb3 Bd4+ Kh1 h6 Rxf8+ Qxf8 Bxe7 Qxe7 Qg4 Qf6 h5 Kh7 hxg6+ Qxg6
7...f6 (0:31) 8.exf6 (2:39)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=1.41 time=27.69 node=23383636 speed=844479 pv=Bxf6 h5 d5 Bb5 Nbc6 hxg6 Nxg6 g3 Bd7 Bxc6 Bxc6 d3 e5 fxe5 Bxe5 Nxe5 Nxe5 Bf4 Qe7
8...Bxf6 (0:28) 9.h5 (1:30)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=1.23 time=90.72 node=79599886 speed=877423 pv=d5 hxg6 Nxg6 Bd3 Nc6 Bxg6 hxg6 O-O Bd7 d3 Qb6 Ne2 Bg7 c3 Rf5 Qc2 Raf8 Ng3 R5f7 Ng5 Rf6 Bd2 e5
9...d5 (0:00) 10.Bd3 (0:45)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=19 score=1.51 time=43.02 node=37130131 speed=863089 pv=Nbc6 hxg6 hxg6 Be2 Bd7 O-O Nf5 d3 Qe7 Qe1 Qh7 Bd1 Kh8 a4 Ncd4 Ne5 Bh4 Qd2
10...Nbc6 (0:43) 11.hxg6 (1:45)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=20 score=1.21 time=105.42 node=92701593 speed=879354 pv=Nxg6 Bxg6 hxg6 Qe2 Nd4 Qd3 Nf5 Ne5 Bxe5 fxe5 Qc7 Kd1 Qxe5 Qh3 Rf7 Ne2 Bd7 d3 Nd4 Nxd4 Qxd4
11...Nxg6 (0:00) 12.Qe2 (2:16)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=16 score=0.86 time=27.87 node=24449109 speed=877255 pv=Qc7 Bxg6 hxg6 d3 b5 Qf2 Ne7 Kd1 Bd7 d4 Rac8 Bd2 Nf5 dxc5 b4 c6 Qxc6
12...Qc7 (0:28) 13.Bxg6 (0:44)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=21 score=0.64 time=44.87 node=42169071 speed=939805 pv=hxg6 d3 Nd4 Qf2 Kg7 Kd1 Bd7 Bd2 Nxf3 Qxf3 Rh8 Re1 b5 Kc1 b4 Ne2 a5 a3 Rac8 c4 bxc3 Nxc3 Bd4
13...hxg6 (0:00) 14.d3 (0:18)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=0.60 time=22.16 node=20932728 speed=944617 pv=Nd4 Qf2 Rf7 Kd1 Rh7 Re1 Bd7 Bd2 Rf8 Kc1 Nxf3 Qxf3 g5 g3 gxf4 gxf4 Bxc3 bxc3 b5 Kb1 Kh8
14...Nd4 (0:03) 15.Qf2 (0:15)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=0.68 time=22.23 node=21244885 speed=955685 pv=Kg7 Kd1 Bd7 a4 Rh8 Re1 Qb6 Ra2 Rh5 Bd2 Rah8 Kc1 Rh1 Ra3 Qd6 Kb1 Rxe1+ Qxe1 Nxf3 gxf3
15...Kg7 (0:07) 16.Be3 (0:35)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=19 score=0.80 time=35.20 node=36720461 speed=1043194 pv=Nxf3+ Qxf3 d4 Ne4 dxe3 Qh3 Kf7 Nxf6 Qa5+ Kf1 Kxf6 Qh4+ Kf7 Qh7+ Ke8 Qxg6+ Ke7 Rh7+ Kd6 Qe4 Bd7 Qxe3 Qb4 Qe5+ Kc6 g3 Qd4 Re1 Qxe5 Rxe5
16...Nxf3+ (0:35) 17.gxf3 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.25 time=31.09 node=31473990 speed=1012350 pv=d4 Qh2 Kf7 Qh7+ Bg7 Rg1 Ke8 Nb5 Qa5+ Bd2 Qxb5 Qxg7 Qxb2 Ke2 Qxc2 Qxg6+ Ke7 Qg5+ Kd7 Rac1 Qxa2 Qxc5 Ke8 Qxd4
17...d4 (0:31) 18.Qh2 (0:18)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-0.93 time=23.38 node=25845963 speed=1105473 pv=Kf7 Qh7+ Bg7 Rg1 Rh8 Qxg6+ Kf8 Nb5 Qf7 Qxf7+ Kxf7 Nd6+ Kf8 Bd2 b6 O-O-O Bd7 Rg6 Ke7 f5 Kxd6 fxe6 Bxe6 Rxg7 Rhg8 Bf4+ Kc6 Rc7+ Kb5 Kb1
18...Kf7 (0:05) 19.Qh7+ (0:08)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-0.65 time=31.28 node=35027251 speed=1119797 pv=Bg7 Rg1 Ke8 Rxg6 Rf7 Nb5 Qe7 Bd2 Kd7 O-O-O Kc6 Na3 Bd7 Rg5 Rh8 Qg6 Rh6 Qe4+ Kc7 Nc4 Kb8 Ne5 Rf5 Kb1
19...Bg7 (0:22) 20.Rg1 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-0.98 time=52.88 node=55965099 speed=1058341 pv=Ke8 Rxg6 Rf7 Nb5 Qe7 Bd2 Kd7 O-O-O Kc6 Na3 Bd7 Rg5 Rh8 Qe4+ Kc7 Nc4 Bc6 Qe2 Kc8 Kb1 Bd5 Ne5 Rff8 Rdg1 Bxe5 Qxe5 Bxf3 Qxc5+ Qxc5 Rxc5+ Kd7
20...Ke8 (0:47) 21.Nb5 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=19 score=-0.93 time=28.68 node=29535625 speed=1029833 pv=Qd7 Bd2 Kd8 Qxg6 Bf6 a4 Qc6 O-O-O a6 Na3 Kc7 Qh6 Bd7 Nc4 Rae8 a5 Kb8 Nb6 Rf7 Rde1 Ka7 Nxd7 Qxd7
21...Qd7 (0:29) 22.Bd2 (0:18)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=20 score=-0.99 time=77.26 node=76936812 speed=995816 pv=Kd8 Qxg6 Bf6 a4 Qd5 Qh7 Qd7 Qe4 Qd5 O-O-O Bd7 Rde1 Qxe4 dxe4 Ke7 e5 Bh8 Nd6 Bc6 Rh1 Bg7
22...Kd8 (0:58) 23.f5 (0:21)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=19 score=-1.01 time=19.28 node=20551648 speed=1065956 pv=Rxf5 Qxg6 Qxb5 Qxg7 Qd7 Qg8+ Qe8 Qh7 Bd7 O-O-O Rxf3 Rg7 Kc8 Kb1 Rf8 Re7 Qd8 Ba5 b6 Qe4 Kb8 Qe5+ Kb7
23...Rxf5 (0:19) 24.Qxg6 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.38 time=20.40 node=23711826 speed=1162344 pv=Qxb5 Qxg7 Qd7 Qh8+ Kc7 Rg7 Rf7 Rxf7 Qxf7 Ke2 Qd7 Rg1 Qd6 Rg8 b5 c3 dxc3 Bxc3 Qd5 Rd8 Qc6 Be5+ Kb7 Rd6 Bd7 Rxc6 Rxh8 Rxc5
24...Qxb5 (0:15) 25.Qxg7 (0:24)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.13 time=25.09 node=28119695 speed=1120753 pv=Qd7 Qh8+ Kc7 Rg7 Rf7 Rxf7 Qxf7 Qe5+ Kc6 Bf4 Qd7 Rb1 a5 c4 Ra7 Kf2 Kb6 Rg1 Qc6 Rg5 Bd7 a3 Ra8 b4 axb4 axb4 cxb4 Qxd4+ Ka6
25...Qd7 (0:01) 26.Qh8+ (0:11)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=23 score=-1.49 time=21.92 node=25448982 speed=1160993 pv=Kc7 Rg7 Rf7 Rxf7 Qxf7 Qe5+ Kc6 Bf4 Qd7 Rb1 a5 c4 Ra7 a3 a4 b4 axb3 Rxb3 Qd8 Kf2 b6 Ke2 Ra6 Bh2 Kd7 Bg3 Ra7 Qd6+ Ke8 Rxb6
26...Kc7 (0:11) 27.Rg7 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=24 score=-1.63 time=21.44 node=25042755 speed=1168038 pv=Rf7 Rxf7 Qxf7 Qe5+ Kc6 Bf4 Qd7 Rb1 a5 c4 Kb6 a3 Qd8 Kf1 Ka7 Qxc5+ b6 Qd6 Qxd6 Bxd6 Bb7 Re1 Re8 Kf2 a4 Re5 Ka6
27...Rf7 (0:19) 28.Rxf7 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=23 score=-1.60 time=19.84 node=21785717 speed=1098070 pv=Qxf7 Qe5+ Kc6 Bf4 Qd7 Rb1 a5 c4 Qd8 a3 a4 Kf2 Qh4+ Kg2 Qe7 Rh1 Kb6 Rh8 Qd7 Bg5 Kc6 Kh1 Qd6 Qe4+ Kc7 Rh7+ Kb8
28...Qxf7 (0:11) 29.Qe5+ (0:11)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-2.19 time=98.57 node=101637934 speed=1031124 pv=Kc6 Bf4 Qd7 Rb1 a5 c4 Qd8 a3 Kb6 Bg3 Ka7 Qxc5+ b6 Qe5 Qf8 Qxd4 Qxf3 Bf2 Rb8 c5 e5 cxb6+ Ka8 Qe4+ Qxe4+ dxe4 Bb7 Rd1 Bxe4
29...Kc6 (1:28) 30.Bf4 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=21 score=-2.11 time=16.25 node=17441032 speed=1073294 pv=Qd7 Rb1 a5 c4 Ra7 a3 a4 b4 axb3 Rxb3 Qd8 Qb8 Kd7 Qxa7 Qh4+ Ke2 Qxf4 Qxc5 Qe3+ Kd1 Qxf3+ Kc1 Qh1+ Kc2 Qg2+ Kb1 Qf1+ Ka2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qd1+ Kb2
30...Qd7 (0:11) 31.Ke2 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.66 time=15.23 node=17346359 speed=1138959 pv=Qd5 Qc7+ Kb5 c4+ dxc3 bxc3 c4 a4+ Ka6 dxc4 Qc6 Qxc6+ bxc6 Ke3 Bb7 Rd1 Rf8 Rd6 Rf7 Rxe6 Ka5 Bb8 a6 f4 Kxa4 Kd4 Kb3 Bd6
31...Qd5 (0:15) 32.Qc7+ (0:15)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.72 time=15.81 node=19347332 speed=1223740 pv=Kb5 c4+ dxc3 bxc3 c4 a4+ Ka6 dxc4 Qc6 Qxc6+ bxc6 Rg1 Ka5 Kd3 c5 Bc7+ Ka6 Rg5 Bb7 f4 Bc6 Rxc5 Kb7 Be5 Rf8 a5 a6 Kd4 Rg8 Kd3
32...Kb5 (0:01) 33.b4 (0:15)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-2.97 time=12.57 node=14084056 speed=1120449 pv=cxb4 Rg1 Ka6 Rg5 Qxa2 Bd2 b6 Qc6 Rb8 Bxb4 Bd7 Qxd7 Qxc2+ Bd2 Rh8 Qb5+ Kb7 Rg7+ Ka8 Qe5 Qc6 Qxd4 a5 Qc4 Qxc4 dxc4 Kb8 Bf4+ Kc8
33...cxb4 (0:13) 34.Rg1 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=24 score=-3.43 time=13.16 node=17024592 speed=1293662 pv=Qxa2 Rg5+ Ka6 Bd2 b6 Qc6 Rb8 Bxb4 Bd7 Qxd7 Qxc2+ Bd2 Rh8 Qb5+ Kb7 Rg7+ Ka8 Qe5 Qc6 Qxd4 Rc8 Re7 Rg8 Qe5 Rf8 Qe4 Qxe4+ fxe4 Rf6 Rg7
34...Qxa2 (0:10) 35.Rg5+ (0:05)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=23 score=-4.49 time=21.13 node=24672186 speed=1167637 pv=Ka6 Bd2 e5 Rxe5 Be6 Bxb4 Bd5 Qd6+ b6 Qxd5 Qxc2+ Bd2 Rc8 Qxd4 Rc7 Qb4 Qc6 Re7 Kb7 Rxc7+ Qxc7 Qe4+ Kc8 f4 a5 f5 Qh2+ Kd1 Qg1+ Kc2 Qc5+ Qc4 Qxc4+ dxc4
35...Ka6 (0:15) 36.Bd2 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=24 score=-4.50 time=14.34 node=17377034 speed=1211787 pv=e5 Rxe5 Be6 Bxb4 Bd5 Qd6+ b6 Qxd5 Qxc2+ Bd2 Rc8 Qxd4 Rc7 Qb4 Qa2 Re7 Rxe7+ Qxe7 Qg8 Qe4 Qg2+ Kd1 Qg1+ Kc2 Qc5+ Kb3 Qb5+ Bb4 Qd7 Be7 Qc8
36...e5 (0:12) 37.Rxe5 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=23 score=-4.84 time=13.87 node=16453740 speed=1186282 pv=Be6 Bxb4 Bd5 Qd6+ b6 Qxd5 Qxc2+ Bd2 Rc8 Qxd4 Rc7 Qb4 Kb7 f4 Qc6 Qe4 a5 f5 Ka7 Qxc6 Rxc6 Re6 Rc7 Be3 Rb7 Re4 Rf7
37...Be6 (0:12) 38.Bxb4 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=23 score=-4.85 time=15.89 node=18337596 speed=1154033 pv=Bd5 Qd6+ b6 Qxd5 Qxc2+ Bd2 Rc8 Qxd4 Rc7 Qb4 Qc6 Re7 Kb7 Rxc7+ Qxc7 Qe4+ Kc8 f4 a5 f5 Qh2+ Kd1 Qg1+ Kc2 Qc5+ Kb3 Qb5+ Kc3 Qc5+ Qc4 Qxc4+ Kxc4 Kd7
38...Bd5 (0:12) 39.Qd6+ (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-5.08 time=34.77 node=39130865 speed=1125420 pv=b6 Qxd5 Qxc2+ Bd2 Rc8 Qxd4 Rc7 Qb4 Qc6 Re7 Kb7 Rxc7+ Kxc7 Qe7+ Qd7 Qe4 a5 Bf4+ Kd8 Be5 a4 f4 Qb5 f5 Qc5 Qa8+ Ke7 Qa7+ Kf8 Qg7+ Ke8 Qg6+ Kd8 Qg8+ Kd7
39...b6 (0:33) 40.Qxd5 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=23 score=-5.09 time=12.57 node=14637368 speed=1164468 pv=Qxc2+ Bd2 Rc8 Qxd4 Rc7 Qe4 Qb1 Re7 Rxe7 Qxe7 Qg1 Qe4 Qg7 f4 Qg4+ Kf2 Qd1 Be3 Qc2+ Kg3 Qc7 Qd5 Qg7+ Kf3 Qa1 Qc4+ Kb7 Qe4+ Kc7 Qe7+ Kc8 Qe8+ Kb7
40...Qxc2+ (0:09) 41.Bd2 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=22 score=-5.19 time=11.84 node=13905048 speed=1174412 pv=Rc8 Qxd4 Rc7 Qd6 Qc6 Qxc6 Rxc6 d4 Rc7 f4 Kb7 f5 Kc6 Kd3 a5 Re6+ Kb5 f6 a4 Re7 Rc8 Ra7 Rf8 Bg5 Rd8 Bf4
41...Rc8 (0:08) 42.Qxd4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=21 score=-5.38 time=16.45 node=19321750 speed=1174574 pv=Rc7 Qd6 Kb7 Re7 Rxe7+ Qxe7+ Ka6 f4 Qc8 Kd1 Qg4+ Kc2 Qg8 Qe4 Qa2+ Kd1 Kb5 f5 Kc5 d4+ Kd6 Bf4+ Kd7 d5 Qb3+ Kd2 Qb2+ Kd3 Qb3+ Kd4 Qb2+ Kc4
42...Rc7 (0:11) 43.f4 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=17 score=-4.44 time=20.72 node=21011509 speed=1014068 pv=Qc6 Rg5 Re7+ Be3 Qc2+ Kf3 Qc6+ Kf2 Qc2+ Kg3 Qc7 Rg6 Kb7 Qd5+ Ka6 Kf3 Qd7 Qxd7 Rxd7 Ke4 Re7+ Kd4 Kb5 f5
43...Qc6 (0:21) 44.f5 (0:01)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=-4.39 time=10.28 node=10790579 speed=1049667 pv=Qg2+ Qf2 Qh1 f6 Rh7 Bf4 Qa1 Re7 Rh1 Qg2 Qd1+ Kf2 Qc2+ Kg3 Qxd3+ Kg4 Rd1 Kg5 Qb5+ Be5 Rd7 Qa2+ Kb7 Rxd7+ Qxd7
44...Qg2+ (0:10) 45.Qf2 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=17 score=-4.79 time=10.40 node=11142908 speed=1071433 pv=Qg4+ Qf3 Qg1 Re4 Qh2+ Kd1 Qg1+ Be1 Qg7 Ra4+ Kb5 Ra3 a5 f6 Qf7 Bc3 Rb7 Be5 Ka6 Kc2 Qe8
45...Qg4+ (0:08) 46.Qf3 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=-5.56 time=20.56 node=22644629 speed=1101392 pv=Qh4 Re4 Qf6 Ra4+ Kb5 Qf4 Qf7 Qb4+ Kc6 Qc4+ Qxc4 Rxc4+ Kb7 Rxc7+ Kxc7 Ke3 Kd7 Ke4 Ke7 d4 a5 d5 Kd7 Ke5 Ke7 Bg5+ Kd7
46...Qh4 (0:16) 47.Re4 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=-5.71 time=9.50 node=10764902 speed=1133147 pv=Qh2+ Kd1 Qg1+ Be1 Qg5 Ra4+ Kb5 Rb4+ Ka6 Rc4 Qd8 Rxc7 Qxc7 Qe4 Qc6 Bd2 Qd6 Kc2 Qc7+ Bc3 Qd6 f6 Qd7 Qe7 Qa4+ Kb2
47...Qh2+ (0:05) 48.Kd1 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=20 score=-6.04 time=12.97 node=15891197 speed=1225227 pv=Qg1+ Be1 Qh2 Ra4+ Kb5 Rb4+ Ka6 Rc4 Qe5 Rxc7 Qxc7 f6 Qf7 d4 Kb5 d5 Kc5 Bf2+ Kb4 Kc2 Qc7+ Kd2 Qf7 Qc3+ Kb5 Qb3+ Ka6 Qc4+ Ka5 Bd4
48...Qg1+ (0:09) 49.Be1 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=20 score=-6.21 time=12.96 node=16128731 speed=1244500 pv=Qh2 Ra4+ Kb5 Rb4+ Ka6 Rc4 Qe5 Rxc7 Qxc7 f6 Qf7 d4 Kb5 d5 Kc5 Bf2+ Kb4 Kc2 Qc7+ Kd2 Qf7 Qc3+ Kb5 Qb3+ Ka5 Bd4 Qh5
49...Qh2 (0:09) 50.Re2 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2400) whispers: depth=18 score=-12.56 time=15.21 node=17647471 speed=1160254 pv=Qh6 Ra2+ Kb5 Qd5+ Rc5 Qb3+ Kc6 Qa4+ Kb7 Qxa7+ Kc6 Qa8+ Kd7 Ra7+ Rc7 Qd5+ Qd6 Qxd6+ Kxd6 Bg3+ Ke7 Bxc7 Kf6 Bxb6 Kxf5 Kd2 Ke6 Ra2 Kd5 Ke3 Kd6
GnuCheese resigns 1-0


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