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knightsmasher(2384) vs. thewingsofvalmar(2485) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 15+0, 2014-09-17

Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 55.59 kNps: 753 score: 0.10 depth: 12f. PV: 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.d4 Bb4 5.d5 Ne7 6.Bd2 O-O <(0)>
1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 34.87 kNps: 768 score: 0.31 depth: 11f. PV: 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 f6 4.d4 Nd7 5.Bd3 Bb4+ 6.c3 f5
2.Nf3 (0:35) d5 (0:13)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 41.42 kNps: 743 score: 0.35 depth: 10f. PV: 3.e5 Ne7 4.d4 c5 5.dxc5 Nec6 6.Be3 Nd7 7.Bb5 Nxc5 <(HT)> <(0)>
3.e5 (0:28) c5 (0:02)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 33.38 kNps: 723 score: 0.27 depth: 11u. PV: 4.Be2 Ne7 5.O-O Nec6 6.c3 Be7 7.d4 cxd4 8.cxd4 O-O 9.Nc3 Nd7 <(0)>
4.Be2 (0:33) Nc6 (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 32.04 kNps: 719 score: 0.25 depth: 11u. PV: 5.O-O g5 6.Bb5 Bd7 7.Qe2 g4 8.Ne1 Qc7 9.f4 Nh6 10.Nc3 <(0)>
5.O-O (0:32) Qc7 (0:03)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 30.76 kNps: 724 score: 0.27 depth: 11u. PV: 6.Re1 Nge7 7.c3 Ng6 8.d4 cxd4 9.cxd4 Be7 10.Bg5 Bxg5 11.Nxg5 O-O <(0)>
6.Re1 (0:31) Bd7 (0:10)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 29.52 kNps: 693 score: 0.33 depth: 10f. PV: 7.Bf1 f6 8.c4 Nxe5 9.cxd5 O-O-O 10.Nxe5 fxe5 11.Qb3 exd5 12.Qxd5 Bd6 <(0)>
7.Bf1 (0:30) f6 (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 20.41 kNps: 736 score: 0.20 depth: 10f. PV: 8.c4 d4 9.exf6 Nxf6 10.Na3 a6 11.Nxd4 cxd4 12.Nb5 axb5 13.cxb5 <(-520)>
8.c4 (0:08) d4 (0:17)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 28.01 kNps: 813 score: -0.14 depth: 11u. PV: 9.d3 fxe5
9.d3 (0:11) Nxe5 (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 27.57 kNps: 888 score: -0.09 depth: 11u. PV: 10.Nxe5 fxe5 11.Qh5+ g6 12.Qxe5 Qxe5 13.Rxe5 Bd6 14.Re1 Nf6 15.Na3 O-O 16.Bh6 Rf7 <(0)>
10.Nxe5 (0:28) fxe5 (0:03)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 26.47 kNps: 933 score: -0.03 depth: 12u. PV: 11.Qh5+ g6 12.Qxe5 Qxe5 13.Rxe5 Bd6 14.Re1 Nf6 15.Be2 O-O-O 16.Bh6 Rhg8 17.Bf3 Kb8 <(0)>
11.Qh5+ (0:24) g6 (0:16)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 25.53 kNps: 911 score: -0.03 depth: 13u. PV: 12.Qxe5 Qxe5 13.Rxe5 Bd6 14.Re1 Nf6 15.Be2 h6 16.Na3 O-O-O 17.Bf3 Rdf8 18.Nb5 Bxb5 19.cxb5 <(10)>
12.Qxe5 (0:10) Qxe5 (0:02)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 17.31 kNps: 879 score: 0.03 depth: 13f. PV: 13.Rxe5 Bd6 14.Re2 Nf6 15.g3 Rf8 16.Bg5 e5 17.Nd2 Bf5 18.Ree1 O-O-O <(HT)> <(0)>
13.Rxe5 (0:15) Ne7 (0:02)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 24.53 kNps: 854 score: 0.12 depth: 12u. PV: 14.Bf4 Nc6 15.Re4 Be7 16.Nd2 O-O 17.Bh6 Rf5 18.Rae1 Rh5 19.Bf4 Rf8 <(0)>
14.Bf4 (0:25) Nc6 (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 21.57 kNps: 917 score: 0.03 depth: 13f. PV: 15.Re4 Be7 16.Nd2 O-O 17.Nf3 Rf5 18.Rae1 Raf8 19.Bh6 R8f7 20.Be2 Bd6 21.a4 <(0)>
15.Re4 (0:09) Be7 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 22.30 kNps: 851 score: 0.00 depth: 12f. PV: 16.Nd2 O-O 17.Nf3 Rf5 18.Bh6 Bf8 19.Bf4 Be7 <(0)>
16.Nd2 (0:11) O-O (0:25)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 25.30 kNps: 870 score: -0.05 depth: 12u. PV: 17.Nf3 Rf5 18.Rae1 Raf8 19.Bg3 b6 20.Ng5 Bxg5 21.a3
17.Nf3 (0:00) Rae8 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 22.73 kNps: 826 score: 0.07 depth: 11u. PV: 18.Rae1 Rf5 19.h4 Bd8 20.g3 Ba5 21.R1e2 Be1 22.Nxe1 Ref8 <(HT)> <(350)>
18.Rae1 (0:23) Bf6 (0:13)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 13.98 kNps: 808 score: 0.30 depth: 11f. PV: 19.a3 Be7 20.g3 h6 21.Bg2 g5 22.Bd2 Kh7 23.h4 gxh4 24.Nxh4 <(0)>
19.a3 (0:14) e5 (0:09)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 17.10 kNps: 911 score: 0.74 depth: 12f. PV: 20.Bxe5 Nxe5 21.Nxe5 Bf5 22.R4e2 Re7 23.Ng4 Rxe2 24.Nxf6+ Rxf6 25.Bxe2 Re6 26.Kf1 g5 27.g3 <(80)>
20.Bxe5 (0:17) Bf5 (0:09)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 11.19 kNps: 1023 score: 0.82 depth: 12f. PV: 21.Bd6 Bxe4 22.Bxf8 Kxf8 23.dxe4 Kf7 24.Bd3 Ke6 25.h4 a6 26.g3 Ne5 27.Nxe5 Bxe5 <(HT)> <(80)>
21.Bd6 (0:11) Bxe4 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 20.12 kNps: 1085 score: 0.82 depth: 12f. PV: 22.Bxf8 Kxf8 23.dxe4 g5 24.Nd2 Ke7 25.g3 a6 26.Be2 Ne5 27.f4 gxf4 28.gxf4 <(80)>
22.Bxf8 (0:09) Kxf8 (0:05)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 19.76 kNps: 1014 score: 0.75 depth: 13u. PV: 23.Rxe4 Rxe4 24.dxe4 Ne5 25.Nxe5 Bxe5 26.g3 g5 27.Bd3 a5 28.f3 b6
23.Rxe4 (0:14) Rxe4 (0:15)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 19.18 kNps: 1201 score: 0.80 depth: 13f. PV: 24.dxe4 g5 25.Ne1 Ne5 26.g3 g4 27.h3 h5 28.hxg4 hxg4 29.Nd3 Nxd3 30.Bxd3 Ke7 <(HT)> <(80)>
24.dxe4 (0:04) g5 (0:03)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 12.83 kNps: 995 score: 0.86 depth: 13f. PV: 25.Ne1 Be7 26.g3 Bd6 27.Be2 Ke7 28.Ng2 Ne5 29.f4 gxf4 30.gxf4 Ng6 31.e5 Ke6 <(80)>
25.Ne1 (0:10) Ne5 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.72 kNps: 1172 score: 0.88 depth: 13f. PV: 26.g3 g4 27.h3 Nf3+ 28.Nxf3 gxf3 29.Bd3 Be5 30.b4 b6 31.h4 a5 32.b5 Ke7 33.Kf1 <(80)>
26.g3 (0:11) Kf7 (0:19)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 18.21 kNps: 1192 score: 1.04 depth: 13u. PV: 27.f4 gxf4 28.gxf4 Bh4 29.Ng2 Nf3+ 30.Kh1 Be7 31.Be2 Nd2 32.Bd3 Ke6 33.Ne1 a5 34.Kg2 a4 <(80)>
27.f4 (0:18) gxf4 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 9.037 kNps: 1290 score: 1.02 depth: 14f. PV: 28.gxf4 Bh4 29.Ng2 Nf3+ 30.Kh1 Bf2 31.e5 Ke6 32.Be2 Nd2 33.Bd3 h5 34.b4 b6 35.h4 Nf3 <(80)>
28.gxf4 (0:01) Bh4 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 17.43 kNps: 1241 score: 0.97 depth: 13f. PV: 29.Ng2 Nf3+ 30.Kh1 Bf2 31.e5 Ke6 32.Bd3 h5 33.b4 b6 34.Be4 Nd2 35.Bd5+ Kf5 36.e6 d3 <(80)>
29.Ng2 (0:11) Nf3+ (0:09)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 9.329 kNps: 1298 score: 0.97 depth: 13f. PV: 30.Kh1 Bf2 31.e5 Ke6 32.Bd3 h6 33.b4 b6 34.Be4 Nh4 35.Nxh4 Bxh4 36.Bd3 a5 <(HT)> <(80)>
30.Kh1 (0:00) Bf2 (0:09)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 13.64 kNps: 1233 score: 0.93 depth: 13f. PV: 31.Bd3 Ke6 32.b4 b6 33.b5 h5 34.f5+ Ke5 35.f6 Kxf6 36.Be2 Nd2 37.Bf3 <(HT)> <(0)>
31.Bd3 (0:05) Ke6 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 8.702 kNps: 1149 score: 0.91 depth: 13f. PV: 32.b4 b6 33.b5 h5 34.h3 h4 35.e5 Nd2 36.a4 Nb3 37.f5+ Kxe5 38.Kh2
32.b4 (0:01) b6 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 16.75 kNps: 1144 score: 0.83 depth: 13u. PV: 33.e5 h5 34.b5 Nd2 35.a4 h4 36.h3 Ke7 37.Kh2 Ke6 38.f5+ Kxe5 39.Kh1
33.e5 (0:09) h5 (0:09)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 14.19 kNps: 1259 score: 1.01 depth: 13f. PV: 34.bxc5 bxc5 35.Be4 Ne1 36.Nxe1 Bxe1 37.Kg2 a5 38.Bd5+ Kf5 39.Kf3 a4 40.Be4+ Ke6 41.Bc2 Kf7
34.bxc5 (0:06) bxc5 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 13.50 kNps: 1263 score: 0.86 depth: 15f. PV: 35.Be4 Nd2 36.Bd5+ Kf5 37.e6 Kf6 38.f5 Be3 39.Nh4 Nb1 40.Ng6 d3 41.e7 d2 42.Bf3 Kf7 43.Bxh5 Nxa3 <(80)>
35.Be4 (0:06) Ng1 (0:13)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.60 kNps: 1413 score: 1.55 depth: 14f. PV: 36.Bg6 Ne2 37.Bxh5 d3 38.Bg4+ Ke7 39.f5 Bd4 40.e6 Nc3 41.Nf4 d2 42.Nd5+ Nxd5 43.cxd5 c4 44.Bd1 <(160)>
36.Bg6 (0:11) Ne2 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 15.51 kNps: 1310 score: 1.35 depth: 15u. PV: 37.Bxh5 d3 38.Bg4+ Ke7 39.f5 Bd4 40.e6 Kf6 41.a4 Nc3 42.Nf4 d2 43.Nd5+ Kg5 44.h3 d1=Q+ 45.Bxd1 Nxd1 46.e7 Kh6
37.Bxh5 (0:04) d3 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 9.997 kNps: 1299 score: 1.14 depth: 14f. PV: 38.Bg4+ Ke7 39.f5 Bd4 40.e6 Nc3 41.Nf4 d2 42.Nd5+ Nxd5 43.cxd5 Kd6 44.Kg2 Bf6 45.Bf3 Ke5 46.Kf2 Kxf5 <(80)>
38.Bg4+ (0:02) Kf7 (0:17)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.30 kNps: 1194 score: 1.43 depth: 13f. PV: 39.f5 a6 40.Bh5+ Kf8 41.e6 Ke7
39.f5 (0:10) Bd4 (0:15)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 14.01 kNps: 1175 score: 1.34 depth: 13f. PV: 40.e6+ Kf6 41.Nh4 Nc3 42.Nf3 Ne4 43.Nxd4 Nf2+ 44.Kg1 Nxg4 45.Nb3 Ne5 46.Nxc5 Kxf5 47.h4 Nxc4 <(HT)> <(80)>
40.e6+ (0:14) Kf6 (0:42)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 45.88 kNps: 1168 score: 1.10 depth: 14f. PV: 41.a4 a6 42.Bh5 Ke7 43.Bf3 Bf2 44.Bg4 Kf6 45.a5 Nc3 46.Nf4 Kg5 <(HT)> <(160)>
41.a4 (0:04) a6 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 14.11 kNps: 1239 score: 0.95 depth: 14u. PV: 42.Bh5 Nc3 43.Nf4 d2 44.Nd5+ Nxd5 45.cxd5 Be5 46.Kg2 c4 47.h4 c3 48.Bd1 Bd6 49.Kf3 Kxf5 50.Ke2 <(80)>
42.Bh5 (0:06) Bf2 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.54 kNps: 1259 score: 1.03 depth: 13f. PV: 43.a5 Bd4 44.Bg4 Nc3 45.Nf4 d2 46.Kg2 Be5 47.Nd3 Bd6 48.h4 d1=Q 49.Bxd1 <(240)>
43.a5 (0:11) Bd4 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 13.43 kNps: 1220 score: 0.96 depth: 14u. PV: 44.Bf3 Nc3 45.Nf4 d2 46.Nd5+ Nxd5 47.cxd5 Be5 48.Kg2 Bd6 49.h3 Kxf5 50.Kf2 c4 51.Ke2 c3 52.Kd1 <(80)>
44.Bf3 (0:06) Ke7 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 13.18 kNps: 1122 score: 0.86 depth: 13u. PV: 45.Bg4 Nc3 46.Nf4 d2 47.h3 Kd6 48.Nd5 Nxd5 49.cxd5 Bc3 50.Kg2 Ke7 51.Kf2 Bxa5 52.Bd1 c4 <(80)>
45.Bg4 (0:13) Kf6 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 16.81 kNps: 1063 score: 1.02 depth: 14f. PV: 46.Nh4 Nc3 47.Nf3 Ne4 48.Nxd4 cxd4 49.Kg1 d2 50.h3 Nc3 51.c5 d3 52.Kf2 d1=B 53.Bxd1 Nxd1+ 54.Ke1 <(HT)> <(-100)>
46.Nh4 (0:17) Nc3 (0:10)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 21.25 kNps: 1070 score: 0.72 depth: 14f. PV: 47.Nf3 Ne4 48.Nxd4 cxd4 49.Kg1 d2 50.c5 Nxc5 51.h4 Ne4 52.h5 Nc3 53.h6 d1=Q+ 54.Bxd1 Nxd1 <(-180)>
47.Nf3 (0:12) Ne4 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 11.51 kNps: 1139 score: 0.75 depth: 13f. PV: 48.Nxd4 cxd4 49.Kg1 d2 50.c5 Nxc5 51.h4 Ne4 52.h5 Nd6 53.h6 Nxf5 54.h7 Kg7 <(10)>
48.Nxd4 (0:04) cxd4 (0:05)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 18.10 kNps: 1368 score: 0.11 depth: 15u. PV: 49.Kg2 d2 50.c5 Nxc5 51.h4 Ne4 52.h5 Nd6 53.Bd1 Kxf5 54.e7 Ke6 55.h6 Kxe7 56.h7 Nf7 57.Kf2 Nh8 <(-70)>
49.Kg2 (0:13) d2 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 8.514 kNps: 1292 score: 0.13 depth: 15f. PV: 50.c5 Nxc5 51.h4 Ne4 52.h5 Nd6 53.Bd1 Kxf5 54.h6 Kxe6 55.h7 Nf7 56.Kf2 Kf6 57.Ke2 Kg7 <(-70)>
50.c5 (0:00) Nxc5 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.82 kNps: 1323 score: 0.34 depth: 15u. PV: 51.h4 Ne4 52.h5 Nd6 53.Bd1 Nxf5 54.Kf3 Kxe6 55.Ke2 Ke5 56.Kxd2 Nd6 57.Be2 Ne4+ 58.Kd3 <(10)>
51.h4 (0:05) Ne4 (0:05)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.61 kNps: 1340 score: 0.37 depth: 15u. PV: 52.h5 Nd6 53.Bd1 Nxf5 54.Kf3 Kxe6 55.Ke2 Nd6 56.Kxd2 Nc4+ 57.Kd3 Nb2+ 58.Ke2 Nxd1 59.Kxd1 Ke5 60.h6 Kf6 61.Kc2 d3+ 62.Kxd3 Kg6 63.h7 Kxh7 64.Kd4 Kg6 65.Kc5 Kh5 66.Kc6 Kh6 <(HT)> <(0)>
52.h5 (0:05) Nd6 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 9.773 kNps: 1327 score: 0.27 depth: 14f. PV: 53.h6 Nxf5 54.h7 Kg7 55.Kf2 d3 56.Bd1 Kxh7 57.Kf3 Kg7 58.Ke4 Kf6 59.Kxd3 Kxe6 60.Kxd2 <(10)>
53.h6 (0:04) Nxf5 (0:05)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.25 kNps: 1321 score: 0.26 depth: 15u. PV: 54.h7 Kg7 55.Kf2 d3 56.Bd1 Kxh7 57.Kf3 Kg7 58.Ke4 Kf6 59.Kxd3 Kxe6 60.Be2 d1=Q+ 61.Bxd1 Ke5 <(10)>
54.h7 (0:05) Kg7 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 10.05 kNps: 1436 score: 0.00 depth: 16u. PV: 55.Kf2 d3 56.Bd1 Kxh7 57.Kf3 Nd4+ 58.Ke4 Nxe6 59.Kxd3 Kg7 60.Be2 Nc5+ 61.Kxd2 Nb7 62.Bc4 Nxa5 63.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
55.Kf2 (0:03) d3 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 7.172 kNps: 1439 score: 0.00 depth: 16f. PV: 56.Bd1 Kxh7 57.Kf3 Nd4+ 58.Ke4 Nxe6 59.Kxd3 Kg7 60.Be2 Nc5+ 61.Kxd2 Nb7 62.Bc4 Nxa5 63.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
56.Bd1 (0:01) Kxh7 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 9.345 kNps: 1572 score: 0.00 depth: 17f. PV: 57.Kf3 Nd4+ 58.Ke4 Nxe6 59.Kxd3 Kg7 60.Be2 Nc5+ 61.Kxd2 Nb7 62.Bc4 Nxa5 63.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
57.Kf3 (0:03) Nd4+ (0:04)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 8.050 kNps: 1589 score: 0.00 depth: 18f. PV: 58.Ke4 Nxe6 59.Kxd3 Kg7 60.Be2 Nc5+ 61.Kxd2 Nb7 62.Bc4 Nxa5 63.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
58.Ke4 (0:03) Nxe6 (0:05)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 7.885 kNps: 1985 score: 0.00 depth: 20f. PV: 59.Kxd3 Kg7 60.Be2 Nc5+ 61.Kxd2 Nb7 62.Bc4 Nxa5 63.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
59.Kxd3 (0:03) Nc5+ (0:02)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 5.833 kNps: 1961 score: 0.00 depth: 21f. PV: 60.Kxd2 Kg7 61.Kc3 Nb7 62.Be2 Nxa5 63.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
60.Kxd2 (0:06) Nb7 (0:02)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 6.352 kNps: 2068 score: 0.00 depth: 22f. PV: 61.Be2 Nxa5 62.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
61.Be2 (0:06) Nxa5 (0:14)
Knightsmasher(2384) whispers: time: 13.76 kNps: 2110 score: 0.00 depth: 29u. PV: 62.Bxa6 <(INTREC)> <(10)>
62.Bxa6 (0:00) Neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2


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