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smallblackcat(2197) vs. lingye(2157) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2014-06-16

xombie(1993) whispers: eh eh
1.Nf3 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03)
xombie(1993) whispers: ha
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: a little deviation on move 1
xombie(1993) whispers: i already approve
2...e6 (0:14) 3.g3 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I don't particularly want to play a very theoretical reversed dragon
xombie(1993) whispers: a QID
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: so we head for a (probable) closed Reti instead
3...d5 (0:35) 4.Bg2 (0:02)
xombie(1993) whispers: no, a catalan
4...dxc4 (1:09)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: unexpected, so now I have to consider whether the 'normal' Na3 is worth the risk
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I have played Qa4+ before too
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: but I don't remember what little theory there is to that line
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: there's some catalan line with Qa4+ c6 Qxc4 b5 that I really don't remember
5.Qa4+ (2:28)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: let's hope he just plays Bd7 or something
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I remember a fun game I had against Bd7 a while ago, later my central pawns were very nice
5...c6 (3:02) 6.Qxc4 (0:06)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ok so he goes for the line I don't remember, but at least I do remember that it's pretty safe
6...b5 (0:39) 7.Qc2 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: if I can play d4 it is a bit more familiar
7...Bb7 (0:41)
milpat(2066) whispers: hard to resist to Ne5 :P
milpat(2066) whispers: 0-0 1st surely wiser
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: if I play d4 he has Nbd7 and c5 I think
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: so maybe I should just keep the d-pawn at home for now
8.O-O (4:09) Nbd7 (0:54)
milpat(2066) whispers: Nd4
xombie(1993) whispers: somehow feels like this could be a miniature
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ok against c5 I probably want a4
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: so either b3 or d3 now
milpat(2066) whispers: Nd4 attacks 2 pawns?
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: well d3 if I want a4 I guess
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: b3 c5 a4 doesn't make a lot of sense
xombie(1993) whispers: yeah it looks nice and cheap
9.d3 (1:51)
xombie(1993) whispers: might be met by Qc7
milpat(2066) whispers: cat sees only pawn moves it seems :/
xombie(1993) whispers: but cat's contunuation cant be bad
milpat(2066) whispers: Nxb5 xom
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: kind of a hedgehog position for me now
milpat(2066) whispers: c6 pined
xombie(1993) whispers: okay, Qc8
milpat(2066) whispers: Nxc6 xom
xombie(1993) whispers: haha
xombie(1993) whispers: alright i ll shut up
milpat(2066) whispers: roar!
xombie(1993) whispers: goal
milpat(2066) whispers: d3 , see how watch soccer get u soft
xombie(1993) whispers: i ve been hitting hard
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: no second goal for messi...
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: close though
xombie(1993) whispers: i can see though
xombie(1993) whispers: cat does not make soft moves
9...Be7 (3:29)
xombie(1993) whispers: hmm wasnt there Rc8 if Nd4
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: not sure what to do now
xombie(1993) whispers: i like pegging
xombie(1993) whispers: say with d4
xombie(1993) whispers: ah, no pun intended by the way
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Nbd2 or Bd2 or b3
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ok b3 can wait if I play Nbd2
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Bd2 though...not sure what that piece is doing yet
10.Nbd2 (3:27)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I'll try to move quickly, and save my thinking for later
10...O-O (0:18)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ok a plan here is Nb3 Bd2 and Na5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: how does he cross that plan?
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Nb3 c5 Bd2 b4 I guess
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Nb3 c5 a4 b4 a5!?
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: then a6 I guess and I have the wrong thing on a5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: but then Nd2-c4
11.Nb3 (2:47) c5 (0:53)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: a4 bxa4 maybe Nd2 again
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: he could try to hang on to the a4-pawn with Bc6
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: well I don't see a problem with Rxa4 actually
12.a4 (1:02)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ah a6 Bd2 b4 is a way to cross my plans
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I think I have it
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: a6 axb5 axb5 Bd2 b4!? Rxa8 Qxa8 Ra1, defended by the Nb3
xombie(1993) whispers: hanging pawns eh
12...a6 (4:31)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: hmm axb5 axb5 Bd2 Bd5!?
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I guess e4 isn't out of the question there
13.axb5 (2:14) axb5 (0:25) 14.Bd2 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I'm fairly happy with this position
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: a bit of a space disadvantage, but as funkmaus says it's easier to defend three ranks than four
xombie(1993) whispers: the side with the hanging pawns should in general not like trades
14...Rxa1 (5:33) 15.Rxa1 (0:03) Qb6 (0:26)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Na5 Ra8 is a bit of a nuisance
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: unless I can just play Qc1 there
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Na5 Ba8 b4!?
tjradd(2127) whispers: yes I was looking at b4
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I can also be annoying with Ba5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Ba5 Qd6 d4 c4 doesn't seem to lead anywhere
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Ba5 Qd6 Bd2 forces him to deviate though
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: cos I have Ra7
16.Ba5 (7:51)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I don't really have anything to do, but maybe I can coax him into action
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Bc3 rather than Bd2 perhaps
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: though I guess its all the same
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I'd rather have the option of Bf4 I thnk
BuyJupiter(1574) whispers: just like a cat - paw at the grass here and there trying to get the prey to run.
16...Qd6 (3:48) 17.Bd2 (0:12)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: both Ra7 and Ra5 are useful now
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: so either he repeats, or plays Ra8
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: or Qb8 or something weird
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: kinda looks like my idea leads nowhere, unless white is happy with a draw (as I am today)
17...Ra8 (3:19)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ok I got what I wanted
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Rxa8 Bxa8 Bf4 Qb6 Ne5 seems to simplify even more
18.Rxa8+ (2:54) Bxa8 (0:13) 19.Bf4 (0:04) Qa6 (0:49) 20.Ne5 (0:31)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: a bit insipid, I know
20...Bxg2 (1:07) 21.Kxg2 (0:31)
KayVee(1422) whispers: insipid is good
21...Nxe5 (2:10) 22.Bxe5 (0:03) Nd7 (0:05) 23.Bf4 (0:32)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I guess there is still play in the position
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: that was not my intention though ;)
nraravind(1950) whispers: Qa4 looks like a good pin?
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I can hopefully pin him down to c5 now
23...e5 (1:16)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Be3 Qc6+ f3 hmm
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I don't think I'm getting into trouble there
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: f5 seems harmless
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Be3 c4 Nd2 cxd3 Qxd3 Nc5 Bxc5 Bxc5 Qd8+ Bf8 Ne4 is better for white, surely
24.Be3 (1:39) Qa4 (4:01)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ok what happens after Qc3
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: check on a8 perhaps
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qc3 b4 Nxc5 bxc3 Nxa4 Nc5 Nxc3 holds
25.Qc3 (1:38)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: oh but he has the check again
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: so b4 Qc4 is forced
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: that could be a problem...
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: b4 Qc4 Nb6 ah now I have Nxc5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: cos Qa8+ Qe4
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I guess he could try the endgame a pawn down there, B vs N
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: b4 Qc4 Nb6 Nxc5 Nxc4 Nxa4 Nxe3+ fxe3
25...b4 (2:05)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: I could also play Qc4 Nb6 Qc2
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: when I'm ready for BXc5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: lets work it out
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qc4 Nb6 Qc2 Nd5 Bxc5 Qc6 e4 N moves Qc4
26.Qc4 (2:20)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qc6+ f3 still gives him some ideas too
26...Qc6+ (3:50) 27.f3 (0:06)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Nb6 Qc1
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: c4 Bxb6
27...Qc7 (0:29)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Nd2 Nf6 Ne4 hmm
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: more exchanges
28.Nd2 (1:23)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: if Kh8 maybe Qb5 and Nc4
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: or Qe4 and Nc4
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: yes Qe4 is better
28...h6 (4:45)
KayVee(1422) whispers: Qe4 Nf6 ?
29.Ne4 (2:19) Qc6 (0:26) 30.Bd2 (0:51)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: just a cheapo on b4
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: last two moves probably weren't best, but we reach a bit of a standoff now I though
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: eg if he plays Qb6 I play Qd5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: and if Qb7 then Be3 forces him back to the c-file and I can play Bd2 again
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: currently no square on the c-file where the queen is protected
jaberwock(2140) whispers: for repetition?
30...Nb6 (2:40)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: but I missed that...
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Nd5 next, damn
jaberwock(2140) whispers: ct is typically honest
jaberwock(2140) whispers: Qa6, perhaps?
31.Qa6 (2:32)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: lesser evil seems to be f5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: *to allow f5, that is
31...f5 (1:48) 32.Nf2 (0:05) Qc7 (1:25)
jaberwock(2140) whispers: lazyman comment: seems loosening
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qa2+ c4 hmm
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: then Be3!?
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: b3 Qa5
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: his pawns are a bit dangerous though
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qa2+ c4 Be3 b3 Qa5 c3 bxc3 b2 Qa2+ deals with them
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: why not simplify matters by playing Be3 first
jaberwock(2140) whispers: b3, followed by Ne1-b2-c4
jaberwock(2140) whispers: cedes c3 square for black knight, but that may be ok
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: still complicated
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qa2+ K moves Qe6 looks like an easy advantage
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: so Qa2+ c4 is more or less forced, so if that line works I am fine
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: after I pin there are no knight moves, cos I cover both a8 and d5 with check
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qa2+ c4 Be3 b3 Qa5 c3 bxc3 Bd8
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Nd1 covering b2 should be enough
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: as he still can't break the pin
33.Qa2+ (7:03) c4 (1:02)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ah one line I missed was Be3 Nd5 Qa8+ Qd8!
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: looks like I can just retreat with the bishop there
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: but its not that great...
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: ah! I go back
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: and then b3 doesn't work cos I just play Qa8+
34.Be3 (3:31) Bc5 (1:04) 35.Bxc5 (0:17) Qxc5 (0:02) 36.dxc4 (0:09)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: this was my first line
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: looks fine
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: Qxc4 Qa7
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: or even Qa5, hmm
jaberwock(2140) whispers: b3
36...Qxc4 (0:47)
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: or even Qxc4 now that I look
milpat(2066) whispers: i vote b3 too
jaberwock(2140) whispers: the advanced blck b-pawn unnerves me though
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: yeah that's easiest of all, taks and Nd3 b3 Nc5 liquidates
37.Qxc4+ (0:50) Nxc4 (0:04) 38.Nd3 (0:01)
jaberwock(2140) whispers: knight endgames give me headaches
smallblackcat(2197) whispers: apparently I didn't whisper this Bc5 line, but I considered it ;)
jaberwock(2140) whispers: never been able to understand the idea that they are like pawn endings
milpat(2066) whispers: once b-pawns are gone, its no big puzzle i presume
38...b3 (1:22) 39.Nc5 (0:02) Nxb2 (0:32) lingye offers a draw. smallblackcat accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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