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vololibero(1930) vs. oakwell(1992) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2014-06-10

1.Nf3 (0:00) g6 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:02) Bg7 (0:03) 3.Bg2 (0:01) d6 (1:13) 4.O-O (0:28) e6 (0:07) 5.d4 (0:12) Ne7 (0:18) 6.e4 (0:51) O-O (0:09) 7.Be3 (0:13) b6 (0:21) 8.c4 (2:57) Bb7 (1:51) 9.Nc3 (0:04) Nd7 (3:04) 10.Qd2 (1:24) Nf6 (0:28)
Paolone(2057) whispers: It's time for d5
11.Ne1 (10:35) Ng4 (5:08) 12.Nc2 (0:07) Nxe3 (2:09) 13.Nxe3 (1:25) c5 (3:49)
Gnam(1793) whispers: hi all and of course.....forza volo !!
Paolone(2057) whispers: go volo free light
Paolone(2057) whispers: flight
14.d5 (7:56) e5 (2:07) 15.Bh3 (1:55)
Paolone(2057) whispers: well done volo
Paolone(2057) whispers: trade bishop
Paolone(2057) whispers: your bad with other good
15...f5 (3:16)
Gnam(1793) whispers: why 14....;e5
Paolone(2057) whispers: in fact, for me was better exd5
Paolone(2057) whispers: now I like f4
Gnam(1793) whispers: f4 me too
Gnam(1793) whispers: f4 exf4 gives some problem
16.Ng2 (8:47)
Paolone(2057) whispers: but after Rxf4 white is not bad for me
LJMon(1848) whispers: first side that takes something loses
Paolone(2057) whispers: that knight move is a bit slow for me
Gnam(1793) whispers: Ng2 interesting though
Gnam(1793) whispers: but i don't like LSB position
Paolone(2057) whispers: now black could open on queen side
Paolone(2057) whispers: a6 and then b5
DarkVision(2177) whispers: how about h6, g5 and Ng6?
Gnam(1793) whispers: not bad, that's why i don't like Bh3 position
Paolone(2057) whispers: infact after Ng2
Paolone(2057) whispers: the position of bishop is a bit worrying
LJMon(1848) whispers: Bc8
DarkVision(2177) whispers: yes, Bc8 looks like a proper move
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Bc8 with the idea to take on e4 and play Nf5 and nd4
LJMon(1848) whispers: and if Bxc8 Qxc8 and Q can go to h3
DarkVision(2177) whispers: correct
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes, surely not to trade bishops, for black it's better keep his bishop
DarkVision(2177) whispers: I'm not sure, because there's no knight to go Ng5 and Ne6
DarkVision(2177) whispers: that bishop is not doing a lot on b7
Paolone(2057) whispers: I see better keeping that bishop
Paolone(2057) whispers: but moving it in d7
16...Bc8 (8:50)
Paolone(2057) whispers: with that pawn chain black cann't give his white squares bishop imho
DarkVision(2177) whispers: true, for now Bc8 and let's see what white does
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Kg8, Ng8, Nf6 is also an idea to consider
Paolone(2057) whispers: true, the position allows some slow but effective planes like that
Gnam(1793) whispers: last time paolone spoke about bishop he was strongly right...i can remember well
DarkVision(2177) whispers: aha, Paolone is a expert on bishops
Paolone(2057) whispers: lol :)
Gnam(1793) whispers: on other guys bishops! ;)
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway now I would like move that knight from g2
Paolone(2057) whispers: Nh4 better than Ne3 I suppose
17.Rae1 (4:09)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white plan is risky cause if he plays f4 exchange and Bd4+
LJMon(1848) whispers: if the N aint already there
DarkVision(2177) whispers: black can pin with Bh6 though... might be usefull somewhere
LJMon(1848) whispers: white has to address his weaknesses
DarkVision(2177) whispers: maybe f4 now is good
DarkVision(2177) whispers: for black
17...f4 (2:49) 18.Bxc8 (0:06)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: there you go :)
18...Qxc8 (0:27)
Paolone(2057) whispers: for me it's an error for black
Paolone(2057) whispers: but white has to protect
Paolone(2057) whispers: white squares on king side
Paolone(2057) whispers: that knight is mispaced
DarkVision(2177) whispers: why do you think it's an error?
LJMon(1848) whispers: h3 and g4 are weak sqs deep to Whites King
Paolone(2057) whispers: positionally
Paolone(2057) whispers: but tactically it works
Paolone(2057) whispers: if white stop the attack with qh3 and opening f file
DarkVision(2177) whispers: weak light squares for black, you mean?
Paolone(2057) whispers: then black will feel the missing of his
Paolone(2057) whispers: white square bishop
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes that
Paolone(2057) whispers: anywya now white has to keep care
DarkVision(2177) whispers: well, the queen took over that role, no?
Paolone(2057) whispers: because there will be an attack on his king side
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes corrently
Paolone(2057) whispers: currently
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway that pawn chaing is static
Paolone(2057) whispers: and queen cann't live only for that target
19.f3 (3:10)
Paolone(2057) whispers: now it's curious the position after Qh3 and g4
Gnam(1793) whispers: hehe
DarkVision(2177) whispers: I like h5 here
Paolone(2057) whispers: uhm but
LJMon(1848) whispers: g4 isnt a good move after Qh3 because of h5 and its black that attacks
Paolone(2057) whispers: if h5 and then gxf4
Paolone(2057) whispers: and I'm sure who is worse on king side
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway we have to see what will happen
Paolone(2057) whispers: I'm NOT sure
DarkVision(2177) whispers: ok, maybe h5 is a bit too much to play now
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes it is a chance in some moves
LJMon(1848) whispers: gxf4 lets Black B into the game
DarkVision(2177) whispers: fxg3 hxg3 Qh3 looks good
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes I agree
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is in a little trouble here
DarkVision(2177) whispers: with the idea Bh6
Paolone(2057) whispers: while gxf4 exf4 Nxf4 and e6 square is good for white
DarkVision(2177) whispers: yes, but I was thinking about the pin with Bh6
LJMon(1848) whispers: white needs to make good defensive moves and use his two N and keep the position closed if he can
Paolone(2057) whispers: it's true
Paolone(2057) whispers: I had not seen
Paolone(2057) whispers: that
DarkVision(2177) whispers: h5 gxf4 exf4 Nxf4 Bh6 Nce2 Rxf4!?
Paolone(2057) whispers: It seems interesting
Paolone(2057) whispers: but complicated for me understand now if it works
Paolone(2057) whispers: for me now
Paolone(2057) whispers: that easy and plane is Qh3
DarkVision(2177) whispers: h5 gxf4 exf4 Nxf4 Bh6 Nce2 Rxf4!? Ne6 Bxd2 Nxf8 Bxe1 Ne6 and white is actually better :)
Paolone(2057) whispers: wow
Paolone(2057) whispers: I cann't imaginate so depth variant :D
Paolone(2057) whispers: I was analaysing
DarkVision(2177) whispers: I'm not sure it's correct, just some thoughts...
Paolone(2057) whispers: Qh3 gxf4 Nxf4 Rxf4 and then Be5
19...Qh3 (8:48)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: nice
20.g4 (0:33)
LJMon(1848) whispers: The N was taken by Rxf4 then it moved to e6
Paolone(2057) whispers: oh that curious position I said
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Qh3 gxf4 Nxf4 Rxf4 Qxf4 Be5 Qd2 defends h2 though
LJMon(1848) whispers: other than that OK
DarkVision(2177) whispers: there was a second knight from Nce2
Paolone(2057) whispers: it's true
20...Bf6 (1:07)
Paolone(2057) whispers: but then I thoguth Raf8 and black Knight move to improve the attack
Paolone(2057) whispers: anywya now we are in other position
LJMon(1848) whispers: black get an attack on g-file
21.Nb5 (1:24)
Paolone(2057) whispers: oh white go hunting pawns
Paolone(2057) whispers: a bit dangerous
Paolone(2057) whispers: now I see h5
Paolone(2057) whispers: letting d6 pawn
Paolone(2057) whispers: white position could resist
Paolone(2057) whispers: but knight has to go in e1 and re1 in e2
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rad8
DarkVision(2177) whispers: maybe you can just mark time with Nc8 as white doesn't have much to go on
21...Rfd8 (4:14)
Paolone(2057) whispers: weird move for me Rfd8
LJMon(1848) whispers: other R better cause he cant play Nxa7
Paolone(2057) whispers: protect the pawn with that rook used to attack
22.Nc7 (1:01)
Paolone(2057) whispers: Now Nc7 and Ne6
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rd7 is also good
Paolone(2057) whispers: and you see the weakness of white squares
22...Rac8 (0:14) 23.Ne6 (0:02)
Paolone(2057) whispers: oh well
Paolone(2057) whispers: go volo :D
23...Re8 (0:24)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: only because black allowed the entry through b5
DarkVision(2177) whispers: a timely a6 would have prevented it
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes but threating was present
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway now white is better
Gnam(1793) whispers: i told before...about other guys' bishop, paolone is the guru
DarkVision(2177) whispers: yes, Paolone is the one
LJMon(1848) whispers: white gotta have some fun
DarkVision(2177) whispers: I will call him Neo from now on
Paolone(2057) whispers: lol
24.Rc1 (2:05)
Paolone(2057) whispers: I dont' understand the target of Rc1
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Rc1-c3-a3
Paolone(2057) whispers: ah,
Paolone(2057) whispers: a bit slow
DarkVision(2177) whispers: I'm the master of rooks, by the way...
Gnam(1793) whispers: better to stay on d1 i guess
Gnam(1793) whispers: lol darkvision
Paolone(2057) whispers: sure ;)
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway for me kingside is yet critical
DarkVision(2177) whispers: I do play for Mysterious Rook Moves in TL
Paolone(2057) whispers: it's true, well said :)
Gnam(1793) whispers: rookvision by Mysterious Rook Moves sounds good
Paolone(2057) whispers: ehehe
24...g5 (3:11)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: now that's a good handle
Gnam(1793) whispers: :-?
LJMon(1848) whispers: not good
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe ok
Gnam(1793) whispers: white has positionally won this game
DarkVision(2177) whispers: black could still do something on the k-side
Gnam(1793) whispers: but he had to be much carefull of tactics on king side
LJMon(1848) whispers: h5 still good
Gnam(1793) whispers: just what i mean
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Ne1 h5 Qg2? hxg4
Paolone(2057) whispers: nice variant
LJMon(1848) whispers: wish black would have moved Rd7 instead of Re8
Gnam(1793) whispers: yes
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Ne1 h5 gxh5 Qxh5 and maybe there's an attack
DarkVision(2177) whispers: the black king can hide on f7
DarkVision(2177) whispers: and the rooks switch to the k-side
LJMon(1848) whispers: N has g6 now
Paolone(2057) whispers: I believe Ng6, too
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway I don't see a good way for black
Paolone(2057) whispers: to go on the attack on kingside
25.Rc3 (3:58)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: but that white knight is a bit lonely on e6
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes
Paolone(2057) whispers: white should open queen side
Gnam(1793) whispers: Qc3 instead of Rc3
Paolone(2057) whispers: and help it and to be heleped by it
LJMon(1848) whispers: its risky for him to try
25...Kf7 (1:05)
Paolone(2057) whispers: for white there is no way to act on kingside
LJMon(1848) whispers: Ra3 a5 Rb3 Rb8
26.Ra3 (0:49) a5 (0:07) 27.Rb3 (0:02) Rb8 (0:07)
Gnam(1793) whispers: Ne1-d3-f2
Paolone(2057) whispers: uhm position frozen
Paolone(2057) whispers: is complicated opening files
Gnam(1793) whispers: now white has Nc7-b5 too
28.Nc7 (0:49)
LJMon(1848) whispers: black attacks king
Paolone(2057) whispers: knight was better in e6 than b5, imho
Paolone(2057) whispers: now Rh8
Paolone(2057) whispers: and we see if black is able to force an attack
Gnam(1793) whispers: Nb5-c3-e2-Kh1-Ng1 maybe avoids h5
LJMon(1848) whispers: Red8 if Ne6 Rd7
DarkVision(2177) whispers: I would play Rg8
Paolone(2057) whispers: for me black play Rh8 and then h5
28...Red8 (2:20)
Paolone(2057) whispers: Ok, I mistaked
Paolone(2057) whispers: or him...
29.Ne6 (0:21) Rh8 (0:37)
LJMon(1848) whispers: a R@d7 holds position on Qside other R can over to attack and let white in Qside if promising
LJMon(1848) whispers: probably a better move this one
30.Ne1 (0:43)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: after the excahnge of pawns on h5, g4 will come, so therefore Rg8 is more correct to me
LJMon(1848) whispers: h5
30...h5 (1:15)
Paolone(2057) whispers: now it's necessary Qe2
31.Qg2 (2:04)
LJMon(1848) whispers: if time work in a4 Ra3 b4
LJMon(1848) whispers: hxg4
Paolone(2057) whispers: hxg4 fxg4
Paolone(2057) whispers: and white is fine
31...hxg4 (1:19)
Paolone(2057) whispers: black queen attacked by Rb3
32.fxg4 (0:10)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qh7
Bracco(1907) whispers: and then a4
32...Qh7 (0:48)
Bracco(1907) whispers: go for a4 volo
33.Nf3 (0:32)
Scodman(1657) whispers: Nf3
Scodman(1657) whispers: good
Scodman(1657) whispers: double N attack on g5
Gnam(1793) whispers: , yes
Bracco(1907) whispers: easily defendable
Bracco(1907) whispers: but yes, still in time for a4
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qxe4 is out of the question
33...Rhg8 (0:50)
Gnam(1793) whispers: h4?!
Bracco(1907) whispers: oops, now e4 is threatened
34.a4 (0:42)
Bracco(1907) whispers: not really, nfxg5+
Gnam(1793) whispers: in fact
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rg6
Gnam(1793) whispers: what about 34.hh4
LJMon(1848) whispers: e4 is now open
Bracco(1907) whispers: am i dreaming of fantasy chess if I consider doubling rooks in b5-b3?
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qxe4
34...Ke8 (1:39)
Gnam(1793) whispers: am i dreaming if i consider to push h4-h5
35.Nd2 (0:11)
Paolone(2057) whispers: it's possible but black has way to defend
35...Ng6 (0:27)
Bracco(1907) whispers: rff3 and thet rh3 winning h file
LJMon(1848) whispers: it was whites move I am getting tired
Gnam(1793) whispers: Nh4 closes the file
Paolone(2057) whispers: but if Rh3 immediately?
Paolone(2057) whispers: and then Rh6
Paolone(2057) whispers: uhm but there is Nh4
Bracco(1907) whispers: rh3 nh4 anf then?
Paolone(2057) whispers: true
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway after Nf3
36.Rh3 (1:47)
Paolone(2057) whispers: knight in h4 has to move away
36...Nh4 (0:33) 37.Qf2 (0:23)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rb7
Scodman(1657) whispers: what a position, my God...
37...Kd7 (1:10) 38.Re1 (0:12)
Scodman(1657) whispers: one of the closest and toughest I've ever seen after 38 moves
38...Rh8 (0:30)
Gnam(1793) whispers: don't stress your mind, think to your health
Scodman(1657) whispers: i never stressed my mind tonight
Scodman(1657) whispers: I watched the replica of Italy-Brazil World Cup 1982 until few minutes ago
LJMon(1848) whispers: g4 is weak
LightKnight(1689) whispers: do "obs gmgiri" then :)
Scodman(1657) whispers: why, LK?
Paolone(2057) whispers: I'll play Kh1 and then Nf3
Paolone(2057) whispers: I would like play
39.Kf1 (2:50)
LJMon(1848) whispers: B gonna be handy afterall
LJMon(1848) whispers: b R-->g8-->g6---h6
DarkVision(2177) whispers: yes, but white can play Rb3 then
LJMon(1848) whispers: white should give up on N@h4 cause if he takes....Black B gets active
39...Qf7 (2:01)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qf7 small error
Paolone(2057) whispers: position is so blocked
Paolone(2057) whispers: only blunders could avoid the draw
40.Nf3 (2:45)
LJMon(1848) whispers: argh he found it
40...Nxf3 (0:38) 41.Qxf3 (0:00)
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes blunder
Paolone(2057) whispers: for white :(
41...Rxh3 (0:23) 42.Qxh3 (0:00) Rh8 (0:03) 43.Qb3 (0:09)
Paolone(2057) whispers: now Qh7 and then Qh3
Paolone(2057) whispers: and black has a won position
Bracco(1907) whispers: qb5 deserves attention
Paolone(2057) whispers: g4 pawn will fall
Paolone(2057) whispers: true
Paolone(2057) whispers: but I fear that black
Bracco(1907) whispers: qh7 qb5ch ke7 qc6
Paolone(2057) whispers: comes first to attack white king
43...Kc8 (2:14)
Paolone(2057) whispers: h3 and h2 weak
Paolone(2057) whispers: the rook is not able to protect all byself
Paolone(2057) whispers: oh blunder
Paolone(2057) whispers: for black
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: :-)
Paolone(2057) whispers: incredible
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: now it's a different story
Paolone(2057) whispers: now Qxb6 is strong
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: time matters my firends and 4 minutes are very little sometimes
Scodman(1657) whispers: why black didn't see it?
LJMon(1848) whispers: now black has to fight for a draw
44.Qxb6 (1:38)
Scodman(1657) whispers: oh never mind, I have to admit that this zeitnot after such a game is very effectiveon players' minds
44...Qb7 (0:42)
Bracco(1907) whispers: black could cooperate with Qc7 qxc7 mate
Scodman(1657) whispers: don't exagerate now, Bracco
LJMon(1848) whispers: 1-0
Paolone(2057) whispers: now Qxd6
Bracco(1907) whispers: qxd6 qxb2 qc7 mate
Scodman(1657) whispers: Qxd6 is enough for the moment
Paolone(2057) whispers: and black queen cann't let alone her king
45.Qxb7+ (2:02) Kxb7 (0:05)
Paolone(2057) whispers: that's pity
46.Kg2 (0:04)
Paolone(2057) whispers: now the advantage for white is little
Scodman(1657) whispers: ufffff
Gnam(1793) whispers: what was wrong with Qxa5
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: and White has an easy draw position as black bishop is useless
Scodman(1657) whispers: this was easy, yet
Bracco(1907) whispers: remember, a draw is ok for white
LJMon(1848) whispers: I liked Qxd6
46...Kc8 (0:43)
Scodman(1657) whispers: d6 was the prey
47.Rd1 (0:05)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Rh4 was better
47...Kd7 (0:07)
Bracco(1907) whispers: qxd6 be7 and white q was in troubles
48.Rd3 (0:04) Rb8 (0:09) 49.b3 (0:01)
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: perfect, now there is no improvements from black perspective
Gnam(1793) whispers: white is probably still optimistic in the ending
LJMon(1848) whispers: white can play h4 if black dont watch it
Paolone(2057) whispers: after rook trade white has an end-game a bit better
Paolone(2057) whispers: but I'm not sure it was enough to win
LJMon(1848) whispers: white has an h4 in his future
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: after queen trade white signals a draw is fine
DarkVision(2177) whispers: Rh8 Rh3
LJMon(1848) whispers: yes
Paolone(2057) whispers: after rook trade, the h4 and then g5 is good for white
DarkVision(2177) whispers: yep
Paolone(2057) whispers: white could yet winning this game
Paolone(2057) whispers: go volo :D
LJMon(1848) whispers: its 1-0
49...Rh8 (3:34) 50.Rh3 (0:07)
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: after a rock trade white plays h3, Kf3 and Ke2 and it is a draw as black can't do anything
LJMon(1848) whispers: if stay there and waithing move Nxg5
50...Rxh3 (0:54) 51.Kxh3 (0:00) Ke7 (1:24)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Kg2
52.Kg2 (0:46) Kf7 (0:28)
LJMon(1848) whispers: h4
Bracco(1907) whispers: white's idea could be to threat h4 and g5, black king should watch for this plan
53.Kf3 (0:43)
DarkVision(2177) whispers: h4 gxh4 g5 Be7 Kh3 f3
Bracco(1907) whispers: and white N can look for a trail in the queen side
LJMon(1848) whispers: draw
giacomoscac(1784) whispers: or just keep moving the king and draw by triple repetition
53...Kg6 (0:26)
LJMon(1848) whispers: wait!.......Nc7
Bracco(1907) whispers: nc7-b5-a7-c6
LJMon(1848) whispers: probably a draw
Bracco(1907) whispers: i'm pretty sure volo will spot it
54.Nf8+ (1:32) Kf7 (0:11) 55.Nd7 (0:02)
Gnam(1793) whispers: also d7-b8-c6 works
pedropablo(1722) whispers: spot it?
pedropablo(1722) whispers: sarebbe?
pedropablo(1722) whispers: sputargli?
Paolone(2057) whispers: quello e' spit
Bracco(1907) whispers: scorgere, vedere
pedropablo(1722) whispers: ah
Gnam(1793) whispers: pedro stady inglish pliis
55...Bd8 (0:38)
pedropablo(1722) whispers: to sbirc, insomma
56.Nb8 (0:06)
Gnam(1793) whispers: lol
Bracco(1907) whispers: pedro, inglish pliss
pedropablo(1722) whispers: occhei
pedropablo(1722) whispers: uer is de uman ov volo?
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nxc5 probably a draw
56...Ke8 (1:47) 57.Nc6 (0:08)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Bc7 draw
57...Bb6 (0:20) 58.Kg2 (0:21)
Paolone(2057) whispers: yes probably a draw
58...Kd7 (0:42)
Paolone(2057) whispers: the passed f4 pawn
Paolone(2057) whispers: don't permit to white to support g4 pawn after h4 kh3 variant
Gnam(1793) whispers: Kf3 forced
59.Nb8+ (0:42) Ke8 (0:14) 60.h3 (0:14) Bd8 (0:14) 61.Kf3 (0:10) Bc7 (0:20) 62.Nc6 (0:04)
LJMon(1848) whispers: guests should have the right to rate admins
LJMon(1848) whispers: miswhis
62...Bb6 (0:20) 63.Kg2 (0:06) Bc7 (0:05)
Paolone(2057) whispers: ok draw
64.Na7 (0:03)
Paolone(2057) whispers: anyway there is also a button for that
64...Bd8 (0:11) 65.Nb5 (0:04) Kd7 (0:15)
Bracco(1907) whispers: volo is trying hard
66.Nc3 (0:07) Oakwell offers a draw.
Bracco(1907) whispers: Nc3 VoloLibero declines the draw request.
Scodman(1657) whispers: probably they don't find that button
Paolone(2057) whispers: oh
Scodman(1657) whispers: ah
Paolone(2057) whispers: something is happening
Scodman(1657) whispers: ma alloraci crede
66...Ke8 (0:22) 67.Ne2 (0:01)
Paolone(2057) whispers: to go to f3
LJMon(1848) whispers: I cant see anything remotely suggesting a break now
67...Kf7 (0:10) 68.Ng1 (0:01)
Paolone(2057) whispers: nf3 and then h4
Paolone(2057) whispers: but I don't believe it will be possible winning
68...Kg6 (0:22) 69.Nf3 (0:02)
Scodman(1657) whispers: I think this is the idea
69...Be7 (0:08)
Scodman(1657) whispers: But Volo knows that for his team a draw is enough? VoloLibero offers a draw. Oakwell accepts the draw request.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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