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knightsmasher(2334) vs. vpoxds(0) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 15+0, 2014-06-05

Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 60.04 kNps: 702 score: 0.10 depth: 12f. PV: 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.d4 Bb4 5.d5 Ne7 6.Bd2 O-O <(0)>
1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 39.60 kNps: 765 score: 0.20 depth: 11f. PV: 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.d4 Nxe4 4.Bd3 d5 5.Nxe5 Bb4+ 6.c3 Be7 7.f3 Bh4+ 8.g3 <(HT)> <(0)>
2.Nf3 (0:35) Nc6 (0:10)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 41.53 kNps: 717 score: 0.35 depth: 11f. PV: 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Qd6 6.O-O Be6 7.Nc3 O-O-O 8.Bg5 <(HT)> <(-10)>
3.Bb5 (0:42) d6 (0:10)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 17.47 kNps: 731 score: 0.69 depth: 10f. PV: 4.d4 Bd7 5.O-O exd4 6.Nxd4 Ne5 7.Bxd7+ Qxd7 8.f4 Nc6 9.Nxc6 Qxc6 10.Nc3 <(0)>
4.d4 (0:18) Bd7 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 29.11 kNps: 732 score: 0.65 depth: 10f. PV: 5.Bxc6 Bxc6 6.d5 Bb5 7.Nbd2 Qf6 8.c4 Bd7 9.O-O O-O-O 10.b3 <(HT)> <(-10)>
5.Bxc6 (0:18) Bxc6 (0:06)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 27.87 kNps: 751 score: 0.49 depth: 10f. PV: 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.Qe2 exd4 8.Nxd4 Be7 9.Nxc6 bxc6 10.Qa6 Qd7 11.Be3 Rb8 <(0)>
6.Nc3 (0:21) Nf6 (0:17)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 27.82 kNps: 842 score: 0.45 depth: 11f. PV: 7.d5 Bd7 8.O-O Be7 9.Qd3 O-O 10.Rd1 Bg4 11.h3 Bxf3 12.Qxf3 <(0)>
7.d5 (0:10) Bd7 (0:27)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 30.19 kNps: 792 score: 0.33 depth: 12u. PV: 8.Bg5 Be7 9.Bxf6 gxf6 10.O-O Rg8 11.Qd3 Rxg2+ 12.Kxg2 Bg4
8.Bg5 (0:03) Be7 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 21.11 kNps: 752 score: 0.29 depth: 11f. PV: 9.Bxf6 Bxf6 10.Qd3 O-O 11.O-O-O <(-20)>
9.Bxf6 (0:13) Bxf6 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 29.54 kNps: 791 score: 0.27 depth: 12u. PV: 10.Qd3 O-O 11.O-O Bg5 12.Qc4 Bf4 13.Ne2 Bg4 14.Nxf4 Bxf3 15.Qd3 Qf6 16.Qxf3 <(340)>
10.Qd3 (0:22) O-O (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 28.65 kNps: 763 score: 0.26 depth: 11u. PV: 11.O-O Bg4 12.Nd2 Bh4 13.Nc4 a6 14.a4 Qg5 15.Na5 Rab8 <(HT)> <(-20)>
11.O-O (0:16) Be7 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 18.70 kNps: 798 score: 0.29 depth: 10f. PV: 12.Rad1 f5 13.Rfe1 fxe4 14.Nxe4 Rf4 15.Re3 Qf8 16.Qb3 b6 17.Rde1 <(-20)>
12.Rad1 (0:19) f5 (0:10)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 27.23 kNps: 900 score: 0.13 depth: 11u. PV: 13.Rfe1 fxe4 14.Nxe4 Bg4 15.Re3 Qd7 16.Rde1 c6 17.Nfg5 Bxg5 18.Nxg5 Qf5 <(-10)>
13.Rfe1 (0:17) a5 (0:26)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 26.56 kNps: 840 score: 0.21 depth: 10u. PV: 14.b3 fxe4 15.Nxe4 Rf4 16.Re3 c5 17.Ra1 Qb6 18.Nfg5
14.b3 (0:27) Qe8 (0:18)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 25.50 kNps: 776 score: 0.13 depth: 10u. PV: 15.Re3 fxe4 16.Nxe4 Rf4 17.Qc4 Bg4 <(HT)> <(-20)>
15.Re3 (0:26) Qg6 (0:22)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 12.79 kNps: 807 score: -0.02 depth: 9f. PV: 16.exf5 Rxf5 17.Kh1 Raf8 18.Qe4 c6 19.dxc6 Bxc6 20.Qc4+ Kh8 21.Qb5
16.exf5 (0:13) Bxf5 (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 14.04 kNps: 816 score: -0.09 depth: 10f. PV: 17.Ne4 Bg4 18.Rde1 Rf7 19.Nfd2 Raf8 20.f3 Bh3 21.Qe2 Bh4 <(-20)>
17.Ne4 (0:14) Bd7 (0:19)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 23.40 kNps: 790 score: 0.07 depth: 9u. PV: 18.Rde1 Rf7 19.Nfd2 c6 20.Rg3 Qh6 21.c4 Raf8 22.Rf3 Rxf3 <(HT)> <(-520)>
18.Rde1 (0:24) b5 (0:36)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 22.45 kNps: 867 score: 0.15 depth: 10u. PV: 19.c4 b4 20.c5 Bg4 21.c6 a4 22.Qe2 axb3 23.axb3 Ra5 24.Rd1 <(-20)>
19.c4 (0:22) b4 (0:14)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 21.56 kNps: 661 score: 0.12 depth: 9f. PV: 20.Kh1 Bg4 21.h3 Bf5 22.Qe2 a4 23.Ng3 Bd7 24.Ne4 <(-20)>
20.Kh1 (0:08) Bf5 (0:13)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 21.24 kNps: 763 score: 0.04 depth: 11u. PV: 21.Qe2 Bg4 22.h3 Qh6 23.Kg1 Bh5 24.Ng3 Bg5 25.Rd3 Bg6 26.Ne4 <(-20)>
21.Qe2 (0:21) Qf7 (0:41)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 20.39 kNps: 730 score: 0.13 depth: 10u. PV: 22.Kg1 Rac8 23.Qd3 Bg6 24.Qd2 Qf4 25.Qe2 c6 26.g3 Qg4 <(HT)> <(-20)>
22.Kg1 (0:20) Bd7 (0:11)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 12.13 kNps: 795 score: 0.14 depth: 9f. PV: 23.Qd3 Bf5 24.Qd2 Bg4 25.Qb2 a4 26.h3 Bd7 27.Qe2 <(-20)>
23.Qd3 (0:12) Rab8 (0:27)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 19.08 kNps: 824 score: 0.13 depth: 10u. PV: 24.c5 Bb5 25.Qd2 Qf4 26.c6 Ra8 27.Kh1 Kh8 28.Qb2 Rae8 <(-20)>
24.c5 (0:19) h6 (0:22)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 9.446 kNps: 920 score: 0.43 depth: 9f. PV: 25.c6 Bg4 26.Qc4 Qg6 27.Qe2 Qh5 28.Ng3 Qg6 29.a4 <(-20)>
25.c6 (0:10) Bf5 (0:16)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 17.94 kNps: 850 score: 0.36 depth: 10u. PV: 26.Qc4 Ra8 27.Qb5 Kh7 28.Ng3 Bg4 29.Qd3+ g6 30.h3 Bxf3 31.Rxf3 <(-10)>
26.Qc4 (0:18) Ra8 (0:14)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 17.21 kNps: 794 score: 0.37 depth: 9f. PV: 27.Nfd2 Kh7 28.Rf3 Qg6 29.Rg3 Qf7 30.Nf3 a4 31.Re2 <(-20)>
27.Nfd2 (0:03) Bg4 (0:29)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 17.08 kNps: 834 score: 0.36 depth: 10u. PV: 28.Rg3 Bf5 29.Rf3 Bh4 30.Nf1 Qg6 31.Nfg3 Bxg3 32.Rxg3 Qg5
28.Rg3 (0:17) Bh4 (0:18)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 15.66 kNps: 1051 score: 0.39 depth: 11f. PV: 29.Rxg4 Bxf2+ 30.Kf1 Bxe1+ 31.Kxe1 a4 32.Rg3 axb3 33.Rxb3 Rxa2 34.Rxb4 Ra1+ 35.Rb1 Rxb1+ 36.Nxb1 Qf4 37.g3 Qf3 <(100)>
29.Rxg4 (0:16) Bxf2+ (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 15.77 kNps: 1024 score: 0.41 depth: 11f. PV: 30.Kf1 Bxe1+ 31.Kxe1 a4 32.Rg3 axb3 33.Qxb3 Ra5 34.Rf3 Qxd5 35.Rxf8+ Kxf8 36.Qxb4 Rxa2 37.Qb8+ Kf7 <(20)>
30.Kf1 (0:04) a4 (0:35)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 18.08 kNps: 986 score: 1.33 depth: 10f. PV: 31.Re2 Bd4+ 32.Ke1 axb3 33.Qxb3 Ra3 34.Qc4 Ra5 35.Nf3 Qxd5 36.Qxb4 Rxa2 <(170)>
31.Re2 (0:18) Bd4+ (0:21)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 21.38 kNps: 849 score: 1.16 depth: 11u. PV: 32.Ke1 axb3 33.Qxb3 Ra3 34.Qxb4 Rxa2 35.Nf3 Ra1+ 36.Kd2 Ra2+ 37.Kd3 Bc5 38.Nxc5 Qxd5+ 39.Nd4 Rxe2 40.Kxe2 exd4 <(180)>
32.Ke1 (0:00) axb3 (0:21)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 21.52 kNps: 795 score: 1.16 depth: 10f. PV: 33.Qxb3 Ra3 34.Qxb4 Rxa2 35.Nf3 Ra1+ 36.Kd2 Ra2+ 37.Kd3 Bc5 38.Nxc5 Qxd5+ 39.Nd4 Rxe2 40.Kxe2 exd4 <(180)>
33.Qxb3 (0:00) Ra3 (0:17)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 17.62 kNps: 1095 score: 1.23 depth: 10f. PV: 34.Qxb4 Rxa2 35.Nf3 Rxe2+ 36.Kxe2 Qxd5 37.Nxd4 exd4 38.Kd3 Qxc6 39.Kxd4 Kh7 40.Qc4 Qxc4+ 41.Kxc4 <(180)>
34.Qxb4 (0:00) Rxa2 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 14.88 kNps: 1071 score: 1.10 depth: 9f. PV: 35.Nf3 Ra1+ 36.Kd2 Qxd5 37.Nxd4 exd4 38.Kd3 Rd1+ 39.Rd2 Rxd2+ 40.Qxd2 Qb3+ 41.Kxd4 Qb6+ 42.Kd3 d5 43.Qxh6 <(340)>
35.Nf3 (0:06) Ra1+ (0:23)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 23.68 kNps: 912 score: 0.94 depth: 9f. PV: 36.Kd2 Qxd5 37.Nxd4 exd4 38.Kd3 Rd1+ 39.Rd2 Rxd2+ 40.Qxd2 Qb3+ 41.Ke2 Qc4+ 42.Qd3 d5 43.Nd2 <(HT)> <(180)>
36.Kd2 (0:00) h5 (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 73.15 kNps: 925 score: 0.34 depth: 10u. PV: 37.Rg3 Rfa8 38.Nxd4 exd4 39.Re1 Rxe1 40.Kxe1 Ra1+ 41.Kd2 Qf4+ 42.Kd3 Qf1+ 43.Kxd4 Rd1+ 44.Qd2 Rxd2+ 45.Nxd2 <(-161)>
37.Rg3 (1:13) Qf4+ (0:08)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 9.695 kNps: 1028 score: 1.63 depth: 9f. PV: 38.Kd3 Bc5 39.Qb5 Ra3+ 40.Kc2 Be3 41.Qb4 Rfa8 42.Kd1 Ra1+ 43.Kc2 <(250)>
38.Kd3 (0:10) Bc5 (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 56.56 kNps: 1078 score: -1.06 depth: 10u. PV: 39.Qb5 Ra3+ 40.Kc2 Ra2+ 41.Kb3 Raa8 42.Nxc5 dxc5 43.Rxe5 Rfb8 44.Qxb8+ Rxb8+ 45.Kc3 Qc1+ 46.Kd3 Rb3+ 47.Ke4 Qc4+ 48.Kf5 <(HT)> <(-161)>
39.Qb5 (0:44) Qc1 (0:16)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 28.08 kNps: 1039 score: -0.17 depth: 9u. PV: 40.Nfd2 Ra2 41.Qc4 Ra3+ 42.Nc3 Rf4 43.Ne4 Bd4 44.Qb4 Bxc3 45.Qb8+ Kh7 <(HT)> <(-90)>
40.Nfd2 (0:28) Ra3+ (0:12)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 8.411 kNps: 1128 score: 0.00 depth: 8f. PV: 41.Nb3 Qb1+ 42.Kc3 Qc1+ 43.Kd3 <(250)>
41.Nb3 (0:08) Qd1+ (0:37)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 40.40 kNps: 1124 score: -5.91 depth: 10u. PV: 42.Nd2 Rf4 43.Re4 Rf2 44.Kc4 Rxd2 45.Qb8+ Kh7 46.Qf8 Qc2+ 47.Kb5 Rxb3+ 48.Rxb3 Qxb3+ 49.Ka6 Rxd5 <(-510)>
42.Nd2 (0:40) Ra2 (0:10)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 32.31 kNps: 1031 score: -5.21 depth: 10u. PV: 43.Qc4 Rf4 44.Re4 Rf2 45.Qc3 Bd4 46.Nxd4 exd4 47.Rxg7+ Kf8 48.Kxd4 Raxd2+ 49.Kc4 Qa4+ 50.Qb4 Qc2+ 51.Kb5 <(HT)> <(80)>
43.Qc4 (0:32) Rf4 (0:16)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 20.08 kNps: 1072 score: -6.22 depth: 10f. PV: 44.Re4 Rf2 45.Qc3 Bd4 46.Nxd4 exd4 47.Kxd4 Rfxd2+ 48.Ke3 Qe1+ 49.Kf4 Rf2+ 50.Kg5 Qxe4 51.Qd3 Qxd3 <(-1501)>
44.Re4 (0:04) Rf2 (0:18)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 24.95 kNps: 1113 score: -8.38 depth: 10u. PV: 45.Qc3 Bd4 46.Nxd4 exd4 47.Re8+ Kf7 48.Qb3 Qxd2+ 49.Kc4 Rc2+ 50.Kb5 Rc5+ 51.Ka6 Qa5+ 52.Kb7 Rb5+ 53.Qxb5 Qxb5+ 54.Kxc7 <(HT)> <(-501)>
45.Qc3 (0:06) Bd4 (0:10)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 10.65 kNps: 1124 score: -8.38 depth: 8f. PV: 46.Nxd4 exd4 47.Re8+ Kf7 48.Qb3 Qxd2+ 49.Kc4 Rc2+ 50.Kb5 Rc5+ 51.Ka6 Qa5+ 52.Kb7 Rb5+ 53.Qxb5 Qxb5+ 54.Kxc7 <(HT)> <(-501)>
46.Nxd4 (0:00) exd4 (0:07)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 23.62 kNps: 1049 score: -9.86 depth: 9u. PV: 47.Re8+ Kf7 48.Qb3 Raxd2+ 49.Kc4 Rc2+ 50.Kb4 Kxe8 51.Rxg7 Qe1+ 52.Kb5 Rc5+ 53.Ka6 Qa5+ 54.Kb7 <(HT)> <(-500)>
47.Re8+ (0:17) Kf7 (0:19)
Knightsmasher(2334) whispers: time: 20.24 kNps: 1056 score: -11.00 depth: 9u. PV: 48.Qb3 Qxd2+ 49.Kc4 Qc1+ 50.Rc3 Qf1+ 51.Rd3 Rfc2+ 52.Kb4 Kxe8 53.Qxc2 Rxc2 54.Rxd4 Rb2+ 55.Ka5 <(-1001)>
48.Qb3 (0:01) Knightsmasher resigns 0-1


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