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amauta(2226) vs. smallblackcat(2242) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2014-05-25

1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:03) d5 (0:03) 3.e5 (0:05) c5 (0:08) 4.Nf3 (0:28)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ack, maybe he saw me struggling with this line in blitz the other day ;)
4...Nc6 (1:03)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I will delay cxd4, give him a chance to return to the mainlines
5.c3 (0:41)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: it worked ;)
5...Bd7 (0:16) 6.Be2 (0:14) Nge7 (0:07) 7.O-O (0:32)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I have a bit of a hangover today, but amauta is playing late at night, so it probably evens out ;)
7...Ng6 (0:14)
milpat(2034) whispers: again?
8.Be3 (0:21)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Be3 is a bit unusual, hmm
8...Be7 (1:28) 9.Nbd2 (0:40) O-O (4:34) 10.Rb1 (2:30)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: don
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: *don't think I've seen this setup before
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: if I play c4 now, what are his Nd2 and Rb1 doing?
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: my Bd7 may have a future on the kingside, after f6 and Be8
10...c4 (3:27)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I don't usually close up like this, but here it seems justified
11.b3 (0:28) cxb3 (1:34)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: c-file play now, maybe
12.axb3 (2:41)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: if I play Rc8 he will just hurry up with c4
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: f6 for immediate counterplay seems logical, but then after c4 my whole pawn chain is getting attacked
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Rc8 c4 Nb4 looks ok
12...Rc8 (4:38) 13.b4 (2:24)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: well I am more confident about f6 now
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: f6 b5 Na5 maybe tricky
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: not sure if a6 first really helps
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: hmm f5 is also interesting
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: if I can force him to play exf6 at once, it looks grea
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: *t
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: f5 Nb3 seems to be the main alternative
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: unfortunately that looks quite good
FiNLiP(1941) whispers: I would have differed from both these players' games on move one itself.
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I guess if f5 Nb3 I can try to play on the kingside later
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: trouble is that his queenside play seems more efficient, with Nb3-c5 and b5 and so forth
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: so f6 b5 Na5 Bd3
FiNLiP(1941) whispers: I'm not sure I like 10...c4 for Black even though I have no knowledge of this opening whatsoever.
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: maybe f5 there...then Nb3 Nc4 at least gives me a nice square on c4
13...f6 (9:17) 14.exf6 (1:45) Bxf6 (0:10)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: surprising
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: clears e7 for my Nc6
15.b5 (3:15)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: hmm I guess Nce7 c4 is something to be concerned about
15...Nce7 (1:13)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: still seems quite logical
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: c4 Qc7 and Nf4
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: maybe Be8 first
16.Qb3 (1:20) Kh8 (3:30)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: let's just play it safe
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: not sure what his threat is yet
paire(2087) whispers: oldpstat misteraw
paire(2087) whispers: mistell
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: long think, and I have no idea what about ;)
17.Ra1 (12:07)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ok now...Qb6 c5 dxc4 Bxc4 Nf5
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: this was my abstract plan, now trying to see if it actually works
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: maybe Ra8 is the better way to play it
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: cos in that case I can wait for cxd5
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: trouble is I think he plays c4-c5 anyway, not c4xd5
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I think my first line can work though, Qb6 c4 dxc4 Bxc4 Nf5 Bxe6 Bxe6 Qxe6 Nxe3 Qxe3 Rfe8 Qd3 Nf4!
17...Qb6 (4:16)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: c4 dxc4 Nxc4 Qxb5 should be ok, I hope
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: the pin on the Nc4 seems quite important
18.Ne5 (2:32)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ah, clever
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I've just realised that my e6 'sac' line was nonsense, the Q covers it from b6 :)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: but ok, here Be8 f4 and such like
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: well, except then I really am sacrificing the e6 pawn
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ok what if I take and play Qc7
18...Bxe5 (4:12) 19.dxe5 (0:06) Qc7 (0:01) 20.c4 (0:20)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: b6 seems ok now
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: b6 Rfc1 I guess
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: can't decide if b6 makes my pawns easier or harder to defend
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: well, Nxe5 gains a tempo by hitting c4 I guess
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Qxe5 threatens d4
20...Qxe5 (5:05) 21.Rxa7 (0:25)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ok why not d4 here?
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: maybe he just missed it
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: d4 Nf3 Rxf3 seems fine
21...d4 (1:03) 22.Nf3 (0:22) Rxf3 (0:13) 23.Bxf3 (0:09) dxe3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: fxe3 Nf5 perhaps
24.fxe3 (1:48)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Nf5 Rxb7 Qxe3+ Qxe3 Nxe3 Re1 hmm
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Nf5 Rxb7 Be8 Re1 Nf4!?
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: or even Nh4
24...Nf5 (2:55)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: is rook and 2 pawns better than 2 knights here?
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I would think not, but I have been wrong often enough before
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: hmm Bxb7 Rd8 Rd1 is potentially nasty
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: maybe time for Qc5 there
25.Bxb7 (4:02)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: or even Qb8, hmm
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: second thought is just ignore the hanging Bd7
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Re8 with Qc5 to follow
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: or Rf8 even
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Rf8 B somewhere Qxe3+ Qxe3 Nxe3 Rxf8 Nxf8 and Bd7 is covered
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: too many tactics...
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I guess I have to stop the pawns somehow too
25...Rb8 (5:44)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: looks pretty bad actually, just Ra8
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: and I have no idea how to stop the advance of the b-pawn
26.Ra8 (1:26)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: yeah...
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: take take Qb8 Bf3 Qb6 maybe
26...Rxa8 (1:17) 27.Bxa8 (0:04) Qb8 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Qa3 Nxe3 Rf8+ doesn't quite work, fortunately
28.Ra1 (1:24)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ah Qb6 Ra6
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: and Ne5 B moves threatens Ra8
28...Kg8 (3:19) 29.Be4 (2:45) Qe5 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Bxf4 would give me a chance, but it wouldn't completely shock me if that is still winning for white with the passed pawns
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: Ra8+ Nf8 Bxf5 Qxf5 b6 and it's over
30.Ra8+ (1:53)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: strange, I am sure this is lost, but it seems a bit early to resign
30...Kf7 (0:52) 31.Qd3 (0:23)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: pinning me down even more it seems
31...Nd6 (1:18)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I can see some perpetual idea here, Ra7 Qxe4 Rxd7+ Ke8 Rxd6 Qxe3+
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: probably doesn't even work though
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: and he can just trade queens and push the pawns
Suiseiseki(2117) whispers: well this sucks
32.Ra7 (10:03) Nf8 (0:08) 33.Bc6 (0:42)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ah, missed that
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: on the other hand, Qc5 Rxd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Nxc4 looks like it might give me some hopes of defending
33...Qc5 (1:37)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: I'd be pawn down, but with the b-pawn under control
34.Qd4 (1:24)
smallblackcat(2242) whispers: ah, damn
smallblackcat resigns 1-0


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