vololibero(1969) vs. titanchess(2253) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2014-05-17
Scodman(1666) whispers: go Volo! (1. f4? :-?)
titanchess(2253) whispers: well, been a long time since someone played f4 as first move :) 1...d5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:31) g6 (0:07) 3.e3 (0:10) Bg7 (0:10) 4.d4 (0:02) Nh6 (0:12) 5.Bd3 (0:06) Bf5 (0:05) 6.Be2 (0:01) O-O (0:05) 7.O-O (0:02) c5 (0:05) 8.c3 (0:01)
golddust(2102) whispers: my favourite the Bird! Harry Bird started playing this after a 6-year absence and claimed he had forgotten all other openings :D
titanchess(2253) whispers: now what was it ... Qc7 or Nd7 .....
titanchess(2253) whispers: the thing with these "pet" lines, is the opponent is going to know it well ... whilst I have to rely on just the one line from the very few times played lol
titanchess(2253) whispers: and I messed up OTB on Thursday, playing an e6 move instead of d6 ... and it was all the difference ...... 8...Qc7 (2:38)
LightKnight(1732) whispers: go volo
pedropablo(1734) whispers: go fly, i suppose
titanchess(2253) whispers: I know I have come across Birds a few times OTB, as one of the local club players play it ... 9.Nh4 (1:28)
titanchess(2253) whispers: first time out I messed up as I missed the tactics of Queen moves - which are similar to those found in the Grand Prix Attack
titanchess(2253) whispers: now this is interesting..... 9...Bd7 (2:48) 10.b3 (2:48)
titanchess(2253) whispers: White wasted a move attacking, so while I have given the move back by retreating, gives me options to reroute the bishop on c6-h1 diagonal is I want to ..... 10...Na6 (1:28) 11.Bb2 (0:21)
LightKnight(1732) whispers: a knight on a rim is dim, they say... what about two?
titanchess(2253) whispers: OK ... looking at the weakness on e3 ...... with a line like PxP PxP ... then Nb4 Qc2 Nc2 lines to maybe win e3 pawn .... Nc3 means I have to play e6 .... maybe it does not work .....
titanchess(2253) whispers: yeh, and Nc3 obviously blocks Q route to c2 .... nope that will not work ... so develop with Rac8 I guess 11...Rac8 (4:58)
LightKnight(1732) whispers: 422 is it good to pile up defending that sorry pawn?
LightKnight(1732) whispers: misgame
titanchess(2253) whispers: could do with a not so taxing game, just come back from Chiropractor and aching all over - lol
pedropablo(1734) whispers: in every volo's game
pedropablo(1734) whispers: the N is in h4
Paolone(1949) whispers: and he play always f4
pedropablo(1734) whispers: happy him
pedropablo(1734) whispers: (contento lui) 12.Na3 (11:53)
awotreit(1706) whispers: ah ah all knights on the border
LightKnight(1732) whispers: wow, FOUR knights on the rim!
titanchess(2253) whispers: lol .....
titanchess(2253) whispers: how many times have you seen this position, both players with both sets of knights on the rims :) 12...cxd4 (1:38)
awotreit(1706) whispers: for this it s called bird opening, for the flying knights
anandkvs(2102) whispers: all 4 knights on the rim
titanchess(2253) whispers: lets open up a file ......
titanchess(2253) whispers: plan will be Qa5 Rc7 and Rfc8 something like that ...... 13.exd4 (8:10) Nf5 (1:43) 14.Nxf5 (1:06)
titanchess(2253) whispers: NxN BxN Nb5 Qb8 ..... is simple enough .....pressure points here for me will be c3 square 14...Bxf5 (0:20)
titanchess(2253) whispers: White could play BxN and double my paws, but then I would like the two bishops in that position
titanchess(2253) whispers: as it would allow me to dominate on the white squares ... so doubt White is going to go for that line 15.Bg4 (1:41)
anandkvs(2108) whispers: strange move
LightKnight(1732) whispers: agh, I would have gone for Nb5 or something like that 15...Qd7 (0:45) 16.Bxf5 (1:08)
titanchess(2253) whispers: little trap for me here .... BxB QxB Nb5 Nc7 and Nxa7 loses the knight to Ra8 ..... but I think that is easy to spot 16...Qxf5 (0:05) 17.Qe2 (0:52) Nc7 (1:07)
LightKnight(1732) whispers: e7 is taboo, I guess...
Paolone(1949) whispers: I'm not sure
Paolone(1949) whispers: Qxe7 Rfe8
Paolone(1949) whispers: Qg5
Paolone(1949) whispers: and white is not so bad
LightKnight(1732) whispers: think so too, unless black can apply pressure on the open lines and invade the 2nd rank
Paolone(1949) whispers: perhaps it's more sage don't take in e7 18.Qxe7 (5:51)
Paolone(1949) whispers: safe 18...Rfe8 (0:04) 19.Qh4 (0:02)
Keresch(1899) whispers: what a brave guy :))
LightKnight(1732) whispers: well, we'll know soon 19...Re2 (0:24) 20.Rf2 (0:04)
Paolone(1949) whispers: titan has a rating very higher 20...Rce8 (0:23)
Paolone(1949) whispers: safety it's important ;-) 21.Raf1 (1:00) Qd3 (1:55) 22.Qg3 (2:03) R8e3 (0:42)
Paolone(1949) whispers: In fact now the situation is dangerous for white :(
Keresch(1899) whispers: u think ??
Paolone(1949) whispers: uhm
Paolone(1949) whispers: desperate
Paolone(1949) whispers: ok
titanchess(2253) whispers: wow, my position is looking very nice now ...... did not think Raf1 or Qg3 were great moves .... pawns are tempting, but there are often reasons why people leave them en-pris - lol
anandkvs(2108) whispers: Ng5 Nd5 Bxd5 exd5 e6 is also interesting 23.Rf3 (2:23)
titanchess(2253) whispers: OK ... lets work this out properly ... so I win this bishop .....
titanchess(2253) whispers: RxR QxR QxQ RxQ (or PxQ) then RxB ......
Scodman(1666) whispers: RxR RxR I suppose?
LightKnight(1732) whispers: I'm afraid he's right
LightKnight(1732) whispers: uhm, maybe
Scodman(1666) whispers: not RxR QxR
LightKnight(1732) whispers: yes
Scodman(1666) whispers: much better fro white
titanchess(2253) whispers: so RxR RxR Qd1+ Rf1 Qd2 .... and I am winning at least the a and b pawns after bishop moves ...
Scodman(1666) whispers: you guys who followed the game, why didn't Volo move the queen e.g. in g5 after rook attack
Scodman(1666) whispers: ?
Scodman(1666) whispers: is there a reason?
Scodman(1666) whispers: he protected bishop, threatened Qd8+ with N capture...
Paolone(1949) whispers: then Rxf2 23...Rxf3 (5:50)
Paolone(1949) whispers: if Rxf3 Re1+ and mate 24.Rxf3 (0:11) Qd1+ (0:03) 25.Rf1 (0:07) Qd2 (0:02) 26.Bc1 (4:37) Qxa2 (0:13)
titanchess(2253) whispers: Welll time to got for a stretch I think .... need a 5 min walk around the garden, think I have time to do so :) 27.Qf3 (0:03)
pedropablo(1734) whispers: il nero ha perso una grande occasione
pedropablo(1734) whispers: anche se vincera' lo stesso mi sa 27...f5 (1:01)
Paolone(1949) whispers: the white avoided a fast lost
Paolone(1949) whispers: black can gain a piece
Paolone(1949) whispers: some move ago
titanchess(2253) whispers: luck I have knight on c7 lol .... ok off fo a walk now ..... :)
Scodman(1666) whispers: don't come back for 36 minutes, pls :D
KRMCHESS(2064) whispers: ironically he could come back in 36min and find he won on time :P
titanchess(2253) whispers: OK back, with a fresh cup of tea .... 28.h3 (6:47)
awotreit(1706) whispers: h3 g4 trying to open c1 bishop
titanchess(2253) whispers: OK, time to gather thoughts and work out the next phase .....
LightKnight(1732) whispers: white's N and B look helpless
awotreit(1706) whispers: opening c1 bishop Nb5 Nx Qxd5+ draw?
titanchess(2253) whispers: 1) White knight is entombed (at the moment.... can't move without being captured ....), thankfullly Knight has to move to a white square
titanchess(2253) whispers: So plan with Re4 Bf8 looks promising, as two attacking a3 ...
titanchess(2253) whispers: so then White attacks queen, goes to a1 and then c3 maybe comes under fire .... (esp if WQ moves to f2 ....)
titanchess(2253) whispers: so maybe Bf8 Rf2 RxR QxR QxP, still two attacking a3 and then c3 falls as well .....meanwhile Nc7 stops checks on e6 and e7 covered by bishop ... so threats to come in on the e-file look too slow ... 28...Bf8 (6:14) 29.Nb1 (2:18)
titanchess(2253) whispers: equal material, but pressure wise ....
titanchess(2253) whispers: hmmm maybe did move in wrong order lol
titanchess(2253) whispers: frogot my rook still en-pris if I take Knight - lol
pedropablo(1734) whispers: nooooooo
titanchess(2253) whispers: still .... maybe get two pieces for rook .... as where does the knight go after Rc2
pedropablo(1734) whispers: why not b4?
Paolone(1949) whispers: in fact it was bette for me
Paolone(1949) whispers: better
LightKnight(1732) whispers: what for?
Paolone(1949) whispers: now rc2 is dangerous 29...Rc2 (2:35)
pedropablo(1734) whispers: sob
Paolone(1949) whispers: another pawn it's gone 30.c4 (0:31)
Paolone(1949) whispers: :(
Paolone(1949) whispers: or worse
titanchess(2253) whispers: and for those wondering why I needed a walk ... then if you suffer compressions on L4 and L5 you will know what I am talking about :)
Paolone(1949) whispers: and the knight in b1?
KRMCHESS(2064) whispers: it's a freebie :)
titanchess(2253) whispers: that looks like is loses on the spot .....
Paolone(1949) whispers: :(
titanchess(2253) whispers: as it leaves two attacking bishop ....and discovered attack on queen is easy dealt with ....
Scodman(1679) whispers: Volo is destroying evrything! :((
Scodman(1679) whispers: Why the last 3-4 moves?
Paolone(1949) whispers: I don't know
Scodman(1679) whispers: this one, particularly 30...Qxb1 (2:35)
Paolone(1949) whispers: but when you play
Scodman(1679) whispers: leaving a N like that 31.Ba3 (0:08)
Paolone(1949) whispers: it's more complicated than commenting
Paolone(1949) whispers: I suppose 31...Qa2 (0:05) 32.Bxf8 (0:01) Kxf8 (0:06) 33.cxd5 (0:01)
Scodman(1679) whispers: now he thinks to have counterplay? 33...Nb5 (0:54)
Paolone(1949) whispers: I dont blieve
Paolone(1949) whispers: it was a blunder
Paolone(1949) whispers: the white queen cann't move 34.d6 (0:45)
Paolone(1949) whispers: anyway I could wrong
pedropablo(1734) whispers: giacomo's and volo's queen are in the same positions
Paolone(1949) whispers: I hope to do
pedropablo(1734) whispers: queens
Scodman(1679) whispers: sure he did thinking to have a counterplay
Scodman(1679) whispers: otherwise I don't think he woulda have left a knight like this
Scodman(1679) whispers: then almost certainly he miscalculated, but this is another thing
titanchess(2253) whispers: now then ...... tempting is Nxd4 as Qe3 or Qd3 leads to mate on g2 .....
titanchess(2253) whispers: alas, Qxb7 keeps g2 under track and then it's a passed pawn ....
Scodman(1679) whispers: yes
Scodman(1679) whispers: Qxb7
titanchess(2253) whispers: so ... only one choice really lol 34...Nxd6 (2:34)
Scodman(1679) whispers: because he keeps the diagonal
awotreit(1706) whispers: Qd5?
Scodman(1679) whispers: not like this obviously 35.Qd5 (0:16)
Paolone(1949) whispers: now Qd5 and cross the fingers
pedropablo(1734) whispers: touch iron
pedropablo(1734) whispers: and balls
Scodman(1679) whispers: yes, hoping some blunder by black
KRMCHESS(2064) whispers: well Kg7 "blundering" the knight works
titanchess(2253) whispers: no need to panic. White cannot take the Knight (except with check ....)
Paolone(1949) whispers: weirdly black ahs nethier need to defend knight
awotreit(1706) whispers: Kg7 Re1
Paolone(1949) whispers: yes,
Paolone(1949) whispers: there is yet some matter to see
titanchess(2253) whispers: so Kg7 .... and if Qe5 check then I win after Kh6 as no way to stop mate
awotreit(1706) whispers: trying g4?
titanchess(2253) whispers: then after I get to h6 I am threatening Ne4 to block Queen protection of g2
Paolone(1949) whispers: g4 is too slow, IMHO
Paolone(1949) whispers: but Re1 is interesting 35...Kg7 (3:24) 36.g4 (0:08)
Paolone(1949) whispers: oh well, let's see g4
awotreit(1706) whispers: after this Re1 36...Kh6 (0:30)
titanchess(2253) whispers: OK white, show me what you do :)
LightKnight(1732) whispers: g5?
Paolone(1949) whispers: yes but
Paolone(1949) whispers: incredible position
Paolone(1949) whispers: I don't understand why balck king went there
LightKnight(1732) whispers: to cover from checks
awotreit(1706) whispers: h4?
titanchess(2253) whispers: watch me walk into a self-mate - lol
anandkvs(2108) whispers: I don't understand Kh6
Paolone(1949) whispers: but he has to come back with his queen
Scodman(1679) whispers: he's safe, Paolone :(
Paolone(1949) whispers: ok, but it doesn't seem 37.h4 (1:45)
awotreit(1706) whispers: wow
Scodman(1679) whispers: when he arrives in h4 it's difficult for white to atack it
anandkvs(2108) whispers: g5 Kh5 Qf3 Kh4 was funny
Scodman(1679) whispers: well, but if white doesn't even try...
titanchess(2253) whispers: well block the queens route back and its mate surely
Paolone(1949) whispers: if Ne4 there is a mate
Scodman(1679) whispers: 0-1
titanchess(2253) whispers: Ne4 ....
Scodman(1679) whispers: over
anandkvs(2108) whispers: Ne4 and mate seems unavoidable
titanchess(2253) whispers: lets see ... g5 Kh5 and no checks available
Paolone(1949) whispers: uffa, how can say "uffa" in english
Paolone(1949) whispers: ?
awotreit(1706) whispers: yes Ne4
Scodman(1679) whispers: I don't know
titanchess(2253) whispers: and any other move other than a check leads to mate
Paolone(1949) whispers: that's balls 37...Ne4 (1:29)
Scodman(1679) whispers: I can't understand h4, really
Paolone(1949) whispers: ok, ok, now resign
Scodman(1679) whispers: what did it bring more than g5+?
Scodman(1679) whispers: of course
Paolone(1949) whispers: not so much
Paolone(1949) whispers: the white losted his game many moves ago
Scodman(1679) whispers: gave a tempo to black t play this Ne4 VoloLibero resigns 0-1
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