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sportclubrecife(1774) vs. chaostheory(1714) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2014-05-12

1.e4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.exd5 (0:08) Qxd5 (0:08) 3.Nc3 (0:03) Qd6 (0:02) 4.d4 (0:04) Nf6 (0:05) 5.Nf3 (0:11) a6 (0:04) 6.g3 (0:20) Bg4 (0:16) 7.Bg2 (0:03) e6 (0:08) 8.O-O (1:37) Nc6 (0:07) 9.Be3 (1:48) O-O-O (0:19) 10.Ne2 (0:18) Bh5 (2:16) 11.c3 (0:58) Nd5 (0:43) 12.Bd2 (1:17) e5 (4:44) 13.dxe5 (10:18) Nxe5 (0:13) 14.Nxe5 (0:54) Qxe5 (0:14) 15.Re1 (0:25) Qf6 (3:26) 16.Qb3 (2:04)
milpat(2047) whispers: Bc5 Bxd5 Qxf2+ Kh1 Rxd5 Qxxd5 Bf3+ :P
LightKnight(1727) whispers: wow, Bf3 :-)
LightKnight(1727) whispers: very nice :)
milpat(2047) whispers: :D
LightKnight(1727) whispers: maybe there are zwischenzugs somewhere?
milpat(2047) whispers: it just means that white cant take d5
Pulga(1713) whispers: what is a zwischenzug ?
milpat(2047) whispers: so Bc5 for sure
LightKnight(1727) whispers: an intermediate move
milpat(2047) whispers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwischenzug
milpat(2047) whispers: intermezzo move that posing an immediate threat that the opponent must answer
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: so why are all the cool chess terms (the ones that make you sound like a GM) in Geman? :)
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: *German*
16...Bf3 (9:08)
Pulga(1713) whispers: nice, thanks.
17.Bg5 (4:08) Qxg5 (1:55) 18.Bxf3 (0:04)
milpat(2047) whispers: Bg5 good zwinchezung example
milpat(2047) whispers: u need to react to it 1st
milpat(2047) whispers: now c6 or Nb6?
milpat(2047) whispers: ok Nb6 hangs f7
18...Bc5 (10:34) 19.Rad1 (5:04)
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: Go chaos!
milpat(2047) whispers: hello dear ladie :)
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: Hi Pat
LightKnight(1727) whispers: beth :)
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: LK!
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: and I see Carlos, Pulga, Nokia, KayVee, and BuyJupiter... :) good game going
Pulga(1713) whispers: hi Bethany
KayVee(1479) whispers: :)
19...Nb6 (6:01)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: oh yeah - I dediced to have one week of fun
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: I observe TCEC tournament
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: and it the same time read comments there
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: and watch/observe the TL games here at FICS
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: another multitasker? :O
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: some kind of
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: :)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: in addition I read some websites and I tried to talk with others ;)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: but do not tell it to anyone ;)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: :-$
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: let the one who is not guilty cast the first stone ;)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: no, no - do not cast the stones at me =;
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: O:)
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: :D Don't think you have anything to worry about
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: something like Nf4 would be tempting for me here, but not sure it makes sense
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: to my defence I can confirm that I am checking other websites
20.Nd4 (5:23)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: and admire the strength of the engines
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: together with thinking about the theory of mistakes (at chess) ;)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: I have to admit that I am really impressed with the strenght of the most powerful engines at TCEC
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: they are playing really much more in ... a human way!
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: ah, really?
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: :-?
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: yes, like very strong GM (rated 2650+)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: much less computer-like moves at those silicion sharks!
20...h5 (3:24)
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: nice :) I do appreciate engines for their ability to not make very many mistakes...but it takes out a little of the excitement to me. So maybe being more human like would make them more interesting
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: looks like chaos is going for the kingside
21.h4 (0:57)
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: makes sense... that's where the king is. :0
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: believe me BG - if you would not know that 2 engines were playing
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: and we could have replace the engines' names with such like Carlsen and Nakamura
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: interesting
KayVee(1479) whispers: Qf6 Bg2 then what>
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: you would NOT have been able
KayVee(1479) whispers: ?
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: to distinguish any of the games
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: (which ones were played by those giants and which ones - by silicion ones)
21...Qf6 (2:54)
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: well Qf6 Bg2 g5 comes to mind
milpat(2047) whispers: f3 is covered
milpat(2047) whispers: Bx cx then Q defends
milpat(2047) whispers: Bxd4 i mean
LightKnight(1727) whispers: but then white picks a pawn, or does he?
milpat(2047) whispers: black does yes
KayVee(1479) whispers: on d4 - yes
22.Kg2 (2:01)
milpat(2047) whispers: i simply mean that white had options
LightKnight(1727) whispers: but then again at least Qxf7 and the black king is open
milpat(2047) whispers: was looking at Re4
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: black should complete development
22...g5 (2:00)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: otherwise white may start attacking and there would be NO time to defend
milpat(2047) whispers: what rest to develop?
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: look closely - you should recognize what I mean ;)
KayVee(1479) whispers: Rh8 seems well placed for k-side attack
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: consider both bishops and knights - and you should know what I meant ;)
23.hxg5 (2:18) Qxg5 (1:25)
KayVee(1479) whispers: Qxg Qxf h4 g4 h3+ hmm
KayVee(1479) whispers: maybe not g4...f2 covers for now
24.Qxf7 (2:41)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: it looks really scary
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: now Rdf8 and black may start attacking WK
LightKnight(1727) whispers: indeed, sooner or later
24...Bxd4 (1:39)
KayVee(1479) whispers: removes Ne6 tricks
milpat(2047) whispers: ...and open c-file
25.Rxd4 (1:29)
KayVee(1479) whispers: game of balances :(
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: what do you mean KV?
milpat(2047) whispers: Rx avoids Ef8
milpat(2047) whispers: Rf8*
LightKnight(1727) whispers: why does it?
KayVee(1479) whispers: dont they say every move makes some strong points and weak points - thats what I meant by game of balances N20
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: oh I see
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: these kind of balannces are very hard to me (to understand and comprehend)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: that's I wanted to know what you mean
LightKnight(1727) whispers: white has Re7 if black doesn't react fast enough
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: very good notice LK
25...h4 (4:50)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: now you may compare B and N - to find out what I mean by saying that black was not fully developed ;)
LightKnight(1727) whispers: h4 too slow?
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: Re7 may be crucial
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: probably black misplaced it
LightKnight(1727) whispers: I was thinking of Rfd8 at once, even if then white might have answered Qe6+
LightKnight(1727) whispers: *Rdf8
26.Rxd8+ (1:21) Qxd8 (1:17)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: really nice fight
27.Bg4+ (1:56) Kb8 (0:02)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: some kind of dynamic play
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: even if WK is still vulnerable
28.Re7 (3:12) hxg3 (0:18)
Pulga(1713) whispers: yes!
KayVee(1479) whispers: one vote for gotw
29.fxg3 (1:02)
Pulga(1713) whispers: this one ?
KayVee(1479) whispers: i think so... of the ones I watched - nice fight :)
LightKnight(1727) whispers: Qd2-h6?
Pulga(1713) whispers: we need a trainwreck-of-the-week poll.
KayVee(1479) whispers: lol
Pulga(1713) whispers: not for this game, but I've watched a few awful TL games this round.
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: I saw some of those too. Wvwn at my level I was going "huh? what's the purpose of that?"
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: *even*
KayVee(1479) whispers: I liked the scrappy fight still continuing - much of it beyond my level of calculation
Pulga(1713) whispers: Qd2+ and go for perpetual ?
KayVee(1479) whispers: e2 covered by B ... Re2 and no perp
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: not sure of that perpetual (after that R comes back to e2)
29...Qd2+ (4:10)
Pulga(1713) whispers: Qd2+ Re2 Qh6 with mate threat
LightKnight(1727) whispers: Qf2 Rh2+ :-D
LightKnight(1727) whispers: Qd2+ Re2 Qh6 Re8+?
30.Re2 (0:41)
Pulga(1713) whispers: hmm, yeah, not that good
milpat(2047) whispers: Qh6
Pulga(1713) whispers: Qc1 ?
milpat(2047) whispers: any move runs into Re8+ i suppose
Pulga(1713) whispers: Qd5+ doesn't ;)
KayVee(1479) whispers: Qg5?
LightKnight(1727) whispers: any move but Qd8 or Qd5+
30...Qd5+ (1:38) 31.Qxd5 (0:17) Nxd5 (0:02)
LightKnight(1727) whispers: heh
Pulga(1713) whispers: this will be drawn
32.Bf3 (0:14)
KayVee(1479) whispers: even with the k-side passed pawn?
32...Nb6 (0:32)
Pulga(1713) whispers: at this rating level, passed pawns are a fantasy.
33.g4 (0:31)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: I would say in a bit other format
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: in the positions without REAL counterplay - even 1200 players may play like engines ;)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: (not to insult anyone)
Pulga(1713) whispers: lol
Pulga(1713) whispers: I talk from my own life experience as a patzer
33...Rg8 (1:45)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: at this position I would start thinking about sac N for the passer
34.Kg3 (0:24)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: and try to exch as many pawns on the Q-side as possible
LightKnight(1727) whispers: that knight doesn't have many squares
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: and to defend at R+B vs R endgame ;)
34...Nd7 (0:37)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: Nd7-f6xg4
35.Re7 (1:02) Nf6 (0:16) 36.Rf7 (0:33) Nh5+ (0:51) 37.Kh4 (0:16) Ng7 (0:03) 38.Bd5 (0:46) Rh8+ (0:03) 39.Kg3 (1:19) c6 (0:28)
LightKnight(1727) whispers: Bxc6 I guess
40.Rxg7 (0:46) cxd5 (0:03) 41.Rd7 (0:03) Rh1 (0:04) 42.Rxd5 (0:13) Rg1+ (0:09) 43.Kf4 (0:09) Rg2 (0:07)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: now it is over - impossible to defend without expecting some blunders from white
44.g5 (0:09) Rxb2 (0:10)
Raph(1830) whispers: g6 and over
45.g6 (0:58)
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: technically no - practically (logically) yes
NokiaTwenty(2000) whispers: gg, good night!
Raph(1830) whispers: over absolutely
45...Rxa2 (0:25)
Raph(1830) whispers: g7
milpat(2047) whispers: g7 Rg2 Rg5 over
46.g7 (0:20) Rf2+ (0:08) 47.Ke3 (0:12)
milpat(2047) whispers: ok, the longer version of it :P
47...Rg2 (0:11) 48.Rd8+ (0:03) Kc7 (0:04)
Raph(1830) whispers: no
49.g8=Q (0:02) Rxg8 (0:07) 50.Rxg8 (0:02)
milpat(2047) whispers: ah, he prefers rook to queen :P
50...Kb6 (0:15)
Raph(1830) whispers: doesn't make a difference :)
51.Kd4 (0:23) Kb5 (0:06) 52.Rg5+ (0:03) Kb6 (0:03) 53.Kc4 (0:07) a5 (0:05) 54.Rg6+ (0:02) Ka7 (0:04) 55.Kb5 (0:05) chaostheory resigns 1-0


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