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yassoutiger(2326) vs. gegitor(2245) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2014-02-23

4...g6 (0:40) 5.Nf3 (2:11) Bg7 (0:15) 6.Na3 (1:24) cxd4 (0:58) 7.Bc4 (0:07) Qe4+ (0:22) 8.Be3 (0:35) Nh6 (0:20)
NightFury(2103) whispers: wow
mindlin(2034) whispers: what is that?
NightFury(2103) whispers: if dxe3 Bxf7
mindlin(2034) whispers: oh and Ng5
anandkvs(2095) whispers: Nb5 now?
DarkVision(2144) whispers: Nb5 is good
NightFury(2103) whispers: i think just take the pawn
DarkVision(2144) whispers: both are good
NightFury(2103) whispers: or Bd3 and see if black wants to draw
9.cxd4 (4:48) O-O (1:10) 10.Nb5 (1:00) Nc6 (1:55) 11.Nc3 (0:10) Qf5 (0:47) 12.h3 (0:26)
DarkVision(2144) whispers: impressive opening play
NightFury(2103) whispers: leaving the king in the center is giving me stress :)
anandkvs(2095) whispers: the N on h6 is kind of lost
NightFury(2103) whispers: but maybe its all book?
anandkvs(2095) whispers: threat is Qd2 I think
anandkvs(2095) whispers: Kh8 might be force?
anandkvs(2095) whispers: forced*
DarkVision(2144) whispers: or Qa5
anandkvs(2095) whispers: ah qa5 looks good
NightFury(2103) whispers: Qa5 looks nice
DarkVision(2144) whispers: my old Fritz book went up to move 10, where it suggested 0-0 or Qd2 for move 11
DarkVision(2144) whispers: maybe 11 Nc3 is a new move
12...Qa5 (4:26)
DarkVision(2144) whispers: renew the threat with g4!?
13.O-O (3:57)
DarkVision(2144) whispers: no more king centre stress :)
13...Nf5 (1:02) 14.Rc1 (0:04)
NightFury(2103) whispers: i am relieved :)
14...a6 (6:48) 15.Qe2 (6:14) b5 (0:55) 16.Bb3 (0:25) Bb7 (1:59) 17.d5 (1:23) Ne5 (1:33)
anandkvs(2095) whispers: why didn't black just take the pawn on d4?
anandkvs(2095) whispers: ah, e7 was haning
18.Nxe5 (0:23) Bxe5 (0:00)
anandkvs(2095) whispers: hanging*
19.Rfd1 (2:10) Bg7 (5:12) 20.Bg5 (1:05) Rfe8 (2:05) 21.Ne4 (3:00) Qb6 (3:49) 22.Bf4 (5:47) h6 (4:37) 23.Bc7 (1:45) Qa7 (0:32) 24.Ba5 (0:04) Rac8 (0:16) 25.Rxc8 (1:10) Rxc8 (0:30) 26.d6 (0:04) Bc6 (3:55) 27.Qg4 (1:20) e6 (1:04)
anandkvs(2095) whispers: I do not envy black's position
28.Bxe6 (12:32) fxe6 (2:22) 29.Qxg6 (0:04) Rf8 (0:24) 30.Qxe6+ (0:03) Qf7 (0:43) 31.Nc5 (0:03) Nd4 (2:26) 32.Qxf7+ (2:29) Rxf7 (0:11) 33.Rd2 (2:27) Bd7 (0:42) Gegitor offers a draw. yassoutiger declines the draw request. 34.Nxa6 (0:33) Ne6 (2:34) 35.Nb8 (6:02) Kf8 (1:23) 36.Bb6 (1:06) Ke8 (0:59) 37.g3 (1:00) Bc8 (2:36) 38.Be3 (2:40) Rb7 (1:25) 39.Nc6 (0:04) Bd7 (0:59) 40.Nb4 (0:06) Ng5 (0:26) 41.Re2 (1:02) Kf7 (2:07) 42.Kh2 (0:58) Be6 (2:09) 43.f4 (1:16) Ne4 (0:20) 44.Nc6 (0:22) Bf6 (0:40) 45.Ne5+ (0:22) Kg7 (1:01) 46.b3 (1:36) Nxd6 (0:50) 47.Bc5 (0:05) Nf7 (0:14) 48.Ng4 (0:38) Bxg4 (0:05) 49.hxg4 (0:01) Rc7 (0:22) 50.Bb4 (0:15) Nd8 (2:57) 51.Kg2 (0:38) Kf7 (0:19) 52.Bd6 (0:55) Rc6 (1:29) 53.Be5 (2:59) Re6 (1:30) 54.Rd2 (0:07) Bxe5 (0:13) 55.Rxd8 (0:32) Bc3 (0:10) 56.a4 (0:37) b4 (0:53) 57.Rd7+ (0:06) Kf8 (0:18) 58.a5 (0:36) Ke8 (1:53) 59.Ra7 (0:31) Kd8 (0:19) 60.Kh3 (0:50) Re1 (3:27) 61.g5 (0:45) hxg5 (0:14) 62.fxg5 (0:02) Re6 (1:17) 63.Kg4 (0:04) Kc8 (0:06) 64.Rf7 (1:35) Ra6 (0:38) 65.Rf5 (0:06) Kd7 (0:04) 66.Kh5 (1:51) Ke6 (0:51) 67.Rb5 (0:21) Ra8 (0:40) 68.g6 (2:05) Kf6 (1:08) 69.Rb6+ (0:25) Kf5 (0:11) 70.Rb5+ (0:35) Kf6 (0:26) 71.Rb6+ (0:14) Kf5 (0:04) 72.Rb5+ (0:39) Kf6 (0:18) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2


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