1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.c4(0:04)g6(0:58) 3.Nc3(0:05)d5(0:02) 4.Qb3(0:07)dxc4(0:29) 5.Qxc4(0:15)Bg7(0:12) 6.Nf3(0:04)O-O(0:07) 7.e4(0:04)a6(0:55) 8.Be2(0:18)b5(0:21) 9.Qb3(0:03)c5(0:32) 10.Be3(1:43)
NachsueB offers a draw.
Misteraw declines the draw request.
10...cxd4(4:48) 11.Bxd4(0:27)Be6(0:54) 12.Qc2(2:12)Nc6(0:13) 13.Rd1(0:02)Qa5(4:02) 14.O-O(1:57)Rac8(0:33) 15.Qb1(2:05)Rfd8(0:16) 16.Bxf6(2:36)Bxf6(0:17) 17.Nd5(0:03)Bxd5(0:11)
milpat(1971) whispers: i dont have 10.Be3 in my DB
18.Rxd5(1:05)Rxd5(0:34) 19.exd5(0:02)
milpat(1971) whispers: Rxd5 didnt look so good for white milpat(1971) whispers: Nb4 should win the pawn?
19...Nb4(0:50) 20.Qe4(1:06)Nxa2(0:51) 21.Ne5(0:37)Qb4(0:51) 22.Qe3(0:46)Qxb2(1:13) 23.Nxf7(0:28)
milpat(1971) whispers: oh, Kx Qe6+ xc8 milpat(1971) whispers: well, Qxe2 at the end milpat(1971) whispers: 2 pieces for the rook mcstorytaller(1711) whispers: Go Nach! KayVee(1613) whispers: Isnt this 0-1 already? Kxf7 - then what- black piece up and two connected passers milpat(1971) whispers: Kxf7 Bxb5 milpat(1971) whispers: most likely milpat(1971) whispers: ax b5 Qe6+ ...xc8 milpat(1971) whispers: axb5* KayVee(1613) whispers: makes sense - 2 pieces for rook + pawn milpat(1971) whispers: pawn(s) if u include f7 smallblackcat(2184) whispers: I wonder if Nc3 is possible smallblackcat(2184) whispers: Nc3 Qe6 Nxe2+ Kh1 Kg7 mcstorytaller(1711) whispers: hi cat smallblackcat(2184) whispers: (sorry if this was already mentioned) smallblackcat(2184) whispers: and hello milpat(1971) whispers: yo cat KayVee(1613) whispers: cat! long time no see milpat(1971) whispers: interesting line smallblackcat(2184) whispers: :) smallblackcat(2184) whispers: should be asleep, but am here instead ;) mcstorytaller(1711) whispers: hello milpat smallblackcat(2184) whispers: Rc1 is also possible...
milpat(1971) whispers: was thinking Rc2
24.Qe6+(0:03)Kg7(0:02) 25.Qxc8(0:04)Qxe2(0:14)
milpat(1971) whispers: ok, a6 goes
smallblackcat(2184) whispers: well this is the most straightforward, so of course I didn't look at it ;)
milpat(1971) whispers: yea, pressure d5 now smallblackcat(2184) whispers: black can also create pressure at f2 smallblackcat(2184) whispers: say Qb7 Bd4 milpat(1971) whispers: fix d-pawn hope 1st smallblackcat(2184) whispers: hmm milpat(1971) whispers: no? smallblackcat(2184) whispers: I would walk into d6 :P
smallblackcat(2184) whispers: maybe Nd3 works though milpat(1971) whispers: open ranks is not the safer in principle, but u prefer calculate, i trust u :P
smallblackcat(2184) whispers: Nd3 d6 Nxf2 Rxf2 Bd4 Qxe7+ Qxe7 dxe7 Bxf2+ Kxf2 Kf7 and black wins with the b-pawn :) milpat(1971) whispers: 8 plies over my head ;)
Hathkhola(1899) whispers: well, that is your caclulation, who knows what will be played. smallblackcat(2184) whispers: hmm Nxf2 d7 or dxe7 looks dangerous though smallblackcat(2184) whispers: on d7 I think Bd4 wins KayVee(1613) whispers: Nc5 maybe smallblackcat(2184) whispers: Nxf2 d7 Bd4 d8 Nh3+
smallblackcat(2184) whispers: dxe7 must be crucial then Hathkhola(1899) whispers: Kh1 Qxf1 checkmate? smallblackcat(2184) whispers: yes smallblackcat(2184) whispers: hmm dxe7 still Bd4 smallblackcat(2184) whispers: no, silly smallblackcat(2184) whispers: dxe7 Nh3+! smallblackcat(2184) whispers: if gxh3 then Bd4+ Kh1 Qxf1#
29.Qf3(2:56)Qxf3(0:29) 30.gxf3(0:05)Nh3+(0:02) 31.Kg2(0:01)Nf4+(0:10) 32.Kg3(0:09)Nh5+(0:10)
smallblackcat(2184) whispers: hah, the knight escapes with all checks
33.Kg4(0:02)exd6(0:09) 34.Rb1(0:19)Be5(0:11)
Hathkhola(1899) whispers: In this kind of position, knight and bishop works better.
mcstorytaller(1711) whispers: yes, it wil be draw or blk wins
milpat(1971) whispers: prefered the N on f4
36.Kh3(0:19)h6(0:24) 37.Rxb5(0:28)Nh5(1:04)
milpat(1971) whispers: B+N mate in the air smallblackcat(2184) whispers: with the extra passed pawn, its a fairly easy win
38.Rb7+(1:19)Kf6(2:16) 39.Rh7(0:28)Nf4+(1:38) 40.Kg3(0:21)d5(0:15) 41.Kf2(0:11)d4(0:11)
milpat(1971) whispers: h6 is immune :P
Misteraw(1870) whispers: of course Rxh6 ? Kg7 0-1 milpat(1971) whispers: Ng2 xh4 makes h6 die milpat(1971) whispers: but well... Nxf3+ then
42...h5(3:21) 43.Kd2(0:13)Ng2(0:17) 44.Kd3(0:15)Kf5(0:24) 45.Rf7+(0:58)Bf6(0:03)NachsueB resigns 0-1
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