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herrahuu(1755) vs. wateriver(1663) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 60+30, 2013-11-29

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:04)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: not any preparation on this one
herrahuu(1755) whispers: ficsgames was down the whole time and last night i was too tired to check.
2...e6 (1:34) 3.Nf3 (0:04) b6 (0:25)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: just waiting if this is transposing into d5 lines which looks most probable.
4.Bg5 (0:12) Bb7 (0:30) 5.e3 (0:15)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i like the careful way in which black is seting up his position
herrahuu(1755) whispers: to play e4 I need both Nc3 and Bd3 it seems.
herrahuu(1755) whispers: one good thing about this careful thinking is that you don't step over the crucial moments and you are ready then.
herrahuu(1755) whispers: still the plan on time concentrates more on the time available then increments
5...Be7 (4:14) 6.Nc3 (0:19) h6 (0:24) 7.Bh4 (0:03)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: whites plan is still quite flexible
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i don't mind castling long for instance.
herrahuu(1755) whispers: black has d5, e4, i have d4 e5
herrahuu(1755) whispers: black has c6, d6, e6, f6
7...c5 (3:38)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: black has c5, f5, i have d4 f4
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i have c3, d3, e3, f3
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so the game looks even.
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so.
herrahuu(1755) whispers: first critical decision
herrahuu(1755) whispers: c5!?
herrahuu(1755) whispers: d5 Nx is attacking my bishop.
herrahuu(1755) whispers: if I take knight
herrahuu(1755) whispers: 8.Bx Bx
herrahuu(1755) whispers: d5
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Bx bx
herrahuu(1755) whispers: b5
herrahuu(1755) whispers: b3
herrahuu(1755) whispers: another idea would be Bx e4
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Bx Nx cx Qx
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Nc6
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Qxg7
herrahuu(1755) whispers: finally
herrahuu(1755) whispers: does black have some d5 idea here
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Bx Bx
8.Bxf6 (5:58) Bxf6 (0:05) 9.d5 (0:06) O-O (1:54)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: d6 would be nice in principle
herrahuu(1755) whispers: but
herrahuu(1755) whispers: its isolated
herrahuu(1755) whispers: and Rfe8 is coming quick
herrahuu(1755) whispers: I was about to ask where does the bishop go after Ne4 but I guess Bxb2
herrahuu(1755) whispers: :)
10.Be2 (3:11) Na6 (0:45) 11.O-O (0:15) Nc7 (0:04)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: 10.Be2 Rfe8
herrahuu(1755) whispers: here i get one tempo with d6 but knigh dodges e4 e5
12.e4 (1:59)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: e5 d6 should be pretty mean
12...Ne8 (0:47) 13.e5 (0:07) Bg5 (0:11) 14.d6 (0:11) f6 (0:05)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: this might be cricital
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so maybe around 6 minutes here
herrahuu(1755) whispers: say null move
herrahuu(1755) whispers: like h3
herrahuu(1755) whispers: fx Nx
herrahuu(1755) whispers: and plans of Ng6 Ne7
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Nxg5 pawn has to take?
herrahuu(1755) whispers: f4
herrahuu(1755) whispers: gxf4
herrahuu(1755) whispers: hmmmm
herrahuu(1755) whispers: suddenly it occurs me that blck bishop doesn't have many squares :)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: h4 Bf4
herrahuu(1755) whispers: h4 Bf4Nh4
herrahuu(1755) whispers: with some kind of idea of Ng6
herrahuu(1755) whispers: h4 Bf4 ex g3
15.h4 (8:32)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Bxf3 Bxf3 is ok i think
herrahuu(1755) whispers: ex Qx
herrahuu(1755) whispers: g3
15...Bf4 (1:07)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: o've got three attackers in f3
16.exf6 (0:45)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so it's not working as d6 has two attackers
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i think i lost my positional advantage here
16...Qxf6 (2:03)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: maybe couple of pawns
17.g3 (0:15) Bxd6 (0:07) 18.Nh2 (0:28) Rd8 (2:37) 19.Nb5 (0:17)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: "with some active play"
19...Bb8 (1:53) 20.Bh5 (0:22)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i thought g6 looks too weakening
20...g6 (2:10)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: my original idea was Ng4
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Qqg7
herrahuu(1755) whispers: if i find something against Qq7...
herrahuu(1755) whispers: but looks grim
herrahuu(1755) whispers: many times combinations work if you switch the moveorder but there isn't anything after Bxg6, i presume :)
21.Be2 (5:29) a6 (0:49) 22.Ng4 (0:35) Qg7 (0:19) 23.Nc3 (0:14) h5 (0:15)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: g5 becomes very strong out post
herrahuu(1755) whispers: but
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Nh2 Nf3 Bx Bx Rx Qx ok so it is working
herrahuu(1755) whispers: sort of
herrahuu(1755) whispers: but what shall i do with my bishop?
herrahuu(1755) whispers: maybe go rather Bf3!?
24.Nh2 (3:30)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: would Re1 bishop dodges be too easy tactic to discover?
24...d5 (11:49)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so several pieces are hanging
herrahuu(1755) whispers: d8
herrahuu(1755) whispers: e6
herrahuu(1755) whispers: b6
herrahuu(1755) whispers: b7
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so does Bf3 the trick?
herrahuu(1755) whispers: d4 Bxb7 ah but b7 is NOT hanging
herrahuu(1755) whispers: but d8 is hanging if dxc3
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so what happens if not dxc3
herrahuu(1755) whispers: let's say e5
herrahuu(1755) whispers: e5 Nd5
25.Bf3 (5:07) Nf6 (2:45) 26.Qb3 (1:30) Rd6 (6:27)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i though the whole time rook is hanging but not
27.Bg2 (4:37) d4 (2:50)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i had planne on e2
28.Bxb7 (9:14) Qxb7 (0:05) 29.Na4 (0:04)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Ncxc5 might be a bity too easy:)
29...Rd7 (1:47) 30.f4 (0:22) Ne4 (0:23) 31.Qd3 (0:23)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: just b5 ehm
herrahuu(1755) whispers: cx so it's not all clear maybe
31...Kg7 (1:01) 32.Rae1 (0:17)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: maybe b3 was my last chance
herrahuu(1755) whispers: although e4 is hanging in the end so.
herrahuu(1755) whispers: and b3 Nc3 so...
32...Nd6 (4:43) 33.Rxe6 (0:16) Rf6 (0:02)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: b5 isn't threat here
herrahuu(1755) whispers: so i don't think i need to waste tempo on b3
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Nf3 Ng5 would be beautiful
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Re1
herrahuu(1755) whispers: i am just thinking Re7
herrahuu(1755) whispers: and what do i got?
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Rxe7 Qxe7 Rxe7 ok
34.Rfe1 (5:07) Kf7 (0:40) 35.Nf3 (0:11) Rxe6 (0:27) 36.Ng5+ (0:04) Ke7 (0:03) 37.Rxe6+ (0:03) Kd8 (0:21)
herrahuu(1755) whispers: ok. some precision with 16 minutes on the clock
herrahuu(1755) whispers: 38.Rgx6
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Ne6+ Kc8
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Rg8
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Rd8
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Qx - Rf6 Ne6
herrahuu(1755) whispers: Rx Say Re7
38.Qxg6 (6:41) Qc6 (1:05) 39.Re8+ (5:41) Kc7 (0:10) 40.Ne6+ (0:04) Kb7 (0:25) 41.Nd8+ (0:02) Rxd8 (0:01) 42.Rxd8 (0:03) Nxc4 (0:23)
milpat(1991) whispers: Rxb8+
43.Rxb8+ (1:19) Kc7 (0:17) 44.Rc8+ (1:57) Kxc8 (0:19) 45.Qxc6+ (0:04) Kd8 (0:20) 46.Nxb6 (0:07) Nxb6 (0:06) 47.Qxb6+ (0:02) Kd7 (0:00) 48.Qxc5 (0:01) Wateriver resigns 1-0


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