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tentacle(2353) vs. deatheater(1920) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 15+30, 2013-11-29

1.d4 (0:00) 1...f6 (0:00)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=15 value=0.64 time=91.20sec kN/s=1454 e4
2.e4 (1:31) e6 (0:47)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=0.81 time=82.34sec kN/s=1449 Nf3
3.Nf3 (1:22) c5 (0:50)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.00 time=75.11sec kN/s=1473 d5
4.d5 (1:15) d6 (7:15)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=1.06 time=313.87sec kN/s=1531 Bc4
5.Bc4 (5:14) e5 (0:05)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.04 time=53.18sec kN/s=1482 O-O
6.O-O (0:53) g6 (2:45)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.01 time=117.00sec kN/s=1472 Nc3
7.Nc3 (1:57) Nh6 (0:56)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.00 time=56.23sec kN/s=1502 Bd2
8.Bd2 (0:56) Nf7 (0:02)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=1.00 time=42.34sec kN/s=1505 Be3
9.Be3 (0:42) Bg7 (0:58)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=0.85 time=42.12sec kN/s=1495 a3
10.a3 (0:42) O-O (0:07)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=0.97 time=41.05sec kN/s=1447 b4
11.b4 (0:41) b6 (0:03)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=0.89 time=40.11sec kN/s=1438 bxc5
12.bxc5 (0:40) bxc5 (0:02)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=0.82 time=39.31sec kN/s=1483 Rb1
13.Rb1 (0:39) Na6 (1:25)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.00 time=39.45sec kN/s=1418 Qe2
14.Qe2 (0:39) Nc7 (0:07)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.00 time=38.73sec kN/s=1418 h3
15.h3 (0:39) f5 (2:24)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.00 time=39.83sec kN/s=1386 Rb3
16.Rb3 (0:40) f4 (0:04)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=15 value=0.92 time=38.84sec kN/s=1541 Bd2
17.Bd2 (0:39) g5 (1:06)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.00 time=38.92sec kN/s=1446 Rfb1
18.Rfb1 (0:39) g4 (1:20)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=15 value=1.22 time=58.10sec kN/s=1529 hxg4
19.hxg4 (0:58) Bxg4 (0:05)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=1.17 time=37.24sec kN/s=1530 Qd3
20.Qd3 (0:37) Qf6 (0:59)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.27 time=37.33sec kN/s=1493 Rb7
21.Rb7 (0:37) Rfc8 (1:04)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.29 time=53.38sec kN/s=1462 Na2
22.Na2 (0:53) h5 (0:49)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.40 time=48.63sec kN/s=1483 Ba5
23.Ba5 (0:49) Ne8 (0:12)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.43 time=35.11sec kN/s=1481 Ne1
24.Ne1 (0:35) h4 (0:29)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.62 time=34.81sec kN/s=1493 Ba6
25.Ba6 (0:35) Ng5 (1:25)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.98 time=56.25sec kN/s=1505 f3
26.f3 (0:56) Bh5 (0:08)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=12 value=1.89 time=33.62sec kN/s=1464 Qf1
27.Qf1 (0:34) Qg6 (0:26)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=12 value=1.84 time=33.38sec kN/s=1464 R7b5
28.R7b5 (0:33) Nf6 (1:16)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=2.02 time=43.10sec kN/s=1490 Bxc8
29.Bxc8 (0:43) Rxc8 (0:53)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.80 time=53.01sec kN/s=1528 Rb8
30.Rb8 (0:53) Rxb8 (0:21)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=12 value=1.82 time=32.09sec kN/s=1564 Rxb8+
31.Rxb8+ (0:32) Kh7 (0:00)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.63 time=31.70sec kN/s=1610 Bd8
32.Bd8 (0:32) h3 (0:51)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.46 time=31.79sec kN/s=1679 Bxf6
33.Bxf6 (0:32) hxg2 (0:08)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=1.79 time=31.54sec kN/s=1790 Qxg2
34.Qxg2 (0:32) Bxf6 (0:02)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.64 time=31.37sec kN/s=1802 Rb7+
35.Rb7+ (0:31) Kh6 (0:03)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=1.94 time=31.26sec kN/s=1856 Kf2
36.Kf2 (0:31) Nxe4+ (2:08)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=16 value=3.43 time=31.73sec kN/s=1976 fxe4
37.fxe4 (0:32) Bh4+ (0:02)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=16 value=3.56 time=31.39sec kN/s=2003 Kf1
38.Kf1 (0:31) Bg3 (1:03)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=4.71 time=31.63sec kN/s=1912 Nc3
39.Nc3 (0:32) Bg4 (0:35)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=5.19 time=31.31sec kN/s=1973 Qh1+
40.Qh1+ (0:31) Kg5 (0:05)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=14 value=9.91 time=30.32sec kN/s=2159 Qh8
41.Qh8 (0:30) f3 (0:27)
tentacle(2353) whispers: depth=13 value=10.00 time=30.08sec kN/s=2208 Rg7
42.Rg7 (0:30) DeathEater resigns 1-0


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