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wateriver(1666) vs. xivarmy(2000) *

Login to get PGN standard 60+30, 2013-11-24

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:08) c6 (0:02) 3.Nc3 (0:17) Nf6 (0:06) 4.Bf4 (0:26) e6 (0:34) 5.e3 (0:19) Nbd7 (1:06) 6.Rc1 (0:24) Be7 (1:12) 7.Nf3 (0:59) Nh5 (1:20) 8.Be5 (1:31) Nxe5 (2:22) 9.Nxe5 (0:06) Nf6 (0:13) 10.c5 (0:23)
xivarmy(2000) whispers: was more worried about dxe5 than Nxe5. was planning g6 and Ng7 and stuff there, but it was a little uncomfortable saving the N that way
10...O-O (2:53) 11.Bd3 (0:24)
xivarmy(2000) whispers: expect white will play f4 stuff to try and further clamp down my light bishop. i have b3 to free things once the Ne5 has been evicted/traded though
11...Nd7 (3:23) 12.Ng4 (7:48)
OsaridSaris(1947) whispers: hmm.. I don't get Ng4
Maxmagnus(1933) whispers: this move is not very logical
xivarmy(2000) whispers: ok that was unexpected... Qh5 seemed like the attacking move, though i didn't feel it led anywhere
OsaridSaris(1947) whispers: it doesn't even avoid the exchange of pieces necessarily, if that's what white was aiming for
xivarmy(2000) whispers: so now f5 here and he has to go back to Ne5 and i trade it off and win a pawn right
OsaridSaris(1947) whispers: yeah :(
xivarmy(2000) whispers: Nh6+ doesn't seem remotely sane
xivarmy(2000) whispers: but why else did the N go there
OsaridSaris(1947) whispers: that's what we're all trying to figure out :P
12...f5 (2:58) 13.Ne5 (1:34) Nxe5 (0:02) 14.dxe5 (0:04) Bxc5 (0:02) 15.g4 (0:33) Qh4 (0:31) 16.Qd2 (1:48) fxg4 (0:28)
OsaridSaris(1947) whispers: we should keep in mind that there is approx 350 point rating gap so wateriver shouldn't be expected to win crushingly....
17.Nd1 (1:11) Bb6 (0:26) 18.Be2 (0:25)
Maxmagnus(1933) whispers: knight takes d5 was better for white
Maxmagnus(1933) whispers: just pointing out
18...Bd7 (0:40) 19.Rg1 (0:38)
OsaridSaris(1947) whispers: agreed
19...h5 (0:26) 20.Qd3 (0:13) Qxh2 (0:44)
Maxmagnus(1933) whispers: why is eceryone playing so fast? :)
Maxmagnus(1933) whispers: time is my friend :D
Wateriver lost connection; game adjourned *


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