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vololibero(1918) vs. jjimalo(2021) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-11-03

1.f4 (0:00)
pedropablo(1683) whispers: minchia
pedropablo(1683) whispers: f4 secco
1...d5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:18) Bg4 (0:20) 3.e3 (0:03) Nd7 (0:15) 4.b3 (0:18) Ngf6 (1:17)
MalpermesitaTuro(1780) whispers: cosa comporta lo f4 secco?
5.Bb2 (1:34) e6 (0:32) 6.Be2 (0:16)
pedropablo(1683) whispers: che io mi sarei gia' ritirato per la fifa
awotreit(2023) whispers: arrocco lungo bo
pedropablo(1683) whispers: e anche per la uefa
MalpermesitaTuro(1780) whispers: :-D
pedropablo(1683) whispers: malpy tu sei anche nella tl?
6...Be7 (1:38) 7.O-O (0:07)
MalpermesitaTuro(1780) whispers: no... sono solo un curioso :-D
awotreit(2023) whispers: urca
pedropablo(1683) whispers: hai un bel punteggio
pedropablo(1683) whispers: perche nn giochi?
MalpermesitaTuro(1780) whispers: perche' ho ancora molto da imparare
pedropablo(1683) whispers: figurati io
7...O-O (1:02)
pedropablo(1683) whispers: ma tanto i gironi vengono formati in base alla forza delle squadre
8.Ne5 (12:37) Bxe2 (0:08) 9.Qxe2 (0:02) c5 (5:34) 10.d3 (0:42) Qc7 (1:14) 11.Nd2 (0:13) Nxe5 (0:53) 12.Bxe5 (0:07) Qb6 (0:42) 13.Kh1 (6:01)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: why not 13. c4 ? :-/
Scodman(1576) whispers: probably he wants to prevent tricks
Scodman(1576) whispers: white, I mean
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ok... but the position seems safe to me... Kh1 seems a little bit passive... anyway probably he knows what he is doing better than me... ;-)
awotreit(2023) whispers: c4 put a strong knight in e4
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ...probably a good reson to move c4, for instance...
awotreit(2023) whispers: or nxc4 but maybe passive there?
13...Nd7 (6:46)
awotreit(2023) whispers: nice match
14.Bb2 (1:40)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: I agree; very balanced I'd say till now
14...Bf6 (0:23) 15.Bxf6 (0:06) Nxf6 (0:03) 16.e4 (0:26)
awotreit(2023) whispers: white wants centralize a pawn and remove the knight
16...Qc6 (2:52)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: may be; in this case I would expect 17. e5... may be the right moment...
17.Rae1 (3:19)
awotreit(2023) whispers: Ne8?
17...dxe4 (3:36) 18.Nxe4 (0:04)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: why Black should move Knight?
18...Nxe4 (0:40) 19.Qxe4 (0:10)
Scodman(1576) whispers: looks drawish like this, doesn't it?
awotreit(2023) whispers: yes
19...Qxe4 (1:28)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: I agree... it seems going toward a draw...
20.Rxe4 (1:24)
awotreit(2023) whispers: hite rooks are better placed
AlekOne(1346) whispers: here I guess Rad8 or Rfd8 are good candidates....
awotreit(2023) whispers: white
Scodman(1576) whispers: for Crafty +0,23
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ...for Alekone the usual mess... ;-)
Scodman(1576) whispers: AlekOne sees only alcoholic advantages in his games...
20...Rad8 (6:06)
Scodman(1576) whispers: just to explain the character to the strangers :p
AlekOne(1346) whispers: :-D
awotreit(2023) whispers: f5?
awotreit(2023) whispers: b4?
LightKnight(1713) whispers: Rfe1 then f5?
LightKnight(1713) whispers: but then Rd4
awotreit(2023) whispers: Rfe1 g6
AlekOne(1346) whispers: f5 is not a bad idea... even if probably Rfe1 seems also good to me...
21.f5 (6:55)
Scodman(1576) whispers: well, definitely f5 has been played
BrianJB(1726) whispers: can anyone do a translation of our opposing teams name? cats in the market square?
LightKnight(1713) whispers: cats in the square, yes :)
21...exf5 (2:00) 22.Rxf5 (0:04)
BrianJB(1726) whispers: what dooe that mean?
22...Rfe8 (0:28) 23.Rfe5 (0:06)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ...and here, at first glance, exf5 seems almost obvious even if there could be something better
LightKnight(1713) whispers: nothing specific, there's an Italian chess group named "Chess Square"
LightKnight(1713) whispers: uhm, maybe Re7 was better than Rxf5
LightKnight(1713) whispers: but maybe not
23...Kf8 (0:59) 24.Kg1 (0:18)
LightKnight(1713) whispers: pawn rush? White can make himself a passer, but will it lead somewhere?
LightKnight(1713) whispers: nice Kg1
24...Rxe5 (0:15) 25.Rxe5 (0:03)
Scodman(1576) whispers: if they trade everything, it's matematically draw
25...b6 (0:20)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ...yep!
Scodman(1576) whispers: or at least I think so, what do you say AlekOne?
26.Kf2 (0:13)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: they both seem to want to get a draw now....
26...Rd6 (1:30)
Scodman(1576) whispers: a draw seems to be more convenient to AllGoodPeople_B, since they were trailing until 1 hour ago...
Scodman(1576) whispers: but we have to be careful too, half a point is better than none
27.Re4 (1:24)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ...I think in this kind of position, with balanced game as played till now, is quite hard to obtain something else than a draw...
27...f6 (1:10)
Scodman(1576) whispers: yes, I wasspeaking in general jjimalo offers a draw.
Scodman(1576) whispers: draw offer by jjimalo!
AlekOne(1346) whispers: qed
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ...now we will see what Vololibero has in his "mental" deck...
Scodman(1576) whispers: he is thinking deeply about the offer
Scodman(1576) whispers: or is he speaking with his opponent? VoloLibero declines the draw request.
28.Ke3 (7:56)
Scodman(1576) whispers: for the moment VoloLibero plays on
Scodman(1576) whispers: only the brave
28...Kf7 (0:36) 29.g4 (0:17)
pedropablo(1683) whispers: come dire
pedropablo(1683) whispers: solo i bravi
pedropablo(1683) whispers: come disse manzoni
Scodman(1576) whispers: sei il solito analfabeta linguistico
awotreit(2023) whispers: only il bravo
pedropablo(1683) whispers: sono frasi mandatorie
Scodman(1576) whispers: ahahaha
Scodman(1576) whispers: mandatorie, si'
29...g6 (0:49)
Scodman(1576) whispers: se Ghici vince lo chiamero' "braveheart"
Scodman(1576) whispers: il nostro Mel Gibson
awotreit(2023) whispers: mad max
LightKnight(1713) whispers: il nero rischia di farsi il passato a est, ghici deve reagire
AlekOne(1346) whispers: o anche superpippo
Scodman(1576) whispers: se perde lo chiamo coglione
LightKnight(1713) whispers: comunque bravo a provarci
Scodman(1576) whispers: se pareggia lo chiamo perditempo
pedropablo(1683) whispers: il passato a est cos'e'? un minestrone alla vodka?
AlekOne(1346) whispers: :-D
Scodman(1576) whispers: temo che sia tipo il conto a St. Lucia di Ghici stesso
Scodman(1576) whispers: una specie di pedone offshore, insomma
Scodman(1576) whispers: un pedone in un paradiso fiscale dell'est
30.c3 (2:13)
Triarius(2113) whispers: so many guest accounts following btw
LightKnight(1713) whispers: some of them might be incarnations of watchbot
Scodman(1576) whispers: per contro Ghici rischia di farselo a ovest, il passato
LightKnight(1713) whispers: infatti, la reazione
Scodman(1576) whispers: piu' coerente con St.Lucia, che appunto sta a ovest
AlekOne(1346) whispers: vabbe'.... il passato fa sempre bene, me lo diceva sempre anche la mamma....
Scodman(1576) whispers: non pensare sempre al passato
Scodman(1576) whispers: come disse Franz ad Ale
awotreit(2023) whispers: il passato e passato
pedropablo(1683) whispers: vogliamo parlare di quando, dopo il passato, la diarrea ti sorprende?
30...h6 (1:56)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: ...mmm... ma anche no....
Scodman(1576) whispers: che ricordava continuamente le minestre di verdura che sua madre gli aveva propinato per tutta l'infanzia
Scodman(1576) whispers: urca
pedropablo(1683) whispers: un arabo cosa esclama quando e' sorpreso?
pedropablo(1683) whispers: burca?!?
31.d4 (1:47)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: here h3 could be a good reply....
Scodman(1576) whispers: the point is that black rook is on the file of white majority, while balck majority on kingside is not covered
31...cxd4+ (1:25) 32.Rxd4 (0:04)
Scodman(1576) whispers: black*
Scodman(1576) whispers: thistrade seems therefore slightly more favourable to black
Triarius(2113) whispers: can't swap the rooks
Triarius(2113) whispers: r:d4 k:d4 ke6 c4
Scodman(1576) whispers: who can't? white or black?
AlekOne(1346) whispers: black
Triarius(2113) whispers: an option could be r:d4 k:d4 ke6 c4 f5!?
LightKnight(1713) whispers: yes, trying to calculate that one
AlekOne(1346) whispers: one of the best candidates for me (till now) is Re6+... anything better?
Scodman(1576) whispers: well, simply there would be two opposite majorities
Triarius(2113) whispers: in that case, with a pawn on f5 and a pawn on h6, black holds i guess
VoloLibero lost connection; game adjourned *


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