1.d4(0:00)d5(0:00) 2.c4(0:05)e6(0:17) 3.Nc3(0:13)Nf6(0:03) 4.Bg5(0:12)Nbd7(0:11) 5.e3(0:30)Be7(0:06) 6.Nf3(0:06)O-O(0:03) 7.Rc1(0:21)dxc4(1:18) 8.Bxc4(0:05)Nb6(0:01) 9.Bd3(0:55)h6(0:08) 10.Bxf6(4:17)Bxf6(0:03) 11.O-O(1:15)Bd7(2:00) 12.Ne4(1:24)Be7(2:29) 13.Bb1(2:37)g6(1:26) 14.Qc2(2:18)Rc8(0:39) 15.Ne5(0:22)f5(2:18)
milpat(1984) whispers: mmm milpat(1984) whispers: in blitz i Nxg6 and think after
milpat(1984) whispers: ;)
milpat(1984) whispers: b7 goes if nothing at K
18.Qxe4(0:14)Qf5(1:35) 19.Qxb7(1:30)Qd5(0:06) 20.Rxc7(2:11)
milpat(1984) whispers: quite a clean-up
20...Rxc7(6:01) 21.Qxc7(0:10)
milpat(1984) whispers: Bc6 Qg3+ ends the hopes
21...Bd6(9:22) 22.Qd8+(2:51)Kg7(0:05) 23.Qh4(0:04)Bc6(0:51) 24.Qg4+(1:00)Qg5(2:22) 25.Qxg5+(0:05)hxg5(0:03) 26.Bd3(1:51)e5(0:40)
mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: that's the spirit of fight :)
27.Rc1(1:33)Bb7(0:58) 28.dxe5(0:58)Bxe5(0:03) 29.Rc5(0:29)Kf6(0:13) 30.Ra5(0:08)Nc8(3:00) 31.Ba6(4:23)Bxa6(2:09) 32.Rxa6+(0:03)Ke7(0:16) 33.Rc6(0:34)Kd7(0:10) 34.Rg6(0:14)Bxb2(0:04) 35.Rxg5(0:07)Nd6(0:10) 36.h4(0:42)Bf6(1:08) 37.Rh5(0:42)a5(0:03) 38.Rxa5(0:09)Bxh4(0:03) 39.g3(0:19)Bd8(0:40) 40.Rh5(0:21)Ne4(0:22) 41.Rd5+(0:10)Nd6(0:26) 42.Kg2(0:09)Bb6(0:14) 43.g4(0:15)Ke6(0:03) 44.Rh5(0:03)Kf7(0:35) 45.Kf3(0:14)Bd8(0:25)
anandkvs(2100) whispers: interesting material relation. White should have advantage I think.
46.Kf4(0:51)Kg6(0:21) 47.e4(0:21)
mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: seriously?
mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: i tho blk have it
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: wow black looks dead
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: RxN
49.a4(1:06)Ne6+(0:05) 50.Kg3(0:25)
anandkvs(2100) whispers: I liked Kg3 instead of a4
50...Ng7(0:16) 51.Rh8(0:13)
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: why are they playing so fast
mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: perhaps that was a bet
52.f4(0:04)Kf7(0:22) 53.Rh6(0:18)
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: Ra8 threatening Ra7 was stronger i think - but no time to think anandkvs(2100) whispers: black could have tried Nc5 instead of Ng7, but probably the 3 connected passers would be sufficient in any case, even if white loses a4
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: Rh7 + anandkvs(2100) whispers: Rh8+ forces Ng7, then Kf3 etc
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: Ke4 and the N has no time to take a4 RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: Nc5 Rc6 anandkvs(2100) whispers: well Nc5 would be check with king on e4 RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: Nc5 Rh7+ anandkvs(2100) whispers: yes, Rh7+ is good in that case RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: with King at e4 Nc5 Kd5
FiNLiP(1809) whispers: But Black has to do something before that.
FiNLiP(1809) whispers: Ra7 and push a pawn?
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: even Keres cannot save this anandkvs(2100) whispers: again Ke4 is possible, since Ke4 Nc5+ Kd5 Nxa4 Ra7 RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: htne N+ and move B RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: but yes one of the pieces will fall eventually
56...Bd2(1:31) 57.Rh8+(0:12)
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: but they are hurrying too much FiNLiP(1809) whispers: Doesn't white win even by exchanging rook with a minor piece? RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: yes very much FiNLiP(1809) whispers: Dinner time. anandkvs(2100) whispers: yes, white should win even in that case, most probably
57...Kd7(1:38) 58.f5(0:41)Nc5+(0:08) 59.Kd5(0:03)Nxa4(0:07)
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: TL blitz
60.Rh7+(0:10)Ke8(0:23) 61.Ra7(0:23)Nb6+(2:29) 62.Ke6(0:04)
mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: RF, how about Carlsen? RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: sorry I didnt get what you mean? RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: are you asking my opinion about Carlsen ? :) mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: You said that even Keres couldn't safe it RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: hehehe well no one can - Capablanca included mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: maybe hypnosis? RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: yes! maybe we can lure white into playing Ra8 now mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: lol RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: but it beats how nokia got himself into this - i am trying to see the game but within a few moves they move again! mcstorytaller(1735) whispers: 13. g6 was crucial i think anandkvs(2100) whispers: 7...dxc4 was not correct I think, 7...c6 is the usual move RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: ok dinner time with the kids! be back soon anandkvs(2100) whispers: wait till white plays Bd3, then play dxc4 to make him lose a tempo RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: yes i agree with that idea.. but I think with B at e7 g6 was seriously weakening too
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: f6 f7 is good enough now milpat(1984) whispers: Rb7 1st anandkvs(2100) whispers: Rb7 forces Be3 since N move can be answered with Rd7+ anandkvs(2100) whispers: then f6 f7 RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: if N moves Rd7+ anandkvs(2100) whispers: simply f6 f7 might also be enough
RiceFarmer(1997) whispers: Bb4 forced and Rb7 FiNLiP(1809) whispers: Resigning is the best thing that can be done now.
63...Bh6(2:03) 64.f7(1:09)
milpat(1984) whispers: f7 Bf8 Rb7 enough N20?
64...Bf8(0:30) 65.Rb7(0:04)
FiNLiP(1809) whispers: Nc8 Rd7#
FiNLiP(1809) whispers: Otherwise Rb8 f.b. Rxf8
66.Rd7#(0:04)NokiaTwenty checkmated 1-0
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