1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:54)Nc6(0:03) 3.d4(0:25)cxd4(0:16) 4.Nxd4(0:04)Nf6(0:02) 5.Nc3(0:05)d6(0:02) 6.Bg5(0:19)e6(0:17) 7.f4(0:10)Be7(0:48) 8.Nxc6(0:13)bxc6(0:02) 9.Qf3(0:02)Rb8(1:04) 10.O-O-O(0:32)Qb6(1:41)
NachsueB offers a draw.
AKhairat declines the draw request.
11.b3(0:56)Qc5(2:04) 12.g4(2:55)h6(4:09) 13.Bh4(1:52)e5(0:37) 14.Bxf6(1:14)Bxf6(0:17) 15.f5(0:57)a5(6:31) 16.h4(2:12)Qa3+(4:54) 17.Kb1(2:45)
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: feels like black is getting the upper hand
17...a4(1:47) 18.Bc4(0:51)
milpat(1996) whispers: never got why peoples do Nxc6 Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: in my engine analysis of some open sicilians, white should follow Nxc6 with Qd3 and Qg3 Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: that is an interesting plan :o milpat(1996) whispers: d5 is 1 of the most worrying squares in sicilian, not anymore Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: as played i can only guess that he wanted to play qf3 without "wasting a tempo" Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: but the concessions are just too much milpat(1996) whispers: yea milpat(1996) whispers: open b-file, then castle there
18...Ke7(5:19) 19.Rdg1(3:18)
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: maybe g5 instead won a piece :o Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: weird magic Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: guess Ke7 might have been a bit too creative
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: anyway g5 still is serious
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: not sure what black should do here NightFury(2122) whispers: axb3 Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: then NightFury(2122) whispers: otherwise have to defend the pawn Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: yah, sounds like a good start :p Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: but how to defend against g5
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: well i guess milpat(1996) whispers: was going to say Bxh, but u open file for the enemy
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: the bishop is almost trapped
milpat(1996) whispers: Na4 hangs too
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: complicated Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: though this clearly wasn't what black had intended :p
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: maybe he could play bd8 (!?) instead of ke7 Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: to reroute to a5
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: then ke7 if he so wishes milpat(1996) whispers: Kx then R+ gets f7 Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: well this escalated quickly Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: any escape NightFury(2122) whispers: is gx bad?
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: well white probably gets in first Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: as black can't play ra8/sac on b3/whatever
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: no square for the lsb Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: cant double rooks soon NightFury(2122) whispers: i should have said was there any other option ;) Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: no idea :p NightFury(2122) whispers: ok how about Rd7 here? NightFury(2122) whispers: heading for a7 Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: only realistic attempt i guess
Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: surely this looks like suicide :p Suiseiseki(2249) whispers: though he's the one actually playing and immersed in the position so let's wait and see i guess
milpat(1996) whispers: Qf1 solves? milpat(1996) whispers: or Qf3 Plebusan(1924) whispers: dxc4 is no threat, is it. Since Qxd8+ milpat(1996) whispers: Qxc4 is the threat ;) Plebusan(1924) whispers: oh, yes milpat(1996) whispers: move K is another option, but Qf3 is attacking, so i preferAKhairat lost connection; game adjourned *
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