gegitor(2272) vs. noopet(2396) *
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-09-23
rstand(2343) whispers: Trompovsky
rstand(2343) whispers: I like for the black 2...Ne4 (2:33) 3.Bf4 (0:12) c5 (0:11) 4.f3 (0:16) Qa5+ (0:20) 5.c3 (0:16) Nf6 (0:47) 6.d5 (1:35)
rstand(2343) whispers: Qb6 usual 6...Qb6 (3:09) 7.Bc1 (0:23) e6 (0:20) 8.e4 (0:50) Be7 (0:50) 9.c4 (2:14) d6 (0:13) 10.Nc3 (0:11)
NightFury(2112) whispers: wow that some pawn chain 10...O-O (0:16) 11.Bd3 (0:41)
Psycho(1832) whispers: yep, & came at the cost of being behind in development
Triarius(2109) whispers: the system's favourite scheme 11...Nbd7 (0:26) 12.f4 (1:41) exd5 (1:59) 13.exd5 (0:13) Re8 (0:05) 14.Nge2 (0:39) a6 (1:02) 15.O-O (0:26) Nf8 (0:15) 16.Ng3 (3:10) Ng6 (0:44) 17.h3 (4:57) Bd7 (0:31) 18.Qc2 (0:53) Qc7 (0:58) 19.a4 (0:40)
rstand(2343) whispers: White space restricts
NightFury(2112) whispers: how can all these pawn moves be sound? 19...Bf8 (7:41) 20.b3 (2:42) b6 (2:57) 21.Bb2 (0:22) Rab8 (0:31) 22.Qd2 (5:05) Qb7 (1:18) 23.Nd1 (1:27) Be7 (0:50) 24.Ne3 (1:30) b5 (0:34) 25.axb5 (0:34) axb5 (1:24) 26.Bc3 (0:26) b4 (1:32) 27.Bb2 (0:18) Ra8 (0:57)
AIDog(2113) whispers: 28.Ne3-f5 and what does Black do? 28.Nef5 (6:25) Bxf5 (2:08) 29.Nxf5 (0:34) Qd7 (1:36) 30.Kh2 (3:33) Bf8 (0:53)
rstand(2343) whispers: Bxf6 Noopet lost connection; game adjourned *
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