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knoecken(1928) vs. jaszczur(1874) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-09-17

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:10) Nc6 (0:13) 3.Bb5 (0:39) Qc7 (0:44) 4.O-O (0:39) d6 (2:36)
milpat(2019) whispers: d4 suggests itself
NightFury(2117) whispers: a standard move i think
milpat(2019) whispers: do u think black played standard defence?
NightFury(2117) whispers: Qc7 is not standard no
milpat(2019) whispers: ;)
5.c3 (2:35) a6 (0:25)
milpat(2019) whispers: i played 3..Nd4 for 2 years i think, and probably won more games than i lost luckily (because of Nxd4 cx d3 Qa5+ cheap) , tnx DBs, showed me 3...Nd4 losses
6.Ba4 (1:08)
NightFury(2117) whispers: hehe, yeah ive fell for that trap a few times :)
6...Bg4 (0:36)
milpat(2019) whispers: if i recall well, 3..Nd4 simply Bc4
NightFury(2117) whispers: i take the knight and just castle now
donpachi(2049) whispers: in my book simple 4.Nxd4 cxd4 and 0-0 gives white excellent game, but i didnt analyse this variation deeply
NightFury(2117) whispers: yes what donpachi said ;)
milpat(2019) whispers: http://www.365chess.com/opening.php?m=7&n=871&ms=e4.c5.Nf3.Nc6.Bb5.Nd4&ns=
milpat(2019) whispers: seems there are too many valuable options for white
donpachi(2049) whispers: a4 wins by force it seems ;-)
7.Re1 (3:09)
milpat(2019) whispers: lol
NightFury(2117) whispers: black spends resources trying to protact a pawn i have no intention of taking
milpat(2019) whispers: so i wasted at least 2 years just because i was not verifying my games with databases
thekingofham(1732) whispers: Yay, I love the Bb5 Sicilians.
thekingofham(1732) whispers: Or actually, the Rossolimo.
7...b5 (1:44) 8.Bb3 (0:29)
milpat(2019) whispers: Bxf7 is a threat
donpachi(2049) whispers: milpat and his cheap tricks ;-)
milpat(2019) whispers: Nf6 kills it easily
8...Ne5 (0:52)
milpat(2019) whispers: ceapness makes live!
milpat(2019) whispers: cheapness
Knoecken(1928) whispers: That move looks suspicious to me.
milpat(2019) whispers: it hits f3 nicely though?
9.d4 (2:09) cxd4 (0:05) 10.cxd4 (0:19)
Plyo(2243) whispers: I agree with your suspiciousness
10...Nxf3+ (0:13) 11.gxf3 (0:10) Bh5 (0:48)
Knoecken(1928) whispers: Black might miss the bishop on the QS now.
Knoecken(1928) whispers: a4 b4 a5!?
Knoecken(1928) whispers: With the idea of Ba4+
12.a4 (1:42)
Knoecken(1928) whispers: Simple as that.
milpat(2019) whispers: Nf6 will come to shield the check?
milpat(2019) whispers: say b4 a5 Nf6
12...b4 (2:32)
WilkBardzoZly(1891) whispers: looks like 11 Bd7 was better
13.a5 (1:27) e6 (0:07)
NightFury(2117) whispers: wow
milpat(2019) whispers: meh
14.Ba4+ (0:53)
NightFury(2117) whispers: the king is staying put?
14...Ke7 (0:04)
Plyo(2243) whispers: I think that 8...Ne5 was very short-sighted. Black saw something and he attacked it. But the centre is to white's favour. Development to white's favour. Where is black going to castle now with the half open g-file? It was a pretty bad move.
NightFury(2117) whispers: with a mass of pawns on his front door
Plyo(2243) whispers: BTW, 5.c3 could be exchanged with 5.d4 which will be taken by the queen and the game transposes to d6-lines which black may not know at all. just a thought
milpat(2019) whispers: plyo, my 8...Nf6 was better, developing move while killing the threat
15.Be3 (2:07) Qxa5 (0:42)
Plyo(2243) whispers: or 8...e6, but, sure.
16.Nd2 (1:00)
Plyo(2243) whispers: or 8...c4 :D
Knoecken(1928) whispers: A pawn is not important in this position.
16...Qd8 (0:26)
Plyo(2243) whispers: he needs to open the king
milpat(2019) whispers: eh e5 d5 Bg5
milpat(2019) whispers: or play Nc4, with the e5 idea then Nd6 happens
Plyo(2243) whispers: I don't much like the Bh5, I'm thinking Qb3 just to be better prepared
Plyo(2243) whispers: it's probable that everything wins now
Plyo(2243) whispers: other than f4 :)
WilkBardzoZly(1891) whispers: maybe lack of imagination but Bc6 Rc8 Qa4 to restore pawn deficit ?
17.Bc6 (4:14)
WilkBardzoZly(1891) whispers: or Rc8 Bb7
NightFury(2117) whispers: why go after pawns when the king is so exposed?
Plyo(2243) whispers: not sure i agree with that too. Why help black develop either?
17...Rc8 (1:23) 18.Rxa6 (0:23)
Plyo(2243) whispers: at least Rxa6 threatens
milpat(2019) whispers: i think RxK is threatened
milpat(2019) whispers: :D
NightFury(2117) whispers: lol
mcstorytaller(1743) whispers: hi Pat!
18...Kf6 (1:13)
milpat(2019) whispers: eh, e5+ Ne4+ at 1st look
Plyo(2243) whispers: I was looking at Rc7 Nc4 Nf6 Ne5!? but never mind now
Plyo(2243) whispers: e5 is a nobrainer
milpat(2019) whispers: just come with forcing move and dont let black develop
Knoecken(1928) whispers: wow
19.e5+ (2:24)
milpat(2019) whispers: Ne4/Bg5 is serious
19...Ke7 (1:03)
milpat(2019) whispers: in other things
milpat(2019) whispers: thats what the sky gives to you to have help an ArchBishop Knoecken!
milpat(2019) whispers: :D
WilkBardzoZly(1891) whispers: maybe Ra7 Rc7 Ra8 Rc8 ed6 ...
milpat(2019) whispers: why not Bg5+ 1st?
Plyo(2243) whispers: Bg5 seems like it's helping black
Plyo(2243) whispers: f6 and then developing the knight
milpat(2019) whispers: it opens e-file!
milpat(2019) whispers: so, help is a big word
Plyo(2243) whispers: well, my understanding of attacking is that if you have far more pieces you actually want to exchange off the few active pieces black has
WilkBardzoZly(1891) whispers: Ra7 Rc7 Ra8 Rc8 ed6 Kd6 Bf4 K:c6 Qa4 looks good
Plyo(2243) whispers: so his suggestion of Ra7+ makes sense because white will be left with an attack
milpat(2019) whispers: ok
milpat(2019) whispers: can open e-file with exd anyway
milpat(2019) whispers: (if he really wants to)
Plyo(2243) whispers: though i'd probably go with Qa4, so if RxR he's running out of squares
20.d5 (4:02) Rxc6 (0:21)
Plyo(2243) whispers: d5 was great too
21.dxc6 (0:34) dxe5 (0:02)
Plyo(2243) whispers: ouch :D
milpat(2019) whispers: Qa4 surely wins
Plyo(2243) whispers: dear god, he actually took the pawn
milpat(2019) whispers: or Ra7 Qa4
Plyo(2243) whispers: hit him with Ra7+
Plyo(2243) whispers: who the hell takes a pawn in this situation... develop man... run for your life
milpat(2019) whispers: cant go Kf6 cauz Ne4+
shuvodas(1888) whispers: what about c7?
milpat(2019) whispers: close ur eyes , push something, 1-0
NightFury(2117) whispers: yes agreed :)
Plyo(2243) whispers: i'm sure c7 works but it take away attacking lines
Knoecken(1928) whispers: I dont miss a mate like two weeks ago
NightFury(2117) whispers: except pushing f4 :)
Plyo(2243) whispers: there has to be a mate here black has nothing
milpat(2019) whispers: Ra7 my vote
milpat(2019) whispers: Qa4 then comes multi threats
shuvodas(1888) whispers: thats great too.
Plyo(2243) whispers: yeah Ra7+ Ke8 Ne4 Qxd1 Rxd1 and then you haveBb6 and Rd8#
milpat(2019) whispers: (i.e. Ra7 Ke8 Qa4 with Ra8 or c7+ ideas)
NightFury(2117) whispers: i dont like Qa4 first, it allows f5
Knoecken(1928) whispers: hnopefully
milpat(2019) whispers: Ra7 1st
22.Bc5+ (4:33)
Plyo(2243) whispers: whatever, like you said, 1-0
Plyo(2243) whispers: :)
22...Ke8 (0:29)
Plyo(2243) whispers: ha
NightFury(2117) whispers: c7
Plyo(2243) whispers: look
milpat(2019) whispers: c7 here maybe
23.c7 (0:38)
Plyo(2243) whispers: c7 Qc8 Qa4+
23...Qxc7 (0:11)
Plyo(2243) whispers: Qd7 c8#
milpat(2019) whispers: will be Qa4 Ra8
NightFury(2117) whispers: not a single kingside piece moved
24.Ra8+ (0:40)
milpat(2019) whispers: yea
24...Kd7 (0:09)
milpat(2019) whispers: Qa7, but must be funnier
25.Qa4+ (0:23)
milpat(2019) whispers: Qa7* i meant
milpat(2019) whispers: grr Ra7
jaszczur resigns 1-0


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