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vipiu(2070) vs. ivey(2247) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-09-06

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:02) g6 (0:20) 3.Nc3 (0:16) Bg7 (0:12) 4.e4 (0:33) d6 (0:20) 5.Be2 (0:36) O-O (4:34) 6.Nf3 (0:45) e5 (1:54) 7.O-O (0:51) Nc6 (0:18) 8.d5 (1:14) Ne7 (0:05) 9.b4 (0:15) a5 (6:31) 10.Ba3 (1:12) b6 (0:29)
ivey(2247) whispers: dont think ba3 is good
11.bxa5 (1:25)
ivey(2247) whispers: a5 he doesnt controll f4
11...Nh5 (3:09) 12.Re1 (3:27)
Funkmaus(2130) whispers: gooo ivey!
Funkmaus(2130) whispers: nicesquare forthe N
DodgeBrother(1613) whispers: go ivey go!
12...f5 (5:33)
ivey(2247) whispers: one of these long vipiu thinks
13.Bb4 (15:59)
ivey(2247) whispers: i think bb4 is ok, forcing an ok panws structure for white
ivey(2247) whispers: ah there it is
13...bxa5 (0:08) 14.Ba3 (0:23) Nf4 (0:28) 15.Bf1 (3:53) fxe4 (0:25)
ivey(2247) whispers: ne4 bg4 ned2 e4
ivey(2247) whispers: but nd2 nd3 bd3 ed ned4 is ok, cant hold the pawn and bishop pair vs e4 is unclear
rstand(2343) whispers: Nd2 usually
ivey(2247) whispers: i can try nf5 with the idea nd4
16.Nd2 (6:25)
evilcoyote(2144) whispers: Nd3 seems like a good candidate
16...Nd3 (1:48)
xombie(1749) whispers: i dont like Nd3
xombie(1749) whispers: after Bxd3 exd3 Ne4 white takes control of e4
xombie(1749) whispers: and will win the pawn
xombie(1749) whispers: plus, c5 etc after that
17.Bxd3 (3:05) exd3 (0:00) 18.Nde4 (1:34) Nf5 (0:11) 19.Qxd3 (0:24)
rstand(2343) whispers: yes but the black tine good game with Nd4 Rf4
rstand(2343) whispers: yes but the black has good game with Nd4 and Kf4
rstand(2343) whispers: yes but the black has good game with Nd4 and Rf4
19...Ba6 (5:37)
ivey(2247) whispers: nd4 looks interesting
20.Nb5 (0:50) Qd7 (0:20) 21.Rab1 (2:05) Rab8 (1:32)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: so who's better
xombie(1749) whispers: black
xombie(1749) whispers: Nd4 next
xombie(1749) whispers: after takes on b5
xombie(1749) whispers: maybe he can play Nc3
22.Bc1 (5:04)
xombie(1749) whispers: going for a4 teh
22...a4 (0:26) 23.Rb4 (1:38)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: i tend to agree
23...Nd4 (0:33)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: the nd4 is pretty strong
24.Rxa4 (3:19) Bxb5 (0:22)
ivey(2247) whispers: huh
ivey(2247) whispers: one move only
25.cxb5 (2:22) Qf7 (0:51)
ivey(2247) whispers: guess he wont fall for nc3
ivey(2247) whispers: rb5 with doubling on b file was maybe strategically smarter
ivey(2247) whispers: i suck in time trouble of my opponent
26.Qc4 (2:56) Rxb5 (0:12) 27.Be3 (0:12) Qxd5 (1:37)
ivey(2247) whispers: bd4 qe4
tanerture(2006) whispers: Bd4 Qe4 looks illegal
28.Qxd5+ (1:20) Rxd5 (0:00) 29.Ra7 (0:08)
evilcoyote(2144) whispers: it is
ivey(2247) whispers: doh his a pawn is dangerous
floare(1804) whispers: Is c5 working?
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: c5 looks highly suspicious
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: My original thought was ...c5, Nc3, but I'm not sure that works.
29...Nc2 (10:45)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: this must be better than c5
30.Rb1 (1:39) Nxe3 (0:23) 31.fxe3 (0:07) Rd3 (0:18)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: i thought that black must be winning, but it seems hard to mobilize the pawns
32.Rxc7 (1:36) Bh6 (0:04)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: and white has something if he can get to double on seventh
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: bh6 pretty strong
33.g3 (0:34) Bxe3+ (1:26) 34.Kg2 (0:11) Rf7 (0:09) 35.Rc8+ (1:00) Kg7 (0:07) 36.h4 (0:40) d5 (0:14) 37.Ng5 (0:48)
Jammes(1779) whispers: perhaps rxf7 was better? i have the feeling only black has an attack
37...Bxg5 (1:14) 38.hxg5 (0:00) Ra7 (0:13)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: black was better anyway
Jammes(1779) whispers: yes, i have to agree. didnt like both positions. wondered that black traded the knight
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: white probably wants to double up on 8 and try to draw
39.Kh3 (1:22)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: but he's pretty busted
39...e4 (0:19)
Jammes(1779) whispers: yes thats why i wonder :). i dont see an easy esacape rout for the king
Jammes(1779) whispers: there probably is one but needs some calculation ;)
40.Rbb8 (0:33)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: well something for black to avoid
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: is ra3 (say) rb7#
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: can't say white has no chances :p
Jammes(1779) whispers: :) yesterday i saw i nice game with a help mate in one
sighlintschoop(2167) whispers: Thanks for reminding me :x
Jammes(1779) whispers: :P
Jammes(1779) whispers: ah remember one of the players had a similar name :)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: guess it's not that easy for black after all :p
Jammes(1779) whispers: kf7 is my move here
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: maybe
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: Kf7 and running to d4.
Jammes(1779) whispers: re7 is the alternative. maybe better
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: why better
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: I like running.
Jammes(1779) whispers: because rook have to supports passend pawns :) tarrasch told me
40...Kf7 (5:46)
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: Yes, but I think ivey would prefer to avoid any sort of counterplay. Once the king is safe, the pawns will move. :)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: but white would play rh8 threatening rg8 rxh7+
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: not sure how to evaluate that ending but then white got the rook behind black's passer instead
Jammes(1779) whispers: yes maybe re7 is just a los of a tempi
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: Tarrasch wouldn't have played Ng4 either, Suiseiseki. It's okay.
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: Now to run before she beats me to death.
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: ;_;
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: you would have deserved it :p
41.Rb6 (2:14)
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: I don't deserve any such thing.
41...Rf3 (0:32) 42.Rd8 (1:17)
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: e3
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: I think that should win a rook.
42...Rf5 (0:41)
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: But this is probably simpler.
43.Kh4 (0:45) e3 (0:58) 44.g4 (0:26)
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: e2?
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: Yeah, e2, Rb1 Rf1
44...Re5 (0:35)
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: lkjaslkdjfasldf
45.Rf6+ (0:08) Kg7 (0:09) 46.Rff8 (0:21) e2 (0:11) 47.Rg8+ (0:31) Kf7 (0:04) 48.Rdf8+ (0:02)
Funkmaus(2130) whispers: wow
Jammes(1779) whispers: oh
xombie(1749) whispers: wow indeed
48...Ke6 (0:22)
xombie(1749) whispers: drawn?!
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: What?
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: How?
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: how so
xombie(1749) whispers: mate!
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: Uh?
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: What are you looking at?
49.Rf6+ (0:20)
Suiseiseki(2236) whispers: re7
49...Kd7 (0:05)
xombie(1749) whispers: oh
GothicSavior(2217) whispers: This is game over for white.
xombie(1749) whispers: exciting ending
vipiu resigns 0-1


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