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cadger(1856) vs. albertaszi(1742) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-06-08

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:16) Nf6 (0:48) 3.e3 (0:14) e6 (0:23) 4.Bd3 (0:08) c5 (0:39) 5.b3 (0:05) cxd4 (0:28) 6.exd4 (3:42) Bd6 (0:30) 7.Bb2 (1:42) O-O (1:06) 8.Nbd2 (0:16) Nc6 (1:27) 9.Ne5 (0:16) Qc7 (7:02) 10.f4 (1:05) Nb4 (1:23) 11.O-O (0:34) Nxd3 (1:09) 12.cxd3 (0:20) Bd7 (2:29) 13.Rf3 (1:09) Rac8 (6:02) 14.Rc1 (3:59) Qa5 (2:37) 15.Ra1 (5:19) Rc7 (6:44) 16.Rh3 (1:00) Rfc8 (3:15) 17.Ndf3 (1:39) Rc2 (2:03) 18.Nxd7 (3:18) Nxd7 (0:36) 19.Rc1 (0:06) Qc7 (7:05) 20.Rb1 (1:13) Bxf4 (0:51) 21.Qe1 (0:51) Nf6 (3:38) 22.Ne5 (2:29) Bxe5 (6:58) 23.dxe5 (0:22) Qb6+ (1:49) 24.Qe3 (5:36) Qxe3+ (1:28) 25.Rxe3 (0:00) Ng4 (0:29) 26.Rg3 (0:05) Nh6 (0:17) 27.a4 (1:54) Nf5 (0:32) 28.Rf3 (0:24) Re2 (0:32) 29.Rc1 (0:38) Rxc1+ (1:17) 30.Bxc1 (0:04) Rxe5 (1:39) 31.Bf4 (0:40) Re2 (0:08) 32.g4 (1:54) Nd4 (0:38) 33.Re3 (1:03) Rxe3 (1:22) 34.Bxe3 (0:05) Nc6 (0:45) 35.Kf1 (0:31) d4 (0:15) 36.Bf4 (0:15) e5 (0:21) 37.Bd2 (0:10) a5 (0:46) 38.Ke2 (0:14) f6 (0:13) 39.Kf3 (0:07) Kf7 (0:06) 40.Ke4 (0:13) Ke6 (0:03) 41.h4 (0:19)
cadger(1856) whispers: lag is even more annoying than playing out a lost position :P
41...g6 (0:31) 42.Kf3 (0:15) f5 (1:42) 43.gxf5+ (0:46) gxf5 (1:08) 44.Bg5 (0:34) Ne7 (1:41) 45.Bd2 (0:26) b6 (0:07) 46.b4 (0:05) Nc6 (1:01) 47.bxa5 (0:06) bxa5 (0:19) 48.Bg5 (0:54) Kd5 (1:50) 49.Bd2 (0:10) Nb4 (0:26) 50.Ke2 (0:11) Kc5 (1:50) 51.Bg5 (0:19) f4 (0:47) 52.Be7+ (0:36) Kd5 (0:07) 53.Bd8 (0:50) Nc6 (0:12) 54.Bb6 (0:21) Ke6 (0:32) 55.Kf3 (0:16) Kf5 (0:06) 56.Bc7 (0:16)
superlaser(1901) whispers: e4 was long overdue for a number of moves, and now it can't be played
superlaser(1901) whispers: Nb4 and Nxd3 should win if Ke2 isn't played, if it is then e4
56...Nb4 (1:49)
superlaser(1901) whispers: the a-pawn shouldn't be an issue
57.Bxa5 (0:24) Nxd3 (0:05) 58.Bc7 (0:19) e4+ (1:00)
superlaser(1901) whispers: e4, at last
59.Ke2 (0:08) f3+ (0:18) 60.Kd2 (0:32)
superlaser(1901) whispers: Nc1 may be quickest here
60...Nb4 (1:19) 61.Bb6 (0:51) e3+ (0:17) 62.Ke1 (0:07) Ke4 (0:31) 63.a5 (0:13) Nd3+ (0:51) cadger resigns 0-1


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