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albertaszi(1772) vs. mariansabau(1815) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-04-27

1.e4 (0:00) b6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (1:21) Bb7 (0:04) 3.Nc3 (1:45) e6 (0:03) 4.d4 (0:33) Bb4 (0:06) 5.Bd3 (0:20) c5 (0:14) 6.a3 (4:44) Bxc3+ (6:51) 7.bxc3 (2:39) Qc8 (7:47) 8.Qe2 (3:24) Ba6 (0:28) 9.Bxa6 (0:39) Qxa6 (0:26) 10.Bf4 (4:10) Qxe2+ (2:04) 11.Kxe2 (0:04) Nf6 (2:08)
brainp(1580) whispers: no comments yet?
12.Nd2 (0:54)
brainp(1580) whispers: was Bd6 better?
bigwienke(1948) whispers: If you're looking for a discussion about the game, you'd have better look talking about your own impressions and/or ask questions about it :)
bigwienke(1948) whispers: ah, there you go :)
brainp(1580) whispers: :)
milpat(1973) whispers: Bd6 interesting
brainp(1580) whispers: cus it stops the castle
bigwienke(1948) whispers: if you meant 12. Bd6 then it hangs e4 pawn , right?
milpat(1973) whispers: but has to preocupy about e4 1st
brainp(1580) whispers: right
brainp(1580) whispers: I guess that's his idea right now
12...O-O (4:29)
milpat(1973) whispers: d6 hole still available though
brainp(1580) whispers: for Bishop and Knight ;)
brainp(1580) whispers: nice outpost
milpat(1973) whispers: starts by Bd6 to block the pawn, the time the N arrives
bigwienke(1948) whispers: yes I think dxc5 bxc5 Bd6 looks good for white
bigwienke(1948) whispers: then Rb1-b7 perhpas
13.f3 (2:32)
brainp(1580) whispers: W is playing defensive I think
13...Rc8 (4:11) 14.Kd3 (3:16) Nc6 (2:22) 15.Nc4 (5:33) d5 (2:07)
BethanyGrace(1612) whispers: Go albertaszi! (Rejoicing Team!)
16.Nd2 (4:10) Rd8 (0:31) 17.Be3 (4:09) e5 (4:15) 18.exd5 (0:49) Nxd5 (7:54) 19.Rhe1 (0:49) exd4 (1:46) 20.cxd4 (1:12) cxd4 (1:23) 21.Bf2 (2:16) Nf4+ (1:11) 22.Ke4 (0:42)
Boobyslegacy(2065) whispers: the king is an attacking peace!
Boobyslegacy(2065) whispers: piece i meant^^
22...Nxg2 (3:08) 23.Rg1 (0:05) Re8+ (0:23) 24.Kd5 (0:35) Ne7+ (2:11) 25.Kxd4 (0:38) Rad8+ (1:52) 26.Kc3 (0:08) Nd5+ (1:46) 27.Kb2 (1:17) Nge3 (1:38) 28.Ne4 (1:21) f5 (1:07) 29.Bxe3 (2:26) fxe4 (0:30) 30.Bd4 (2:34) g6 (0:24) 31.fxe4 (0:32) Rxe4 (0:05) 32.Bf2 (0:26) Re2 (0:19) 33.Bh4 (0:33) Rc8 (0:19) 34.Rac1 (0:22) Rxh2 (0:58) 35.Bg3 (0:13) Re2 (0:15) 36.Kb1 (0:38) Nc3+ (0:52) 37.Kb2 (0:10) Na4+ (0:06) 38.Kb3 (0:16) b5 (0:37) 39.Be1 (0:43) Nc5+ (0:34) 40.Kc3 (1:12) Re3+ (0:38) 41.Kb2 (1:03) Na4+ (0:05) 42.Ka2 (0:16) Nc3+ (0:54) 43.Bxc3 (0:21) Rcxc3 (0:02) 44.Kb2 (0:07) Rxa3 (0:06) 45.Rg5 (0:08) a6 (1:45) 46.Rc5 (0:46) Ra4 (1:09) 47.Rc7 (0:23) Rb4+ (0:31) 48.Ka2 (0:09) Rc4 (0:32) 49.Ra7 (0:13) Rec3 (0:57) 50.Kb2 (0:31) Rc6 (0:27) 51.Rd1 (0:49) Rxc2+ (0:09) 52.Kb1 (0:05) Rc7 (3:08) 53.Rxa6 (2:59) R2c6 (0:18) 54.Ra8+ (0:53) Rc8 (0:28) 55.Ra7 (0:31) R6c7 (0:16) 56.Ra6 (0:09) Rb8 (0:31) 57.Kb2 (0:21) Kg7 (0:11) 58.Kb3 (0:20) Rcb7 (0:19) 59.Kc3 (0:12) b4+ (0:15) 60.Kb3 (0:08) h5 (0:25) 61.Rdd6 (0:05) Kf8 (3:39) 62.Rxg6 (0:40) Rh7 (0:09) 63.Raf6+ (0:11) Ke8 (4:04) 64.Rg8+ (14:35) Ke7 (0:03) 65.Rgg6 (0:18)
allanchs(1622) whispers: got rhe
65...Rb7 (1:46)
allanchs(1622) whispers: perpetual
66.Re6+ (0:23)
milijonas(1664) whispers: no he doesnt
66...Kd7 (1:46) 67.Re5 (1:05) Kc7 (0:56) 68.Rgg5 (0:48) h4 (0:50) 69.Rh5 (0:26) Kd6 (0:26) 70.Rd5+ (0:35) Kc6 (0:56) 71.Rc5+ (0:08) albertaszi offers a draw. mariansabau declines the draw request. 71...Kb6 (1:22) 72.Rb5+ (0:42) Ka6 (0:01) 73.Ra5+ (0:12) Kb6 (0:02) 74.Rab5+ (0:15) Kc6 (0:04) 75.Rbc5+ (0:02) Kd6 (0:14) 76.Rcd5+ (0:03) Ke6 (0:01) 77.Rde5+ (0:02) Kf6 (0:02) 78.Ref5+ (0:02) Kg6 (0:24) 79.Rfg5+ (0:03) Kf6 (0:07) 80.Rf5+ (0:02) albertaszi offers a draw.
albertaszi(1772) whispers: I was lucky in the end... mariansabau declines the draw request.
80...Ke6 (2:20) 81.Re5+ (0:05)
milijonas(1664) whispers: only strong players are lucky ;)
81...Kf6 (0:37) 82.Ref5+ (1:06) Kg7 (0:03)
milijonas(1664) whispers: now its draw
83.Rfg5+ (0:26)
milijonas(1664) whispers: why nor just Rh7
83...Kh8 (0:16)
milijonas(1664) whispers: *not
milijonas(1664) whispers: missed an easy draw
84.Rxh7+ (1:11) Rxh7 (0:03) 85.Kxb4 (0:05) h3 (0:36)
milijonas(1664) whispers: i think its still a draw ?
milijonas(1664) whispers: Rg1 is forced
86.Rc5 (1:29)
milijonas(1664) whispers: what ?
86...h2 (1:44) 87.Rc8+ (0:18) Kg7 (0:02) 88.Rc7+ (0:03) Kg6 (0:01) 89.Rc6+ (0:09) Kf5 (0:03) 90.Rc5+ (0:05) Ke6 (0:20) 91.Rc6+ (0:39) Kd5 (0:08) 92.Rc5+ (0:02) Kd6 (0:03) 93.Rc2 (0:09) h1=Q (0:11) albertaszi resigns 0-1


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