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albertaszi(1767) vs. mrlatvian(1930) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-03-09

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:59) Nc6 (0:10) 3.d4 (0:24) cxd4 (0:03) 4.Nxd4 (0:06) g6 (0:05) 5.Nxc6 (4:38) bxc6 (0:08) 6.Qd4 (0:13) Nf6 (0:08) 7.e5 (0:31) Nd5 (0:08)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: all book so far.
8.e6 (1:07) f6 (0:16) 9.exd7+ (0:38) Bxd7 (0:02) 10.Bc4 (0:35) e5 (4:13) 11.Qd1 (4:16) Be6 (1:28) 12.Bb3 (3:24)
bowserJRzhu(1707) whispers: Goes MrTal
12...Bc5 (5:56) 13.O-O (1:20)
milpat(1970) whispers: MrLat
13...O-O (0:25) 14.Nc3 (1:00) Qd7 (8:42) 15.Ne4 (4:52) Be7 (4:08) 16.Be3 (4:41)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Not falling for Nxe3?? Qxd7!
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: i need to deal with all this pin-on-e6 and fork-on-f6 nonsense
16...Kh8 (5:13)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: he can get the bishop pair with Nc5 but i am ok
17.Nc5 (2:13) Bxc5 (2:10) 18.Bxc5 (0:04) Rfd8 (1:04) 19.Qf3 (2:29) Qf7 (0:36) 20.Rad1 (1:55) h5 (9:20) 21.Rd3 (2:59) e4 (4:04) 22.Qxe4 (1:08) Bf5 (0:07)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: this R+N vs B+B is going to be very complicated
23.Qf3 (0:59) Bxd3 (0:10) 24.Qxd3 (1:31)
albertaszi(1767) whispers: sigh, 21. Rfe1 would have been much better...
24...Kg7 (3:06)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: winning the exchange for a pawn isn't going to be all fairy dust and unicorns
25.Re1 (2:15) Re8 (2:07) 26.Rd1 (0:26) Qe6 (2:43) 27.Kf1 (1:33) Qe5 (1:17) 28.g3 (1:39) Rad8 (3:06) 29.c3 (1:47) Nxc3 (2:42) 30.Qxd8 (6:39) Rxd8 (0:48) 31.Rxd8 (1:04) Qxc5 (0:07) 32.Rd7+ (2:45) Kh6 (0:21) 33.bxc3 (0:09) Kg5 (1:31) 34.h4+ (0:43) Kf5 (0:52) 35.Rd4 (1:30) albertaszi offers a draw. MrLatvian declines the draw request. 35...Qxc3 (0:36) 36.Rc4 (1:09) Qd3+ (0:09) 37.Kg2 (0:52) Ke5 (0:14) 38.Rf4 (2:09) f5 (1:18) 39.Ra4 (0:54) Qd7 (1:13) 40.f4+ (1:35) Kf6 (0:03)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Not falling for Kd6?? Rd4+
41.Rc4 (1:12) Qd2+ (1:57) 42.Kf3 (0:13) Qd3+ (0:33) 43.Kf2 (0:21) c5 (0:05) 44.Rc2 (0:54) a5 (1:04) 45.Rc4 (0:09) Ke7 (0:12) 46.Ra4 (0:12) Qb5 (0:18) 47.Rc4 (0:19) Kd6 (0:26) 48.Ke3 (0:20) Qb7 (0:14) 49.Kf2 (0:12) Qh1 (0:27) 50.Ra4 (0:45) Qh2+ (0:36) 51.Kf3 (0:05) Qd2 (0:06) 52.Rc4 (0:49) albertaszi offers a draw. MrLatvian declines the draw request. 52...Qe1 (0:54) 53.Rc2 (2:05) Qe4+ (1:16) 54.Kf2 (0:25) a4 (0:18) 55.Rc4 (0:35) axb3 (4:13) 56.Rxe4 (0:17) fxe4 (0:02) 57.axb3 (0:05) Ke6 (0:06) 58.Ke2 (0:49) Kd6 (0:22) 59.Kd2 (0:28) Ke6 (0:22) 60.Ke2 (0:12) Kd6 (0:14) 61.Kd2 (0:12) albertaszi offers a draw. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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