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joshpruett(1934) vs. albertaszi(1737) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-02-16

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:18) d6 (1:03) 3.f4 (0:05) Nf6 (1:33) 4.Bb5+ (0:59) Bd7 (0:29) 5.Bc4 (0:04) e6 (4:01) 6.Nf3 (0:18) b5 (2:12) 7.Bxb5 (4:35) Bxb5 (0:28) 8.Nxb5 (0:04) Nxe4 (0:41) 9.Qe2 (0:27) Nf6 (5:28) 10.b3 (2:54) Be7 (3:21) 11.Bb2 (0:17) O-O (3:02) 12.O-O (1:08) a6 (5:12) 13.Nc3 (1:45) Nc6 (2:58) 14.Rae1 (5:01) Re8 (4:10) 15.d3 (2:42) Nb4 (2:11) 16.a4 (2:16) Nfd5 (1:58) 17.Nxd5 (1:58) Nxd5 (0:32) 18.Nd2 (1:30) Bh4 (1:45) 19.g3 (0:21) Bf6 (0:10) 20.Bxf6 (0:55) Nxf6 (1:37) 21.Nc4 (5:07) Nd5 (2:47) 22.Qf2 (2:18) g6 (1:37) 23.d4 (0:52) cxd4 (1:53) 24.Qxd4 (0:09) Rc8 (0:54) 25.Rf2 (0:30) Qc7 (1:28) 26.Rd2 (0:54) Red8 (0:22) 27.Rc1 (4:35) Qc5 (2:19) 28.c3 (3:15) Kf8 (3:00) 29.Kf1 (2:23) Qxd4 (0:41) 30.Rxd4 (0:32) Ke7 (1:35) 31.Ke2 (0:52) Rb8 (2:14) 32.Nd2 (1:24) Rdc8 (0:41) 33.Rd3 (1:47) Nb4 (1:26) 34.Rf3 (5:12) d5 (0:35) 35.Kd1 (0:18) Nc6 (0:37) 36.Rd3 (0:57) Na5 (0:23) 37.b4 (0:08) Nc4 (0:39) 38.Nxc4 (1:08) Rxc4 (0:06) 39.Ra1 (0:38) Rbc8 (0:24) 40.Kd2 (0:26) Kf6 (3:13) 41.Ra3 (0:21) Kf5 (0:26) 42.h3 (0:26) h5 (0:55) 43.b5 (0:34) a5 (0:19) 44.Rd4 (0:13) Rxd4+ (4:16) 45.cxd4 (0:08) Ke4 (1:05) 46.Rb3 (0:09) Kxd4 (0:10) 47.b6 (0:04) Rb8 (0:16) 48.b7 (0:08)
crazyblue(2037) whispers: i was expecting Rc3 instead of Rb3, now it looks as if black will win
48...Kc5 (0:43) 49.Rb5+ (1:13) Kc6 (0:09) 50.Rxa5 (0:05) Rxb7 (0:17) 51.Kc2 (0:14)
wmahan(2129) whispers: good thing sbc is not here
51...Kb6 (2:36)
wmahan(2129) whispers: misgame
52.Rb5+ (1:45) Ka6 (0:26) 53.Rc5 (1:21) Kb6 (0:16) 54.Rb5+ (0:50) Kc6 (0:03) 55.Ra5 (0:02) f6 (0:37) 56.Ra6+ (0:12) Rb6 (0:04) 57.Ra8 (0:01) e5 (1:18) 58.a5 (0:08) Kb7 (0:42) 59.Rd8 (1:50) Rc6+ (1:09) 60.Kd2 (0:13) exf4 (1:35) 61.gxf4 (0:13) Rc5 (0:44) 62.a6+ (0:31) Kxa6 (0:31) 63.Rd6+ (0:01) Kb5 (0:05) 64.Rxf6 (0:02) Rc6 (0:08) 65.Rf8 (0:07) Kc4 (0:20) 66.f5 (0:15) Kd4 (1:45) 67.f6 (3:49) Ke5 (0:13) 68.f7 (0:04) Kf6 (1:31) 69.Rd8 (0:06) Kxf7 (0:07) 70.Rxd5 (0:02) Ke6 (0:08) 71.Ra5 (0:12) Rc4 (1:01) 72.Ra3 (1:31) Re4 (1:01) 73.Rf3 (0:05) Re5 (0:35) 74.Kd3 (1:22) Rf5 (0:50) 75.Rg3 (0:40) Kf6 (0:12) 76.Ke3 (0:02) JoshPruett offers a draw. albertaszi declines the draw request. 76...g5 (1:04)
milpat(1948) whispers: can Rf3 draw?
77.Rg1 (1:02)
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: not against the duo g4/h4
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: i mean g5/h5
77...Rf4 (1:52)
milpat(1948) whispers: i reach endgame 1 game/100 , so i'm not an expert :P
78.Ra1 (2:16)
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: i've been meaning to memorize the nalimov endgame tablebases but haven't had the time :p
78...h4 (1:46) 79.Ra6+ (0:15) Kf5 (0:05) 80.Ra5+ (0:03) Kg6 (0:02) 81.Ra6+ (0:10)
milpat(1948) whispers: cut K does not help
81...Kh5 (0:31) 82.Ra5 (0:40)
milpat(1948) whispers: Ra6 i presume
milpat(1948) whispers: Ra5*
82...Rb4 (0:25)
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: white is ok here. no good way for black to make progress
83.Kf3 (0:06)
milpat(1948) whispers: K is on now
83...Rb3+ (0:21) 84.Kg2 (0:02) Rg3+ (0:08) 85.Kh2 (0:01)
wmahan(2129) whispers: yeah, it must be a draw
85...Kg6 (0:12) 86.Ra6+ (0:06) Kf5 (0:07) 87.Ra5+ (0:02) Ke4 (2:36) 88.Ra4+ (0:05) Kd5 (0:12) 89.Ra5+ (0:10) Kc4 (0:03) 90.Ra4+ (0:02) Kb5 (0:02) 91.Rd4 (0:13)
milpat(1948) whispers: i have some doubts on this precedure
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: who's cut off from the action now? lol
milpat(1948) whispers: :)
91...Kc5 (0:40) 92.Ra4 (0:55) Kd6 (0:31) 93.Ra6+ (0:18) JoshPruett offers a draw. albertaszi declines the draw request. 93...Ke5 (0:04) 94.Ra5+ (0:02) Kf6 (0:04) 95.Ra6+ (0:03) Kf5 (0:01) 96.Ra5+ (0:01) Kg6 (0:02) 97.Ra6+ (0:01) Kh5 (0:01) 98.Ra5 (0:01) Rf3 (0:14) 99.Kg2 (0:03) Rf4 (0:09) 100.Kg1 (0:13) Kg6 (0:21) 101.Kg2 (0:14) g4 (0:28) 102.hxg4 (0:11) Rxg4+ (0:04)
DodgeBrother(1668) whispers: draw
103.Kh3 (0:01) Rb4 (0:12) 104.Rc5 (0:05) JoshPruett offers a draw. albertaszi declines the draw request. 104...Rf4 (2:02) 105.Rc6+ (0:35)
wmahan(2129) whispers: this is a waste of time
bigwienke(1948) whispers: it is possible white doesn't realize its a dead draw
105...Kf5 (1:05)
wmahan(2129) whispers: yeah
106.Rc5+ (0:03)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: draw
wmahan(2129) whispers: black you mean
bigwienke(1948) whispers: I mean its a waste of time regardless :), but maybe that's not his intentions is all I mean
bigwienke(1948) whispers: yeah, black :) albertaszi offers a draw. JoshPruett accepts the draw request.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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