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funkmaus(2172) vs. malcovich(2242) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-02-05

1.d4 (0:00)
BethanyGrace(1702) whispers: Go Jenny!!
1...e6 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: hmm.. he plays french vs. e4 besides scandi
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: and if I go c4, he ll go into a dutch - maybe.. and i dont have 2.Bg5
2.c4 (1:18)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: nah no coward c3 lines here wanna try to win :)
2...f5 (1:31) 3.Nc3 (0:27)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: guessed-expected
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: used to play mainlines of it in my past life :p
3...Nf6 (0:48) 4.Bg5 (0:14)
maeniel(2105) whispers: e4 lines are no good here with black precise play
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: they just lead to a lot of trades
maeniel(2105) whispers: if only i could remember what that is ;)
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: and remembering who the white player is, that might be just fine ;)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: based on his time-management in the past, he will have 20 minutes used up to move 10 :)
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: as black, I tend to play Bb4 here to unbalance things, though objectively Be7 seems sounder
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: I should gain time-advantage at least, playing through opening in RRC-style.
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: not that I know much book, but I can develop with natural moves.
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: unless he chooses the "critical" Bb4 line here now :<
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: after Be7 im fine
Twikki(2126) whispers: natural moves? meh
Twikki(2126) whispers: Nh3 can be very nice depending on the pawn structure
4...Bb4 (4:03)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: oh
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: e3 and Qc2 are the options here. I tend to play Qc2. - this "nimzoindian" weakness is not my style
Twikki(2126) whispers: this plays more like a nimzo than a dutch
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: I love this in blitz
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: not wholly convinced of its soundness in longer time controls though
MALCOVICH(2242) whispers: I think the winning plan is bring the king to c4 and push d5...maybe maestro sees something else.
maeniel(2105) whispers: for black? its fine
5.Qc2 (3:13)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: BxN after ...h6
MALCOVICH(2242) whispers: I think the winning plan is bring the king to c4 and push d5...maybe maestro sees something else.
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: your definition of fine might differ from mine, mani
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: and regain B-pair safely with a3.. that s the plan. - more I dont know.
MALCOVICH(2242) whispers: 54 I think the winning plan is bring the king to c4 and push d5...maybe maestro sees something else.
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: c5 e3, Nf2, Be2 0-0
maeniel(2105) whispers: well gms play it enough, surely that would suit even you
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: Be2 prefered as if he fianchetto LSB with b6
MALCOVICH(2242) whispers: ok I see dont master the whisper technique yet ;-) Sorry bout that
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: sure, I play it
andreasw(2120) whispers: MALCOVICH has an original idea in this position it seems :)
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: doesn't mean I believe in it ;)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: actually there are Bd3 followed by break e4 ideas, which im not familiar with
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: used to play those safe, dutch players are agressive enough :p
maeniel(2105) whispers: black can play b6 ideas now and white replies with bd3 f3
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: b6 should be delayed, I think
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: better to let white commit to e3 and Bd3 first, cos otherwise g3, Bg2 and d5 is a potentially dangerous idea
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: especially if after Bxc3 white retakes with the b-pawn
5...O-O (4:27) 6.e3 (0:33)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: took this order because maybe Nge2 is an option - to capture on b3 with a N
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: *on c3. - but not sure. expecting ...d6.
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: ...h6, Qe8 are options too.
6...h6 (1:52)
ShakaZahn(2000) whispers: the dutch newbie likes Nh3-f4-d3
ShakaZahn(2000) whispers: what gives
7.Bxf6 (0:55)
ShakaZahn(2000) whispers: maybe not so much anymore
7...Qxf6 (0:19)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: no need to provoke the devil: Bh4 g5!
8.a3 (1:07)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: u go too please or gimme that B :p
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: since no N can jump on e4
Triarius(2168) whispers: Bh4 g5 Bg3 was good for white, probably better Bh4 d5 =
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: it is a boring game after all
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: don't count on it...
Triarius(2168) whispers: not really, if you castle qside :) we know it's not gonna happen
jaberwock(2177) whispers: dxepends on what one calls boring...
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: even if she doesn't there is plenty of tension in the position
Twikki(2126) whispers: wow, if funk thinks it's boring...
Triarius(2168) whispers: nimzo players often play Be7 here, but it's a different structure (for now)
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: if it wasn't Malcovich, I would assume that he was considering Be7
Triarius(2168) whispers: malcom won't move for the next 10 mins i guess
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: right, can't infer much from his ticking clock ;)
andreasw(2120) whispers: MALCOVICH forfeits on time
Gildo(1933) whispers: Be7 Nb5? Bd8
8...Bxc3+ (6:38) 9.Qxc3 (0:09) d6 (0:41)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: Nf3 Nd7 Be2 e5 0-0 e4 Nd2
10.Nf3 (3:01)
MALCOVICH(2242) whispers: yes, opening choice very boring but a) my team is way ahead Elery seems to be handling his game and we are 1 up so a draw with black is more than enough vs a tough opponent like Funkmaus. b) She went into this...though it is of course still very early.
Triarius(2168) whispers: elery's endgame looks won for him btw
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: both players are bored...
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: don't whisper about one game in another, since the players can observe this game
Psycho(1832) whispers: he has fumbled a little though
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: hmm, maybe Nf3 wasnt accurate - in some lines it belongs to f4, or to control f4-break :<
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: and indeed, EC is watching, so shh please
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: should i have Bd3, Ne2-Nf4 or via h3?! gosh i dunno
Triarius(2168) whispers: talking about the match, malcom said draw is fine, but i guess draw means winning the team game already
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: i think i panic too much here
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: move 10, as expected, he used 20 minutes :p
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: after my last results ive lost all the confidence making arrogant comments.
andreasw(2120) whispers: lol
10...Nc6 (8:55)
jaberwock(2177) whispers: aiming for the "principled" e5
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: wow via c6, the active way... and wants me resond e5 with d5, then Ne7-g6. i i see
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: no need to burn the clock, Be2 and then see >:)
jaberwock(2177) whispers: c4-c5 possible, or too far in development for that expansion
11.Be2 (1:52) e5 (2:03)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: yes..
Triarius(2168) whispers: white's not obliged to take on e5 anyway
Triarius(2168) whispers: nor push
gile(1881) whispers: why s she happy with e5?
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: I would be tempted to push d5, because right now black cannot answer with e4
gile(1881) whispers: oh i c now...
gile(1881) whispers: still I would be scared of eventual e4 + black pieces pileing on K side:)
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: well, white hasn't castled kingside yet
Triarius(2168) whispers: d5 doesn't force Ne7 now, the game is absolutely not boring..black might answer Nb8-a6 idea c5 or/and f4
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: critical decision: either i want opening of d-file now (dxe dxe) or break his structure later on with f3.
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: mean when e4 nd2 happens after 0-0
12.O-O (12:32)
Triarius(2168) whispers: told you, no decision taken :P
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: 13 minutes?! seriously... its not 2/40 +1 game :(
Psycho(1832) whispers: Malc will give maus plenty of opportunity to think on his time so I wouldnt be concerned :)
Triarius(2168) whispers: malcom could wait again by Bd7 and maus still has to find a plan
Twikki(2126) whispers: b4-b5 isn't that hard to find
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: too much cappucino
gile(1881) whispers: LOL:)
gile(1881) whispers: what does cappucino has to do with anything? :)
Triarius(2168) whispers: cappuCCino
Triarius(2168) whispers: dunno, chess players usually blame it on wine
mcstorytaller(1724) whispers: i prefer black tea
mcstorytaller(1724) whispers: but coffee with milk sometimes might b too
gile(1881) whispers: well I don't believe I could play under influence of alcohol ... but on the other hand I'm a coffaine addict ...
Triarius(2168) whispers: chess game --> dark chocolate
12...f4 (6:49)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: :O
mcstorytaller(1724) whispers: and how about cola? ;)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: and i dont wanna hear in whispers how typical this move is. yes, i missed it :((
jaberwock(2177) whispers: what an unusual move!
jaberwock(2177) whispers: TN
Triarius(2168) whispers: cola is not the right drink otb, for your opp at least
Gildo(1933) whispers: the move of someone who likes diagonals and stairs :-)
gile(1881) whispers: cola sucks, coffie rules :))) I also msss this move if it is any consolation funk :))
Triarius(2168) whispers: well f7-f5-f4-f3 is on flohr's book too, 40's
mcstorytaller(1724) whispers: i used to trink often cola
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: ..e4 Nd2 ...f3! next i need to deal with it.
mcstorytaller(1724) whispers: now tea or juice
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: trades?! pawns... oh not again :y
Triarius(2168) whispers: see? even funk got the plan, lol :)
gile(1881) whispers: LOL:)
Twikki(2126) whispers: de Nxe5 ef seems fine
mcstorytaller(1724) whispers: how about d5?
jaberwock(2177) whispers: maybe maus sees shadows; I certainly understand that
Triarius(2168) whispers: wing pawnstorm -> central break, so de5 = but she probably wants more than a half point
Twikki(2126) whispers: white's qside play is much slower than black's kside storm
Triarius(2168) whispers: and there's no king on black's q-side
jaberwock(2177) whispers: similar to KID attack for black, having LSB is good
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: :)) he cant play it!
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: e4 hangs with attack on Q
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: im too biased with a pattern i have got crushed before
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: it doesnt work!
Triarius(2168) whispers: is funk on drugs? :P lol
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: Rad1 e4 Nd2 f3 Nxe4 and Bxf3, thank you
wmahan(2128) whispers: go Jenny
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: maybe he can sac a queen in my line, after Nxe4 xe2 fork both rooks and queenback
gile(1881) whispers: she's catching up on time ... :)
Triarius(2168) whispers: funk, 1 move ahead: rd1 e4 nd2 f3 n:e4 Qg6! -+
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: counting material
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: well... if i can prevent it with no disadvantage, id prefer not to go into that complication. only dont see how :<
Twikki(2126) whispers: seems like it's either trade on e5 or a line like d5 Ne7 e4
Triarius(2168) whispers: i'd pick de5
Triarius(2168) whispers: the line she mentioned starting with rd1 loses
Twikki(2126) whispers: I don't understand Rd1- doesn't do anything and is probably misplaced
jaberwock(2177) whispers: maus is not one for unnecessary complications, so I would be surprised if she chose that line, correct (or not)
Triarius(2168) whispers: tactically loses too
13.Rad1 (12:03)
gile(1881) whispers: is Rxf3 at the end of the losing line?
Gildo(1933) whispers: what happens if black plays e4?
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: i play dxe5 when i want!
Triarius(2168) whispers: that's the bad side of such moves: you calculate, you think you saw everything and then you miss a move that can be seen on the board by your opponent without having to calculate anything
golddust(2129) whispers: yes Rd1 not as good as she supposes. black has e4 now.
gile(1881) whispers: e4 Nd2 f3 Nxd4 Qg6 Bxf3 Rxf3? is that the refutation?
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: used too much time too oooh :<
Triarius(2168) whispers: 13..e4 Nd2 14 f3! N:e5 Qg6! -+
Triarius(2168) whispers: yes gile
Gildo(1933) whispers: interesting
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: arghh
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: another terrible game
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: missed Qg6
golddust(2129) whispers: yes and Bxf3, Rxf3 etc
gile(1881) whispers: she saw it
Triarius(2168) whispers: fine, malcom will?
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: how about e4 Nd2 f3 gxf3?
Triarius(2168) whispers: that's the point, he can see it like without calculating much, while she had to waste some time on it (and losing, if he solves the position)
mcstorytaller(1724) whispers: i guess when comes 2 add time will be serious fun ;)
Twikki(2126) whispers: heh, that might work
Triarius(2168) whispers: malcom's skill look like increasing when he's in zeitnot, don't ask me why, sense of position? dunno lol
Twikki(2126) whispers: Ne1 might be better for defensive purposes though
MALCOVICH(2242) whispers: trying to make e4 Nd2 f3!6 work...she cant play Nxe4 cause of Qg6 Bxf3 Rxf3 but maybe I am missing something? damn time!
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: e4 Nd2 f3 gxf3 Bh3 Nxe4 Qg6+ Ng3 perhaps
Triarius(2168) whispers: nothing changes with Ne1 instead of ne2 i think, after f3 she has to play g:f3 anyway
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: yes, that was my thought too
13...Bg4 (7:32)
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: hah, mal sees but does not play it
MALCOVICH(2242) whispers: cant risk it...team game. If I had more time would check it more; if it was just for fun I would have tried it. Go ELery go!!!
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: huh?!
Triarius(2168) whispers: still super solid, i guess that's his plan
golddust(2129) whispers: He didnt see it!
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: he talked himself out of it, funny how that happens
Gildo(1933) whispers: pity I cannot ask holidays to watch this game
Triarius(2168) whispers: if i was elery, playing that endgame, i would beat malcom up for hours after missing this chance. LOL
gile(1881) whispers: does black need only half a point?
Triarius(2168) whispers: he said something like that before, dunno if elery told malcom something like my endgame is won..but he's playing like he doesn't need to fight for the point
Twikki(2126) whispers: d5 and white seems safe enough for now
wmahan(2128) whispers: they aren't supposed to talk during the game, so I doubt he did
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: black team is 1-0 up, not counting the other ongoing game
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: mal is watching elery's game (as he is entitled to), so presumably he can form his own opinion as to elery's chances
wmahan(2128) whispers: also the players may be observing this game, so we should be careful about such comments
14.Qc2 (4:51)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: second life... e4 Nd2 f3 Nxe4 Qg6!! killed me: Bxf3 Rxf3 :<
Triarius(2168) whispers: no lines of the other game got commented here btw, just repeating what malcom wrote here after B:c3+ in the opening
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: now trade pawns or after Bf5 e4
wmahan(2128) whispers: fair enough
14...exd4 (3:40) 15.Nxd4 (1:21) fxe3 (0:53)
gile(1881) whispers: hehe... the move I don't understand ... :)
16.fxe3 (0:42)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: i dont like it
16...Qe5 (0:35)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: oh
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: this is ugly for sure
Triarius(2168) whispers: that's more complicated than finding qg6, lol
Triarius(2168) whispers: but he played qe5 in 30 seconds, like i said
gile(1881) whispers: they are almost out of time, and only 16 moves played ... :)
Triarius(2168) whispers: still many things to solve
Gildo(1933) whispers: Qc3?
mindlin(2002) whispers: how's it going guys?
Triarius(2168) whispers: if Qc3, then probably b:e2, n:e2, R:f1 r:f1 Re8 pile up on the isolani e3
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: might be defendable though
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: white's king is close by, and with only one rook each...
KayVee(1390) whispers: why not just Bxg4?
Triarius(2168) whispers: yes, but there would still be two minor pieces on the board and black cannot lose i guess
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: Bxg4 Qxe3+ and Nxd4
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: Bxg4 Qxe3 and its really nice for black
KayVee(1390) whispers: ah .. loses pawn
andreasw(2120) whispers: Bxg4 Qxe3+ and Nxd4
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: it just reminds me of a Tarrasch position I saw in an endgame book once
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: which was considered to be drawable
jaberwock(2177) whispers: Chernev book?
Triarius(2168) whispers: "you are doing it wrong" written below the diagram? :P
Triarius(2168) whispers: cool
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: Schiller book, if I remember correctly
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: haha
jaberwock(2177) whispers: If it is a Schiller book, it is wrong
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: black had an isolated pawn on e6 in that line, but also a queenside majority
17.Qc1 (8:57)
Gildo(1933) whispers: do you see any alternative to Qc3?
Triarius(2168) whispers: with that hawaiian shirt on the back of the books..lol
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: similar piece distribution to here
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: this is tactical..."word censored"
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: but this avoids the queen trade, so forgot it
Psycho(1832) whispers: hmm so Rxf1 now
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: Schiller is a hack to be sure, but that doesn't mean his books are worthless ;)
wmahan(2128) whispers: Jenny now needs a win due to the result of the other game
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: yeah, I guess that influenced this decision
Psycho(1832) whispers: they make good kindling :)
mindlin(2002) whispers: this will be tough to win i think
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: you just have to learn to laugh at the typos, and the diagrams with three bishops etc
Triarius(2168) whispers: i got his semitarrasch book, the one with his picture on the back of it (the hawaiian shirt one lol)
Gildo(1933) whispers: Nxd4 Bxg4 Nb3?!
gile(1881) whispers: what will N do on b3?
AIDog(2113) whispers: yes, looks bad for W
17...Nxd4 (3:05)
mindlin(2002) whispers: well to defend e3 he has to play Qc3
18.Bxg4 (0:10) Nb3 (0:05)
gile(1881) whispers: oh I see now
mindlin(2002) whispers: *she
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: N from b3 goes to c5 then to e4
Triarius(2168) whispers: best move again for malcom
Triarius(2168) whispers: didn't see it, nice
golddust(2129) whispers: Qc2 is adequate
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: :(
19.Qc3 (0:41) Qxc3 (0:03) 20.bxc3 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: it is? loses e3 for nothing surely
mindlin(2002) whispers: yeah Qc2 better fight i think
Twikki(2126) whispers: didn't think she'd give up the e pawn
golddust(2129) whispers: Qc3 was not!
Gildo(1933) whispers: it looks slightly better for black
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: admittedly this looks horrible
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: terrible position
smallblackcat(2116) whispers: maybe better to be a pawn down than have all these weaknesses
20...Rae8 (0:50)
mindlin(2002) whispers: yeah and have queens on board would be better
Triarius(2168) whispers: Qc2 is not good, Q:e3+ and -+ MALCOVICH offers a draw.
Triarius(2168) whispers: LOL malcom
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: ah hard to decline that
mindlin(2002) whispers: consolation prize
golddust(2129) whispers: Take the draw Maus!
wmahan(2128) whispers: I couldn't really blame her for taking the draw. It loses for the team, but this position seems unwinnable Funkmaus declines the draw request.
21.Rfe1 (1:59)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: sure, only result here is 0-1 if not for this gracious offer
mindlin(2002) whispers: especially against someone as highly rated as malco
Triarius(2168) whispers: team might prefer 2.5 - 1.5 to 3 - 1
21...Nc5 (0:43)
Triarius(2168) whispers: and now smoke a cigarette
22.Bf3 (0:18)
gile(1881) whispers: he might mouse slip...
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: i need a miracle to survive this :<
Triarius(2168) whispers: or die, lol
22...g6 (0:35)
gile(1881) whispers: I call this self-torture (for white) ... I would rather accept draw than have to play this position ...
wmahan(2128) whispers: nobody wants to win a game that way
Triarius(2168) whispers: nobody except someone lol
wmahan(2128) whispers: she's probably thinking of the team, or missed the draw offer
wmahan(2128) whispers: and she's won worse positions in TL
mindlin(2002) whispers: i might play on for the team also
Triarius(2168) whispers: just fighting to the last blunder, we humans
BethanyGrace(1709) whispers: c'mon Funk
23.Rd4 (1:50) Kg7 (0:22)
mindlin(2002) whispers: hard to find moves for white
24.Kf2 (1:43)
Triarius(2168) whispers: no structure, practically can't play, just tactics if there are any
mindlin(2002) whispers: Ne4 now i guess?
wmahan(2128) whispers: Ne4
24...Re5 (0:23)
Triarius(2168) whispers: lesson no.1: stuff on the opposite color of your opponent's bishop. lol
25.Ke2 (0:50)
golddust(2129) whispers: best to prevent Ne4+, so e4 was the right move here.
25...b6 (0:22)
Triarius(2168) whispers: see? i know him lol
golddust(2129) whispers: rooks should have been doubled on the e file by black!
Triarius(2168) whispers: now probably gonna prevent any pawn break like a4-a5
mindlin(2002) whispers: maybe he plan to just stay put for the draw
26.Bd5 (1:13)
Triarius(2168) whispers: building his fortress
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: so easy to play. wishing the game wouldnt have increment.
golddust(2129) whispers: black doesnt like doubling rooks?
Triarius(2168) whispers: some mins..realise there's nothing to worry about, play g5
golddust(2129) whispers: white cannot advance e pawn after doubled rooks by black. So only defense is then Kf3
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: Oh my gosh! I am not only missing moves, im also missing draw offers.
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: lol
26...Rfe8 (3:15)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: Rfd8 R8d7 g5 and the white bishop is playing from the phantom zone
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: e8 and e7, sorry
27.Kd2 (0:28)
golddust(2129) whispers: Kf2 or f3 only moves
gile(1881) whispers: Nb3?
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: well evil lost... i see... presents.
wmahan(2128) whispers: Nb3 resign
golddust(2129) whispers: terrible!
evilcoyote(2076) whispers: sort of a trick
golddust(2129) whispers: Nb3+ She didnt see that?
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: and fork
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: this is incredible, really
gile(1881) whispers: it repairs pawn strucutre ...
evilcoyote(2076) whispers: she wants Nb3 Kd3 Nxd4 cxd4
wmahan(2128) whispers: when it rains it pours
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: the Nc5 is so nice and the Rd4 is so bad, almost a pity to win that exchange
27...Nb3+ (1:11)
andreasw(2120) whispers: too early to resign with the 3 centre pawns
28.Kd3 (0:07)
GMEdmondC(1784) whispers: ~:>
Triarius(2168) whispers: material is material, lol
wmahan(2128) whispers: yeah, she gets some compensation for the exchange, though it seems it was not intentional
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: i have a GM friend who would play Nc5+ here!
Triarius(2168) whispers: yeah quality exchange is that sorta of advantage you get when you blunder a rook for a knight
wmahan(2128) whispers: your GM friend should join TeamLeague ;)
GMEdmondC(1784) whispers: really...:((
GMEdmondC(1784) whispers: I am a member of teamleague...
28...Nxd4 (1:42) 29.cxd4 (0:03)
GMEdmondC(1784) whispers: i hope u don't mean me?! O:)
29...R5e7 (0:26)
GMEdmondC(1784) whispers: wmahan?...u don't mean me? 8-| do u?
wmahan(2128) whispers: we are happy to have any kind of GM :)
30.e4 (0:22)
GMEdmondC(1784) whispers: u r the best...wmahan..the best man!!B-)
gile(1881) whispers: speaking of titled players ... is maras FM?
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: at least i got rid of that N - pretend intentionally
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: best position whites had in the last 20 moves
Triarius(2168) whispers: lol
Triarius(2168) whispers: agree
wmahan(2128) whispers: gile, "finger maras"
Triarius(2168) whispers: c5 looks good anyway
gile(1881) whispers: he is :)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: time
gile(1881) whispers: c5, strike in the center :)
30...c5 (1:27)
gile(1881) whispers: he heard me :)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: guess white ignores that
31.a4 (0:28)
gile(1881) whispers: mevertheless, breaking the pawns ...
31...cxd4 (0:45) 32.Kxd4 (0:02)
gile(1881) whispers: Rf8
gile(1881) whispers: rooks belong on the open file :))
32...Rf8 (0:43)
Triarius(2168) whispers: yeah time to use the rooks and counterplay
33.a5 (0:03) bxa5 (0:32)
gile(1881) whispers: I would bxa6
Funkmaus lost connection; game adjourned *


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