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albertaszi(1751) vs. lno(1869) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-01-31

PankracyRozumek(1677) whispers: Go LNO, go!
1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:26) d5 (0:13) 3.exd5 (0:08) exd5 (0:03)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: 0
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: I meamt =
4.Bd3 (1:58) Bd6 (0:09)
Miltie(1811) whispers: nice candlestick
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: yes you could say so
5.Nf3 (2:12) Ne7 (0:06) 6.O-O (0:19) O-O (0:16)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Black shoul consider castling the other side
7.Bg5 (0:56) f6 (0:08)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Now i guess he should pin the f3 knigt
8.Be3 (3:02)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: f6 feels wrong, I hope LNO doesn't find himself on receiving end of an attack since all of white's pieces are facing towards his king
Bombassa(1970) whispers: its a josh waitzkin thing
8...Re8 (0:36) 9.Re1 (1:12)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: seems fragile, something like c3/Qc2/Nd2 and marching something like h pawn looks unpleasant
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: If he had castled the other way f6 would be no problem
Miltie(1811) whispers: he should try to capture the white bishop if possible
9...Nbc6 (0:52)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Bf5?
Miltie(1811) whispers: white looks like he may play c4
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Tne Knigt b4+
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: c3 is logical move for white
10.Nh4 (2:24)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: If c3 I guess he must play Bf5
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: I guess Qh4 is threat
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Yes
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: ideally he needs knight on f8 :(
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: I think f5 might be forced
Miltie(1811) whispers: someone tell me what's wrong with g6
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Maybe Bh6
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: g6 might work for time being but I tend to try to avoid weakening pawns when I can
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: I guess I would have paicked as black
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: panicked
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: f5 seems to be the coolest
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Well Nb4 is also playable as 11. Bxh7 isn't mating
anandkvs(2015) whispers: I think Bf5 should have been played sooner by black
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: definitely agree there, personally I would have played h6 instead of f6 but I guess it's a bookish opening?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: well f6 is necessary to break the pin, that is why Ne7 is played
anandkvs(2015) whispers: Bf5 is also another point of Ne7
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: although I struggle in french as positions don't suit my style as black is usually an inch away from annhilation and tightrope walking isn't my forte
anandkvs(2015) whispers: helps take off the pressure
10...g6 (9:39)
anandkvs(2015) whispers: but black is mostly fine, exchange french is pretty harmless
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Qf3 seems to be white's next move
Bombassa(1970) whispers: yeah bf5 was perhaps better earlier
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: If Bh6 then Rf8 is not available?
11.c3 (3:06)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: I wonder how black would react if white played h4-h5 after moving knight out of the way
anandkvs(2015) whispers: I don't like g6
11...Kg7 (1:59)
anandkvs(2015) whispers: but perhaps g6 was necessary because black didn't play Bf5
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: f5 would have memmed the Bishop
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: I preferred immediate f5 and possibly Rf8 to reinforce ot
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: *it
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: now bring knigt c6 to the kingside?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: perhaps Be6 and Qd7, not sure
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: The material is very symmetrical thus the position should be defendable
12.Qd2 (5:18)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Kn g8?
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: looking at position it's probably equal but black's position is a lot harder to play
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: and be6 Qd7 Knc e7 and Bf5
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Neg8 might be worth a try
Miltie(1811) whispers: I think so
LNO lost connection; game adjourned *


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