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malcovich(2229) vs. pawnadian(1969) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-01-27

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:02) d5 (0:03) 3.exd5 (0:06) cxd5 (0:03) 4.c4 (0:02) Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nc3 (0:04) Nc6 (0:05)
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: This guy is impossible to prepare for! His most recent games were 1.d4 or 1.c4 and now he does this! :p I guess he has a large repertoire.
6.Nf3 (6:41) Bg4 (2:00) 7.cxd5 (0:39) Nxd5 (0:14) 8.Qb3 (4:17) Bxf3 (2:33) 9.gxf3 (0:31) e6 (9:03)
mindlin(1965) whispers: complex position here, go pawnadian!
10.Qxb7 (4:48) Nxd4 (0:09)
gile(1879) whispers: does anyone else finds whites opening strange?
11.Bb5+ (1:23) Nxb5 (0:10)
mindlin(1965) whispers: it was some kind of book line
milpat(1946) whispers: Qc6 in between?
mindlin(1965) whispers: yeah Qc6 now i think is the line
gile(1879) whispers: really ...
mindlin(1965) whispers: to force the king move
mindlin(1965) whispers: if he plays Qxb5 Qd7 is possible
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Yeah I think this is fairly typical in panov botvinnik
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Actucally 152 games on chessgames with this position still
12.Qc6+ (1:56) Ke7 (0:13) 13.Qxb5 (1:50)
milpat(1946) whispers: 0-0?
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Qd7 most common move on chessgames
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Actaually 0-0 never has been played
milpat(1946) whispers: well, its not white to move , but i meant, does he plan to 0-0
bigwienke(1938) whispers: hah yeah good call. I wasn't even looking at the postion
bigwienke(1938) whispers: :) Just assumed you meant black 0-0 hahah
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Too many games...
13...Qd7 (3:16)
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: I missed Qc6+. Now my king is on an ugly square, but if the queens go off it shouldn't be so bad.
14.Nxd5+ (6:38) Qxd5 (1:42) 15.Bg5+ (0:55) f6 (0:19)
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: I guess having the pawn on f6 rather than f7 is a slight improvement for white
16.Qxd5 (0:19) exd5 (0:06) 17.Be3 (0:11)
milpat(1946) whispers: due to Rg1 MMR?
milpat(1946) whispers: i mean, Bd4 Rg1, and black options start to be limited
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Still 40 games in this position
mindlin(1965) whispers: maybe Rc8 to prevent Rc1?
17...Ke6 (2:17)
mindlin(1965) whispers: i guess that's better can't afford to lose a7 pawn
18.O-O-O (2:52) Bb4 (3:58) 19.Kb1 (8:30) Rhd8 (6:28)
BethanyGrace(1689) whispers: Go Pawnadian!
20.Rd3 (2:12)
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: I'm not sure if the rook is better here or on c8 - or maybe even e8. But after dealing with the threat to a7 I guess the other one can go to c8.
mindlin(1965) whispers: hey guys how long am i supposed to wait for opponent?
BethanyGrace(1689) whispers: 30 minutes
mindlin(1965) whispers: and then what?
BethanyGrace(1689) whispers: you can forfeit your opponent or re-schedule
BethanyGrace(1689) whispers: it's up to you
mindlin(1965) whispers: anyone here on malcovich team know where nokiatwenty is?
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: I'm not sure which is better - a6 or a5.
20...a5 (8:13) 21.Rhd1 (9:54) Rac8 (4:04) 22.a3 (2:29) Bc5 (1:26)
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: If I play carefully maybe I can draw this.
TGV(1692) whispers: Good luck pawnadian!
23.Re1 (3:11) Kf7 (4:43)
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: I looked at Kf5, but after Bxc5 Rxc5 he invades on e7.
BethanyGrace(1689) whispers: These guys are both real thinkers...
24.Rc1 (1:48)
mindlin(1965) whispers: yeah malcovich really used his time
BethanyGrace(1689) whispers: yep
24...Bxe3 (1:07) 25.fxe3 (0:26)
mindlin(1965) whispers: Ke6 i guess?
mindlin(1965) whispers: or maybe Rx first
BethanyGrace(1689) whispers: both look ok to me
25...Ke6 (1:20)
mindlin(1965) whispers: well on Ke6 I see Rdc3 maybe
milpat(1946) whispers: why not double on d-?
mindlin(1965) whispers: double ds
26.b4 (0:59)
milpat(1946) whispers: with the idea of pushing e4 i thought
mindlin(1965) whispers: oh e4 hmm
bigwienke(1938) whispers: is e4 a threat though, Can't it be answered with Rc5?
mindlin(1965) whispers: not anymore
mindlin(1965) whispers: maybe he trying to set it up
bigwienke(1938) whispers: good point :)
milpat(1946) whispers: after Rcd1 bigw , e4 Watching user disconnected, some moves/whispers can be missing
mindlin(1965) whispers: Ke5 possible defense too?
milpat(1946) whispers: Ke5 then black bound to defend
26...Rxc1+ (2:55) 27.Kxc1 (0:04) axb4 (0:04) 28.axb4 (0:11) Rc8+ (1:14) 29.Kb2 (1:42)
milpat(1946) whispers: well, b4 was correct plan it seems
29...f5 (1:57) 30.Rc3 (0:31) Rb8 (1:18) 31.Kb3 (1:22) Kd6 (0:31) 32.f4 (0:23)
mindlin(1965) whispers: hmm i liked a more active plan like f4
32...h6 (2:10)
mindlin(1965) whispers: but i guess it may be hard for white to make progress here
33.h4 (0:17) g5 (1:05)
TGV(1692) whispers: great battle
34.hxg5 (0:36) hxg5 (0:10) 35.fxg5 (0:11) Rg8 (0:05) 36.b5 (0:23) Rxg5 (0:16)
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: I am hoping that fewer pawns increases my drawing chances. But I must still deal with that passer.
37.Kb4 (1:57)
mindlin(1965) whispers: i like the idea of Rg1 but i'm not sure if Rg8 is needed
37...Rg1 (4:12)
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Well I guess we will see now
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Those choices are always hard for me in these endgames
mindlin(1965) whispers: yeah i would of played Rg1 also
38.Rc6+ (0:59) Ke5 (0:42)
mindlin(1965) whispers: trade a pawn to get passed pawn and should be draw
39.b6 (1:23)
mindlin(1965) whispers: d4
39...Rb1+ (0:46) 40.Kc5 (0:25) Rc1+ (0:37) 41.Kb5 (0:12) Rb1+ (0:14)
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Checking here should be good when the king is on b2 then d4 I guess
42.Ka6 (0:29)
mindlin(1965) whispers: yeah but i'm not sure about d4 because Rc4 Ke4 exd4
mindlin(1965) whispers: maybe he has to play f4?
evilcoyote(2090) whispers: I guess he should play f4 then
bigwienke(1938) whispers: Should Ra1+ Kb7 d4 exd4 Kxd4 Kc7 Rb1 be a draw
milpat(1946) whispers: make white play Kb7 before to slow him
bigwienke(1938) whispers: sac for the pawn and the f pawn is far enough?
42...Ra1+ (1:33) 43.Kb7 (0:11) d4 (0:41)
mindlin(1965) whispers: oh boy the Rc4 might be problem
milpat(1946) whispers: wrong pawn
evilcoyote(2090) whispers: Rc5+ Ke4 exd4 f4 is the idea
milpat(1946) whispers: Rc4 forces Rd1? :o
mindlin(1965) whispers: yeah i meant Rc5 sorry
44.Rc5+ (2:25) Ke4 (0:42) 45.exd4 (0:38) f4 (0:26)
mindlin(1965) whispers: well it's exciting
46.Kc6 (0:57) Kxd4 (2:00)
mindlin(1965) whispers: f3 b7 Rb1 Rb5 Rxb5 Kxb5 f2 b8=Q f1=Q ?
bigwienke(1938) whispers: yeah, but f1 is check and then the d4 pawn can't be saved I think
47.b7 (0:45)
bowserJRzhu(1767) whispers: lol
bowserJRzhu(1767) whispers: move with 1 second left
bowserJRzhu(1767) whispers: this is winning for white right?
bowserJRzhu(1767) whispers: Rg8 Rg4
bigwienke(1938) whispers: flip the board over :)
Pawnadian resigns 1-0


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