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blondie(2149) vs. malcovich(2203) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-12-21

Blondie(2149) kibitzes: good luck malc
Blondie(2149) whispers: hello all.. hope i play well and it is a good game to watch
1.b3 (0:00)
MALCOVICH(2203) whispers: she is adjusting her pieces...ok here we go!
1...e5 (0:00) 2.Bb2 (0:03)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: Will we see Blondie go down like Larsen did against Spassky? :)
2...d6 (0:53) 3.c4 (0:06)
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: This should be a good game. The title is on the line. Blondie needs to win, Malc just needs a draw.
3...Nf6 (1:22) 4.e3 (0:08)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: Blondie needs to play moves that are so atomic that they leave malc in a state of rapture :)
Blondie(2149) whispers: i have played my flank openings in every game.. bird, grob, sokolski.. but NEVER larsens.. so why not
Blondie(2149) whispers: also Malc asked me yesterday what opening was i gonna play and i told him.. a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3, g3 or h3.. one of those.. so i did not lie :D
linuxblue(1886) whispers: Nothing wrong with going the flank - worked for Tony Miles :?)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: This is the "true" Laresen - more common these days is to play 1.Nf3 then then 2.b3
Blondie(2149) whispers: i looked at about 50 GM games of this opening the last 2 days and none of them did black play d6.. of coarse
linuxblue(1886) whispers: :((
Psycho(1834) whispers: it does seem very conservative of Malc
linuxblue(1886) whispers: yes it is consevative - more comm on is ..d5 and..e5 and later..f6
Plebusan(1800) whispers: wouldnt d5 run into Bxe5?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: my database has d6 as the second most common move actually
linuxblue(1886) whispers: it would here but say..Nc6 first and then..d5 and a pin at Bb5 and..Bd6 is a common pattern
4...Be7 (8:17) 5.Nc3 (0:07)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: I'm a bit surprised by Be7 though, thought g6 and Bg7 was a more effective formation
5...O-O (1:32) 6.Qc2 (0:08) Nc6 (3:36) 7.a3 (0:07) a5 (0:18) 8.Nf3 (0:38)
gile(1872) whispers: so, this is the last game of the tournament :)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: It is the tournament finale :D
8...Re8 (2:19) 9.Bd3 (0:27) Bf8 (1:04)
TeflonPawn(1690) whispers: .... and an interesting opening to boot;-)
10.O-O-O (0:41)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: 0-0-0!? makes it even more interesting :)
MALCOVICH(2203) whispers: wow what a surprise she wants blood...damn I just had 4 exams of 40% or more in one week; can I have a little rest!
linuxblue(1886) whispers: malc these women hunt you to the ends of the earth ...:D
iwulu(2257) whispers: Hi all!
iwulu(2257) whispers: GOOO Blondie! :)
Psycho(1834) whispers: hmmm dont like this q-side castling
linuxblue(1886) whispers: objectively it is risky but probably a !? move when you have to win.
gile(1872) whispers: white has to win?
Plebusan(1800) whispers: exams of 40%? What is that
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: white has to win
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: even so, this looks crazy to me
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: no idea
Plebusan(1800) whispers: scoring 40% on an exam would be a failed exam where I come from
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: I imagine he means they were worth 40%
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: I don't think she understands this system
TeflonPawn(1690) whispers: I love the 0-0-0 from an observation stand point... action action action:-)
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: why did she develop the knight to c3 better on d2
gile(1872) whispers: Bd3 and d2 look a little bit awkward, but what do I know ...
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: black's kingside looks solid, white's queenside rather less so
AIDog(2110) whispers: even without 000, if Black plays d5 sometime, it is hard for White to generate something positive despite 2 move advantage compared to a b6 Sicilian
Blondie(2149) whispers: it has worked so far.. now to get in g and h pawns running and my Rs to that side is all thats left for the attack
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: I admire the confidence, but I don't share it
linuxblue(1886) whispers: such plans...need jet fuel to get those pawns running :p
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: what are the pawns going to do when they arrive on the opposite shore
10...g6 (8:13)
gile(1872) whispers: h4? :)
Blondie(2149) whispers: most of the games i went thru white would double his Rs on the g file.. it takes more time, but whites position was always solid enough to do it
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: i dont even
11.Rdg1 (1:25)
Psycho(1834) whispers: hmmm so its just shove some pieces at blacks kingside & see what shakes
11...Bg7 (1:09)
milpat(1932) whispers: no hurry to push qside pawns??
TeflonPawn(1690) whispers: This is going to be an interesting game! "Come into my room" said the spider to the fly.... "I have the most beautiful room you have ever seen"
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: Maybe she overheard Malc making some blonde jokes, so now she's going to make him pay!:)
gile(1872) whispers: was d5 any good?
gile(1872) whispers: seems to me that black should do someting in the center ... all my chess tutorials say "if attack on the flak, couter in the center" :))
12.h4 (1:53) h6 (2:54) 13.Nh2 (0:10)
AIDog(2110) whispers: seems Black has to play d5 now
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: whoa, is this all in book for Blondie? it seems she's moving very fast while Malcovich is low on time... did I miss anything
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: no according to an earlier whisper she was out of prep very quickly
gile(1872) whispers: she has relatively easy moves ... all seems natural ....
Psycho(1834) whispers: think Malc always plays slowly if memory serves, his teams mates will know
Plebusan(1800) whispers: Blondie has a plan, moving g & h-pawns and double rooks on the g-file
Plebusan(1800) whispers: she told us
gile(1872) whispers: Malc always plays slow , but from what I've heard he plays very strong 0 45 :)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: OK, thanks for the info... and lol that's interesting gile :)) so I guess even if he does get into time trouble later it's not gonna matter
gile(1872) whispers: as I remember, people were taling if is strong even in time trouble ... I'm not cometent to judge ...
gile(1872) whispers: people were talking he is strong in time trouble * ... sorry for my bad spelling :)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: wow this is epic
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: about equal middlegame position
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: and time odds 50 vs 10
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: :p
MALCOVICH(2203) whispers: here goes...I was thought a flank attack must be countered in the center
13...d5 (10:26)
milpat(1932) whispers: listen to gile !
gile(1872) whispers: he's taliking like my chess tutorial :) maybe we leard chess from same tutorial :)) (joke)
gile(1872) whispers: cxd is a must?
Psycho(1834) whispers: what chess tutorial have you been using gile?
gile(1872) whispers: chessmasters lessions :)
Psycho(1834) whispers: ah :)
MALCOVICH(2203) whispers: if I get mated in the next couple of moves my old strategic russian type chess-school books are flying out the window! ;-)
gile(1872) whispers: LOL:)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: is he thinking Bxg6? LOL
Plebusan(1800) whispers: maybe g4
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: this move is great shows how bad white's plan really was
milpat(1932) whispers: cant let black play e4 i presume
gile(1872) whispers: g4 e4 and white is worse (by my judgement).... either cxd and continue build up, or Bxg6 if there is anything after it
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: have to play either cxd5 or Nxd5
14.cxd5 (6:03) Nxd5 (0:04)
Psycho(1834) whispers: threatens tactics beginning with Nb4 too
gile(1872) whispers: wow... Nb4 interesting ...
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: it's interesting white has more pieces out but it doesn't feel like it's more developed... Nb4 interesting for sure
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: the knight on h2 makes you feel that way
15.Nxd5 (1:56) Qxd5 (0:04) 16.Be4 (0:02) Qb5 (0:17)
gile(1872) whispers: g4 now?
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: there is no white attack gile
gile(1872) whispers: i c
milpat(1932) whispers: Be6 coming
gile(1872) whispers: oh... Be6, didn't see that ... still, white is all set up on K side ... only hope for her is to somehow open it ...
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: lets say you get g5 in I play h5 to close. If you play h5 i play g5 to close
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: trouble is, black is setup to close the kingside
gile(1872) whispers: now I want to know what are those books malko was talking about ... :))) give me some :)
17.Bd3 (5:23)
NightFury(2037) whispers: Be6 is hard to meet, maybe the bishop to c4 was better then e4?
17...Qb6 (0:57)
milpat(1932) whispers: draw, black team wins the match?
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: possibly. The black queen would have a good square on d6 protecting g6
gile(1872) whispers: Bc4 any good?
NightFury(2037) whispers: bishop on c4 also sets up Qxg6
milpat(1932) whispers: Bc4 Bf5
TeflonPawn(1690) whispers: Nice catch Pat
18.Bc4 (2:52)
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: either Be6 or Bf5 as pat suggested
gile(1872) whispers: e4 not good?
Vachopet(1940) whispers: hello coyote
tjradd(2056) whispers: d4 issues
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: hey vacho
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: I think the e5 pawn is fine where it is
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: should challenge white's light squared bishop
18...Be6 (3:11)
milpat(1932) whispers: sure black would like Rxe6
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: yes. dangerous to take on e6. R can come to c6 soon enough
19.h5 (2:00) g5 (0:21)
TeflonPawn(1690) whispers: k side is closed for business
20.d3 (1:34)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: Nf1 and go for the hole at f5 as a positional plan?
milpat(1932) whispers: a4?
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: this takes out possibilities of playing f4
20...Rad8 (1:04)
gile(1872) whispers: yes... why d3?
eronald(1627) whispers: Malc plays hard to get :)
21.Kb1 (1:35)
milpat(1932) whispers: well, BxB
Blondie(2149) whispers: that is defined as a WAITING move if there ever was one.. haha
milpat(1932) whispers: waiting what?
linuxblue(1886) whispers: waiting for Godot? :)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: black is going to penetrate white's... position
21...Rd6 (1:31)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: oh come on, not with the rook!
NightFury(2037) whispers: what move did you want?
eronald(1627) whispers: bam wham - o damn stone rabbit :)
22.Rd1 (1:01)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I'm thinking a4 b4 and maybe e4
AIDog(2110) whispers: after Black Queen arrived at the Queenside White has been concerned only with danger to own King
22...Red8 (2:16)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: typical blonde: waits for you to make a move :D
gile(1872) whispers: LOL:)
milpat(1932) whispers: :)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: that was said just to irritate funk :)
gile(1872) whispers: another LOL :)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: surely I am allowed 1 blonde joke a year? :D
gile(1872) whispers: no hope of white winning here? only if malko makes a mouse slip ?
eronald(1627) whispers: I think Malco might even wake up and find a combination
Psycho(1834) whispers: a4 starting to look a possibility for black again
gile(1872) whispers: white need to win .. black can draw if he wants
AIDog(2110) whispers: White is trying to get the Knight back into game
23.Bxe6 (8:37) Rxe6 (0:17) 24.Qc4 (0:03)
milpat(1932) whispers: perhaps Ne7?
eronald(1627) whispers: white's position looks contorted
24...Red6 (3:03) 25.Ng4 (0:02) Rd5 (1:20) 26.Ka2 (1:21)
milpat(1932) whispers: b3's weakness still problematic
26...Rc5 (1:18) 27.Qe4 (0:07)
gile(1872) whispers: Rc2 any good?
milpat(1932) whispers: maybe Rb5 is more challenging, then bring the other rook saame way to c2 :)
27...Ne7 (2:30)
eronald(1629) whispers: Malc looks to be in zeitnot
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: he's got plenty of time
gile(1872) whispers: what is zeitnot?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: with a 45 second increment its no problem
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: zeitnot = time trouble
gile(1872) whispers: so why Nmove ... what is the idea?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: f5
gile(1872) whispers: f5?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: 0-1
eronald(1629) whispers: german term used in chess for lack of time
28.d4 (2:49)
MALCOVICH(2203) whispers: wow!
linuxblue(1886) whispers: skulduggery most foul I say. White is using crooked means to try to win. :)
gile(1872) whispers: :)
eronald(1629) whispers: make or break
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: Rcd5 seems ok, but I'm tempted by exd4 Qxe7 Rc2 ;)
gile(1872) whispers: so... Rb5 was better than Ne7?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: oh but d8 falls too, so never mind ;)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: nah this is fine, just Rcd5 and then f5
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: lolcat
28...Rcd5 (2:14) 29.Qf3 (0:03) exd4 (0:24) 30.exd4 (0:04)
milpat(1932) whispers: Nf5 perhaps?
30...a4 (0:23) 31.b4 (0:30)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: Qe6 sets an amusing little trap, but its easily dealt with
31...Qe6 (0:38)
gile(1872) whispers: rhe1 any good?
milpat(1932) whispers: Re1 Re5+ i suppose
mindlin(1940) whispers: is this the last game?
gile(1872) whispers: aoh
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: Rhe1 Re5+ yes
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: and yes, last game of T52
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: now if Kb1 Qf5 I think
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: yeah so Ka1
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: and a comfortable winning ending
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: probably Qf5 in any case
gile(1872) whispers: anyway .... am I wrong if I thing that preshure on white is less than it was?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: before white had no attack, now white has no attack and a weak d-pawn
mindlin(1940) whispers: but if he lose d4 maybe he can salvage a draw? MALCOVICH offers a draw.
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: draw is no good to white
gile(1872) whispers: draw is not enought for white
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: which is why Mal just offered
mindlin(1940) whispers: oh i see white needs a win
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: Ka1 Bxd4 is tough to evaluate
eronald(1629) whispers: how can one see the tourney scores?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: http://teamleague.org/pairings.php
CarlosKerber(1697) whispers: http://www.teamleague.org/standings.php
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: teams listed on the left have draw odds
milpat(1932) whispers: and http://teamleague.org/standings.php
eronald(1629) whispers: thx guys!
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: is the draw offer designed to psych Blondie out?
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: I mean there's no way she should accept, black can still blunder in a complicated position
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: its designed to offer both sides a way out
linuxblue(1886) whispers: it's designed to get the game over with so that both players can fix their bunkers and store food for the dec 21 2012 zombie apocalypse :p
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Malco offered to win the match
gile(1872) whispers: hi funk
milpat(1932) whispers: Funkmaus(*)!
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: is actually still idle :) but back!
eronald(1629) whispers: our new admin with the sense of humor has arrived!
linuxblue(1886) whispers: hey! You missed my blonde joke :((
eronald(1629) whispers: and I welcomed Funklaus to the ritual admin hazing!
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: No, I have seen everything linux :p I was autoobserving this game from the start
linuxblue(1886) whispers: funkmaus will be given the same new admin ritual that shooter macgavin gave to Happy Gilmore - sprayed with a garden hose :D
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: Ka1 Bxd4 seems to work, so maybe Kb1 is the best try
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: but that just leads to an unwinnable endgame, so...
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Looks like white is screwed but accepting the draw is a pain :/
linuxblue(1886) whispers: ahead on time you never know - you should refuse the draw.
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Kb1, not to run into Bxd4 tactics
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: yeah draw should be declined and then think!
softblanket(1903) whispers: what is e after rating?
gile(1872) whispers: etimated
gile(1872) whispers: e is for estimated
softblanket(1903) whispers: what does that mean though? Aren't all of our ratings estimated?
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: "help v_provshow"
gile(1872) whispers: my english sucks, mt typing sucks ... )
softblanket(1903) whispers: whisper provisional? I thought both of these guys have been around awhile?
Twikki(2118) whispers: means rd is above 80
softblanket(1903) whispers: thanks Blondie declines the draw request.
32.Kb1 (13:22)
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: I would rather decline the draw first and then think :p Showing, that am here to FIGHT
eronald(1629) whispers: I see a probable win for Black, and then you gods tell me a draw should be refused ... evety day a learning day
32...Qf5+ (1:03)
softblanket(1903) whispers: where is the win?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: draw has to be refused because of the match situation, but there's really no way black loses this
linuxblue(1886) whispers: yes but eronald this isn't a position for objective, correct chess: white has to try to win at all costs.
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: draw = loss for a team
milpat(1932) whispers: white has to fight until she get ripped into pieces
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: both are not the best blitzers
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: increases the blunder potential
33.Rd3 (1:24)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: nah
softblanket(1903) whispers: oops
linuxblue(1886) whispers: white's situation is like being smashed up by Randy Couture but you never know - Randy might slip and break his own neck :p
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: wow what's this move... looks bad to m e
softblanket(1903) whispers: very bad
eronald(1629) whispers: bye bye d4?
softblanket(1903) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: really?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: you guys aren't worried about Nxh6+ ;)
33...Qxf3 (1:14)
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Nxh6 tactics
34.Rxf3 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: yes sbc
softblanket(1903) whispers: I'm saying it drops after a few moves by black, probably missing something though
34...Rf5 (0:43)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: probably, yes
35.Rd3 (0:34)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: but its no worse than anything else
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Perfect tradeoff :/
35...Nd5 (0:35)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: nice move Nd5, seems to blockade the d pawn and prevent the Nxh6+ you mentioned...
milpat(1932) whispers: yea, Nd5 excellent piece
milpat(1932) whispers: cant be attacked by pawn
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: that must be the Russian method Malcovich talked about
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Equal material still, its about the pieces coordination. Everything can happen.
36.Rd2 (2:56)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: I learned a lot about positional play just watchign this
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Heh, at least he wont have to throw away all those books
softblanket(1903) whispers: anyone recommed good books for improvement?
36...Rf4 (1:29)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: master versus grandmaster by max euwe and walter meiden if you can read english descriptive :p
softblanket(1903) whispers: algebraic for life ;)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: I learnt descriptive first - we are a special breed :D
37.Ne5 (1:18)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: Descriptive is not that hard, I had to learn it for the only chess book I own -- gift from a very good family friend in his 60s so it's an old book
milpat(1932) whispers: try this one http://img1.imagesbn.com/p/9781440684296_p0_v1_s260x420.JPG
mindlin(1940) whispers: Nxb4 is possible?
softblanket(1903) whispers: dont think that will do the trick milpat
milpat(1932) whispers: oh :(
linuxblue(1886) whispers: hee hee Milpat
37...Nxb4 (1:52)
gile(1872) whispers: wow ...
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: Works?~!!
mindlin(1940) whispers: looking tough for white
softblanket(1903) whispers: ha
38.Nxf7 (0:32) Kxf7 (0:22)
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: tactical trade
39.axb4 (0:08)
eronald(1629) whispers: have they been hired as letter carriers?
gile(1872) whispers: is Bxd4 playable? or b4 and black has a passer?
39...Rd5 (0:51)
mindlin(1940) whispers: i guess g3 and f3 would have been problem
milpat(1932) whispers: maybe even a3
gile(1872) whispers: is Rb5 the idea ... ? :)
40.g3 (0:49)
gile(1872) whispers: Rf3 here?
milpat(1932) whispers: Rf3 supports a3 now
40...Rf3 (0:30) 41.Rc1 (0:12)
gile(1872) whispers: when i learn why are they playing moves I didn't even consider, I'll be a much better player ... :)
41...c6 (0:09)
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: lol gile
42.Ka2 (0:21)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: If I considered all the moves that world champions considered I'll be a world champion... i think that's a truism...
mindlin(1940) whispers: white going for counterplay and he denied
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: *she mindlin :)
42...Bf8 (0:50)
eronald(1629) whispers: one of the rare cases where a guy is wearing a woman down :)
mindlin(1940) whispers: oh sorry blondie is a girl
43.Rc3 (0:42)
milpat(1932) whispers: Bxb4?
milpat(1932) whispers: oops
mindlin(1940) whispers: good one milpat :)
milpat(1932) whispers: :P
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: Milpat I considered the same move... then saw Rxf3+
43...Rxc3 (0:38)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: :))
44.Bxc3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: g4
44...g4 (0:22)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: Malcovich could have stepped into that...
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: no he couldn't have MALCOVICH offers a draw.
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: g4 is nice... kills the hope :/
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: when short of time, cheapos like that are the first thing you look for
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: its actually a lot harder to deal with non-threats
eronald(1629) whispers: she gets to save her rating if she takes the draw :) Blondie declines the draw request.
45.Re2 (0:58)
softblanket(1903) whispers: so true about non-threats
mindlin(1940) whispers: free pawn?
45...Rxh5 (0:23)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: you mean the first thing a person in time trouble is considering is cheapos from a defensive side?
46.Re4 (0:02)
gile(1872) whispers: take the pawn
gile(1872) whispers: Rf5 here?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: yes, or that's what they should be doing
milpat(1932) whispers: Bd6 maybe
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: OK and by non-threat you mean a quiet position where black has to make a positional rather than tactical decision
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: right
milpat(1932) whispers: Bd6 Rxg4 Rh2?
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: anyway the 45 second increment is pretty comfortable
gile(1872) whispers: why Bd6 and not Rf5?
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: yes Rf5
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: the only thing about being in time trouble in 45 second increment, is that you can't leave the board for bathroom break :))
46...Rf5 (1:30)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: even if your opponent takes half an hour to calculate then ext move
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: you laugh, but I had that experience once ;)
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: play with laptop :)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: my own fault though, I was down to increment from about move 25
gile(1872) whispers: I had it too
47.Be1 (0:51)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: had to build up a decent buffer for a toilet break
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: Funk you mean bring laptop to toilet? LOL
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: won the game though ;)
mindlin(1940) whispers: pee in a cup?
47...h5 (0:25)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: glad to hear your ordeal had a Hollywood ending black!
gile(1872) whispers: heheh ... I have netbook ... but didn't think about carying it in WC ... :)))
48.Kb2 (0:45)
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: obviously I meant that if you are down on increment.... and have to wait for his/her move :p Believe me, OTB is worse
gile(1872) whispers: uaualy, when playing I connect it to 22in monitor ....
mindlin(1940) whispers: white position is miserable eh?
softblanket(1903) whispers: yep
milpat(1932) whispers: Rf3 i suppose
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: g4 pretty much ended all hope
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: what about Rf4 for white next?
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: at least try to get a passed pawn
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: bishop ending is totally lost
48...Bd6 (1:14)
gile(1872) whispers: Rf4 Rxf4 gxf4 and passed h pawn
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: true... there's zero chance of blunder after bishop ending?
mindlin(1940) whispers: have to hope for cheap rook tactics
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: OK black just stopped even that hope...
49.Re2 (1:13)
gile(1872) whispers: Rf3 now?
softblanket(1903) whispers: Rf3 looks really good
mindlin(1940) whispers: yeah i like Rf3
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: Bc3?
49...Rf3 (0:33)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: Rf3 Bc3?
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: Bxb4
50.Bc3 (0:17)
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: ah...
mindlin(1940) whispers: here it comes
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: nice idea
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: oh, and Rb3+. That is crushing
Twikki(2118) whispers: a3+
gile(1872) whispers: anyway ... interesting game ...
gile(1872) whispers: is a3+ stronger than Bxb4?
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: as long as Malcovich doesn't accidently forget his clock and start pondering the decision a3+ vs Bxb4 :))
Twikki(2118) whispers: meh I dunno... been drinking again
gile(1872) whispers: a3+ Kb3 and?
50...b5 (1:35) 51.Kc2 (0:09)
mindlin(1940) whispers: hmmm he didn't go for it
51...Rf5 (0:45)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: hmm, there are still a few pitfalls
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: still somewhat winning, or, at least, not losing... :/
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: like Kg6 Re6+ Rf6 Rxf6 Kxf6 d5+
52.Kd1 (0:23)
MALCOVICH(2203) whispers: damn!...I was planning Bxb4 against that and forgot to play it :-(((((
mindlin(1940) whispers: lol
softblanket(1903) whispers: what is the TS next to malco name?
52...Rf3 (0:25)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: timeseal, probably
53.Rc2 (0:10)
mindlin(1940) whispers: i don't see the ts
softblanket(1903) whispers: kinda surprised to read his first note
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: yes you can configure babaschess to display TS if timeseal is active
53...Ke6 (0:41)
mindlin(1940) whispers: well everyone gets upset sometimes
softblanket(1903) whispers: yep mindlin everybody hurts
54.Ke2 (1:16) Kd5 (0:36) 55.Bd2 (0:08)
linuxblue(1886) whispers: Michael stipe a chess player? hmmm :)
milpat(1932) whispers: Rb3
gile(1872) whispers: Rb3 mabye?
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: is Kxd4 a trap?
mindlin(1940) whispers: Kxd4 gives white counterplay
milpat(1932) whispers: Kxd4 Rxc6 i imagine
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: you do not want to trade the d pawn for c pawn
softblanket(1903) whispers: yep rb3
55...Rb3 (1:16)
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: no reason to take d4
mindlin(1940) whispers: can take it later when it's convenient
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: cool makes sense
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: a3 - Rb2 is black's plan
eronald(1629) whispers: i feel another draw offer coming :)
milpat(1932) whispers: would be impolite to offer again
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: No. I think he is just going to win it.
softblanket(1903) whispers: yeah so easy to win now
Funkmaus(2188) whispers: I fear this time he is going to win
mindlin(1940) whispers: position has changed he could offer
56.Rc1 (2:23)
gile(1872) whispers: Bxb4 playable?
milpat(1932) whispers: Rb2 :)
softblanket(1903) whispers: nice move
eronald(1629) whispers: it's the draw she had to refuse before ...
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: yes Rb2
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: not really any risk in taking b4 too
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: true
56...Bxb4 (1:07)
mindlin(1940) whispers: i like a3 first and then take
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: white does win h5 though
softblanket(1903) whispers: about all she'll win :(
57.Bxb4 (0:42) Rxb4 (0:04) 58.Rc5+ (0:05)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: yeah, the black king marches forward
milpat(1932) whispers: white wins h5, a-pawn = Q
mindlin(1940) whispers: i thought she would play Ke3
mindlin(1940) whispers: i guess that wouldn't do much
Tharderer(1736) whispers: she?
softblanket(1903) whispers: uh oh lol
mindlin(1940) whispers: i was told blondie is a she?
58...Kxd4 (1:15) 59.Rxc6 (0:06)
BuyJupiter(1582) whispers: it's in her notes.
gile(1872) whispers: I think in her finger notes is says she is "SHE" :)
milpat(1932) whispers: i would be scared by a male called Blondie :)
evilcoyote(2140) whispers: rb2+
59...a3 (0:20)
mindlin(1940) whispers: Ra4 possible brutal
ByTheCliff(1649) whispers: is a girl chess player so hard to fathom? no wonder chess players considered geeks everywhere :))
linuxblue(1886) whispers: milpat in that case maybe "he" loves Debbie Harry :)
60.f4 (0:43)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: Ra6 Ra2+ is almost forcing mate too
softblanket(1903) whispers: or clint eastwood, points to whoever gets that one
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: *Rb2+
60...gxf3+ (0:24) 61.Kxf3 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: well now a2 cannot be stopped
softblanket(1903) whispers: a2
linuxblue(1886) whispers: yeah ive taken up otb chess and i havent played a girl or woman yet in about 3 weeks of events :(
gile(1872) whispers: a2 and can white do anything?
mindlin(1940) whispers: a2 and queen is pending
smallblackcat(2042) whispers: I mean, queening cannot be stopped
61...a2 (0:19)
gile(1872) whispers: will she resign now?
mindlin(1940) whispers: Rb1 and Ra4 nice position
Blondie resigns 0-1


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