lingye(2075) vs. malcovich(2195) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-09-11
Earlier moves are in anfepa(1896) vs. oliverisaac(2025) *
MALCOVICH(2195) whispers: there is only one move that seems to stop Bf6 and it is Ne5. of course the "pointe" being Nf3+ in some lines 22...Ne5 (4:18) 23.Re1 (4:10) Ng6 (0:52) 24.Qg3 (1:04) Qxb2 (4:30)
MALCOVICH(2195) whispers: I must deter Bd2 and might as well eat a pawn while doing it.
linuxblue(1823) whispers: this is one of the differences that I have seen on FICS - 1900ish players struggle to clean up counterplay but 2200ish players are much more accurate at dealing with it. 25.Bc1 (3:40) Qc2 (2:28) 26.R6e2 (2:02) Qf5 (0:26) 27.Bb2+ (0:05) Kg8 (0:16) 28.Qc3 (1:10) Raf8 (3:14) 29.f3 (0:16) b6 (0:41) 30.Ba3 (2:54) c5 (1:16) 31.Bb2 (0:07)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: black has done a beautiful job of dealing with counterplay here - textbook stuff. 31...b5 (0:46)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: sort of thing you'd see from a titled player. 32.Re6 (0:45)
purplepawns(1917) whispers: black isnt out of the woods yet 32...Qh5 (2:01)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: clever
linuxblue(1823) whispers: i couldnt see how top dela with the knight sac for mate on h8
Plebusan(1800) whispers: I'm kind of impressed at how white has managed to keep the pressure up for almost 20 moves since the piece sac
linuxblue(1823) whispers: yes thats pretty impressive as well I will admit 33.Re7 (1:23)
mindlin(1973) whispers: go lingye 33...Qh6 (1:04) 34.Rxf7 (1:16) Rxf7 (0:15) 35.Qxc5 (0:32)
mindlin(1973) whispers: two pawns left for black 35...Nf8 (1:37)
mindlin(1973) whispers: looking for queen trade? 36.Qc3 (1:11) Bf5 (0:54) 37.Re5 (2:15) Qb6+ (0:40) 38.Re3 (0:51)
Galleta(1729) whispers: so much pressure so little time
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: wow this is still going and so trilling now 38...Ng6 (0:53)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: whites made a real fight of it 39.Kf1 (0:16)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: now in 0+45 rated standard :p cool. I left it, because for some reasons this game put me to sleep
linuxblue(1823) whispers: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D
linuxblue(1823) whispers: timeeeeeeee 39...Be6 (1:07)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: watch-your-time 40.a3 (0:24)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: we have entered the zone of blitz :p 40...Bc4+ (0:25)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: fastest standard is 0 23, so not even that :p
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: but its terribly hard to play in time-trouble 41.Ke1 (0:17)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: 2200 FM taught me once that time trouble technique is to do blunder checks on your opponent's time.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: interesting 41...Re7 (0:56)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ??? that works
linuxblue(1823) whispers: and he was a very good blitz player.
linuxblue(1823) whispers: yes ive found that works.
mindlin(1973) whispers: hmmm 42.Rxe7 (0:25) Qg1+ (0:01) 43.Kd2 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I think I am pretty good blitz and lightnings player (no skills, just speed) but I am terrible in time trouble 43...Qxg2+ (0:17)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ah i see how, he didnt recapture rook
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: :)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: im terrible at blitz but strangely I do quite well in time scrambles with an inc 44.Kc1 (0:30)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I trade at least 400 points for your ability :p 44...Nxe7 (0:09)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: :D
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Qh8+ Kf7 Qh7+ there is nothing to eat.. all defended gosh
mindlin(1973) whispers: i have a lot of trouble with 5 second decrement but 45 inc is good
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: 5 seconds delay
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: you mean?!
mindlin(1973) whispers: yeah delay lol
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: your delay is terrible :p but I got used to it.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: to notice, that our european clocks dont even have that in programm 45.Qe5 (2:11)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: mmoooooveee else im bored and will turn this whisper into a general chat
linuxblue(1823) whispers: I used to be awful in time scrambles - I'd give away pieces en prise. But when I aplplied blunder checks on opp's time and try to find good moves without looking always for the best moves I did much better in them.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I will try this blunder, sure there is smth. im thinking about on his time. But usually, its double time trouble, so just blitz, like here 45...Bb3 (1:31)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: perpetual check???
Nemisis(2008) whispers: hi guys. Hows it going?
mindlin(1973) whispers: hello nemisis
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: why Bb3. he did nothing about Qb8-Qf4+ thingy
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: and cannot runaway via e6 becaue of Qe5
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: draw!
linuxblue(1823) whispers: the idea is that when the opp is doing any thinking you look at the blunders that you could play so as to avoid playing them. eg if you could walk into a fork that loses you material you take note of it.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Now its not a pawn ending, so I am sure, that I am not wrong, right mindlin?!
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: white should surely take the drawn
linuxblue(1823) whispers: I was taught that by a 2200 FM who won a lot of blitz events against titled players. 46.Qg3+ (1:43) Qxg3 (0:09)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: gosh 47.hxg3 (0:01)
mindlin(1973) whispers: he didn't find it
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: wwow
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: will we see B and N mate?!
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: "tell endgamebot help" :p 47...Bd5 (0:35)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: white has another drawing pattern that the B doesnt fit into the corner 48.f4 (0:09)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: but now its endgame, I learned today that I should be quiet :p
mindlin(1973) whispers: looks like you were right it was a perp
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: heh
linuxblue(1823) whispers: :D 48...Bf3 (1:09) 49.Bd4 (0:29)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: does someone have to win on this game? 49...a6 (0:23)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: No. Malco team is in playoffs already as top seed 50.Kd2 (0:12)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: Cool.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: 1-1 in this match, with 2 draws 50...Nf5 (0:32) 51.Bf2 (0:04) Kf7 (0:31) 52.Kc3 (0:33) a5 (2:35) 53.Bb6 (0:47) Nxg3 (1:26)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: pls. dont make fun of me, but I think its a draw 54.Bxa5 (0:04)
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: yeah
Plebusan(1800) whispers: lol @ Funkmaus
Nemisis(2008) whispers: seems like it.
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: it was also a draw 10 moves ago with Qb8+ tactic 54...Ke6 (0:33)
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: so i guess white survived 55.Kb4 (0:44) Bc6 (0:06) 56.Kc5 (0:25)
Plebusan(1800) whispers: a4 bxa4 would turn the b-pawn into a harmless wrong coloured a-pawn 56...Be8 (0:44)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: is it worthless with a knight on the board?
linuxblue(1823) whispers: FICS should put this in its "high quality" games collection :)
Plebusan(1800) whispers: maybe not Nemisis
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: YES, agreed linux
linuxblue(1823) whispers: i'm going to save the game and later run it through an engine 57.Bc7 (1:46)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: let's have a 50 move rule :D
linuxblue(1823) whispers: then funkmaus can go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)) 57...Ne4+ (1:15)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ha, now I think it got interesting
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: because I doubt it is a draw 58.Kd4 (0:39) Bc6 (0:27)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: why not a draw? 59.Be5 (0:46) Ng3 (0:55)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: Nd2! looked good to head to c4 60.Kc5 (0:17)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I think black can push wK back, eat f4
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: save b-pawn and see.
mindlin(1973) whispers: yeah it's hard for white with no way to eliminate b-pawn 60...Bd7 (0:40) 61.Kd4 (0:37) Nf5+ (0:42)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: just make it to a.pawn thats all what white can do with it
Nemisis(2008) whispers: That seems like a long shot. Wouldn't black need to get the knight to c4 to accomplish that?
linuxblue(1823) whispers: thats wshy Iliked Nd2! before to get knight to c4 62.Kc5 (1:13)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: black missed a goodmove there formy mind. 62...Ne3 (0:15) 63.Kb4 (1:03)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: and Nc4 now would seem to run into a4. 63...Kd5 (1:08) 64.Kc3 (0:32) Ke4 (0:51)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: this is a really long 4 minutes with 90 second increment. 65.Bb8 (1:55)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: +45
Nemisis(2008) whispers: only id you don't add them together.:-) 65...Nd5+ (0:35)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I am blonde :p So, I cannot do the math
linuxblue(1823) whispers: everyone else in the world has incs of 30 and 90 - we are specila with 45 :) 66.Kb3 (0:35)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: I am not really all that fond of high increments.
Plebusan(1800) whispers: Nxf4 Bxf4 Kxf4 a4! draw
linuxblue(1823) whispers: no wonder, you like to crunch me :(( 66...Kd3 (0:52)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: nice, plebusan
mindlin(1973) whispers: i like high increments leads to better endgame chess
Nemisis(2008) whispers: yeah. PRetty sure if black wants to win he has to keep the knight on.
mindlin(1973) whispers: oh right if he trade on f4 then black b-pawn becomes an a-pawn draw
Nemisis(2008) whispers: You can't get a high quality endgame with basic FIDE TC's you don't deserve to play chess.:-)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: 40/2 G/1
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Nah, thats the best tc
Nemisis(2008) whispers: at most, 5 sec delay or increment added.
mindlin(1973) whispers: well that's a long game already sure 67.Bd6 (2:08)
stevelco(1740) whispers: I'd be very happy with 40/2 G/1
Nemisis(2008) whispers: right. So no point in low game time with high increment.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: where I play in league is 1:40 minutes /40, 50 minutes/20 and 15 minutes rest, with +30 seconds increment from begin
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: thats really pretty long.
stevelco(1740) whispers: Wow Funk ... that's a long time control
stevelco(1740) whispers: But I like :-)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: thats i think long fide tc
linuxblue(1823) whispers: timeeeeee 67...Bg4 (1:17)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: he has nerves
mindlin(1973) whispers: going for the checkmate?
linuxblue(1823) whispers: malcovich could have a nerves competition with Gata Kamsky :)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: WOW 68.Be5 (1:39)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Yeah, for checkmate 68...Bd1+ (0:23) 69.Kb2 (0:03) Ke4 (0:43)
mindlin(1973) whispers: oh going for the f-pawn
Nemisis(2008) whispers: he might be able to take the pawn now.
mindlin(1973) whispers: now there is no a4
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: without having a4 70.Kc1 (0:44)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: but the technical draw after a4 keeps cropping up 70...Ba4 (0:08)
mindlin(1973) whispers: that was tricky
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Ba4!!
mindlin(1973) whispers: tough game
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: it can really last forever
mindlin(1973) whispers: yeah he not going to take the knight of course
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: It is going for 2 hours 45 minutes already 71.Kd2 (1:24)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: "ginfo 176"
Nemisis(2008) whispers: I don't think it matters.
Plebusan(1800) whispers: Nxf4 works now, doesnt it? 71...Nxf4 (0:21)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: yes
mindlin(1973) whispers: wow i never knew that command 72.Bd6 (0:26)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: :) 72...Nd5 (0:20) 73.Bc5 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I think i want to see this N and B mate, black will get the a-pawn push the B-pawn, white would sac his B for it
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: and then! FUN begings
Nemisis(2008) whispers: that is what it looks like it will lead into.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I had it OTB 2 times... both games drawn :( And i still dont know how to do it
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: <--- hides away
stevelco(1740) whispers: lol 73...Bb3 (0:53)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: :-) I can teach it.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: so, ready for the blood :p 74.Bg1 (0:12)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: I want 150 moves :D I've seen one GM game where a GM had the end mate and did it perfectly.
stevelco(1740) whispers: Malcovich knows it, I think that's for certain
BuyJupiter(1544) whispers: I like using the "ginfo" cmd when I am wondering when the 50 - move might apply.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: endgamebot can too. thanks nemisis, drinkeh tried to teach me too, but this case is hopeless
Nemisis(2008) whispers: well you said you had it twice right?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I play chess for like almost 13 years 74...Nf4 (1:13)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: out of how many games in your whole life?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: out of too many. so, it doesnt matter 75.Ba7 (0:29)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: there is a saying said by a few people. "It's usually not worth it to go through the trouble, due to how often one sees the ending."
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I had it once against me, an FM failed to mate me. I was good defending with lone king :p 75...Ne6 (0:40)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I think thats what Silman says his endgamebook doesnt have this mate. (dont have this book, but have heard)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: if you have at least 25 moves you can make it doesn't matter the defense. 76.Kc3 (0:23)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: there is the counter argument thateven if you never get the ending it helps you with how the pieces cooperate with each other in earlier phases. 76...Ba4 (0:03)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: So the FM just didn't know.:-)
mindlin(1973) whispers: i had the knight and bishop with 5 second delay, couldn't do it
Nemisis(2008) whispers: yeah it's true. I perfected it out of morbid curiosity.
stevelco(1740) whispers: 5 second delay ... that would be tough
Nemisis(2008) whispers: I have seen the endgame about 30 times, and 25 of those were self induced in blitz. 77.Bg1 (0:43)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: In blitz its always easier to flag, than mate :D
mindlin(1973) whispers: once i mated someone in wrong corner, i still wonder is that possible
stevelco(1740) whispers: Wrong corner?? Not possible
stevelco(1740) whispers: I don't think
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: yes with knight check, should be
Nemisis(2008) whispers: yes, you can mate with the knight not the bishop.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: i can imagine the position
Nemisis(2008) whispers: I don't think you can force it, so it would most likely be a help mate. 77...Nf4 (1:31)
stevelco(1740) whispers: Yeah ... maybe a help mate
mindlin(1973) whispers: yeah i think it was a help mate
stevelco(1740) whispers: Black zigs when he should have zagged
mindlin(1973) whispers: my opponent was convinced he was safe because it was wrong corner
stevelco(1740) whispers: checkmate in the wrong corner 78.Ba7 (0:50) Ne2+ (0:28) 79.Kd2 (0:11) Nd4 (1:04) 80.Kc3 (0:26) Nb3 (0:31) 81.Bf2 (0:57)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: Hmmm wierd. I thought knight was going to c2.
mindlin(1973) whispers: he has to force his king in there right? 81...Kf3 (1:06)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: I don't know. 82.Bb6 (0:34)
mindlin(1973) whispers: i just assume plan is to win the a-pawn? 82...Ke2 (0:12)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: obviosly
Nemisis(2008) whispers: you can plan it all you want. The question is how to get in there.
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: also a key part of the plan is to not lose more material
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: :))
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: not much material left to lose
stevelco(1740) whispers: That's why it's so important! 83.Bc7 (0:53)
mindlin(1973) whispers: i'm just saying knight on c2 wouldn't help much yet
stevelco(1740) whispers: :-)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I think its pretty hard to blunder a piece here
Nemisis(2008) whispers: is it helping more on b3?
mindlin(1973) whispers: idk why he played it to b3
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: it would help more on c4, imho, blocking the b2 square for now, and then going Kd1-Kc2, if king hides on a2 there must be mating nets somehow
Nemisis(2008) whispers: cause his EGTB told him to.:-P
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: EGTB?
linuxblue(1823) whispers: table base :p
Nemisis(2008) whispers: endgame tablebase.. hahahah 83...Kd1 (2:16)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: 7 pieces tablebase yet :)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Oh yes sorry pls. dont make fun of me those all computer features are new for me 84.Bf4 (0:13)
stevelco(1740) whispers: lol funk
Nemisis(2008) whispers: I am only having fun with you.:-) 84...Na5 (0:43)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: well no complete 7 piece tablebases yet anyway, at most partial.
mindlin(1973) whispers: knight on c2 or c4 would tie down the bishop
Nemisis(2008) whispers: I think EGTB's from Namoliv of what ever goes up to 12 piece.
linuxblue(1823) whispers: Does it? 100000000000 TB lol
Nemisis(2008) whispers: maybe not.. if they do though they are over 20GB so the likely hood of owning it is not good.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Please enter max. 6 pieces (incl. kings).:)) 85.Kb4 (1:43) Nc4 (0:08)
Nemisis(2008) whispers: oh well I have to goto the chess club guys. I will check the results later.
Nemisis(2008) whispers: see ya guys later.
mindlin(1973) whispers: see ya
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: have fun
linuxblue(1823) whispers: it might be going when you return :p 86.Bh6 (0:29)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: this game might be going when he returns
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: haha, it seems black is close now 86...Kc2 (0:23)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: hopefully it finishes to the nightly. I wanted play it today
mindlin(1973) whispers: yeah i don't see any defense now
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: its just the first part of the plan.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: B sac for a pawn. and the show I am waiting for is B+N mate 87.Bg5 (1:01)
stevelco(1740) whispers: Hope White doesn't resign
mindlin(1973) whispers: is it possible for black to queen the pawn? 87...Kb2 (0:56)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I strongly doubt it. 88.Bf6+ (0:31)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: B must be able to get it, via dark squares 88...Ka2 (0:13)
mindlin(1973) whispers: well he can try to block with the knight maybe?
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: unfortunately the last 40 moves have been over my head :( 89.Be7 (0:39) Nxa3 (0:19)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: hmm, maybe
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: wow action 90.Kc3 (0:29)
stevelco(1740) whispers: Still tough 90...Nc2 (1:06) 91.Bc5 (0:27) Kb1 (0:58) 92.Bd6 (0:41) Kc1 (0:11) 93.Be7 (1:16) Kd1 (0:04) 94.Bf8 (1:00) Ke2 (0:21) 95.Bc5 (0:59) Ne3 (1:12) 96.Bf8 (1:08) Nd5+ (0:53)
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: is it me or does blacks king seem out of the action 97.Kd4 (0:29) Bb3 (0:13) 98.Kc5 (0:09) Bc4 (0:24)
purplepawns(1917) whispers: not as much as whites 99.Kd4 (0:41) Kd2 (0:17) 100.Bh6+ (0:13) Kc2 (0:06)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: 100!!!!!!!! :) 101.Kc5 (0:39)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: still awake
stevelco(1740) whispers: This is a fairly remarkable endgame
purplepawns(1917) whispers: no chess game is worth spending this amount of time on - i`d have offered a draw and gone to bed
linuxblue(1823) whispers: marathon reminds me of old days where the last round had no time limit or adjournment so CHOD Alexander writes about a last round against Alekhine that went for 7 hours in 1 sitting. :-| 101...Kb3 (2:38)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: i disagree its worth the time, purplepawns. and this is still short, compared to OTB 102.Bd2 (0:10)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: yes, 4 hours is only first time control :) 102...Nc3 (0:37)
purplepawns(1917) whispers: a draw is a peaceful conclusion to a battle - white deserves it for amount of time spent battling
linuxblue(1823) whispers: take up othello for a short game - each game goes for at most an hour (30 mins each) :)) 103.Kd4 (0:47)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: white had perp outta nothing at move 46, he can kick himself for missing it
linuxblue(1823) whispers: got to do the perp :D
mindlin(1973) whispers: i think he going to queen the pawn that's too bad 103...b4 (1:48)
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: it seems b4 is ready
purplepawns(1917) whispers: this is still a harsh way to lose - you guys have more fight in you then me
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: sure it is but so is chess, not everyone is so "friendly" like you - to make a draw and go to be 104.Bh6 (2:01)
purplepawns(1917) whispers: your right - not everyone is like me
bishopsac(0) whispers: I predict white resigns in the next 15 moves
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: oh, go play lightnings
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: its too serious for you#
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: its lost
bishopsac(0) whispers: on my laptop cant play
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: consider playing 20 standard games and join the league, then :p 104...Bf7 (2:29) 105.Bf8 (0:28)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: well white can foce black to mate with B+N now
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: wow
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: white needs to go into N+B vs nothing and hope malcovich cannot conver tit
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: EAT that pawn!
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: this game just got much longer
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I think I have predicted that like 2 hours ago :p 105...Nd5 (0:40)
stevelco(1740) whispers: White King in the center on a dark square
mindlin(1973) whispers: yeah B+N after all
mindlin(1973) whispers: and king in the middle 106.Bd6 (0:20)
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: i have to admit i dont really know how to dop this mate
stevelco(1740) whispers: Good prediction, funk
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I have admit it before too, we should try it on friday
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: so are we guessing 50 move draw or
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I didnt knew you dont know it too, wow 106...Kc2 (0:34)
stevelco(1740) whispers: TAKE
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: i have a text here at home, which explains how to do it
mindlin(1973) whispers: take it, take it
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: NOW!
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: fast
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: no leave it
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: go for the win
bigwienke(1848) whispers: after BxP it is mate in 29. So we will see how Malco does
mindlin(1973) whispers: wow only 29 from middle of board
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: after BxN its 50 moves until a draw 107.Bxb4 (1:14)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: :) Is that what you are betting on Funk? 107...Nxb4 (0:03)
stevelco(1740) whispers: YAY
bishopsac(0) whispers: I guarentee Malcovich can mate with B and N 108.Ke4 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Here we go
linuxblue(1823) whispers: here we goooooooooooooooooo! :)
BuyJupiter(1544) whispers: here we go
stevelco(1740) whispers: He will 108...Kc3 (0:10)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: yes I am betting on mate 109.Ke5 (0:10)
purplepawns(1917) whispers: if he cant mate he looks bit silly playing on this long
stevelco(1740) whispers: Question: Will malco make it look easy?
bishopsac(0) whispers: it is really rather easy
linuxblue(1823) whispers: count vun..too
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: i twice managed to do it, but once i was in a favorable starting position and second time my oppoentn was very helpful
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Thats a good point, purplepawns. Thats would be the only reason to make a draw and go to bed.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: and as he knows, he plays on 109...Kd3 (0:42) 110.Kf6 (0:12)
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: can a knight and a bishop checkmate whit eking?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: runs into wrong corner 110...Bd5 (0:26) 111.Ke5 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: 93 halfmoves until a draw
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Depends who has the black pieces :) 111...Ke3 (0:27) 112.Kf5 (0:10)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: This guy will count the half moves: :p 112...Be4+ (1:03) 113.Ke5 (0:12) Nd3+ (0:19) 114.Ke6 (0:06)
bishopsac(0) whispers: practice your B and K mate "tell endgamebot play kbnk" 114...Kd4 (0:14) 115.Kf6 (0:04) Nf4 (0:13) 116.Kg5 (0:23)
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: touchdown
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: mistell 116...Ke5 (0:09) 117.Kh6 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: yes and if you get frustrated, "tell endgamebot play kbbk" or even "tell endgamebot play kqk" just to mate this xxxxBot!
stevelco(1740) whispers: Ooooo
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Kf6?? =
stevelco(1740) whispers: a little stalemate action 117...Ne6 (0:40) 118.Kh5 (0:06)
purplepawns(1917) whispers: so who can tell me if black has made progress?
bigwienke(1848) whispers: mate in 19 :)
bishopsac(0) whispers: yes good progress
bigwienke(1848) whispers: first step is kign to edge of board, so that has been accomplished
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: so a knight a bishop can mate
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: a king 118...Bf5 (1:13) 119.Kh6 (0:09)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: so bigwienke you said mate in 29, did Malco made those 10 moves right way?
bishopsac(0) whispers: pin him to the back rank move him to the "right" corner in this case the light-squared
bigwienke(1848) whispers: yes. In the corner the same color as the bishop. But it's nearly impossible if you don't know how 119...Kf6 (0:23)
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: i think malco is pisssed off by now 120.Kh5 (0:06)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Funk, for the most part. There have been a couple one or 2 move inaccuracies on each side, but nothing too major
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: That is called technique. WOW. Impressed. Thanks
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: i know that i need to chase the king to h1 120...Ng5 (1:27) 121.Kh6 (0:10)
bishopsac(0) whispers: I do not know about anyone else but it is easier for me once he is in the "wrong" corner to force him to the "right" corner
bigwienke(1848) whispers: yes, I agree bishop
bigwienke(1848) whispers: becuase you can just use standard method at that point, no thinking if you know it :)
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: this situation is more or less wrong corner
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Malco is thinking 121...Nf7+ (0:48) 122.Kh5 (0:02)
bishopsac(0) whispers: right bigweinke...and sadly I know it 122...Ke5 (0:14) 123.Kh4 (0:04) Kf4 (0:09) 124.Kh5 (0:07)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: how many moves to mate?
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: lol
stevelco(1740) whispers: lol
mindlin(1973) whispers: how many moves to draw?
bigwienke(1848) whispers: 11
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: to draw is easy: 67 halfmoves until a draw 124...Be4 (0:44) 125.Kh4 (0:04)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: with Be4. Yes Malco has doen the hard part. He will mate no problem
linuxblue(1823) whispers: mate has to happen or this game can't be on the fics high quality game list..Malco FICS needs you :))
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: is this draw or mate? 125...Bg6 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ok i wont ask anymore, id count 11 myself 126.Kh3 (0:05)
bishopsac(0) whispers: here is the test i think
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: this is mate if you CAN do it, if you cant, its draw. "tell endgamebot play kbnk"
bigwienke(1848) whispers: well, says best move is Be4 again :)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Bg6 was one of those inaccuracies
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: the one endgamebot shows is different position 126...Be4 (0:49) 127.Kh4 (0:05)
bishopsac(0) whispers: yeah the knight needs to be relocated
purplepawns(1917) whispers: be4 to f3 i presume?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: but you can practice :p 127...Bf3 (0:10) 128.Kh3 (0:03)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: yes, f3. Exactly
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: no thanks
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: hmm black is getting closer 128...Ng5+ (0:46) 129.Kh4 (0:04) Ne4 (0:02) 130.Kh3 (0:03)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Nd6- f5 is the correct idea here It hink 130...Ke3 (0:46)
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: this should be the game of the year in fics 131.Kh4 (0:11) Kf2 (0:08)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: only if there is a mate :-$ 132.Kh3 (0:11)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: back to win in 12
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Nooo, it should be drawn
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: 51 halfmoves until a draw
purplepawns(1917) whispers: so after all this malco cant mate with N + B
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: so black is wasting time?
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: i would quit chess as black if i draw now
stevelco(1740) whispers: Either result would be fantastic
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: since it is drawn
bishopsac(0) whispers: yep Malco missteped there
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: even if it is drawn, darkiest will win the match for them
bigwienke(1848) whispers: he needs to go back to f4 and then Nd6-f5
linuxblue(1823) whispers: can't be that harsh - 132 moves is enough to wear anyon out.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: fantastic would be if white wins :p
stevelco(1740) whispers: lol
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: lol
bigwienke(1848) whispers: is 12 moves enough if he plays properly? I forgot what move this started on :)
stevelco(1740) whispers: Malco could resign
linuxblue(1823) whispers: :D 132...Ke3 (1:29) 133.Kh4 (0:05)
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: no legal way to get a win for white 133...Kf4 (0:08) 134.Kh3 (0:02)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: if you resigned here otb as black the arbiter would reject your resignation surely?
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: you can always bend the law 134...Ng3 (0:32)
wmahan(2051) whispers: Fifty move count started at halfmove 214 (46 halfmoves until a draw). 135.Kh4 (0:22) Nf5+ (0:09) 136.Kh3 (0:03)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: Malco needs Bruce Willis or David Hasselhoof as Knight rider :(
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: black will arrive there finally
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Then I'm still betting on checkmate. Malco is doing well to recognize his mistakes and correctly them accurately
wmahan(2051) whispers: now he's got it 136...Bd5 (0:20) 137.Kh2 (0:05) Kf3 (0:19) 138.Kh3 (0:10)
linuxblue(1823) whispers: give him the TL best prize if he mates
bishopsac(0) whispers: that should do it...B move and f2 followed by Bf3 and Bg4
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Bc4 Kh2 Kg2 Kh3 Be2 138...Be6 (0:43) 139.Kh2 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: if its mate in 10, white would have at least an half an hour to "hatewait" to make it the longest game in TL since I am in.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: and im not a newbie :) 139...Ne3 (0:32)
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: its horribly long already 140.Kg1 (0:12)
purplepawns(1917) whispers: nicely done
linuxblue(1823) whispers: Nokiatwenty surely has the longest TL game :p 140...Kg3 (0:17) 141.Kh1 (0:02)
bigwienke(1848) whispers: Wow. Wonderful game
stevelco(1740) whispers: congrats
BorisFromRussia(1554) whispers: grazt
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: WWWOOOOOWWW
Ismirdochegal(2240) whispers: now even i see it :)
Hathkhola(1650) whispers: why congrats?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: you guys believe it or not, now I seee it 141...Ng4 (0:28) 142.Kg1 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: its mate i could have mated from here 142...Bc4 (0:03) 143.Kh1 (0:01) Nf2+ (0:03) 144.Kg1 (0:00) Nh3+ (0:01) 145.Kh1 (0:00) lingye checkmated 0-1
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