cren(2470) vs. technika(2178) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-02-11
milpat(1936) whispers: go Cren! 1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:04) d6 (0:24) 3.f3 (0:08)
mindlin(2021) whispers: hmm what this opening called? 3...e5 (3:17)
milpat(1936) whispers: old indian (says fics eco) 4.e3 (0:38)
Technika(2178) whispers: well this is certainly out of my book ......
Technika(2178) whispers: of course this setup for white you get against a nimzo-indian.......
xombie(1797) whispers: interesting
Technika(2178) whispers: so I guess it must be playable against an Old Indian ...... 4...exd4 (2:19) 5.exd4 (0:00)
xombie(1797) whispers: wonder if lack plays d5 now
milpat(1936) whispers: :P
xombie(1797) whispers: or indeed, what his plan should be
Technika(2178) whispers: let's see if we get an IQP position then ......
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: coming
Technika(2178) whispers: as I am going to be battered in any case :) 5...d5 (1:15)
xombie(1797) whispers: i think it's not right 6.Nc3 (0:15)
ShakaZahn(2039) whispers: haha, 3. f3
ShakaZahn(2039) whispers: I love it 6...Nc6 (0:12) 7.c5 (2:12)
mindlin(2021) whispers: yeah i was curious about this f3 move
xombie(1797) whispers: this is what i meant
xombie(1797) whispers: no e4 control
xombie(1797) whispers: and white will develop the knight to f4
mindlin(2021) whispers: i see it against the king's indian of course 7...a6 (1:24)
mindlin(2021) whispers: cren has 300 rating points higher amazing
mindlin(2021) whispers: will be interesting to see how he wins
xombie(1797) whispers: Cren's a maste
mindlin(2021) whispers: clearly a strong master at that
milpat(1936) whispers: his last game was a beauty 8.Nge2 (1:37)
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: these masters and their offbeat openings
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: i love it! :p
xombie(1797) whispers: someone did this to me a long time ago
ShakaZahn(2039) whispers: maybe next week we'll get a paleface
xombie(1797) whispers: black has to play Ne7 and Bf5 to trade off the B
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: somebody shook up a sack with all the pieces and dumped it out
Technika(2178) whispers: blimey Newcastle getting hammered by Spurs 4-0 and it's not half time :)
Technika(2178) whispers: back to the game .......
ShakaZahn(2039) whispers: no spoilers please! missed todays united liverpool match :p
ShakaZahn(2039) whispers: will watch it once it's out on the inet
xombie(1797) whispers: but it's sort of not all that bad for black in that white doesnt have f3-e4 8...Be7 (2:23)
xombie(1797) whispers: so maybe the plan for him is g6-Bg7 Ne7 Bf5
xombie(1797) whispers: argh 9.g3 (0:32)
xombie(1797) whispers: these masters use these weird openings to throw people of their comfort zone
xombie(1797) whispers: off*
Technika(2178) whispers: hmmm, time to castle, will do this on BabasChess rather than DGT - since misplaced move from Game 1 I do not trust DGT board to castle :) 9...O-O (1:12) 10.Bg2 (0:08)
xombie(1797) whispers: lol 10...h6 (0:15) 11.O-O (0:06)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: I can't even identify the opening, lol 11...Bf5 (0:40)
xombie(1797) whispers: its a nimzo without c5-c4
xombie(1797) whispers: and less e4 control for black
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: oh, wouldn't ya know, nimzo, hmmm
Revontulet(0) whispers: call it the Axolotl. nobody's named a chess opening after an Axolotl yet.
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: good as any 12.Nf4 (0:53)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Teawanaku Puma Punku Variation of the Nimzo-Indian
Revontulet(0) whispers: of course i'm not sure which side is the Axolotl, but it doesn't matter 12...Bh7 (1:21) 13.Be3 (0:07)
Technika(2178) whispers: hmmmm, can I get away with Bxc5!
Technika(2178) whispers: Bxc5 dxc5 d4 ......wins the piece back.....
xombie(1797) whispers: sounds good
xombie(1797) whispers: whats after Bxc5
xombie(1797) whispers: Nxd5?
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Qb3
Technika(2178) whispers: it seems playable, and gets me out of a bind of having to keep an eye on e5.....
Technika(2178) whispers: Bxc5 dxc5 Bxd4 Qxd4 Qxd4 Nxd4 ......
xombie(1797) whispers: but Qb3 Nxd4
xombie(1797) whispers: or Bxd4
Technika(2178) whispers: fairly equal position, got to be OK with that considering my opponent's strengths .....
Technika(2178) whispers: knowing me, I will miss a simple trick though :) 13...Bxc5 (5:57)
xombie(1797) whispers: Bxc5 Qb3 Bxd4 Bxd4 Nxd4 Qxb7 Rb8 Qxa6 Rxb2 is nice and complex 14.dxc5 (0:19)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: ok, take Bxc5 d4 Qb3 14...d4 (0:04) 15.Bd2 (0:03)
xombie(1797) whispers: lol, just this
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: so simple 15...dxc3 (0:15) 16.Bxc3 (0:00)
xombie(1797) whispers: black cant be any worse now
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: white with two bishops
xombie(1797) whispers: yes
xombie(1797) whispers: but symmetrical pawn structure
xombie(1797) whispers: and good pieces
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: think i'd take white
xombie(1797) whispers: just trade queens
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: but i don't really have any particular reason 16...Qe7 (1:00)
xombie(1797) whispers: auch, c7 is a problem
mindlin(2021) whispers: yeah i would trade queens try to simplify to drawing position
xombie(1797) whispers: this can be torture to draw too :)
xombie(1797) whispers: white's definitely better here
xombie(1797) whispers: no rooom for black pieces
Technika(2178) whispers: doubt my opponent will blunder with b5 :)
Technika(2178) whispers: still strange things have happened - lol ......
Technika(2178) whispers: but I could never resist a pawn - and no doubt it will lead to my downfalll......
LaurentiuI(1940) whispers: Strange opening
ShakaZahn(2039) whispers: delayed paleface attack
milpat(1936) whispers: old indian...i learned something
Technika(2178) whispers: guess Kh1, then I guess Rfd8 Qb3 Qxc5 Bxf6 gxf6 and Qxb7 Na5 and then no idea after that :)
Technika(2178) whispers: mind you I don't like my open kside in that variation ....... 17.Kh1 (12:50)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: here we go
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: nice!
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: cmon Karpov, take the pawn
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: not sure karpov would :p
milpat(1936) whispers: :P
Technika(2178) whispers: hmm, made my bed, got to lay in it now..... in hindsight maybe swapping queens when I had the chance was best :) 17...Qxc5 (5:03) 18.Bxf6 (0:39) gxf6 (0:06) 19.Nd5 (0:00)
Revontulet(0) whispers: 19... Qe7 would protect the pawn at c7 and f6! what more could one ask?
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: hehe :p
milpat(1936) whispers: :)
Technika(2178) whispers: hmmm, 2 pawns under attack and only one way to defend both ...... 19...Qd6 (2:21)
milpat(1936) whispers: f4 Qh5 ideas maybe 20.f4 (1:22)
milpat(1936) whispers: then if f5, Rd1
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: f5 looks horrible anyway :p
milpat(1936) whispers: white will play it if black doesnt
milpat(1936) whispers: (maybe?)
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: so white already has a serious advantage i guess :<
milpat(1936) whispers: f5 would defence h6 least
milpat(1936) whispers: defend* 20...Ne7 (3:38) 21.Nxe7+ (2:01) Qxe7 (0:07) 22.f5 (0:00)
xombie(1797) whispers: game over
milpat(1936) whispers: really?
xombie(1797) whispers: white up a piece
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: this is at least very ugly 22...c6 (1:14)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: what Qh5/Rf4 comng? 23.Qh5 (0:20)
milpat(1936) whispers: yea
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: DAMN! I missed the schedule by one hour :(
ShakaZahn(2039) whispers: cren makes it look so easy
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: GO CREN!!!
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Archbishops taking over Fischer-Section
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: oh hi~ :p
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: looks like white is slightly better here, - with the Rf4 threat maybe much better :))
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: i would never want to play the black pos
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: this is painful :<
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: i just noticed he has had an extra-pawn. But h6 goes, and even in ending h-pawn is a matchwinner
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: right squared bishop if it comes to that :p
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: as white has already a passer and black has to create 23...Qe3 (3:28) 24.Rf4 (0:16)
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: YAY
Technika(2178) whispers: help!
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Rofl
milpat(1936) whispers: hope black enjoy his c5 pawn up :)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Karpov must now find the way
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Qxh6 followed by Rg4+ and pick up the Qe3 is serios
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Qe3 looked like a wasted move
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: I dont know tho, what was better - but definately not this
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: was desperate try to get to g5 maybe?
milpat(1936) whispers: black plays Kg6?
milpat(1936) whispers: Kg7*
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Kg7 Rae1 followed by Qxh6 or even better - Re4
milpat(1936) whispers: Qae1 Qxe1+?
milpat(1936) whispers: Rae1*?
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: sorry thought that was a suggestion instead of ....Qe3, the Kg7 move
Technika(2178) whispers: why oh why did I just not swap the queens off earlier :(
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: I like Re4, tempo, to throw more wood on the fire
milpat(1936) whispers: no , now?
Technika(2178) whispers: hmmm, got a slight tactic, but sure my opp will see it .......
milpat(1936) whispers: if Rg4 then Qcovers h6
milpat(1936) whispers: if Qg4, h6 not anymore under attack
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: found it - instead of ...Qe3 Rfd8, if Qxh6 Qf8! - defends - white is much better, but black isnt dead
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: yeah, I liked Rfd8 ealier, too, for Black
Technika(2178) whispers: Rfe8 .... if Qxh6 then Bxf5 rook is pinned Qxf6 and Bg6 and at least I can carry on :)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: activate some of the dormant pieces he has
milpat(1936) whispers: sonds right
milpat(1936) whispers: sunds*
milpat(1936) whispers: grr
Technika(2178) whispers: but if I see it, then so does Cren .... so what better move does he have .......
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: carry on, in that line Qxf6 killz
CarlosKerber(1672) whispers: fozen fingers pat?
CarlosKerber(1672) whispers: grrr lol
CarlosKerber(1672) whispers: frozen**
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: >:)
milpat(1936) whispers: haha
milpat(1936) whispers: only -11C
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: the irony :p 24...Rfe8 (6:08)
CarlosKerber(1672) whispers: :) 25.Qxh6 (0:14) Bxf5 (0:09)
Technika(2178) whispers: hmmm, maybe creb play too quickly .....
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Qxf6 Bg6 Rh4 :))
Technika(2178) whispers: or I missed something baaaaaddddd
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: whisper if you have seen smth better instead 26.Qxf6 (0:38) Bg6 (0:06) 27.Rh4 (0:12)
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: Bh7 is just barely holding
Technika(2178) whispers: ahhhh ....
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: maybe "just barely" is enough :<
wmahan(2003) whispers: go Cren
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: exchange sac - eat the bishop, then Qxf7
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: works or no?
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: i mean, has at least a perp, but we d like to have a win
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: seems that Qxh6 was too quick indeed :<
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Bh7 is the only move
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: black looks better than before at least
milpat(1936) whispers: Bh7 Rf1
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: well black is alive~ :<
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: but struggling yah
milpat(1936) whispers: Re7? Be4!
xombie(1797) whispers: Rg4-h4-h5 looks interesting 27...Bh7 (3:17)
xombie(1797) whispers: after Bh7
milpat(1936) whispers: Rf1 xom
xombie(1797) whispers: oh yeah
milpat(1936) whispers: bring power!
xombie(1797) whispers: i think both win 28.Rf1 (0:33)
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Rf1 Qe6
LaurentiuI(1940) whispers: Rf1
pbeccari(1783) whispers: Qe6 Qg5+ Rxh7+ Kxh7 Be4+ is it winning? 28...Qe6 (1:55)
xombie(1797) whispers: thats two moves for white
pbeccari(1783) whispers: Qe6 Qg5+ Kh8 Rxh7+ Kxh7 Be4+
pbeccari(1783) whispers: no just Qg6 after Qg5
milpat(1936) whispers: the precise Be4, i know will come to kill
xombie(1797) whispers: probably a mere technicality now
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: just Bg6 too, nice line on Kh8 guys
xombie(1797) whispers: or Qg6
xombie(1797) whispers: maybe just retire to f4
xombie(1797) whispers: for now
xombie(1797) whispers: Qf4 Rh6 etc
xombie(1797) whispers: and the black Q stays on the diagonal
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Qf4 regroup? drive Q with Rh6
xombie(1797) whispers: Qf4 Rd8 (say) Rh6 Bg6 Qh4 Qe5 ...?
xombie(1797) whispers: or maybe go for the ending
xombie(1797) whispers: Rh6 right away
milpat(1936) whispers: something like Qc3 keeps alive the Be4 ideas
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: there may not be a quick forced win at all :<
xombie(1797) whispers: either way, black might get play due to his rooks and threats of exchanging
xombie(1797) whispers: is there a sac?
JKiller(0) whispers: qc3 qe5 qb3 maybe
xombie(1797) whispers: Rf1 might have been inaccurate
milpat(1936) whispers: Qc3 Qe5 Rg4
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Qc3... hmm interesting
milpat(1936) whispers: nah Rg4 never mind 29.Qf3 (5:12)
xombie(1797) whispers: oh!
xombie(1797) whispers: threatening Qh5
xombie(1797) whispers: nice
milpat(1936) whispers: mmm Rxh7 in the air
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: nice ideas, i say
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: :p
Technika(2178) whispers: why ......
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Qh5 coming
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: is the threat
xombie(1797) whispers: Qh5 might be devastating
xombie(1797) whispers: good shot
milpat(1936) whispers: Rxh7 Kx Qh5 Qh6? Rxf7+
JKiller(0) whispers: what if just qg6 on qh5
xombie(1797) whispers: its actually the end
Technika(2178) whispers: ahhh, nearly ......
Technika(2178) whispers: was just about to play Be4 lol
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Killer, just Rg4, that doesnt work :p
Technika(2178) whispers: forgot about rook on h4 .....
JKiller(0) whispers: think bg6 here is logical
xombie(1797) whispers: forced?
milpat(1936) whispers: some Bh3 available
xombie(1797) whispers: Bh3 and Bf5
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Bg6 is obvious
milpat(1936) whispers: just lose ur Bf5 man no?
milpat(1936) whispers: oh , u meant for white? sorry
xombie(1797) whispers: yeah
milpat(1936) whispers: yes yes
xombie(1797) whispers: lol
milpat(1936) whispers: ;)
xombie(1797) whispers: black needs one or two tempi
xombie(1797) whispers: Rd8 might help
milpat(1936) whispers: for now black is playing a rook down
xombie(1797) whispers: so Bg6 Bh3 Qe2 Qf6 dies
milpat(1936) whispers: after white bishop comes in ur @$$ ;)
xombie(1797) whispers: so it has to be Qd6
xombie(1797) whispers: to cover f6
milpat(1936) whispers: f7 will fall?
xombie(1797) whispers: Bg6 covers
xombie(1797) whispers: ah, but Bh3 Qd5
xombie(1797) whispers: and the attack is over
milpat(1936) whispers: oops
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Bg6 g4 with idea of Qh3
xombie(1797) whispers: tough
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: maybe K can get out of that
milpat(1936) whispers: the jkiller's idea Bg6 Qc3 Qe5 Qb3 maybe
milpat(1936) whispers: but i dont think Qxb7 help white attack
xombie(1797) whispers: Bg6 Rf4 and slowly push kingside pawns
milpat(1936) whispers: it just free the sleeping rook
xombie(1797) whispers: theres nothing that black can do really 29...Bg6 (7:03)
JKiller(0) whispers: well after bg6 f7 is defended to qb3 not that good
xombie(1797) whispers: or Rb4/
Technika(2178) whispers: brain dead can't think ......
xombie(1797) whispers: totally classy game this :)
JKiller(0) whispers: bh3 qd5 trades qs
milpat(1936) whispers: yes
JKiller(0) whispers: probly drawish
JKiller(0) whispers: black can pawn grab a2 also
xombie(1797) whispers: drawish ... :)
xombie(1797) whispers: wouldnt go so far
JKiller(0) whispers: with threat of qd5 going to endgame pawn up
xombie(1797) whispers: now focus on queenside maybe
milpat(1936) whispers: Qc3 Qe5 Qd2 Qe3 i supose
Eleventeen(2139) whispers: Qf4 is a try here
Fischeur(1905) whispers: if bh3 then maybe be4
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Technika should blunder in time trouble ;)
mindlin(2021) whispers: i'm not sure it's a question of blundering this is tough position
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: black seems to be barely holding~
xombie(1797) whispers: but it needs skill by white
xombie(1797) whispers: considerable skill
xombie(1797) whispers: what do you all suggest
JKiller(0) whispers: i dont really know...
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: maybe just shuffle around for a while
JKiller(0) whispers: probably
xombie(1797) whispers: regroup with Rf6
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: hmm hard to make progress, Bh3 runs into Qe4
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: white shuffles for a while, black gets into time trouble and blunders (maybe not in that particular order)
xombie(1797) whispers: bah
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Qc3 comes Qe5 how to regroup?
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: sounds like a reasonable plan :p
Fischeur(1905) whispers: not qe4 funk maybe be4
xombie(1797) whispers: well, black has plans
xombie(1797) whispers: Rd8 and develo
xombie(1797) whispers: p*
xombie(1797) whispers: so shuffling around wont work so well
xombie(1797) whispers: Rd8-d3 and then it is whtie who has to scramble
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: well Be4 Bxe6 Bxf3+ Rx and fxe6 is same drawish ending as if only Q-traded
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: damn
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: with low time he should keeps queens alive, technika whispered recently that he regrets not to have traded them
xombie(1797) whispers: how about Rd4
xombie(1797) whispers: trade rooks, and then push the h pawn
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: maybe Rg4, or Qc3 Qe5 Qb4, who knows 30.Rb4 (7:09)
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: this looks better
xombie(1797) whispers: this is probably best
xombie(1797) whispers: probe on queenside
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: more time-trouble inducing
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Karpov has erected a miraculous defense
xombie(1797) whispers: actually this is fun for white to play
xombie(1797) whispers: rather more interesting than crashing throguh with some cheap kingside attack
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: just Re7 i guess
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: but h4 and so
milpat(1936) whispers: do u think he's free h4 for pawn?
milpat(1936) whispers: yea suis 30...Rab8 (1:40)
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: this is pretty annoying
milpat(1936) whispers: after Kh2 Bh3 becomes possible
xombie(1797) whispers: hmm wasnt Re7 better 31.h4 (0:22)
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: between this and Re7, i'd take Re7
xombie(1797) whispers: well, the real point seems to be to push the h pawn
milpat(1936) whispers: multi purpose
Fischeur(1905) whispers: thats what i thought xombie
xombie(1797) whispers: even the g pawn is pushable actually
milpat(1936) whispers: white brings more and more forces ..Rb8 is not what i call get into play
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: this should be just worse than Re7 comparatively 31...a5 (2:38)
xombie(1797) whispers: argh!
xombie(1797) whispers: a weakening 32.Rg4 (0:13)
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: haha
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: yes yes
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: march on!
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: cool takes the invitation 32...Kh7 (0:39) 33.h5 (0:15)
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: nice!
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: :)) 33...Bc2 (0:43)
milpat(1936) whispers: Qc3?
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: drops a rook apparently :p
milpat(1936) whispers: hehe
xombie(1797) whispers: Qxf7+ too
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Rf4!
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: well he has a lot of time :p
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: go defend f7 no q-trade for black
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: now should be the critical moment
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: rulez
xombie(1797) whispers: both good
milpat(1936) whispers: maybe Rf4 yea
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: Rf4 looks awesome yes :o
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: and Rf8 is met by Qc3
xombie(1797) whispers: also Rf6
milpat(1936) whispers: better order ;)
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: bishop has no squares on the diagonal after Qc3, so then Be4+ must kill
Technika(2178) whispers: not sure what I was thinking of........
Technika(2178) whispers: Kh7 blocked the square for the bishop doh!
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: he noted
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: too late :p
Technika(2178) whispers: well I am losing a pawn at the very least...... 34.Rf4 (3:30)
Technika(2178) whispers: ahhh.....but just seen Qc3.....
Technika(2178) whispers: eh......
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: someone seems to be unsatisfied :p
Technika(2178) whispers: ah yes.....
Technika(2178) whispers: Qc3 would have dropped the rook .....
xombie(1797) whispers: poor old technica's head must be spinning here
RubberDuck(2002) whispers: all he needs is to type three letters and hit enter
xombie(1797) whispers: lol
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Howitzer tripling effect
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: hehe
Suiseiseki(2003) whispers: nice
Fischeur(1905) whispers: f5 maybe
xombie(1797) whispers: after Rf8, both Qc3 and Qf4 seem to finish
xombie(1797) whispers: ha, yeah
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: There is no help, neither on Rf8 nor on f5
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: what a nice shot, Cren!!
xombie(1797) whispers: it's nice to play tactics when you're ahead :)
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: Weeeee are gonna equalize that match!!!
milpat(1936) whispers: cool!
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: 14:00 ST Brandon plays twotowers :))
xombie(1797) whispers: whats after f5
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: also Qc3
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: bishop no squares
xombie(1797) whispers: oh it has
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: if Qe2, then R4f2
xombie(1797) whispers: f5 Qc3 Be4
Funkmaus(2275) whispers: takes free piece
Technika(2178) whispers: sorry folks .,.... that's it .... hope you enjoued..... Technika resigns 1-0
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