1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.c4(0:16)e6(0:02) 3.Nc3(0:06)Bb4(0:09) 4.e3(0:13)O-O(0:21) 5.a3(0:06)Bxc3+(0:13) 6.bxc3(0:00)c5(0:16) 7.Bd3(0:28)Nc6(0:12) 8.Ne2(0:07)b6(0:10) 9.O-O(0:12)Ba6(0:09)
hugozver(1902) whispers: GO Gegitor!!
10.e4(2:54)Ne8(0:44) 11.Ng3(1:36)
Diduk(2273) whispers: Hello everyone! Diduk(2273) whispers: This is well-known saemisch var. of nimzo-indian defense, f4 is more frequent move here from white, ng3 has been played too with no great success though
11...cxd4(5:25) 12.cxd4(0:14)Nxd4(0:06) 13.Bb2(0:09)Nc6(0:17) 14.e5(1:06)d5(1:19) 15.exd6(2:25)Nxd6(2:10)
Diduk(2273) whispers: Basically one of the main ideas of Nimzowitsch defense is to exchange black-square bishop for knight (bxc3) to make pawn structure vulnerable
Diduk(2273) whispers: Hm..I don't understand this move, e5
16...e5(1:51) 17.Qf3(7:52)Qg5(9:14)
Chessmatics(1769) whispers: Qxc6? Bb2
Chessmatics(1769) whispers: *Bb7 pinocccio(1589) whispers: depends on rook d8 i think pinocccio(1589) whispers: re3 strong position
19.Rfe1(3:04)Nxc4(7:54) 20.Bxc4(0:37)Rac8(0:26) 21.Qa4(1:13)Bxc4(0:29) 22.Rxe5(0:14)Qg6(0:27) 23.Qxa7(2:43)Rfd8(0:18) 24.Rae1(2:01)
Fischeur(1911) whispers: how is bd5 going to be met? g3? Fischeur(1911) whispers: or by RxB?
24...Bd5(5:14) 25.g3(0:22)
Tharderer(1708) whispers: white threatens qc7:) Fischeur(1911) whispers: or even qd7
Tharderer(1708) whispers: yes qd7 might be better
AreWeThereYet(1724) whispers: :D Tharderer(1708) whispers: before f6 was played of course AreWeThereYet(1724) whispers: League game? caballobravo(2310) whispers: Re3 better
pinocccio(1589) whispers: losing quality ?
Diduk(2273) whispers: Bc6 with Rd1 idea looks perfect for me Tharderer(1708) whispers: now h6 and rc2
Diduk(2273) whispers: I hope you've been writing comments :D Tharderer(1708) whispers: ah much better Tharderer(1708) whispers: crazy line bf6 gh rh7 threatening rh4 and perp with queen on h7 and e7 Tharderer(1708) whispers: of course it is all easily avoided caballobravo(2310) whispers: f4 bad
Amaterasu(2211) whispers: maybe h5-h4 now? caballobravo(2310) whispers: RxR and Rd1!!
28...Rxc7(1:32) 29.Qxc7(0:00)Rd1(0:24) 30.Rxd1(1:39)Qxd1+(0:08) 31.Kf2(0:01)Qc2+(0:18) 32.Ke1(0:17)
caballobravo(2310) whispers: Qd2+ better
32...Qb1+(0:08)Gegitor resigns 0-1
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