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arpawolf(2357) vs. maras(2221) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-11-19

1.e4 (0:00) Nc6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:52) d5 (0:04) 3.e5 (0:49) f6 (0:37) 4.Bb5 (0:44) a6 (6:23) 5.Bxc6+ (1:53) bxc6 (0:00) 6.Nf3 (1:02) Bg4 (0:59)
Arpawolf(2357) whispers: Need to get my other pieces active hmm
7.h3 (1:43) Bh5 (0:05) 8.O-O (0:31) e6 (1:14) 9.Re1 (1:48) f5 (0:16)
SXSONAR(1941) whispers: Yer yer
SXSONAR(1941) whispers: This game's good
10.Qd3 (1:17) Be7 (1:15) 11.Nc3 (0:43)
SXSONAR(1941) whispers: This guy should be called eekwolf
11...g5 (1:25) 12.Na4 (0:59) Nh6 (12:09) 13.Qc3 (1:13)
caballobravo(0) whispers: Kf7
caballobravo(0) whispers: Kf7 or Bxf3 and Kd7
13...Kf7 (12:05) 14.h4 (6:21) Bxf3 (3:24) 15.Qxf3 (0:48)
caballobravo(0) whispers: Ng4 ? now
15...Ng4 (4:56) 16.hxg5 (1:11) Bxg5 (0:19) 17.Qh3 (1:36)
caballobravo(0) whispers: h5 f3 and Bh4
17...h5 (3:14) 18.f3 (2:43)
caballobravo(0) whispers: Bh4 g3 Bxg3 Ne3 and Rg8
caballobravo(0) whispers: Bh4 g3 Bxg3 Qxg3 Ne3 and Rg8
18...Bxc1 (6:36) 19.Raxc1 (3:20) Nh6 (0:03) 20.Qxh5+ (0:56) Kg7 (0:03) 21.Nc5 (0:53) Qe7 (0:17) 22.Qh2 (0:37) Rag8 (1:06) 23.Qf4 (1:01) Nf7 (0:05) 24.Kf2 (0:28) Rh6 (1:12) 25.Rh1 (1:08) Rgh8 (0:02)
caballobravo(0) whispers: white win
26.Rxh6 (1:26) Rxh6 (0:00) 27.Rg1 (0:49) Ng5 (0:26) 28.Nxa6 (0:43) Rh4 (3:09)
milpat(1928) whispers: funny move
29.Qd2 (1:06) f4 (0:47) 30.a4 (0:34) Rh2 (3:44) 31.Kf1 (1:32)
milpat(1928) whispers: Nxf3
31...Qf7 (0:09) 32.a5 (0:34) Kh6 (1:17) 33.Qc3 (0:55) Qh5 (0:46) 34.Nxc7 (1:03) Rxg2 (0:18) 35.Rxg2 (0:50)
milpat(1928) whispers: whats this?
35...Nxf3 (0:25)
caballobravo(0) whispers: ??
caballobravo(0) whispers: Nxe6
36.Nxe6 (1:42) Nh2+ (1:31) 37.Kg1 (0:57) Nf3+ (0:33) 38.Kf2 (0:45) Nh4 (0:02) Maras resigns 1-0


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