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mountm(2065) vs. technika(2210) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 60+30, 2011-11-05

27.Qc5 (2:51) 27...Qg3 (0:10) 28.d4 (1:18)
Technika(2210) whispers: hmm, white just blocked off queen getting back to f2........
Technika(2210) whispers: Re2 looks winning......
Technika(2210) whispers: Re2 , if Rh2 then Re1 Re1 Qe1 is mate.......
Technika(2210) whispers: so how does white stop Qg2 mate......
Technika(2210) whispers: Qd5 I guess,,,,,
Technika(2210) whispers: then Qf2 Kh2 ,,,,,
Technika(2210) whispers: I can get a perpetual if I need it I guess :)
28...Re2 (3:19) 29.Qd5 (0:10) Qf2+ (0:06) 30.Kh2 (0:07) Qf4+ (0:55) 31.Kg1 (0:14)
Technika(2210) whispers: time to deflect the queen .......
31...e6 (0:16) 32.Qb7 (1:43) Qxd4+ (0:11) 33.Kh2 (0:16) Qe5+ (2:21)
Technika(2210) whispers: Kg1 and then deflect queen again with Rb8......
34.Kg1 (0:35) Rb8 (0:05)
Technika(2210) whispers: I win pawn on b2
Technika(2210) whispers: and I think RxR RxR with rook on h1 trapped means I end up mating somewhere....
Technika(2210) whispers: lets work out possibilites......
Technika(2210) whispers: QxP
Technika(2210) whispers: Rbxb2
35.Qf3 (1:18) Rbxb2 (0:17) mountm resigns 0-1


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