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mindcrime(2050) vs. technika(2195) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 60+30, 2011-10-28

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:06) Nc6 (0:03) 3.d4 (0:03) cxd4 (0:03) 4.Nxd4 (0:01) g6 (0:03) 5.Nc3 (0:03) Bg7 (0:23) 6.Be3 (0:04) Nf6 (0:20) 7.Qd2 (0:09) O-O (3:28) 8.Be2 (0:31)
Technika(2195) whispers: subtle move order difference from white......
Technika(2195) whispers: Qd2 suggest Yugoslav, Be2 suggests Classic Nc3 ......
Technika(2195) whispers: so not sure whether should play d5 which is move against Nc3 Classical - where White would have played 0-0 instead of Queen move.......
Technika(2195) whispers: or Qb5 / Qa5 lines but White has played Be2 instead og Bc4 ........
Technika(2195) whispers: hmmmm, choices on how to play.......
Technika(2195) whispers: I will play it the Nc3 Classical way :)
8...d5 (7:50) 9.O-O-O (1:13) dxe4 (1:11) 10.Nxc6 (0:13)
Technika(2195) whispers: and my opp plays it thge Yugoslav way :)
10...Qxd2+ (0:13) 11.Rxd2 (0:02) bxc6 (0:01) 12.Rhd1 (0:16) Be6 (0:22)
Technika(2195) whispers: a pawn up, can I keep it is the question!
13.b3 (2:31) Nd5 (2:18) 14.Nxe4 (1:21) Bf5 (2:23) 15.Ng3 (1:40)
MindCrime(2050) whispers: losing a point.. but my position is good i think
15...Nxe3 (4:52) 16.fxe3 (0:07) Bc3 (0:04)
Technika(2195) whispers: not sure if this wins the exchange.....
Technika(2195) whispers: but it looks like all sqaures covered ....
Technika(2195) whispers: although my pawns not so hot after NxB BxR RxB PxN
17.Nxf5 (3:44) Bxd2+ (0:06) 18.Rxd2 (0:01) gxf5 (0:02) 19.Bf3 (0:18) Rad8 (1:03) 20.Bxc6 (2:16) Rxd2 (1:21) 21.Kxd2 (0:03) Rd8+ (0:00) 22.Kc1 (0:20)
Technika(2195) whispers: ah was hoping for Ke1 which loses :)
22...Kg7 (0:52) 23.a4 (0:10) Kf6 (0:08) 24.Kb2 (0:21) Rd2 (0:20) 25.Kc3 (0:09) Rf2 (0:04) 26.Kd3 (0:27)
Technika(2195) whispers: hmmm, e5 then e4 and I can gobble up the h & g pawns.......
26...e5 (2:32) 27.c4 (0:04) e4+ (0:09) 28.Kd4 (0:16)
Technika(2195) whispers: hmm, does that not lose straight away......
Technika(2195) whispers: Rd2+
Technika(2195) whispers: then what moves, Kc3 then Rd3+ and after the e-pawn is gone White has to give bishop up for the e-pawn......
Technika(2195) whispers: so Kc5
Technika(2195) whispers: Ke5 followed by taking g and e-pawn, and march the pawns in.......
Technika(2195) whispers: or do I go simple and take g2 :)
Technika(2195) whispers: then again simple looks best, Rg2, Rh2 followed by f4 and e3 and White had to give bishop up to stop queen......
28...Rxg2 (7:57) 29.b4 (0:12) Rxh2 (0:07) 30.a5 (0:07) f4 (0:20) 31.Bxe4 (0:08)
Technika(2195) whispers: whoops, I forgot about that :)
31...Rd2+ (1:03)
xivarmy(1997) whispers: what was there on exf instead, this seems to still get black his passed pawn, but exf instead of Bxe and Rd2+ no longer works
Technika(2195) whispers: still think bishop needs to be sac for the pawn.......
32.Bd3 (1:10)
Technika(2195) whispers: just slighly wrong move order :)
32...f3 (0:12) 33.e4 (0:08) f2 (0:14)
Technika(2195) whispers: if Ke3 the RxB :)
MindCrime(2050) whispers: RxB looks like ball game over
Technika(2195) whispers: same with Kc3
MindCrime resigns 0-1


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